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[Image: U7donpL.gif]
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Cauliflower Of Love, Nintex
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(12-04-2024, 01:30 PM)benji wrote: But can you imagine Gadot and Omar being in a loving wholesome wlw relationship that frees Palestine and ends anti-Semitism peacefully? uguu 

omg Heartbeat
4 users liked this post: benji, EaldNarche, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex
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could you please put all the tiny emojis together at the top? or at least the old style "smiley" pixel-type ones? easy to miss them and have to scroll all over the place

Gloomy Tophat Pimp Gun Smug Teehee Applause Hyper Zzz Chinacry American Meeble Drool ukcry Canadacry Banplz Dizzy Rofl Hmph Awesome Ussrcry Thinking Punch Japancry Americacry Duh Australiacry Polandcry Doge Thumbup hump Cry Swisscry RIMSHOT! Switzerland doggy Thumbdown Jamming out! Spin Mario Banned! Star Wars Elephant Nsfw Whip Violin I'm With Stupid Link, he came to town, come to save the Princess Zelda I'd Hit It! Lithuania!

also plz add mystery and no fun allowed from the emotes thread  Bowdown
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finally uncle has a good idea
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
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The reason that hasn't been done, and the reason there's no organization at all really, is that I have to go to each individual one and move it by changing the overall order. If I give them all low numbers it will not automatically resolve it for all others, it will just ignore the change because other ones have the same order number. There may be few enough of these that I can just hold down my mouse on the up arrow for them though. Doing that does change the overall order automatically, I just didn't want to do it. lol
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Uncle
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Nevermind that doesn't work. Dead

If I don't change the order of others it doesn't let you move them up or down in the order. Who fucking designed this shit? Mindblown
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Uncle
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(12-07-2024, 03:52 AM)benji wrote: The reason that hasn't been done, and the reason there's no organization at all really, is that I have to go to each individual one and move it by changing the overall order. If I give them all low numbers it will not automatically resolve it for all others, it will just ignore the change because other ones have the same order number. There may be few enough of these that I can just hold down my mouse on the up arrow for them though. Doing that does change the overall order automatically, I just didn't want to do it. lol

I have a lot of free time.
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Guess who can count. Egomaniac
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you need a vacation broheim
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I like the new emote layout.

I don't have to search for for my favorite emote. doggy
1 user liked this post: D3RANG3D
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(12-07-2024, 04:13 AM)benji wrote: Guess who can count. Egomaniac

hey thanks! Wow!

(12-07-2024, 04:33 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I like the new emote layout.
I don't have to search for for my favorite emote. doggy 

oh I've just learned some of them outright, I type colon doggy

I also know confused, mindblown (really more wtf emote than mindblowing), wow, dead, era, neogaf, ohhh, and a few others
2 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
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Ok, why the fuck is the edited info in the title?

let us have titles!
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I think the only place they even display are in the search results.
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oh is the dev team out too lunch?
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I'm getting a 404 here:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: OPuuFjR.png]
3 users liked this post: Nintex, Alpacx, Potato
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I checked on MyBB to see if there was any news on the new update, dubbed 1.9, as it's supposed to have some stuff people want like a proper mobile theme. And noticed that someone actually backported the test version of the theme, I may install this for everybody to be able to test. It probably will not have likes, though I will try to get that working, but at least people will be able to see if it's an improvement. Although there also is a demo at:

I was also considering installing tags for threads, I got this originally but decided to not install it because we have so few threads anyway. But when I was criticizing for not just making a Trump tag like everyone wanted I figured it was a little hypocritical of me.

These plus finally fixing the tweet embeds to automatically change the URL are some planned updates at some to be determined point when I get around to it.
2 users liked this post: chronovore, Alpacx
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benji going back on his mobile word tsk tsk
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Spotted the other day

[Image: yt1Z6SY.jpeg]

Cruise Missile Sickos
2 users liked this post: Alpacx, benji
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Love you guys
3 users liked this post: chronovore, Gameboy Nostalgia, Uncle
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(01-16-2025, 02:36 AM)benji wrote: These plus finally fixing the tweet embeds to automatically change the URL are some planned updates at some to be determined point when I get around to it.
This is done, you can now just paste and not need to alter it to

Just as an example, grabbing a random tweet, you can stick this in between the tweet tags now:

And it should auto-embed like so:

Regarding Bluesky, that's still shit on their end. I'm not aware of an alternative method as of yet.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, Uncle, Alpacx
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Wow, finally fixing the twitter links the day after Elon gasses a bunch of Jews to celebrate the Trump presidency. You ain’t slick benji!
3 users liked this post: BIONIC, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji
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benji could you please add the emotes I suggested in the emote thread, unlike a lot of flash-in-the-pan pics of celebs and stuff I feel like the ones I posted are broadly applicable and fill a gap in our memetic language 🙏
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia
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(01-22-2025, 12:09 AM)Uncle wrote: benji could you please add the emotes I suggested in the emote thread, unlike a lot of flash-in-the-pan pics of celebs and stuff I feel like the ones I posted are broadly applicable and fill a gap in our memetic language 🙏
Okay but the emotes don't actually solve the problem of capitalism.
5 users liked this post: chronovore, DavidCroquet, BIONIC, Alpacx, Uncle
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[Image: x2QXcDq.png]
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