Conspiracy Theories
[Image: Ge5lks5XcAAhjUN?format=jpg&name=small]
Yet he won the popular vote too. So what metric would Andrew like to use to select a winner?

Edit: Didn't realise this was the conspiracy thread. Nintex has roasted my brain (or the US politics thread).
1 user liked this post: Uncle
Benji’s going to eat his works once Hakeem Jeffries and Jackie Singh reveal the whole election was a sham 

Pretty sure if anyone shot down the drones in New Jersey they’d find hundreds of thousands of votes for Kamala in them which would’ve flipped New Jersey blue and won her the election!!!
2 users liked this post: DavidCroquet, Nintex

1 user liked this post: who is ted danson?
I thought he was gonna say that his jaw is on the floor that the newscaster would be such an idiot as to not wipe that water droplet off the lens of the camera
1 user liked this post: TylenolJones
I think these drones are new toys for the incoming President. Some crazy stealth/AI technology prototypes that Biden didn't want to take into production because of safety concerns or whatever.

More or less an advertisement of what could be done if there weren't limits and red tape.
1 user liked this post: TylenolJones
REMOVE THE NOTE — that'll make it better.
4 users liked this post: who is ted danson?, Nintex, DavidCroquet, TylenolJones
is it true that Harriet Tubman never existed? Supposedly the truth is coming out now that they added her to civ 7  Derp

I think Trump is finally finished!
(12-16-2024, 10:16 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Benji’s going to eat his works once Hakeem Jeffries and Jackie Singh reveal the whole election was a sham 

Dr. Steven Greer Superfly with Dana Carvey and David Spade

UFO guy talks about Super Secret Black Ops guys flying the drones using alien tech
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth


Elon might be using an alt named "Adrian Dittman"

I mean, this is really some Watchmen type shit  lol

First time I'm hearing (about) this guy and I'm like: "Yup, that's Elon Musk" how did they not figure this out before  lol
1 user liked this post: TylenolJones

1 user liked this post: Nintex


They need to ask Trump. He'd probably say that Adrian is indeed Musk fucking around.

Trump himself is Il Papi Trumpo or whatever the hell that alt account name is. He confirmed when asked.
But I doubt it's only him but also Baron and maybe some staff shit posting because it has some of that zoomer energy in some of the posts.
Yall ever seen the movie The One with Jet Li?

Where he goes from multiverse to multiverse to consolidate power?

That's what the POTUS is.

Everyone know that a POTUS doesn't actually stop having powers once they leave office. So it's just a consolidation tactic. 

Obama is cleaning house.

RIP Carter.
1 user liked this post: Nintex
Rewatching Kanye's runway short film.

I never realized that Yeezy never really worked with diddy.

Ye was right all along.

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[Image: GgEmBVKWgAAD5r5?format=jpg&name=small]
1 user liked this post: Nintex


Anyway I'm in the "these are AIs" camp and Elon is fucking around.
1 user liked this post: Cauliflower Of Love

Spoiler:  (click to show)
I found the "original source" for this:
Quote:Update for 2021

Our Planet has been going through a huge metamorphosis and shift.. The 21st December mass meditation reached the critical mass of 144,000 souls! This powerful energy of the awakening wave has changed the fundamental quantum structure of societies. The old repeating structure has expanded to a higher dynamic that is gravitating toward creativity, peace and harmony.

Many of us will experience the end of the old cycles in our lives which include the end of dysfunctional relationships and moving out of resonance from career, friends, family, loved ones and inner belief systems. But have no fear! For we will actually be leaving behind the old dysfunctional game of duality. The official dismantling of the Old Paradigm has already begun and will continue to accelerate at light speed in 2021.

These are the times we’ve been waiting for! We have trained many lifetimes to prepare for this grand transition!
If the last months of 2020 was about drawing the bow tautly and taking aim, then the beginning of 2021 will be when the arrow is released. This means a super rapid progress will begin in human society. The changes that come with progress will make people emotional, so I would expect the next 3 months to be very intense especially in March.

Everything will bubble up to reach the next level by mid-Feb. We will first notice the increase of “we” compared with previously. This signifies the advent of Aquarius. We advise against chasing clients and numbers. Run a careful evaluation of where your life is heading. If everything seems to fail, you are working with old vibrations and old systems. You need to quickly upgrade your vibes in order to handle 2021.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(01-02-2025, 12:05 AM)benji wrote:

from the comments below

2 users liked this post: benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth

Said case is from 1996:
[Image: GgaO36JWAAAIMGg?format=jpg&name=small]
[Image: GgaR34RXAAETEcA?format=jpg&name=small]
[Image: GgaR34RWkAA5MOJ?format=jpg&name=small]
1 user liked this post: Nintex
I heard candance owen is gay
Dispute that

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