Journal of Other Forum Analysis
It's pretty amazing how angry and miserable always is about everything, but they never do anything. lol

Spoiler:  (click to show)
If people would JUST LISTEN, they'd know SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE DONE! Social Justice Warrior
1 user liked this post: Uncle
(08-24-2023, 04:53 AM)benji wrote: Is this the new meme all the kids got the memo on?

found while scrolling below this:

I know it's fox news but it doesn't read like a made up story or anything

get to the point where the thing that kicked all this off, the medical problem gender dysphoria which requires medical treatment, is no longer even considered and actively rejected

Quote:Was a classic writer in NJ and then NYC (went to art college and lived there) from approximately 88-96 give or take.
What I mean by classic above is I never did pieces, just tags but mostly "classic" throw ups.
Admittedly what I eventually learned was NJ writing was an entirely different experience. There was no doubt crews, but there was not a ton of beef between said crews. Basically there was enough wall space that unless you were purposely looking to create a beef, people could and would go about their business and pretty much respect other crews. There was no doubt some tension just due to personalities, but yeah, I never felt worried about being a writer in NJ besides being in some sketchy places late at night.
While I lived in the city and continued to write, this is when it became very obvious it was an entirely different experience.
I did however continue to write.
About 2 years living in NYC, I got down with a pretty active crew in lower Manhattan almost strictly for the idea of there was safety in numbers.
Said crew also got up quite a lot. To me there was a level of respect by being asked to be part of the crew (which is a crazy story on its own but I am already rambling here).
What I did not realize when I agreed to start representing said crew was they actually enjoyed having beef with other crews.
Shit got very volatile and although I was part of said crew for well over a year, it eventually culminated in one of the craziest incidents of violence I have still to this day ever witnessed in my life.
I was also 22 years old at that point in time and the prospect of not only being arrested but being stabbed or worse was enough.
What truly sealed the deal is when I told said crew I was out of the crew, I got "jumped out."
That was enough for me and my graf days were pretty much over.

[Image: giphy-downsized-large.gif?cid=6c09b952jf...e.gif&ct=g]
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(08-24-2023, 10:30 AM)Uncle wrote:
(08-24-2023, 04:53 AM)benji wrote: Is this the new meme all the kids got the memo on?

found while scrolling below this:

I know it's fox news but it doesn't read like a made up story or anything

get to the point where the thing that kicked all this off, the medical problem gender dysphoria which requires medical treatment, is no longer even considered and actively rejected


If it is no longer a medical treatment, you won't need these fascist hospitals and doctors anymore. 
Just get your balls snipped in the parking lot at McDonalds or your hormone treatments at your friendly neighbourhood homeless trans ally.

Spoiler: Tears of the Kingdom: Out Now (click to show)
[Image: f4gdgytw4aazc_h94dw3.jpg]
(08-24-2023, 10:00 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(08-24-2023, 06:15 AM)Averon wrote:
(08-23-2023, 02:26 AM)PogiJones wrote: I've been thinking, and I've changed my mind regarding these online loonies. Every time I use a false pronoun for their sake, I die a little inside because I know it's a lie. Now, I'm willing to die a little inside for a family member or friend, but for these online message board lunatics who don't exist in my real life and will hate me anyway just because I don't think kids should be getting life-altering surgeries? Nah, not willing to die inside for these folks anymore. At most, I'll use the individual's name. At most. Not gonna use false pronouns anymore, and I'm not gonna use "they" since it's a crime against language clarity. I just realized every time I lied for them, I hated myself for it and those folks would just scream at me anyway.

These are the same people who were upset a rapist didn't succeed in gaming the system to get into a women's prison by declaring himself a woman in the middle of his trial. They would completely disregard women prisoner safety by putting a sexual predatory in their ranks just to make themselves feel good about themselves. Don't feel bothered about you stop indulging their delusions/narcissism.

Isn't it fucked how they somehow show more sympathy to the rapist who wanted to be in a women's prison that that trans person who participated in January 6? When you declare the former a human's right issue and make jokes about the latter you have some fucked priorities

Given people are generally more empathic about issues that directly affect them, a cynic might conclude those people are more worried about being arrested for predatory sexual offences than direct political action

But that's none of my business...

Having said that, despite PogiJones being Deeply_Held_Beliefs.png, the vast majority of trans people are just people living their life, and I want to distance my distaste for the terminally online ideologues from regular folks just living their lives - not that I don't think that's the case for most people here, but I think its worth saying and remembering.
(08-24-2023, 12:55 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: Having said that, despite PogiJones being Deeply_Held_Beliefs.png, the vast majority of trans people are just people living their life, and I want to distance my distaste for the terminally online ideologues from regular folks just living their lives - not that I don't think that's the case for most people here, but I think its worth saying and remembering.

I honestly don't know anymore, I think I'm starting to get tipped, like the bell curve meme

[Image: 0PArE23.png]

I've mentioned Dawkins' interview with Helen Joyce before, and I don't mean this as an appeal to authority, though maybe I am a sheep just agreeing with those who seem smarter or more well-spoken than me, maybe she's just an old-ass busybody karen

a strong quote, and the relevant conversation goes from 24:23 to about 29:30

this isn't quite the same thing as people living their lives vs. ideologues, but Joyce goes as far as to imply that none of it deserves respect and affirmation, and perhaps there aren't any "legitimate" trans people. Dawkins tries to push back against this and says that at least perhaps we ought to respect people who go to the extreme of undergoing surgery, but Joyce remains adamant that there isn't a price you can pay, a ritual you can undergo that should grant you new privilege or classification

I suppose if the regular people living their lives can comfortably say "my gender is female but I acknowledge that my sex is male, and I will act accordingly and respect female-only spaces and the rights of natal women," that would be fine, but I wonder how many are like that  EDIT: I don't even know if that should be fine, because it still reduces gender to a willful performance of stereotypes -- why can't a woman act a little mannish and still say my gender is female?

if gender dysphoria is the basis for being "legitimately" trans, I feel like someone experiencing that should be willing to do anything to alleviate that feeling, which could just mean therapy that helps them feel comfortable in their own skin, but it seems practically nobody takes that route (which may not be their own fault if it's not even being offered, because to do so is bigoted)

maybe it's always a symptom of something else, being more closely tied to autism and not feeling a connection to your biological social group
3 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
I wish you people would shut up about the fucking trans. Jesus Christ, it never ends. There are other people to mock you know. The disabled, jews, queeahs, muslims, whiteys, asians, blacks, lesbians, baldies, war veterans, homeless, sony ponies. Broaden your horizons ffs.
(08-24-2023, 02:09 PM)Snoopy wrote: I wish you people would shut up about the fucking trans. Jesus Christ, it never ends. There are other people to mock you know. The disabled, jews, queeahs, muslims, whiteys, asians, blacks, lesbians, baldies, war veterans, homeless, sony ponies. Broaden your horizons ffs.

what would you like to talk about snoopy wrote:Slavery still exists now.

You're right, it is still very much a-

Quote:Prisons being a big example.


the ~40-50 million ACTUAL FUCKING MODERN SLAVES is a big example, jfc

There are literally more people in slavery today than at any point in history, you fucking solipsist
(08-24-2023, 01:35 PM)Uncle wrote: I honestly don't know anymore, I think I'm starting to get tipped, like the bell curve meme

[Image: 0PArE23.png]

I've mentioned Dawkins' interview with Helen Joyce before, and I don't mean this as an appeal to authority, though maybe I am a sheep just agreeing with those who seem smarter or more well-spoken than me, maybe she's just an old-ass busybody karen

a strong quote, and the relevant conversation goes from 24:23 to about 29:30

this isn't quite the same thing as people living their lives vs. ideologues, but Joyce goes as far as to imply that none of it deserves respect and affirmation, and perhaps there aren't any "legitimate" trans people. Dawkins tries to push back against this and says that at least perhaps we ought to respect people who go to the extreme of undergoing surgery, but Joyce remains adamant that there isn't a price you can pay, a ritual you can undergo that should grant you new privilege or classification

I suppose if the regular people living their lives can comfortably say "my gender is female but I acknowledge that my sex is male, and I will act accordingly and respect female-only spaces and the rights of natal women," that would be fine, but I wonder how many are like that  EDIT: I don't even know if that should be fine, because it still reduces gender to a willful performance of stereotypes -- why can't a woman act a little mannish and still say my gender is female?

if gender dysphoria is the basis for being "legitimately" trans, I feel like someone experiencing that should be willing to do anything to alleviate that feeling, which could just mean therapy that helps them feel comfortable in their own skin, but it seems practically nobody takes that route (which may not be their own fault if it's not even being offered, because to do so is bigoted)

maybe it's always a symptom of something else, being more closely tied to autism and not feeling a connection to your biological social group

First off, perfunctory No1curr

Secondly, I believe in human rights for everyone, so by that extension, I think it is right and proper that laws exist so that you can't get fired just for being trans. But by the same token, that doesn't over rule other protections - a devout muslim woman in a womens shelter shouldn't have her faith ignored or be forced to be covered up at all times to accomodate someone with gender dysphoria - its not like there aren't other jobs going that don't force problems due to conflicts of interest.

The toilet stuff is kind of a red herring; a straight dude who dresses like a fucking emo hipster is gonna get shit trying to use the toilet in a texan biker bar.
Should everywhere be accommodating of everyone, no questions asked? Sure, but we live in the real world.
If this is an issue, it'll be an issue that can be solved by society at large - you're gonna have LGBTQIA+ friendly places that are happy to accommodate whoever using whatever toilet they want, and you're gonna have 'traditional' spaces that aren't going to like people deviating from societal norms in any manner patronising them.
Shit - excuse the pun - will work itself out.

Prison stuff is more complicated; if you're an AMAB trans woman arrested for... like, credit card fraud or shoplifitng or something, yeah, you probably shouldn't be going to an all male prison, because you are likely to be much more likely to suffer extra judicial punishment as a result. I don't know what the good solution there is; you're gonna have a shittier time than most wherever you go.

Having said that though, if youre in prison for sexual crimes, especially violent sexual crimes, by the exact same token you should not be going to an all female prison. Yeah, you're going to have a super shitty time in an all male prison, but so do most pedophiles, rapists and sexual predators. The actual solution is trying to fix prisons, but thats very big, very difficult, and not super popular with the general public who aren't criminals and want tax dollars spent on stuff that affects wider society.
This gets even muddier by the fact that something like 70% of all mtf trans inmates are imprisoned for predatory sexual crimes, sooooooo.........
(08-24-2023, 02:09 PM)Snoopy wrote: I wish you people would shut up about the fucking trans. Jesus Christ, it never ends. There are other people to mock you know. The disabled, jews, queeahs, muslims, whiteys, asians, blacks, lesbians, baldies, war veterans, homeless, sony ponies. Broaden your horizons ffs.

I try and mock individuals rather than groups (and it just so happens some of Eras current Worst Posters happen to be full throttle trans activists), but also
[Image: whatever-i-do-what-i-want-eric-cartman.gif]
My big problem surrounding the discussion of transgender issues is how there is no criteria whatsoever. Any fool can walk in and declare themself man or woman and the expectation is everyone else has to go along with it. In fact, the only way it seems one can get voted off the transgender island is if they don’t toe the line politically with transgender activists. 

It’s long past the ‘we just want to live’ for these activists and fallen squarely into ‘kneel before us’. I’m more than willing to use someone’s preferred pronouns, but when you scream when I assume based on your appearance, guess what? You’re not passing, and likely not even trying to pass. Or, introduce yourself first and let me know what to call you. When you treat someone as a threat/enemy, it doesn’t really setup for a positive social interaction.

And this all ignores, like most do, the elephant in the room, which is the large majority of transgender people having significant mental health issues. Some of this comes off as humoring someone or coming up with an easy diagnosis for their issues or unhappiness. I certainly don’t think every transgender is crazy, absolutely not, but going back to the whole lack of a concrete criteria in qualifying your gender, it just invites people to use it as a cosmetic excuse for their problems.
Snoopy dateline='[url=tel:1692886155' wrote: 1692886155[/url]']
I wish you people would shut up about the fucking trans. Jesus Christ, it never ends. There are other people to mock you know. The disabled, jews, queeahs, muslims, whiteys, asians, blacks, lesbians, baldies, war veterans, homeless, sony ponies. Broaden your horizons ffs.

How about those cancer patients, yeah?

Only thing driving it for me is how much it drives the discussion over there. Still, it’s a fair cop.
(08-24-2023, 03:02 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: And this all ignores, like most do, the elephant in the room, which is the large majority of transgender people having significant mental health issues. Some of all this comes off as humoring someone or coming up with an easy diagnosis for their issues or unhappiness. I certainly don’t think every transgender is crazy, absolutely not, but going back to the whole lack of a concrete criteria in qualifying your gender, it just invites people to use it as a cosmetic excuse for their problems.

I'm super uneasy about legislating people on the basis of it being in their own self-interest they just don't realise, just because thats a really slippery slope into who is deciding whats in peoples best interest and if you wanna binge drink, chain smoke, raw dog sluts, smoke a bowl then eat an extra large cheeseburger and coke I think its generally better to educate you on why thats not a great idea rather than punish you (again, outside of where that infringes others, eg drink driving)
6 users liked this post: Potato, Jansen, ClothedMac, BIONIC, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 weeks): Mocking ethnic accent
CenaToon wrote:
Cess007 wrote:Motion to ban FF16 sales conversation at least until the end of the year when everyone has cooled off lol
Just sales conversation? Since the launch of FFXVI, we had several threads about "you know what?... maybe FF12/13/15 was a good game anyway after seeing FF16" lol, it's like a weekly or bi-weekly thread about it.

Why not better make a megathread of "FF16: you dont rike? Vent here" instead of reading the same arguments over and over every 15 days in a new thread lol.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Averon, Taco Bell Tower
The slurs suck too.
FF16 is a massive flop. It should've been duking it out with Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy or at least that is what Square Enix aimed for.
I can tell you with 100% certainty they weren't planning to go toe to toe with Pikmin 4.

Overall it's just weird, there's a massive RPG revival going on right now and what used to be one of the biggest RPG franchises has fallen off the radar.
The game reviewed well enough, had some big names attached, an interesting new direction and one of the most striking visuals of any next-gen game so far.

There also isn't really a chance for FF16 to get a second wind apart from a PC/Xbox release with Starfield and other new RPG games coming up, streamers won't go back to it. 
Plus we all know Square Enix shadow drops these delayed PC releases the day after Christmas with 5 screenshots and a $90 price tag.
4 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower, JoeBoy101, Uncle
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1692892783' wrote: 1692892783[/url]']
FF16 is a massive flop. It should've been duking it out with Tears of the Kingdom, Elden Ring and Hogwarts Legacy or at least that is what Square Enix aimed for.
I can tell you with 100% certainty they weren't planning to go toe to toe with Pikmin 4.

Overall it's just weird, there's a massive RPG revival going on right now and what used to be one of the biggest RPG franchises has fallen off the radar.
The game reviewed well enough, had some big names attached, an interesting new direction and one of the most striking visuals of any next-gen game so far.

There also isn't really a chance for FF16 to get a second wind apart from a PC/Xbox release with Starfield and other new RPG games coming up, streamers won't go back to it. 
Plus we all know Square Enix shadow drops these delayed PC releases the day after Christmas with 5 screenshots and a $90 price tag.

Between Starfield which will consume my waking life shortly, the cyberpunk expansion which is also a re-launch of the main game itself (massive amount of gameplay changes), and then going back a less buggy BG3 after those… gotta the feeling Square missed its shot with FF16.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex
ThatThomas wrote:I have no problems with Depp being on that list.
Fodder Aplent wrote:Glad to see Depp on that list.
Quote:Im seeing this a lot. Got worse after the pandemic and cops don’t care about enforcing against it. Heck, cops do it here in NYC!

I’m able bodied so while it is very annoying, but I could imagine this being a pain the ass if you’re in a wheelchair or carting kids around. It’s mega dangerous since then you’re on the street little visibility as it’s not a crosswalk.

It’s just assholish behavior.

In the suburbs, you even see truck owners obstructing public sidewalks for joggers and dog walkers. And there is clear space too.

Quote:"I have a truck, which therefore means I am the toughest, most important person on the road, and nobody can tell me otherwise. But if I see a black person kneeling during the pledge of allegiance I will cry until I poop my pants"
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, BIONIC

is this?
I would have exactly zero opinions on being trans if the videogames mods of the internet had not all discovered their true selves around the same time as Covid dying down
(08-24-2023, 05:40 PM)BIONIC wrote:

is this?

Quote:[Image: not-funny.gif]
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Hap Shaughnessy
Quote:User Banned (1 Week): Misogynistic Slur
(08-24-2023, 05:40 PM)BIONIC wrote:

is this?
Quote: User Banned (1 Week): Misogynistic Slur

Didn't take long lol

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, LoverOfCycles
1 week for saying white bitches.  Imagine if they had said black bitches.  Permanent banned right off the spot.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1692887105' wrote: 1692887105[/url]']

what would you like to talk about snoopy

I don’t know. Blind people. Aborigines. Mechanics. I expect all of them have forums or something and they’re all just as mental as ree’s trans mafia. Somewhere there will be a bunch of blind, Aborigine mechanics screeching about genocide
(08-24-2023, 06:35 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: 1 week for saying white bitches.  Imagine if they had said black bitches.  Permanent banned right off the spot.

to be fair this might still end up a perm when nep nep wakes up, if it turns out that she really enjoys pumpkin spice and assumes that the thread was made just to call her "white bitch adjacent"
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji, Taco Bell Tower

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