Journal of Other Forum Analysis
If only there was a fun board where you could post what you wanted without the fear of being cancelled by a mob of lunatics Trumps
It's always hilarious when the ban hammer falls on one of the protected class
I mean, why would people think ERA's not a fun place to be with "hilarious" and "fun" threads like this:
Bigshow omfg
(08-25-2023, 09:49 AM)Snoopy wrote: It's always hilarious when the ban hammer falls on one of the protected class

The best part is some salty mod will read that and ban them all and post a big carepost about how they should all feel bad about saying bad things about the endangered mods working hard for the safety in the topic mines despite being SO TIRED lol

And some posters will chime in to lick their feet, thanking the mods for their hard work while stating what fun they have.
I also love it when they go offsite to rant and echo every criticism of ERA that they, just the day before, would dismiss as bitter rightwing whining.
(08-25-2023, 09:33 AM)Averon wrote: ERA slowly realizes they hate each other and ERA's a miserable place, but there's no place else to go, so they are stuck with each other:

Addie wrote:There isn’t anywhere else. The Internet sucks now — full stop.

there are in fact still hundreds of smaller non-reddit forums, and dozens of larger ones, where you can just show up and say hey how's it going

which is how any of us got involved in forums in the first place

I think era is so afraid of the unknown, of the phobic menace and the "not tightly moderated enough" board, that they've lost the ability to confidently drift around online

every chill place is potentially packed full of conservatives, they can't just talk about random shit, they have to know everyone's beliefs so they don't accidently say "yeah I like riding bikes too man" to an enemy

it's just as well that they don't spread their taint across the rest of the internet
4 users liked this post: benji, Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower, Averon
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1692961188' wrote: 1692961188[/url]']
it's just as well that they don't spread their taint across the rest of the internet


Spoiler:  (click to show)
Quote:Did you know for the Mass Effect trilogy only ~18% of people played as female Shepard? Guess Bioware should have cut her out for the sequels. I mean, she had exclusive romances and hours of voicework + some unique lines no one heard. Women shouldn't be represented until they prove they are as or more popular than a male variant. No, what's more important is that we add completely voice acted SLs, hours of superfluous new content that brings the playtime in line with P5, and anime cut scenes that are no longer needed (or, you know, can't be worked around for two characters).

We could have just reused 95% of the assets between the male and female MC. The only truly unique location she has is the P4 trip. No one wants a shout out to a potential P4 remake though. Most of her SLs are with existing characters that already have models, in locations that already exist, with different words that were already written. Too much, didn't I already tell you we are prioritizng fully voiced SLs? And then you're saying we would have to add three new character models in a game where we already built a ton of others? Nah. Didn't you hear we are writing new scenarios for the male MC with the male team members he should have already had friendships with? They'll probably talk about important things like how Akihiko likes protein.

What should we keep? Oh, you remember when you could spy on people without their knowledge, sometimes in situations they explicitly would not be okay with you seeing? That's cool. Remember that kid who wanted to date his teacher and talks endlessly about it? We should keep him. I mean, it would totally ruin the dour tone of the game if he wasn't there. Do we want to keep mandatory romances for most of the female friend SLs? I mean, it would take us writing new scenarios and voicing them, which is new work, but if it made enough male players uncomfortable, we'll consider it.

Well, women should just give up now. Nothing can ever get better in this industry after all. What's that? For Mass Effect Legendary Edition, the female Shepard numbers jumped up to ~32%? Wow, still not good enough. They really should have cut her a long time ago.
4 users liked this post: benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, jorma, ClothedMac
So, over in the PoliEra thread…

Flix, moderator wrote:As others have said it really isn't rocket science to not get banned...
I suggest you all move on now...

You’re right, it’s not rocket science to not get banned. It’s quantum fucking physics.

Your admins don’t have an updated TOS, don’t update the Update Thread, make up banning criteria on the fly (people banned for dismissing nuclear war concerns?!?), give special deference to pet communities and posters, and last but certainly not least, treat their users with nothing but bile and disdain if not part of their before-mentioned pet communities. 

Yet there you are, gaslighting harder than a dragstrip on a Saturday night, that is so easy not to get banned.

  Comeon Batmayne Beli Social Justice Warrior Woah

BertramCooper wrote:
FliX wrote:I suggest you all move on now...


Hope y'all enjoy your sad little power trips on an internet forum.

We'd literally all be better off if we got banned from here. As in, our lives would almost certainly be better. Call it habit, call it addiction, call it the fact that a lot of us here like each other and have known each other for several years now - but for whatever reason we're still here. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.

But in any case, ultimately this shit y'all do is fucking pathetic because the "punishments" you dole out would actually make our lives better. We're all sad and pissed about TheHunter, but really we should be happy - because their life is almost certainly going to be improved without this place!

So whatever. Continue running this place into the ground for whatever random-ass Swedish company owns it now.

Thank you for your service!

BertramCooper going out swinging calling out the pathetic, sad attitudes of the mods

Quote: Cop User banned (permanent): Blatant sexism. Prior ban for sexism.
DirtySprite3 wrote:I'd hate to be potentially marrying a whore and not know it. Would definitely make a fake insta/social and message bro of the news but that's just me.
And now, getting REAL spicy in the thread.

Quote:Man there's some grieving goin on in here.

I'm not saying you're coming off like a cop busting up a candlelit vigil but I'm not not saying that either

Quote:Hope y'all enjoy your sad little power trips on an internet forum.

We'd literally all be better off if we got banned from here. As in, our lives would almost certainly be better. Call it habit, call it addiction, call it the fact that a lot of us here like each other and have known each other for several years now - but for whatever reason we're still here. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.

But in any case, ultimately this shit y'all do is fucking pathetic because the "punishments" you dole out would actually make our lives better. We're all sad and pissed about TheHunter, but really we should be happy - because their life is almost certainly going to be improved without this place!

So whatever. Continue running this place into the ground for whatever random-ass Swedish company owns it now.

Quote:It's a community, literally as stated in the Mission statement. It's very tough to move on after seeing someone for 10 years and not only are they just gone, but community is told to be quiet and move on.

I have a million more things to say, but goddamn this fucking sucks. Dude brought more content to our community than anyone else. Good luck TheHunter, godspeed.

Quote:Rocket science has nothing to do with it. There can be no discourse that moves understanding forward without some level of dissent or discomfort. Being hateful and unkind are obvious (I mean for fuck's sake it's Era, how much further Left can we go?) but TheHunter's post was not either of those things.

And I don't appreciate the suggestion at the end of your post to move on, it only perpetuates the sentiment many of us have expressed about how this forum is eating its own userbase alive.

Quote:You’ll never convince me this place isn’t overrun by Russian troll farms. I brought it up to a mod once and was warned. They have no way of tracking it and all of the dogpile anti US behavior to cause division is right on the money for how they operate. This place is fucking terrible at moderation.

Quote:...Tone and timing play a big role here, maybe, but especially after the exodus of so many communities/people due to banwaves/mod decisions, and (at times) certaintly seeming like the 'eating itself from the inside out' mod/ban aspect, this seems....not particularly sensitive, nor well-timed.

Especially when it comes off as vaguely threatening, in the '....or else' kinda way.

Quote:The last time something like this happen was the whole Reade fiasco. I'd rather not have another community fracture like that. At the same time if this is how moderation in non gaming discussion is going to be, I don’t know how sustainable this is long term.

Quote:Hilarious that the first mod response regarding posts suggesting that moderation can feel arbitrary and overly punitive is basically, "No its not (no examples given) and stop discussing it or you will join them."

Quote:I don't know about that. It's not as simple as "don't attack other forum members" or "no racism or sexism". There seems to be picking and choosing. No consistency. There's also people putting words in people's mouths or interpretations of things that were never said.

Quote:We probably would have moved on but you had to go and be rude here.


Flix graduating from the same conflict resolution school that NepNep attended.
(08-25-2023, 03:37 PM)Averon wrote:

BertramCooper wrote:
FliX wrote:I suggest you all move on now...


Hope y'all enjoy your sad little power trips on an internet forum.

We'd literally all be better off if we got banned from here. As in, our lives would almost certainly be better. Call it habit, call it addiction, call it the fact that a lot of us here like each other and have known each other for several years now - but for whatever reason we're still here. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.

But in any case, ultimately this shit y'all do is fucking pathetic because the "punishments" you dole out would actually make our lives better. We're all sad and pissed about TheHunter, but really we should be happy - because their life is almost certainly going to be improved without this place!

So whatever. Continue running this place into the ground for whatever random-ass Swedish company owns it now.

Thank you for your service!

BertramCooper going out swinging calling out the pathetic, sad attitudes of the mods

Quote:You’ll never convince me this place isn’t overrun by Russian troll farms. I brought it up to a mod once and was warned. They have no way of tracking it and all of the dogpile anti US behavior to cause division is right on the money for how they operate. This place is fucking terrible at moderation.
platypotamus wrote:Man there's some grieving goin on in here.

I'm not saying you're coming off like a cop busting up a candlelit vigil but I'm not not saying that either

RIP platypotamus. You did one of the few things you just can't do: comparing the mods to cops.
Averon dateline='[url=tel:1692978266' wrote: 1692978266[/url]']
platypotamus wrote:Man there's some grieving goin on in here.

I'm not saying you're coming off like a cop busting up a candlelit vigil but I'm not not saying that either

RIP platypotamus. You did one of the few things you just can't do: comparing the mods to cops.

I noted that. It’s definitely crossing the rubicon with the staff there.
I wonder who the aggressive, insulting, administrator that bans people who disagree with them is. Thinking
Quote:You’ll never convince me this place isn’t overrun by Russian troll farms

I told you yall years ago, yet you didn't listen comrades Putin
Quote:Especially when it comes off as vaguely threatening, in the '....or else' kinda way.

That's what I love about the RE mods. Whenever someone complaints about bans they keep escalating shit.
Quote:I'm pretty excited myself. But I'm pretty fortunate in the health arena, which is a big one. I keep getting in better shape as I get older as a dial down my nutrition and exercise. Mental health wise, it's better too. You start to develop that "who cares" mindset. Plus, my generation has been big on mental health advocacy. I used mental health services myself with no shame. You've also seen a lot of wars and setback, so more setbacks don't seem as catastrophic.

Obviously, it's not all positive. I can't do benders anymore lol. I have to watch what I eat more. And I need to make I'm getting good sleep.

I think our culture really overrates youth and underrates aging.
Dude has 55k posts  What
Father time is undefeated. Trumps
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:No you didn't.

As others have said it really isn't rocket science to not get banned...
I suggest you all move on now...
I’m sorry but I have to push back on this somewhat.

Yes it’s obvious not to be offensive, insulting, or just engage in bad faith drive by one shots in threads but when it comes to allegations of “dismissive” posting, no.

There is no way to know when moderation around this point is entrenched in the fallacy that having an independent or opposing viewpoint means you are inherently being “dismissive” of someone else’s and the sick irony of the fact that if you can’t engage with someone to debate with them, seek further explanation, or simply just ignore them, but that you’re so mad that they disagree with you that you feel you must implore for them to be summarily vanished from all discussion… *That* is being truly, overtly, dismissive of someone else’s opinion.
FliX coming off like. 

One of their own gets got and suddenly ree is a shit hole with terrible mods? Fuck oooooofffffffff
(07-28-2023, 07:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Dismissive Commentary Around Representation; History of Dismissive Commentary
TheWraith wrote:
Fj0823 wrote:That'll for sure help us Latinos get a hero role next time. You got yours so now it should stop for everyone else.

Such valuable input.
If we're in an age where every possible ethnicity desperately needs it own matching superhero we are indeed in deep trouble. I'd rather want to see an original, engaging movie with latino's in standout roles. Much more worth to look up to, and not tied to the superhero schlock 15 years of cinema that clearly had its heyday.
Quote:Banned because someone tried to sweep my own ethnicity under a rug

It seems getting banned is because one dares to discuss with some people that are very close with mods. In a discussion about the upcoming Blue Beetle film I mentioned I was not interested because of superhero fatigue. I then got attacked by the guy saying "I'm not interested in that movie because I already got superhero movies based on my own ethnicity, but that he was waiting on his". This was far from the truth so I responded that isn't the case and bam, got banned a month. When I tried to log in again to see if the other guy got a ban as well (only logical, giving such harsh sudden bans) the other guy is still posting! Complained about it to no avail. Just shows they are not interested in any discussion, and are as bad as NeoGAf, just two extremes of the circle that end up meeting each other. Anyone got good forum suggestions?
"Dismissiveness" is such a funny word choice. The word would imply that it's about how you worded your disagreement but in reality the problem is that you disagreed at all

Dr. Feel Goo wrote:
Beardlini wrote:What the hell was that mod response?
Frankly it's the same bullshit they pull since the honeymoon phase ended from GAF. "Shut up or you'll be banned" This entire forum is an echo chamber that is coddled by incredibly brash and non-transparent administration team... which funnily enough is what the tipping point that caused the last place to collapse.
banned (permanent) - using racist rethoric wrote:This mafia like shit is beyond the pale. Do you seriously expect people to forget a pillar of the thread being banned like you just flashed the Men in Black memory eraser in front of their faces ?

banned (permanent) - backseat modding wrote:What concerns me is that we don’t have clear direction about the 2024 election cycle. I really do not want a repeat of 2020. I especially do not want to re-litigate 2016. And you know we’re going to have primary threads and news updates, and I suspect they’ll be graveyards after Inauguration Day too. Surely there’s value in staking out guidelines now — before the inevitable shitstorm happens.

If someone argues “the existing rules are good enough,” past practice should disabuse them of that conclusion. Surely that was an annoying venture for all involved.

This was brought up in the Community Discussion thread, but I didn’t see a response.

banned (permanent) - offsite drama wrote:Frankly it's the same bullshit they pull since the honeymoon phase ended from GAF. "Shut up or you'll be banned" This entire forum is an echo chamber that is coddled by incredibly brash and non-transparent administration team... which funnily enough is what the tipping point that caused the last place to collapse.

banned (permanent) - troll account wrote:Another long time lurker here feeling the need to chime in.

This thread has been a source of political news for me since 2015. I would argue it helped me stay mostly sane through the Trump presidency, and with posters like Hunter, helped me get somewhat better at sorting feelings vs data.

The loss of a long time member like that just sucks, and it unfortunately brings to mind memories of the Reade situation. We lost too many users to that fiasco as well.

Thanks to the rest of you who help keep this thread going, you are appreciated.

The boot lickers need to hurry up before this gets out of control

banned (permanent) - violoation of terms of service wrote:I have certain mods and admins on the ignore list. Any time I see that "You are ignoring content by this member." message in a thread, I just leave it. I expect this thread will be a victim of that soon even though it is one of the most useful places of information on this whole site.

Pedrito wrote:I'm honestly surprised MOBA has not stepped in considering engagement has been on a downward spiral ever since they acquired. Community threads almost dead. Pretty much no new members (who don't delete their account a week later). Threads constantly closed because people can't handle more than one opinion on even the most mundane topics.
But oh well, at least we're having a ton of fun counting to a million.

Edit: Sounds like he reads the Bire.
Quote:You’ll never convince me this place isn’t overrun by Russian troll farms. I brought it up to a mod once and was warned. They have no way of tracking it and all of the dogpile anti US behavior to cause division is right on the money for how they operate. This place is fucking terrible at moderation.

This is exactly what it is. The hunter was big part of this community, and they were banned because some moderator has more sympathy towards truly awful governments like the Russian government because of their opposition to the USA. It's outrageous how blatant they are especially since they also claim to support minority rights which both Russia and China target and oppress.

Hmmm. I wonder who they could be tal

plagiarize, Moderator wrote:
Quote:I'm a brazilian gay man and believe me when I say I'm mortified to see our country alligining with the likes of Saudi Arabia and Iran, which openly persecute and make life hell for our queer brothers and sisters over there. However, I will not sit here listening to white people from the freaking US (who, over decades, bullied and pushed us into a situation that lead to we making this move) telling me how I should feel about this, that is ridiculous. We've just been through 4 years of a hellish fascist government whose election was sponsored and facilitated by the US via a coup and our democracy just barely survived that. Not surpisingly, none of the arguments presented are deeper than "you are alligning with evil countries, I promise you we are less evil so you should just conform to the status quo and continue to be our subordinate". How convenient.

So yes, the white west should shut the fuck up, you have no morals and no right to say anything on this matter. Our people have been struggling for centuries because of your shitty imperialistic antics, and if our government is doing what it can to try to improve life for our people, if only a little bit, you don't get to reprehend us for not being against it. Get your head out of your fucking ass. You have no idea how life is like in an underdeveloped country, you (especially europe) literally live in a parallel fantasy world where everything works as intended because you spent centuries robbing us from our riches and exploiting the work of our ancestors. Go buy yourself the new iphone or something.

This is straight fire. Thank you for this contribution, I know I needed to hear this

Hmmmm.  hmm Rollsafe
3 users liked this post: benji, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:I'm honestly surprised MOBA has not stepped in considering engagement has been on a downward spiral ever since they acquired.
Why the hell would they care, you're just a fluffer to get ad clicks from organic SEO on a site with a very high (73) DA. 

Quote:I mean, the ads have gotten WAY more intrusive over the last 2-3 months, especially on mobile.
And you morons always spell out brands, titles, genders, characters and products perfectly and link all your relevant OTs creating beautiful keyword pillars covering a massive number of long tail keywords
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower

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