Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1692986849' wrote: 1692986849[/url]']
Pedrito wrote:I'm honestly surprised MOBA has not stepped in considering engagement has been on a downward spiral ever since they acquired. Community threads almost dead. Pretty much no new members (who don't delete their account a week later). Threads constantly closed because people can't handle more than one opinion on even the most mundane topics.
But oh well, at least we're having a ton of fun counting to a million. 
Edit: Sounds like he reads the Bire.
I like that the inmates have started noticing this.
(08-25-2023, 06:26 PM)Nintex wrote: Quote:I mean, the ads have gotten WAY more intrusive over the last 2-3 months, especially on mobile.
And you morons always spell out brands, titles, genders, characters and products perfectly and link all your relevant OTs creating beautiful keyword pillars covering a massive number of long tail keywords
(07-22-2023, 06:13 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://news.cision.com/m-o-b-a-network-ab/r/m-o-b-a--network-signs-competitive-ad-agreement-with-raptive,c3808210
Quote:M.O.B.A. Network signs competitive ad agreement with Raptive
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
Fri, Jul 21, 2023 09:30 CE
M.O.B.A. has signed a new ad agreement with US-based Raptive, which operates a global ad network and already manages the ad inventory for the community websites run by M.O.B.A.'s subsidiary Magic Find. The agreement gives M.O.B.A. the opportunity to transfer more community websites to the same improved terms over time as other contracts expire. The agreement significantly improves terms and will lead to increased earnings for M.O.B.A.
The recently acquired websites from Wargraphs, LeagueofGraphs.com and Porofessor.gg will be the first assets transferred over to the new agreement.
"Raptive's ad technology is impressive and their support in helping us increase revenue is world-class. Cooperation with Raptive provides expanded global presence. It's good for our customers and leads to increased earnings for M.O.B.A over time", says Peter Carlstedt, Chief Revenue Officer, M.O.B.A. Network.
"We are very proud of what we’ve been able to achieve for M.O.B.A. thus far,” said Tina Pautz, EVP, Enterprise, Raptive. “The expansion of our relationship is a testament to the value we can achieve together, and we look forward to continuing to help M.O.B.A. make the most money they can for more sites in their portfolio.”
Stockholm 2023-07-21
Björn Mannerqvist, CEO
Mail: info@wearemoba.com
Web: https://wearemoba.com
Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB
Anyone have access to the members only feedback thread?
Quote:Let's be honest and say that most folks here don't really care about minorities rights or even minorities in general. If it's the mod I'm thinking of, they are consistent in the right about minorities. Most posters aren't.
Finally some sense
08-25-2023, 07:21 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 07:37 PM by JoeBoy101.)
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1692990707' wrote: 1692990707[/url]']
Quote:Let's be honest and say that most folks here don't really care about minorities rights or even minorities in general. If it's the mod I'm thinking of, they are consistent in the right about minorities. Most posters aren't.
Finally some sense
What’s even funnier is the absolute cipher it is coming from.
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide) Thordinson
In other news:
PoliEra wrote:Hidden content
You need to reply to this thread in order to see this content.
 Exodus alert!!
TylenolJones dateline='[url=tel:1692989223' wrote: 1692989223[/url]']
Anyone have access to the members only feedback thread?
Yeah, crickets. One post about primaries and then nothing since Monday.
08-25-2023, 07:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 07:25 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
(08-25-2023, 06:47 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Anyone have access to the members only feedback thread?
Nothing happening there. This is the only post from today
Quote:Quote:Alright. This needs to be asked because we're less than half a year out from primary season and a year and four months out from an election:
Are y'all prepared to prevent this place from turning into the bad faith shit show it did in 2020? When long time members with institutional knowledge were chased off this site by bad actors using moderators like a bludgeon. Bad actors who have been, almost to a person, banned due to the growing transparency of their actions.
Boosting this comment because it's 100% accurate. We really need to clamp down on bad actors who engage in sensitive political topics just to cause conflict. I hate it when complex geopolitical discussions get derailed into "Which nation has committed more crimes against humanity so we know which team to root for?".
08-25-2023, 07:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 07:36 PM by JoeBoy101.)
how do you guys even find the constructive thread? I swear the member only forums aren't linked from anywhere on the site, I don't even know how their own users find it
I have to go to old bore and search for links to it
linking it here again so I can search this forum for "resetera constructive community feedback discussion thread" and find the link to it here
(08-25-2023, 03:42 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: And now, getting REAL spicy in the thread.
Quote:Man there's some grieving goin on in here.
I'm not saying you're coming off like a cop busting up a candlelit vigil but I'm not not saying that either
Quote:Hope y'all enjoy your sad little power trips on an internet forum.
We'd literally all be better off if we got banned from here. As in, our lives would almost certainly be better. Call it habit, call it addiction, call it the fact that a lot of us here like each other and have known each other for several years now - but for whatever reason we're still here. I'm not proud of it, but it is what it is.
But in any case, ultimately this shit y'all do is fucking pathetic because the "punishments" you dole out would actually make our lives better. We're all sad and pissed about TheHunter, but really we should be happy - because their life is almost certainly going to be improved without this place!
So whatever. Continue running this place into the ground for whatever random-ass Swedish company owns it now.
Quote:It's a community, literally as stated in the Mission statement. It's very tough to move on after seeing someone for 10 years and not only are they just gone, but community is told to be quiet and move on.
I have a million more things to say, but goddamn this fucking sucks. Dude brought more content to our community than anyone else. Good luck TheHunter, godspeed.
Quote:Rocket science has nothing to do with it. There can be no discourse that moves understanding forward without some level of dissent or discomfort. Being hateful and unkind are obvious (I mean for fuck's sake it's Era, how much further Left can we go?) but TheHunter's post was not either of those things.
And I don't appreciate the suggestion at the end of your post to move on, it only perpetuates the sentiment many of us have expressed about how this forum is eating its own userbase alive.
Quote:You’ll never convince me this place isn’t overrun by Russian troll farms. I brought it up to a mod once and was warned. They have no way of tracking it and all of the dogpile anti US behavior to cause division is right on the money for how they operate. This place is fucking terrible at moderation.
Quote:...Tone and timing play a big role here, maybe, but especially after the exodus of so many communities/people due to banwaves/mod decisions, and (at times) certaintly seeming like the 'eating itself from the inside out' mod/ban aspect, this seems....not particularly sensitive, nor well-timed.
Especially when it comes off as vaguely threatening, in the '....or else' kinda way.
Quote:The last time something like this happen was the whole Reade fiasco. I'd rather not have another community fracture like that. At the same time if this is how moderation in non gaming discussion is going to be, I don’t know how sustainable this is long term.
Quote:Hilarious that the first mod response regarding posts suggesting that moderation can feel arbitrary and overly punitive is basically, "No its not (no examples given) and stop discussing it or you will join them."
Quote:I don't know about that. It's not as simple as "don't attack other forum members" or "no racism or sexism". There seems to be picking and choosing. No consistency. There's also people putting words in people's mouths or interpretations of things that were never said.
Quote:We probably would have moved on but you had to go and be rude here.
Flix graduating from the same conflict resolution school that NepNep attended.
Not going to feel sorry for the community that caused all the lunacy to start with. Cunts. I hope they like a little of their own medicine.
Come on Nep Nep, get your shit together, there’s a bunch of YTs need putting in their place
I noticed the mods are still asleep so I dropped it on dpad.life and the ol' bore which hopefully makes it more visible so we get our entertainment and blood sacrifice.
The mods now have two choices
- Bring down the hammer and let Nintex win
- Let the rebellion run wild and watch it spread
What will they do?
08-25-2023, 08:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 08:08 PM by Nintex.)
While we wait I found this gem
Quote:I left home knowing how to cook plenty of things, but no idea how to plan or cadence grocery shopping. It's just so much easier when you're inexperienced to grab that $10 combo from the lunch counter/deli every day, or to stop by Dunkin' on the way to class.
Some can't use fire, others can't even buy shit
Update, Oh shit the turf wars have started
Quote:Quote:I’ll just say there is a reason there was a massive exodus of Asian and Muslim folks and why trans folks often feel like no one cares here.
Asian folks migrated precisely because mods indicated they didnt give a shit about us. Dont try to spin that any other way.
Quote:I'm a brazilian gay man and believe me when I say I'm mortified to see our country alligining with the likes of Saudi Arabia and Iran, which openly persecute and make life hell for our queer brothers and sisters over there. However, I will not sit here listening to white people from the freaking US (who, over decades, bullied and pushed us into a situation that lead to we making this move) telling me how I should feel about this, that is ridiculous. We've just been through 4 years of a hellish fascist government whose election was sponsored and facilitated by the US via a coup and our democracy just barely survived that. Not surpisingly, none of the arguments presented are deeper than "you are alligning with evil countries, I promise you we are less evil so you should just conform to the status quo and continue to be our subordinate". How convenient.
So yes, the white west should shut the fuck up, you have no morals and no right to say anything on this matter. Our people have been struggling for centuries because of your shitty imperialistic antics, and if our government is doing what it can to try to improve life for our people, if only a little bit, you don't get to reprehend us for not being against it. Get your head out of your fucking ass. You have no idea how life is like in an underdeveloped country, you (especially europe) literally live in a parallel fantasy world where everything works as intended because you spent centuries robbing us from our riches and exploiting the work of our ancestors. Go buy yourself the new iphone or something.
Does he understand that at least the US is a government that considers he has human rights as a gay man? Or that while the US screwed South America you cannot blame everything at them?
(08-25-2023, 07:59 PM)Snoopy wrote: Come on Nep Nep, get your shit together, there’s a bunch of YTs need putting in their place
They are probably on their mod Discord laughing at the inmates getting riled up again. Just let the kids scream and pout and tired themselves out before coming in with some spiel about how moderating ERA is "hard" and "dangerous." Just gaslight, insult, and ban them until they submit and comply.
08-25-2023, 09:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 09:31 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
Quote:If you have been lucky enough to not hear this song yet, it just went #1 on Hot 100 in large part due to conservatives rallying behind it, and inflating it's success by purchasing it on iTunes.
The story about this song seems to encapsulate everything wrong about culture war. Right wing turning it instantly into their identity missing that it's attacking people like trump while the left wing sees one line complaining about fat people on food stamps and declares it the most racist song of all time.
Imagine being a liberal in the US and trying to ruin a man's life because a song he wrote got picked up by your political enemies and then trying to deal with the cognitive dissonance of having to suddenly support the guy because maybe he wrote the song to criticise your political enemies.
(08-25-2023, 09:27 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/oliver-anthony-on-republicans-adopting-his-song-i-wrote-that-song-about-you-people.757573/
Quote:If you have been lucky enough to not hear this song yet, it just went #1 on Hot 100 in large part due to conservatives rallying behind it, and inflating it's success by purchasing it on iTunes.

The story about this song seems to encapsulate everything wrong about culture war. Right wing turning it instantly into their identity missing that it's attacking people like trump while the left wing sees one line complaining about fat people on food stamps and declares it the most racist song of all time.
Quote:User Warned: Posting Right Wing Propaganda
He basically wrote a song to condemn the entire political establishment not just one side.
Just everyone who is rich, powerful and looking down on the workers or those feeding off his tax dollars (bag of fudge rounds).
Quote:In this video he just goes full enlightened centrist:
Cowardly tbh. Take a stand. He’s more mealy-mouthed in that video than the politicians he’s mocking.
When people have moderate opinions
(08-25-2023, 05:56 PM)Nintex wrote: banned (permanent) - violoation of terms of service wrote:I have certain mods and admins on the ignore list. Any time I see that "You are ignoring content by this member." message in a thread, I just leave it. I expect this thread will be a victim of that soon even though it is one of the most useful places of information on this whole site. Wait, how did they do this? I was under the impression you were unable to put those cunts on ignore since there's no option to so? Did the mods fall for a joke here and perm this poster?
08-25-2023, 10:07 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 10:13 PM by Uncle.)
Quote:Ok, so I should've known, buying a From game.... I have died 30x times to the first boss (the helicopter) in what is basically a tutorial mission. And yes, I'm doing everything, dodging, flying, watching my cooldowns, using the "stagger" mechanic - and still, it managed to kill me so many times and I quit for today. Don't know if I'll be getting back to it. And, of course, there are no difficulty settings, because why would there be? Silly peasants, ha ha, of course there are no difficulty settings because reasons and stuff.
I mean, what is these guys' problem?! Did they have rough childhoods or something? Why does EVERYTHING they make have to be super-hard git-good try a billion times difficult?
08-25-2023, 10:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 10:39 PM by Snoopy.)
Averon dateline='[url=tel:1692996166' wrote: 1692996166[/url]']
They are probably on their mod Discord laughing at the inmates getting riled up again. Just let the kids scream and pout and tired themselves out before coming in with some spiel about how moderating ERA is "hard" and "dangerous." Just gaslight, insult, and ban them until they submit and comply.
And God bless them for it. I expect the biggest problem they have is that humourless cunt Dubs ruining all their fun
08-25-2023, 10:36 PM
(This post was last modified: 08-25-2023, 10:36 PM by Boredfrom.)
Quote: I came in expecting a moderately difficult game with big robots and stuff. Not that same git good crap all over again.
I think I'm done with From. It's nice that they have their vision and all, but these things cost money. I wish I got this on Steam so I could refund it.
Motherfucker, they told you since day one that it was not Dark Souls with robots, that they decided not make it a open world because it would be like Elden Eing (A mistake, in my opinion, but I can’t blame them for wanting to distinguish themselves) and got pro players to showcase this was Armored Core ass game.
If you dislike From difficulty in general, why buy the game without seeing if it was going to be like Elden Ring?
Quote: Clearly they could've did difficulty settings with this one since it's not a souls-borne game. Just seeing the amount of people turned off by this is depressing. Not only are we finding it difficult but you gotta fight the camera as well. You want more people to get into AC!
And then you have a lot of people complaining about dumbing down the franchise. People got uppity because the added healing and in mission checkpoints.
(08-25-2023, 09:57 PM)jooseloose wrote: (08-25-2023, 05:56 PM)Nintex wrote: banned (permanent) - violoation of terms of service wrote:I have certain mods and admins on the ignore list. Any time I see that "You are ignoring content by this member." message in a thread, I just leave it. I expect this thread will be a victim of that soon even though it is one of the most useful places of information on this whole site. Wait, how did they do this? I was under the impression you were unable to put those cunts on ignore since there's no option to so? Did the mods fall for a joke here and perm this poster? 
If you ignore them before they became mods or admins it carries over
(08-25-2023, 04:36 AM)Uncle wrote: jeelybeans wrote:I can't believe it's permanent. That's wild. TheHunter was an institution here.
yeah fuckin weird how the mods seem to hate all their users equally and everyone is considered of zero value if they step out of line briefly
I mean, they clearly don't. They absolutely have favorites. People are just shocked to find out they and their buddies aren't included in the protected group. They're shocked to find that the way to gain favor isn't by adding value to the forum, but rather by being oppression stars and mod friends.
15 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, LoverOfCycles, NekoFever, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, jorma, ClothedMac, Potato, Tucker's Law, Venice, JoeBoy101, Averon, Boredfrom, Uncle, Taco Bell Tower