Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
(02-24-2025, 08:15 PM)benji wrote: I went looking for Nepenthe's post where she says you should never compromise but didn't find it, only found this which is close enough:
Nepenthe, wrote:Things will not get better if we continue to presume that we do not have the power to collectively enact change for each other.

The first steps are to actually educatate ourselves regarding prior revolutionary successes and doctrine around the world, and then to organize our communities within that image through things like neighborhood pods, mutual aid orgs, and small parties. And in the midst of our organization, we cannot compromise philosophically with conservatives or even liberals because they absolutely will try to drag us back to the status quo. They're personally enriched by the cruelty and thus see no need to work towards truly moral and equitable standards.

The answers to change the vile state of our country have existed for pretty much hundreds of years. We have to simply read the work, follow the advice, and be uncompromising about it. Honestly? Get off Era primarily for this kind of work because this is not and never will be a revolutionary space. It's a liberal one.

It's hilarious how Nep appears to fall for the exact same thing the study critics. She believes all she has to do is to organize, the people who agree with her extreme mindset are all already there, they just keep twiddling their thumbs because dear Leader Nepenthe hasn't appeared yet.
At the same time she also believes it's basically impossible find middle grounds so where does that actually leave her political revolution?
(02-24-2025, 08:20 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: It's hilarious how Nep appears to fall for the exact same thing the study critics. She believes all she has to do is to organize, the people who agree with her extreme mindset are all already there, they just keep twiddling their thumbs because dear Leader Nepenthe hasn't appeared yet.
At the same time she also believes it's basically impossible find middle grounds so where does that actually leave her political revolution?
No, see, the problem is they've been compromising and, really, so has she by spending her time in such a non-revolutionary space. They just need to stop compromising and get organizing and stick to their principles and read the theory. Like how many times does she have to say it before y'all start listening and start doing the work?
Theory, praxis and organize. That's all you have to do people, duh. Social Justice Warrior 2
[Image: wSxwnEo.gif]

Just in case you somehow didn't know echoshifting is a faggot
4 users liked this post: Keetongu, D3RANG3D, TacoWallace, Taco Bell Tower
Would they stop complaining about it if we just said

Yes, we want you all dead OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
2 users liked this post: Potato, Taco Bell Tower
(02-24-2025, 09:22 PM)Jansen wrote:

Just in case you somehow didn't know echoshifting is a faggot

wot, no Fat4All saying 'goblets of cum'?
(02-24-2025, 09:27 PM)Nintex wrote: Would they stop complaining about it if we just said

Yes, we want you all dead OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™

Now, now, no need to do a hecking genocide. 

Institutionalization is just fine too.
4 users liked this post: Mask, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower
(02-24-2025, 09:38 PM)StandingOvation wrote:
(02-24-2025, 09:22 PM)Jansen wrote:

Just in case you somehow didn't know echoshifting is a faggot

wot, no Fat4All saying 'goblets of cum'?

Well he is a virgin...
Wait, would he become normal if he finally got laid?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D

Ouch FUCK that hurt! Okay!





Where Blackfire?

She's my favourite Superhero!


Where Blackfire!?

Please don't make it just fan service cringe

Fuck Redhood and the Outlaws


Wonder what style they'll use


Hope it's easy to watch in the UK

Don't fuck this up DC and WB!!!!

WHERE BLACKFIRE!!!!!!!!!??????

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

WHERE BLACKFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited


(02-24-2025, 09:52 PM)Greatness Gone wrote:

Ouch FUCK that hurt! Okay!





Where Blackfire?

She's my favourite Superhero!


Where Blackfire!?

Please don't make it just fan service cringe

Fuck Redhood and the Outlaws


Wonder what style they'll use


Hope it's easy to watch in the UK

Don't fuck this up DC and WB!!!!

WHERE BLACKFIRE!!!!!!!!!??????

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

WHERE BLACKFIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????????????????????????????????????

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited

So excited



Jesus Christ, I'm going to need you to turn it down to a '4' because currently you're at a '17'.
Isn’t Starfire a sexed up teenager? Hmmmm…
(02-24-2025, 10:04 PM)DocWager wrote: Isn’t Starfire a sexed up teenager? Hmmmm…,to%20be%20polyamorous%20and%20pansexual. tells you all you need to know about the why. Also the fact that she talks like a toddler in a bunch TT media or has boob-windows galore in the rest of it.
won't be anywhere near as good as the fantastic comic about her daughter

[Image: lbnq9Fy.png]

you know, by this author

[Image: ipD62QR.png]

[Image: b8qIBFe.png]
Meds. Now.
(02-24-2025, 09:52 PM)Greatness Gone wrote:


Greatness Gone, you're quoting EchosOfTheSexOffender, but I think the pedo's post needs to be screenshotted to show exactly how cringeworthy this creep really is:

[Image: rjYJdvD.jpeg]

Followed up by this one too...

[Image: oxAYe5E.jpeg]

This is a grown-ass man in his 40's Feels bad, man
So basically:

Quote:A girl.... 👩AND a gamer? 🎮Whoa mama!😮😮 Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing😙! eyes pop out 😮😮😮😉AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out 😱😱😱WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF🐶🐶 tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach😛😛😛😛😛 WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr ,🤪😜😜🤪tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart 💘 Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt😍😍😍 ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum 🥁🥁🥁 milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets 🥛��🥛BABY WANTS TO FUCK ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ inhales from the gas tank ⛽⛽⛽honka honka honka honka 🚕🚕masturabtes furiously 🤪🤪🤪🤪🤪🍆🍆💦💦💦💦ohhhh my gooooodd~😮
Truly, the greatest gift the next Spiderverse movie can give us is having Gwen settle down with Miles so Princess Bubblegum and Echoes can finally declare war against those meanie blacks that won't let Gwen be the heckin wholesome transbian she always was.
(02-24-2025, 10:28 PM)Venice wrote:
(02-24-2025, 09:52 PM)Greatness Gone wrote:


Greatness Gone, you're quoting EchosOfTheSexOffender, but I think the pedo's post needs to be screenshotted to show exactly how cringeworthy this creep really is:

[Image: rjYJdvD.jpeg]

Followed up by this one too...

[Image: oxAYe5E.jpeg]

This is a grown-ass man in his 40's Feels bad, man

No replies to either post Bigshow
I must be getting into my old man phase because I don't care about the animated DC blackfire series or whatever the fuck that mental patient is freaking out about.
4 users liked this post: Averon, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
(02-24-2025, 06:40 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)Vertigo wrote:

Nepenthe, post: 136208292, member: 1995 wrote:People who keep saying that they're not asking people to compromise on their core principles, but to simply just work together with people who might differ ideologically from them in some way, are not understanding that a lot of these seemingly minor ideological disagreements ultimately stem from a disagreement about core principles. These core principles, whether a result of actual safety and protection for the minorities that tend to make up progressive movements, or as a result of actually trying to define a movement's goals and not water down the messaging, lose focus, or get co-opted by people who align themselves with the status quo despite all their bawking about the contrary- that, no for realsies, they're totally trustworthy allies (so long as you always do what they say)- also do not have the luxury of being overridden or cast aside by more minor ideological unity.

I'm not going to blindly invite you into my coalition because we agree that universal healthcare is good but yet you're okay with genocide occurring. It doesn't mean I necessarily have to cast you away immediately though; the short-term goal should be to debunk that harmful belief by whatever means necessary. Indeed, I am a fan of education, but education in a political sense must be in pursuit of folding the masses- who are primed to be disaffected by the status quo but, inevitably, hold harmful beliefs as a result of being forced to live in and be subservient to that status quo- into the movement. But you cannot have a successful movement that is based upon the principles of anti-genocide and anti-privatized healthcare if only a minority of the people actually believe in both!

Everyone has red lines (anyone who says they don't at all is either a liar or the Devil). Progressives simply have more of them, both in the understanding that this current world is fraught with contradictions that can be solved, and also in the pursuit of a newly-imagined world which is the hard-mode road of life to go down. Anyone can comfortably nestle themselves into conservatism and capitalism. It is the order of the day and thus requires little thought and critique. Progressives are more apt to not accept that.
Oh yeah? well here's what another great thinker had to offer on the issue.

Nepenthe wrote:But I have talked to Trump voters and conservative leaning folks about various political issues regardless, and part of my ability to make some headway with these people is to not let my assumption (or even correct observation) of their abject stupidity get in the way of talking to them like a normal human being. It doesn't matter that I'm Black and non-binary, and thus I'm entertaining the conversation at a disadvantage.

I can internally pull my hair out when they say some dumb shit, but in the moment if I'm trying to get someone to see the flaws of capitalism, I need to respectfully and without judgement walk them down the road by both acknowledging their pain from capitalism as real, but then redirecting it at the right target. And most times I'm relatively successful in teaching someone about economics, or queer issues, or about Africa, or whatever it is we're talking about. If I can get someone to go "Yeah, I see your point," even if I haven't changed their entire political worldview, I've still won.

I am largely speaking in a manner regarding the act of politicking, however I don't mean any of this to only apply to a formal campaign. I am chastising this forum because most of you are refusing to follow the lessons of the civil rights leaders you supposedly champion and hold in high regard, which is that you need to fucking organize. To organize, you need to stop thinking you are so intellectually above your neighbors that they aren't even worthy to be spoken to. You need to start forging bonds and lifelines with your community so that you all can rely on each other when shit hits the fan. You need to realize where there are moments of clarity and commonality that you can pounce and capitalize on.

This doesn't mean bigots have no work to do. It's not about coddling. Every adult has a responsibility to fucking grow and learn. And some who cannot need to be kicked out. Smarter and more hardworking political leaders than I'll ever be have basically said some section of the population is always going to be your enemy due to political and economic interests. Have your lines in the sand, if only for the sake of political cohesion of the movement and to guard against co-opting. But you'll never know who is truly a Nazi and who is just some disaffected moron who can't parse propaganda as easily as you can if you don't talk. This isn't how you build coalitions. It's how you lose an election to a total trifecta.

Ultimately, the times we have come closest to actually forking new and progressive pathways in this trash country is when white people and Black folks literally realized they were on the same side and were ready to fucking burn some shit down. It happened with the Irish indentured servants and African slaves. It happened with the labor and land movements. It can happen again.

But not if you think you're too good for the work.

I think this is the most Nepenthe thing Nepenthe has ever said. Holy shit. 

Nepenthe: "I'm awesome because I can get through to Trump voters and conservatives because I speak to them like normal people, even though they're all so fucking stupid and not worthy of my time and energy."

Trump voters and conservatives when speaking to Nepenthe: 
(02-24-2025, 10:48 PM)Nintex wrote: I must be getting into my old man phase because I don't care about the animated DC blackfire series or whatever the fuck that mental patient is freaking out about.

Give it a few years and you and everyone else won't give a shit about anything DC-related. Marvel rulez.

Peace out.

- Jeff
Quote:I'll never watch an Eagles game ever (continuing the trend of never doing so anyways)

I hope Trump serves them the greasiest McDonalds meal
(02-24-2025, 10:54 PM)Potato wrote:
(02-24-2025, 06:40 PM)DavidCroquet wrote:
(02-24-2025, 05:57 PM)Vertigo wrote:
Oh yeah? well here's what another great thinker had to offer on the issue.

Nepenthe wrote:But I have talked to Trump voters and conservative leaning folks about various political issues regardless, and part of my ability to make some headway with these people is to not let my assumption (or even correct observation) of their abject stupidity get in the way of talking to them like a normal human being. It doesn't matter that I'm Black and non-binary, and thus I'm entertaining the conversation at a disadvantage.

I can internally pull my hair out when they say some dumb shit, but in the moment if I'm trying to get someone to see the flaws of capitalism, I need to respectfully and without judgement walk them down the road by both acknowledging their pain from capitalism as real, but then redirecting it at the right target. And most times I'm relatively successful in teaching someone about economics, or queer issues, or about Africa, or whatever it is we're talking about. If I can get someone to go "Yeah, I see your point," even if I haven't changed their entire political worldview, I've still won.

I am largely speaking in a manner regarding the act of politicking, however I don't mean any of this to only apply to a formal campaign. I am chastising this forum because most of you are refusing to follow the lessons of the civil rights leaders you supposedly champion and hold in high regard, which is that you need to fucking organize. To organize, you need to stop thinking you are so intellectually above your neighbors that they aren't even worthy to be spoken to. You need to start forging bonds and lifelines with your community so that you all can rely on each other when shit hits the fan. You need to realize where there are moments of clarity and commonality that you can pounce and capitalize on.

This doesn't mean bigots have no work to do. It's not about coddling. Every adult has a responsibility to fucking grow and learn. And some who cannot need to be kicked out. Smarter and more hardworking political leaders than I'll ever be have basically said some section of the population is always going to be your enemy due to political and economic interests. Have your lines in the sand, if only for the sake of political cohesion of the movement and to guard against co-opting. But you'll never know who is truly a Nazi and who is just some disaffected moron who can't parse propaganda as easily as you can if you don't talk. This isn't how you build coalitions. It's how you lose an election to a total trifecta.

Ultimately, the times we have come closest to actually forking new and progressive pathways in this trash country is when white people and Black folks literally realized they were on the same side and were ready to fucking burn some shit down. It happened with the Irish indentured servants and African slaves. It happened with the labor and land movements. It can happen again.

But not if you think you're too good for the work.

I think this is the most Nepenthe thing Nepenthe has ever said. Holy shit. 

Nepenthe: "I'm awesome because I can get through to Trump voters and conservatives because I speak to them like normal people, even though they're all so fucking stupid and not worthy of my time and energy."

Trump voters and conservatives when speaking to Nepenthe: 

[Image: xoSLCSY.png]
(02-24-2025, 07:33 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Quote:Going forward, we are going to break twitter embed functionality on ResetEra. Existing twitter embeds will still function, but you will not be able to use the feature when making new posts. The hope here is that people will start moving away from Twitter as a source of information and go to other sites and platforms.

We will allow screenshots, and links, of tweets but screenshots will need to feature the name of the account and the date it was posted so that we can all avoid trolls and people misrepresenting others.

Here is the breakdown:
Twitter embeds will stop working on a technical level, so you can't embed tweets anymore.
Screenshots, and links, will be allowed in various threads, but they will need to have the name of the account and the date/time it was posted visible.
If you are caught trolling or using fake screens to misrepresent information, or fabricating a screenshots as a joke or to engage in trolling, you will be given a severe ban.


Congrats to the 1% forcing their will on the forum again

You just know that whenever someone uses the term "going forward" they are trying to use officialese to mask their incompetence.

Using it in the thread title AND the first words of the op is even more hilariously revealing that he's a complete nincompoop.
(02-24-2025, 08:15 PM)benji wrote: I went looking for Nepenthe's post where she says you should never compromise but didn't find it, only found this which is close enough:
Nepenthe, wrote:Things will not get better if we continue to presume that we do not have the power to collectively enact change for each other.

The first steps are to actually educatate ourselves regarding prior revolutionary successes and doctrine around the world, and then to organize our communities within that image through things like neighborhood pods, mutual aid orgs, and small parties. And in the midst of our organization, we cannot compromise philosophically with conservatives or even liberals because they absolutely will try to drag us back to the status quo. They're personally enriched by the cruelty and thus see no need to work towards truly moral and equitable standards.

The answers to change the vile state of our country have existed for pretty much hundreds of years. We have to simply read the work, follow the advice, and be uncompromising about it. Honestly? Get off Era primarily for this kind of work because this is not and never will be a revolutionary space. It's a liberal one.

I love how she says "they're personally enriched" as if it's some secret white person business rather than just, you know, getting a job and educating your kids so they can get jobs too.
(02-24-2025, 06:37 PM)Jansen wrote: [Image: Screenshot-20250224-123511-Chrome.jpg]


Nepenthe talking about white fragility whilst being made entirely out of sugar glass.
So you can still screen cap a tweet and supply the link? 

How courageous of you, Dubs.
(02-24-2025, 10:48 PM)Nintex wrote: I must be getting into my old man phase because I don't care about the animated DC blackfire series or whatever the fuck that mental patient is freaking out about.

Join us, we have arthritis cream.
(02-24-2025, 07:33 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

Quote:Going forward, we are going to break twitter embed functionality on ResetEra. Existing twitter embeds will still function, but you will not be able to use the feature when making new posts. The hope here is that people will start moving away from Twitter as a source of information and go to other sites and platforms.

We will allow screenshots, and links, of tweets but screenshots will need to feature the name of the account and the date it was posted so that we can all avoid trolls and people misrepresenting others.

Here is the breakdown:
Twitter embeds will stop working on a technical level, so you can't embed tweets anymore.
Screenshots, and links, will be allowed in various threads, but they will need to have the name of the account and the date/time it was posted visible.
If you are caught trolling or using fake screens to misrepresent information, or fabricating a screenshots as a joke or to engage in trolling, you will be given a severe ban.


Congrats to the 1% forcing their will on the forum again
It's literally nothing.  lol

Can still post screen shots and links? All they did is make it easier for Slayven to post a twitter link and create a new thread.

Forum Jump: