Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Got some more piping hot old white cishet male quotes about for you guys who totally love them and can't stop asking for more:
John Stuart Mill wrote:Abstractedly from religious considerations, a passive character, which yields to obstacles instead of striving to overcome them, may not indeed be very useful to others, no more than to itself, but it might be expected to be at least inoffensive. Contentment is always counted among the moral virtues. But it is a complete error to suppose that contentment is necessarily or naturally attendant on passivity of character; and useless it is, the moral consequences are mischievous. Where there exists a desire for advantages not possessed, the mind which does not potentially possess them by means of its own energies is apt to look with hatred and malice on those who do. The person bestirring himself with hopeful prospects to improve his circumstances is the one who feels good-will towards others engaged in, or who have succeeded in the same pursuit. And where the majority are so engaged, those who do not attain the object have had the tone given to their feelings by the general habit of the country, and ascribe their failure to want of effort or opportunity, or to their personal ill luck. But those who, while desiring what others possess, put no energy into striving for it, are either incessantly grumbling that fortune does not do for them what they do not attempt to do for themselves, or overflowing with envy and ill-will towards those who possess what they would like to have.
Karl Popper wrote:I found that those of my friends who were admirers of Marx, Freud, and Adler, were impressed by a number of points common to these theories, and especially by their apparent explanatory power. These theories appear to be able to explain practically everything that happened within the fields to which they referred. The study of any of them seemed to have the effect of an intellectual conversion or revelation, open your eyes to a new truth hidden from those not yet initiated. Once your eyes were thus opened you saw confirmed instances everywhere: the world was full of verifications of the theory. Whatever happened always confirmed it. Thus its truth appeared manifest; and unbelievers were clearly people who did not want to see the manifest truth; who refuse to see it, either because it was against their class interest, or because of their repressions which were still "un-analyzed" and crying aloud for treatment.

The most characteristic element in this situation seemed to me the incessant stream of confirmations, of observations which "verified" the theories in question; and this
point was constantly emphasize by their adherents. A Marxist could not open a newspaper without finding on every page confirming evidence for his interpretation of history; not only in the news, but also in its presentation — which revealed the class bias of the paper — and especially of course what the paper did not say. The Freudian analysts emphasized that their theories were constantly verified by their "clinical observations." As for Adler, I was much impressed by a personal experience. Once, in 1919, I reported to him a case which to me did not seem particularly Adlerian, but which he found no difficulty in analyzing in terms of his theory of inferiority feelings, Although he had not even seen the child. Slightly shocked, I asked him how he could be so sure. "Because of my thousandfold experience," he replied; whereupon I could not help saying: "And with this new case, I suppose, your experience has become thousand-and-one-fold."
Ritchie Robertson wrote:Through many centuries, intolerance seemed a virtue. Commenting on the parable in which a wealthy man, whose guests have declined his invitation to a feast, orders his servants to collect people from the highways and byways and ‘compel them to come in’ (Luke 14:23), St Augustine declared that Christian rulers and magistrates should not persuade, but compel heretics to join the congregation of the faithful. ‘Let us come in, they say, of our own good will. This is not the Lord’s order, “Compel them,” saith he, “to come in.” Let compulsion be found outside, the will will arise within.’ Once heretics were safely within the Church, they would stop kicking and screaming and appreciate their good fortune. If people were in danger of damnation, it was a Christian duty to rescue them from the terrible consequences of error. To the officials of the Inquisition, eternal punishment was real, and in extreme cases they felt it their painful duty to inflict brief sufferings on the obdurate in order to save them from an eternity of torture.

Persecution from such charitable motives seemed a just and beneficent measure, quite different from the persecution that Christians had suffered from the pagan authorities. It was no kindness to indulge people in error that would lead to damnation. To force them into the true faith was real charity, and, since they would soon come to accept it voluntarily, this method could not really be called compulsion. Besides, it was not sufficient to hold one’s beliefs sincerely; they had also to be true beliefs, and in a Christian society truth was readily accessible. Those who denied it must be lazy and perverse, and since they were not suffering ‘for righteousness’ sake’ (Matt. 5:10), they were not really being persecuted and could not claim the moral dignity of martyrs.


Edward Stillingfleet, dean of St Paul’s, preached in 1680 ... ‘An universal Toleration is that Trojan Horse, which brings in our Enemies without being seen, and which after a long Siege they hope to bring in at last under the pretence of setting our Gates wide enough open, to let in all our Friends.'

Toleration was also considered wrong in principle, as it implied indifference to divine truth and disregard for ecclesiastical authority. To Edwards, sectarians who demanded toleration were merely seeking liberty to indulge their mistaken opinions by bringing forth ‘the monster of Toleration conceived in the wombe of the Sectaries long ago’.
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But that's none of my business...
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Volimar wrote:I don't care as much about a bank losing the money vs, say an individual, but he had to know it wasn't going to be that easy. If I found that kind of money I'd assume it was a sting or something.

I'd just have him pay it back over time, no need for prison over this imo.

Holy shit…
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:ol so we can say "die bitch" but nothing referencing his age?
All the wannabe communists and cooperative proponents ignoring this:

Quote:It turns out the bag, which Trumbull Police said was clearly marked with a bank's insignia and found outside the same bank, contained cash from the town's tax department.

But prison time is to much…
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(08-30-2023, 09:43 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Volimar wrote:I don't care as much about a bank losing the money vs, say an individual
Where does he think a bank gets money from? ???
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
The printer at the FED Subscribe to Info Wars!
3 users liked this post: jorma, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(08-30-2023, 04:20 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(08-30-2023, 12:27 AM)cRumB wrote:
Quote:This guy isn't just booked for stealing games, He had felony amounts of stolen property, misdemeanor amounts of drugs and stolen firearms. Felonies, plus drugs, plus guns add bonus time.

Or a short-lived job as a lobbyist for 'harm reduction'! 🤡
Slight correction, was fired from an LGBT lobbying group, still a board member for the harm reduction organization.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower

Quote:you love to see it, workers deserve everything

it's interesting timing here with all the tech threads on losing the battle for remote work - organizing like this is your only hope

support to all unions, except the class traitor cop ones


Good that there is support for unions, but people are going to be surprised when they are not the end of all the worker struggles... or act like Cop unions.
(08-27-2023, 12:46 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: For all of PoliEra's complaining about being the targets of unfair moderation, the poster who compared the mods to cops is still unbanned. That's a level of immunity not many communities have.

(08-30-2023, 06:25 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

banananahammock wrote:the universe where mitch shits himself and drops dead at the podium is beginning to coalesce and become more possible🤞🏻
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week) Inappropriate Ageist/Ableist Commentary; Ignoring Staff Post
Kensation wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: Oops%21%20I%20Crapped%20My%20Pants_4.jpg]
Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Concern trolling, account in junior phase
Wadatah wrote:
Funkelpop wrote:I dont think it’s performative… he’s just really really unwell. (Can I say old?)
No that's ageist and we cannot have that even when talking about someone who actively makes people's lives worse every day.

TaySan, post: 111270844, member: 50756 wrote:I’m working in produce and oftentimes i see people put their nasty hands in the grapes and eat a bunch and put it back as if nothing happened. Friendly reminder to always wash your grapes and produce before consumption. Smile

AuthenticM, post: 111270895, member: 1148 wrote:fuck that. Curbstomp them.

Derp Badass Derp
(08-30-2023, 11:58 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Quote:support to all unions, except the class traitor cop ones
Good, good, now extend your analysis to all public sector unions. Society
Quote:I've always wondered why people dislike unions in general. Most people that work at these huge companies hate the company they work for and know that the company is trying to fuck them over as much as possible pretty much all of the time. But they believe the company when they are told that unionizing will hurt workers, so they vote against unionizing.
Long story short: Milton Friedman and Ronald Reagan
Quote:Unions are absolutely essential in helping to close the wealth gap, simple as that. Reagan really set the country back, he’s the true root of the inequality mess.
What do these dudes think Reagan did? (And why did he win union members twice?) ???


A strong working class is exactly one of the things we need to combat fascism.
Someday these guys will check out who supported fascism in Europe.

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Racist Dog-Whistle
gdt wrote:
Lobster Roll wrote:Just more gun owner bullshit. People can't even go to sports games without getting shot.
Not quite.

Could be gang related stuff, this is Chicago.

Orrrrrr it could've dropped from the sky? Christ.
Assuming gangs equals minorities seem pretty racist to me.  Elon
Quote:It amazes me that people are still surprised at the prices hikes for successful subscription services as if it isn't the entire strategy behind the subscription model in the first place.

It's a shame the gaming community didn't have the same strong reaction to subscriptions charging for online play back in the early 00's that it had for other cash grabs like NFTs.
Except people did when Microsoft spiked Gold from 60 to 120.  Same day Microsoft decided not to do it.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Venice
(08-31-2023, 12:39 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:It's a shame the gaming community didn't have the same strong reaction to subscriptions charging for online play back in the early 00's that it had for other cash grabs like NFTs.
Why do people just make shit like this up?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
benji dateline='[url=tel:1693443262' wrote: 1693443262[/url]']
Taco Bell Tower dateline='[url=tel:1693442377' wrote: 1693442377[/url]']
Quote:It's a shame the gaming community didn't have the same strong reaction to subscriptions charging for online play back in the early 00's that it had for other cash grabs like NFTs.
Why do people just make shit like this up?

3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, benji
(08-30-2023, 06:07 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:Seeing so many people admire someone for dedicating a ton of their time solely towards trying to upset others helps explain why the gaming community is where it is.

I can feel how much she is enjoyed typing that while being aware of how nobody will call her out.

Kyuuji: Some dude spending one year of his life to troll Warcraft players = bad  maf

Also Kyuuji: Spending years and years and years of her own daily miserable life launching and maintaining hate campaigns against CD Projekt, J K Rowling and getting anyone and everyone banned for even mildly questioning trans-related issues = good  Smile  

(08-31-2023, 01:10 AM)Venice wrote: Kyuuji: Some dude spending one year of his life to troll Warcraft players = bad  maf

Also Kyuuji: Spending years and years and years of her own daily miserable life launching and maintaining hate campaigns against CD Projekt, J K Rowling and getting anyone and everyone banned for even mildly questioning trans-related issues = good  Smile  

2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Venice
Only 13 hours until glorious freakouts, meltdowns and tears
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(08-30-2023, 05:21 PM)Straight Edge wrote:

Quote:- When I took a photo of her and a character at Disney with her phone, I saw a weird notification appear on an app that initially looked like a dating app (not 100% sure) that showed a weird named male added her (something like <some quiet face emoji>HunkyHank <winky face>). I asked her about it, not accusing her of anything, but wanted an explanation. She mentioned she was looking to meet friends because she doesn't have anyone to hang out with outside of work and told me she'd uninstall it immediately. I told her that shouldn't be an issue and she can do that to meet friends, but she proceeded to uninstall the app anyway.

Angry Joe


The term cuck has lost most of its meaning but...
I swear he had his thread making privileges removed.  Royalan gave it back?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Hap Shaughnessy

Quote: Cop User Banned (permanent): troll account
singbald wrote:Since the assassination of Samuel Paty, reports of attacks on secularism within public schools have increased sharply. Among these violations, the proportion of those concerning "the wearing of signs and outfits not respecting the law of March 15, 2004" has exploded. These increases accelerated in 2022-2023.

Source: public session of the Senate (Upper House in France).

Atteinte au principe de laïcité dans les établissements scolaires 
[Extract :
This increase in the wearing of religious symbols and outfits is linked to the appearance of long black dresses (abayas), female clothing covering the entire body, with the exception of the head, feet and hands, qamis (or khamis, long male clothing) and bandanas intended to replace the wearing of the veil.
The circular of May 18, 2004 specifies that the law on the prohibition of religious signs in schools "is written in such a way as to be able to apply to all religions and in such a way as to respond to the appearance of new signs, or even to possible attempts to circumvent the law. …
"when the signs or outfits are not by nature signs of religious affiliation, but become so indirectly and obviously taking into account the student's desire to make them produce this meaning, with regard to his behavior. A sign or outfit which is not, strictly speaking, religious may thus be prohibited if it is worn to ostensibly demonstrate religious affiliation."

In Iran, Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan, women have a legal obligation to be covered from head to toe. The reasons are solely sexist and patriarchal: women are considered as tempting sexual objects of which men are victims. The "natural" culprits therefore have the obligation to hide themselves under a veil and loose clothing to hide their shapes. To legitimize this misogyny, the Islamists in power appeal to religion and integrate this obligation into Sharia law.

This "clothing police" punishes any ear, shoulder or lock of hair visible in public spaces in general. The motivations of these countries are discriminatory and misogynistic. Penalties for violations range from fines to prison and sometimes death. Thus, in Iran, young women free themselves from the veil at the risk of their lives.

The law of March 2004 in France prohibits "the wearing of signs or outfits by which students ostensibly demonstrate religious affiliation", only in schools, colleges and high schools. Public space in general is not affected. In addition, this only concerns public schools. Private schools can therefore authorize them. The objective of the law defending secularism is to preserve the freedom of conscience of all students, citizens under construction (people under 18 years old), and to prevent any penetration of religious and political propaganda into educational establishments. In France, public schools are considered to be places of extreme neutrality which must be particularly protected, because it concerns children, therefore vulnerable people.

Islamist influencers designate, on the one hand, "respectful and modest women" who decide to hide under the clothing they prescribe, and on the other hand, "immodest" those who do not. They promise the flames of hell for the recalcitrant and paradise for those who agree to submit, promoting patriarchal submission through the pride of displaying identity and betrayal through flying hair and/or bare arms through example. These influencers seek to export their retrograde conceptions to France through the school with the intermediary of proselytizing students.

The entourage of those concerned, including classmates, constitutes the field agents. And insidiously, young girls identified as "Muslim" will thus be ordered to show their solidarity with the offenders by also wearing a veil and/or an abaya, otherwise at the risk of being considered bad girl. In France, the legislator considers that this should not be permitted within public schools which must remain a neutral place protected from religious pressures.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC

Soap wrote:The internet makes people think they are smarter than they are because they find a community of perceived experts (and what I mean is just randoms online) that bolster their fantasy.

Reality os also boring and depressing. It seems easier to blame stuff on conspiratorial nonsense rather than accept our problems are hard to solve.

In the UK these people used to just lurch in the pubs and moan to each other but now they can reach out to entire society of drunken morons.
(08-31-2023, 01:59 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
I swear he had his thread making privileges removed.  Royalan gave it back?
Quote:I bought this maybe a week ago and put it in the freezer. Thawed it out yesterday and was just now about to cook it. But then I noticed....a small tear in the packaging.
Quote:No, throw it out Votes: 260 61.2%
Volimar wrote:The store might let you exchange it, but I wouldn't even bother.
Quote:Id toss it or go back and get it exchanged. A few bucks/time lost vs shitting up a storm or worse is an easy decision for me
Go back to the store, explain the situation and get a new one.
Quote:are you going to risk food poisoning over like 5 dollars
Holy shit how do these people survive.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
You're going to wash it before cooking anyway, it'll be fine.
Laughing Banana
Quote:They talked about providing quality, in the month when they give us SAINTS ROW...???????? While Gamepass give us STARFIELD????????
A Sony Pony 
Quote:Not everyone's cup of tea? I'd much rather play Saints Row than Starfield but I have no interest in either.
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, HaughtyFrank, Boredfrom
Quote:I can't personally comprehend being so callous and borderline-gleeful when bad people are in a bad state of health, but I guess we all have our own limits of compassion.
Quote:Usually has something to do with them being less able to enact harm when they're incapacitated or dead. We're in the middle of a rise of fascism with echoes to 1930s Germany and an ongoing genocide against trans people that has seen people fleeing states and denied life-saving healthcare.
As always, never showing proof of such a thing.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato
(08-31-2023, 12:06 AM)BIONIC wrote:

TaySan, post: 111270844, member: 50756 wrote:I’m working in produce and oftentimes i see people put their nasty hands in the grapes and eat a bunch and put it back as if nothing happened. Friendly reminder to always wash your grapes and produce before consumption. Smile

AuthenticM, post: 111270895, member: 1148 wrote:fuck that. Curbstomp them.

Derp Badass Derp

Correction. You're a shelf stacker.
(08-31-2023, 04:21 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:We're in the middle of a rise of fascism with echoes to 1930s Germany
I'm absolutely flabbergasted that this never gets questioned over there.

I can see the logic of the trans genocide claim which is why I accurately predicted it and mocked it a long time ago, but I can't get how this one slides past people other than not just knowing what happened in the potentially biggest politicocultural event for the West in the last century.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(08-31-2023, 01:59 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
I swear he had his thread making privileges removed.  Royalan gave it back?

Dude is raw fucking rent boys on the daily and he's worried about a rip in the packaging of minced meat?
Hopefully he washes the other meat too. Oh you!

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