Quote:shockingly this happened to me at my old apartment
a rodent started chewing through my bathroom wall
I called the landlord and three days later they finally looked into it and fixed the wall and put up sommit around my apartment to tell them to fuck off
(it was prob poison)
(Yesterday, 06:07 PM)killamajig wrote: Quote:shockingly this happened to me at my old apartment
a rodent started chewing through my bathroom wall
I called the landlord and three days later they finally looked into it and fixed the wall and put up sommit around my apartment to tell them to fuck off
(it was prob poison)
(Yesterday, 05:35 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: PES wrote:Also lol at the thinnest skinned moderator of all time, never fails to entertain
The thing he’s referring to?
b dubs wrote:"America deserved 9/11"? What in the flying fuck is wrong with some of you?
I like how the defence of that statement is "Oh, but thats what hasan said, and although he means it, its just a thing haters use against him"
Yesterday, 06:41 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 06:42 PM by benji.)
Doesn't most of that forum agree? Or is this just another instance of their Islamophobia and not caring about the oppressed striking back against their colonialist oppressors?
In fact, wasn't there a thread where they discussed this? That was full of people thinking Osama's complaint against America was about Israel?
(Yesterday, 05:33 PM)StandingOvation wrote: (Yesterday, 05:20 PM)Snoopy wrote: There must be a new toy coming out or something if Shreds is dusting off the ole suicide routine
I wonder if they got out of the house to watch Gundam GQuuuuuuX: Beginning 🤔
They either watched a bootleg or will wait a month to beg for cash to buy the Amazon stream.
Yesterday, 06:59 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 07:05 PM by benji.)
(Yesterday, 06:41 PM)benji wrote: In fact, wasn't there a thread where they discussed this? That was full of people thinking Osama's complaint against America was about Israel? Probably isn't this one, most people seem upset at Osama taking direct action against fascist oppressors:
Nepenthe wrote:Bin Laden, of all the fuckers, should not be relevant enough to warrant even an article on Yahoo in 2023 if America didn't do her absolute best to remain a plutocratic colonial power helping to wage a genocide against Muslims. We had all that time to learn, like, a single lesson. Now here we are with this bullshit. Nepenthe wrote:Teaching the uncritical history of a nation and their current wrongs has greater risks of promoting and inspiring revolutionary acts, which is, like, the last thing the people in charge want. What they want are media-illiterate worker bees, because that's how you ensure you get away with highway robbery within the nation and without. Hell, the fact that OBL might be some college student's first entry point with anti-capitalist and anti-colonial rhetoric is actually point in America's favor, because you can tie all of the theory to a dead theocratic terrorist which leads much easier to its wholesale dismissal. Even in this thread people are complaining about batshit progressives. The message is working as intended. Daphne wrote:Yes. America cannot learn a lesson about it because it can't be discussed honestly. It was an unjustifiable atrocity but if you attempt to explore reasons it happened beyond "Good US vs Evil Them", you'll be branded a terrorist sympathiser. Much like the current Gaza conflict. Nepenthe wrote:Oh it's definitely not sustainable. Even disregarding the inevitably of human development, at the current rate that wealth and capital accumulation is occurring at the top in the US, capitalism as we know it is absolutely on a timetable. What is happening was never going to last forever; the capitalists and class traitorous assholes insisting it would can at least take comfort in the fact that they'll likely die before the wall comes down. But again, if you are a politician or a capitalist, you are going to do your best to hold the line, and teaching the raw history of the United Fucking States is the equivalent of inting; you're ensuring you lose the game faster. Either we will go through a fascist overhaul and burn out, coming out as a former shell on the other side, or Democrats reform themselves into some actual fucking leftist opposition that stands on worker and minority rights unflinchingly. Because the moment a critical mass people starts experiencing food insecurity is the moment that the masses are coming for every politician, red and blue. And I'm hardly going to try and talk them out of it. Quote:This is really fishy. I wouldn't be surprised if this whole stunt is a psyop by zionists or the govt itself to get the US to ban TikTok after all the pro-palestine content that's gone viral.
Quote:Last GOP debate the candidates were calling for TT to get banned for "intentionally" pushing "pro-hamas" content on kids. I can absolutely see this bin laden stunt as a way to poison the discourse and flair up calls to ban the app even moreso
Quote:Quote:Imagine our society being so broken that people are handing it to OBL/UBL.
I would be surprised if that's what's happening with these people. It seems more like people are shocked that he's not a xenomorph and actually had views on western economies and Israeli occupation. And shocked that there would be similarities between some of his views and some of their own on these subjects. Particularly given these people would (and I'm guessing a bit here) have grown up with the view that the man just wanted to murder Americans for fun. I would be very surprised if any of them agree that American civilians deserved to pay for the situation in the middle east with their blood. I expect it's more of the recent realisation amongst young people that terrorist acts are not spontaneous events and by definition they have political aims.
Quote:Older people get mad at young people learning more about someone who older people only taught as being the devil incarnate and nothing more.
It's not surprising that young people are surprise to find out Bin Laden was more of a natural product of America's colonialism than a random violent force.
Of course anyone fully supporting the letter is bananas because there is some heinous shit in there. But America can use more self-reflection that's not conflict is good vs evil. Given that the latest complicated geo-politics event some people really want to push it as good vs evil I'm not sure if these are the people I'm worried about.
krazen wrote:As authoritarian murderers as they are, even Putin and Ji's takes on America are not rocket science. It says less about Bin Laden being astute and more about how brainwashed we are as Americans to how this country functions. It's the joke of how Bruce Springsteen and Rage Against the Machine are super popular with people who never actually listened to the lyrics, lol.
Sad thing is all those Tik Toker's will sell the fuck out the first chance they get and blame these 'truths' as youthful indiscretion. Quote:I think the thing that scares the establishment is that often the enemy can have rational (at least to them) ideologies. They can be abhorrent and wrong, but it's why they are able to organize in the first place.
But they've created such a vacuum of trust in institutions that an Oxford educated ideologue can say "American tax payers fund bombs that kill people" and someone can go, "Oh wow, he has a point". Just look at the western response to the genocide in Gaza, funded and supplied by America, and someone who already mistrusts institutions will in fact follow the dril post.
Nepenthe wrote:I mean, people's lack of scientific and media literacy is primarily the fault of our public and higher education systems breaking down in numerous ways, many of which were deliberately done by politicians and corporations who balk at an educated populace for the reasons I already described earlier. Get rid of the Internet and you only slow down the ideological evolution. Quote:Quote:Lately, with the conflict between Israel and Palestine, I am seeing a lot of hatred towards the USA on social networks.
As is only right, the amount of damage this country has inflicted throughout the world is enormous
Nepenthe wrote:Oh I know why literacy rates have fallen recently, but Americans' relationship with literacy, education, and conspiracism has always been tenuous and whitewashed because the reality of the matter is fundamentally against the political and economic interests of the United States. It is literally better for politicians to make sure we are, at max, only as smart as is necessary to fulfill the functions of capitalism and be unable to question and thus fight Western hegemony. You only start getting a more accurate historical education in college, and even then that's dependent upon your privileges to even get to college and interests in the subject. Most folks, even leftists, know fuck all about the Global South, and that isn't a new development from the pandemic. That's by design of this country. Quote:I agree.
Maybe, just maybe you should listen to your enemies when they tell you why the fuck they hate you with a passion.
Instead of most americans just thinking us brown people are just barbaric and hate american freedom.
Just look at what is happening in Palestine today.
I noticed that B-Dubs pushed back against other conspiracy theories in this thread but not Nepenthe's where the government spending more on education than ever as more people go to college than ever is part of a capitalist plot to make people stupider so as to hold off capitalisms inevitable collapse due to food scarcity. (As Americans get fatter than ever.)
edit: Wait, this thread is from 2023. I was remembering one that seemed to be from last year and was full of more HamasEra plus "TikTok is being shut down for opposing Zionism" talk.
(Yesterday, 05:51 PM)benji wrote: (Yesterday, 05:36 PM)Polident wrote: Guys with rich parents, I presume? But there's also guys like Freddie deBoer, who sees through so much bullshit especially the self-serving kind, but then he's a Marxist who thinks gender identity is legit and refuses to hear criticism about either.
One of his nieces/nephews was Transed. If he admitted gender identity was ridiculous he'd have to come to terms with what has been done to a child be cares about.
Whenever you see somebody or some organization be hardline for trans for baffling reasons odds are someone's transed a kid they're close to or even the parent of.
(Yesterday, 02:57 PM)Jansen wrote: ![[Image: Screenshot-20250309-100028-Chrome.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/jvKQ19Jh/Screenshot-20250309-100028-Chrome.jpg)
![[Image: Screenshot-20250309-095605-Chrome.jpg]](https://i.ibb.co/JRz6n8BP/Screenshot-20250309-095605-Chrome.jpg)
Do it
New Gundam figure just released?
Knife so sharp time?
(Yesterday, 04:12 PM)benji wrote: (Yesterday, 01:46 PM)Eric Cartman wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/did-you-guys-catch-hasan-on-theo-von-theo-von-didnt-know-what-the-new-deal-was.1129338/#post-136785030 wrote:Yeah most of these dumb fucks don't have the intellectual curiosity to read about shit, so their opinion just becomes whatever they hear the most/whatever the last person they talked to said. This makes it really easy for them to just become right wing by default. It's a lot less effort to tell someone everything sucks cuz some evil shadowy cabal hates you, than it is to sit somebody down and explain to them economic theory and give them a history lesson on the New Deal. They stop listening before you finish saying the word economic. Also, this part is amusing because Marxist/socialist theory is premised on there being an evil shadowy cabal behind everything and that loyalty to this cabal trumps everything including capitalist economics.
This is what explains the disconnect between socialists who believe they aren't totalitarian and are actually arguing against it as they argue for a complete totalitarian system. They never examine the premise that explains there is an evil class that will do anything to harm everyone else by denying them utopia. It's the need to stamp out this class, and its sympathizers, that ratchets only in one direction.
They claim this is a "right-wing" trait because they all adopted the opinion that "left = good" and "right = bad" and what is actually being advocated is irrelevant, what matters is your "position" on a spectrum that doesn't make any sense and this somehow makes the "left" ratchet immune from criticism. It's much simpler to notice that both Marxism and MAGA are reactionary.
So what you're saying is Marx also had to beg for food to survive on the Victorian-era equivalent of Twitter?
MisterSnrub wrote:y'all have the worst fucking country i swear
sure, other countries might be less advanced, have comparatively fewer rights (right now), but relative to what you're capable of in the short to medium term - god fucking damn what an embarrassment
“Sure, you guys don’t get kidnapped, raped and killed for posting an internet meme but… what I was saying again?”
“Anyway, you guys have clean water in most of the country but…”
But your titties don't make milk...
(Yesterday, 05:51 PM)benji wrote: (Yesterday, 05:36 PM)Polident wrote: Guys with rich parents, I presume? To be fair, they are mostly professors of some kind. PoliSci professors being Marxists seems normal to me but I'm always amused at History professors being them. (Maybe they just enjoy trying to salvage it over and over from actual history?) But there's also guys like Freddie deBoer, who sees through so much bullshit especially the self-serving kind, but then he's a Marxist who thinks gender identity is legit and refuses to hear criticism about either. Although I did notice in one of his columns last year that he seemed to make a distinction between economics and the truth of Marxism, most of his readers wouldn't notice but I imagine he's trying to salvage the "class conflict" theory of history and discard the rest. But this isn't Marxism. Also, it shouldn't take long for anyone to read Freddie and realize that he rejects the idea of the proletariat as the main actor of history OR he defines proletariat so broadly as to always include 99% of people even if they aren't manual laborers. Which again, isn't Marxism. I don't think this is actually unusual for most "socialists" these days, remember Occupy's messaging and how it mirrored the Tea Party and then MAGA.
There are two types of modern Marxists:
- Those who crave authoritarian power over others (Nep)
- Those who don't want to work but expect others to labour to provide them with everything they want (Melody)
BIONIC or somebody with an account that has access please check constructive 🙏
Yesterday, 09:08 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 09:10 PM by benji.)
Only one post about Lady Gaga (that he also posted on Twitter) on Bluesky in the last six days but he's still mansplaining to women at the Nazi bar:
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
Baphomet and Vaenyr banned. Can't see the reason
Yesterday, 09:33 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 09:34 PM by Alpacx.)
(Yesterday, 09:10 PM)killamajig wrote: Baphomet and Vaenyr banned. Can't see the reason 
Obvious it's for this
And This
Yesterday, 09:34 PM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 09:35 PM by killamajig.)
Fudgepacker with the update:
Fudgepuppy wrote:I'm on Season 4, and am I alone in thinking Betty is the worst person of them all? Almost all of them do and say shitty things, with Peggy definitely being the smallest offender, but Betty is vindictive, childish, immature, and just mean. Don was abusive towards her, for sure, but Betty just keeps on being a person with basically no redeeming qualities, long after they divorce.
The replies should be good
Quote:And it's why I keep telling people that Puerto Rico should be independent and not vote for statehood
Quote:Gringoes always ruin everything.
I'm sure a least 3 mods signed off on thoses bans
“Despite being an atrocity, the X is a direct consequence of the Z politics and interference.”
Have fun.
over here on the bire you can say America deserved 9/11 no cap and not get banned.
(Yesterday, 09:59 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: over here on the bire you can say America deserved 9/11 no cap and not get banned. 
But then how I m going to get to act victimized?
“You are from New York, BDumbs? Who the fuck cares, ban me!!!”
I like how they know how the forum operates but their encouraged this behavior for years.
Betty is a sad story. She's the best educated main character in the entire show, she's the best looking person in the entire world and she's genuienly nice and sweet. But she's also a giant child and Don's bullshit ruins her. You can't blame her for being grumpy when she's the mother of satan (bobby draper).
(Yesterday, 09:37 PM)killamajig wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/puerto-rico-is-dying-heres-why.1129113/#post-136788384
Quote:And it's why I keep telling people that Puerto Rico should be independent and not vote for statehood
Quote:Gringoes always ruin everything. Dumb Latinx don't know what's good for them:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Puerto_Rican_status_referendum wrote:Statehood 58.61%
Free association 29.57%
Independence 11.82%
Zeo, do you have any comment?
Marvel is in DC territory now
Week to week drop is getting less each week.
this just in: the left doesn't understand how the right is capable of having fun
Quote:Wait, Who Is Posting Those Unflattering J. D. Vance Memes?
The online right is trolling one of its own.
By Ali Breland
J. D. Vance doesn’t look like himself. In recent days, memes have spread across social media in which the vice president’s face has been Photoshopped to give him cartoonishly chubby cheeks. He looks like a bearded baby or Humpty Dumpty. Sometimes, he is holding a lollipop and wearing a child’s baseball cap with a propeller affixed to the top. One meme takes his edited baby face and adds lusciously curly locks, while another changes his skin tone to a gentle purple hue, making him look like a Willy Wonka–inspired human blueberry. In every image, Vance has been reanimated as an utter doofus.
Quote:Of course, people love making memes that portray their political adversaries as hapless and incompetent. That’s not exactly what’s happening with these images of Vance. The memes are going viral on the left-wing internet. But they are equally, if not more, popular on the right. Explicitly pro-Trump accounts on X that otherwise spend their time bashing liberals are posting embarrassing memes of their party’s second in command.
No, the right doesn’t appear to be posting unflattering memes of Vance because it has turned on him. As I wrote when Vance joined the Republican ticket, he uniquely appeals to various factions across the party. The online right, in particular, has long appreciated Vance’s recognition of it (he follows some of its most prominent accounts on X, such as Bronze Age Pervert).
So why is the right willing to make fun of one of its own with memes? One user on X who goes by the name Aelfred the Great and frequently shares right-wing memes has been posting and reposting the unflattering viral images of the vice president. “They’re just funny,” he told me when I asked him about them. For what it’s worth, Vance seems to agree, or at least says he does. On Thursday, he told a reporter for The Blaze that he thinks the memes are “funny.” Others on the right swear that by posting images of Vance as a man-baby, they’re actually helping him. “The right is having so much fun roasting Vance’s baby fat that it’s just completely neutered the left’s capacity to make fun of him,” one right-wing account, @martianwyrdlord, wrote in a post that garnered about 22,000 likes on X. “This feels like a precursor to Vance’s inevitable presidency,” Auron MacIntyre, a prominent MAGA influencer, posted. “He will have been so thoroughly memed that he becomes immune to the effect before ever entering office.”
Quote:Both the Biden and Harris memes eventually made their way to Democrats, who tried to lean in to the jokes. [...] In both instances, it felt like Democrats could take a joke and even spin it around to their favor. In the end, this tactic did not work out. Biden’s age caught up with him, and Harris’s folksy awkwardness didn’t seem to charm voters.
The Vance memes might work against the vice president even more. There is no silver lining to looking like a doofus.
![[Image: i6T5FYd.png]](https://i.imgur.com/i6T5FYd.png)
"nooooo you can't have fun laughing and meming!! don't you see you're hurting yourselves?! you need to stop because you're hurting yourselves! why won't you stop?!"