Journal of Other Forum Analysis (Volume II, Issue 1)
Man, that forum sure is a mess. Cerium is is going to have a lot of work to do when he wakes up.
(03-16-2025, 03:25 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(03-16-2025, 02:20 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
killamajig dateline='[url=tel:1742133679' wrote: 1742133679[/url]']

quote from the article...
should be a good one to watch

What a surprise. The article’s headline itself misses the entire point this survey shows. Not that feminism has ‘gone too far’ but that men have been left behind. The harping about the negative view towards stay-at-home dads, well no shit. We just went through 30 years of watching feminism deride stay-at-home moms, that women deserve more than to be raising children, and that to be a progressive actualized woman you need a career. WHEREEVER could have man gotten the idea that staying at home and raising children was not respectable or a worthy occupation in their lives.

And even in the first goddamn question of the survey that is supposed to highlight these bigoted Gen Z’ers:

Quote:A survey of more than 24,000 people across 30 countries revealed 57% of Gen Z men felt their nation had "gone so far in promoting women's equality that we are discriminating against men."

Question specifically brings in how it is affecting men, not about how ‘uppity’ woman are. And the second question restates this very point even more clearly:

Quote:Six in 10 Gen Z men also said they were being asked to do too much to support women

But the Left being the Left, they’ll ignore their role in pushing young men to the extreme right and disenfranchising them and instead throw all the blame on ‘toxic masculinity’ even ignoring how they will partake of that same toxicity when it benefits their goals.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.

Spoiler:  (click to show)

uh, well ackshually wrote:This is about men being unwilling to have any fucking empathy.


Oh, well... how can I ignore that bulletproof argument?

In the interim, this sane poster is being gangpiled:

Quote:With all due respect, you were responding to a comment I made that was quite clear in the remit it was discussing, and was based solely on the context of the OP that I quoted.

However, if we want to get into why people are being radicalised, we shouldn't ignore that progressive spaces can be outright hostile to social segments considered to be privileged. Why should we expect young men to want to be a part of community where people can say what they want about them without any consideration regarding the harm of generalisations? If we're to approach truly intersectional equality, then we can't have double standards regarding the emotions of the individual.

We're shown time and time again that a large portion of what we attribute as privilege is more closely tied to class than anything else, and yet progressive outreach to low income and socioeconomic background men is consistently done from a place of pure reluctance, when it happens at all. We've feathered and tarred so many advocates for the actual issues men have that there are few progressives that feel comfortable sticking their neck out to help with things like men's loneliness, the struggles boys have with school, or the disparity between how men and women are treated by the law.

Like, put yourself in the shoes of a fourteen year old boy that's just been told that most women would rather be alone with a bear than a man. Anyone with a shred of empathy can understand exactly how the right-wing pipeline is functioning. We're the ones doing the excluding. Right wing radicalising bastards are just picking up the leftovers.
(03-16-2025, 04:25 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
OP wrote:I had been listening to their Saturday roundtable this morning.

Even with the commentators agreeing that Mahmoud Khalil's arrest is illegal, that Khalil's rights are being violated, pointing out how he hasn't been charged with a crime, that this is a trampling of the Constitution, that this is a dangerous segue into authoritarianism, they still couldn't help themselves but to point out how "evil" Khalil is, how "abhorrent" his views are, his "hatred" of Jews, how CUAD is an evil organization, and repeating the claim that he wants "the West to be slaughtered", while asking why he came to America if he wants the West to die.

Basically doing the exact same thing Chuck Schumer did earlier this week.

They're basically buying wholesale into the smear from the Trump admin that this person is an antisemite and that he was a supporter of Hamas, claims that the Trump admin themselves have still up till now failed to substantiate.

They even compared him to the KKK and neo-nazis to point out how those groups still have their rights to say what they say without pushback from the government.

Ironically, an interview from CNN last year has him displaying the OPPOSITE of these sorts of views:

If Khalil manages to get out of this mess, he definitely needs to launch a suit against both the government and media companies for smearing/libel.
Quote:There are no left-leaning news outlets in America. There are far right and slightly right. MSNBC is maybe the best we've got and even that one is at the very most center.
Quote:America is absolutely fucked as long as people let shit like this slide on a daily basis.
Quote:If somehow the courts manage to stop the deportation, I hope Mahmoud takes CNN and others all to the fucking cleaners for defamation
Quote:The so-called "liberal media" are dead, and have been dying ever since wealthy corporate interests were given the green light to start buying up media organizations during the 90s.
Quote:As others have pointed out. This is not a Trump talking point. It's a Zionist talking point and they have funding/ political sway on both sides of the line.
Booshka wrote:Yep, Zionists will equate you with the KKK when you criticize apartheid, it's hasbara trash that is heavily funded and pushed to both parties.
Quote:I've been saying this since the early 2000s. No pushback from any media, including CNN, over anything the Bush admin did. Particularly in regards to war and CNN also actively courted anti-Muslim rhetoric by giving Glenn Beck a job for years and they allowed that insane birther Lou Dobbs an hour on a primetime spot to rant.

Its always been the same company and they should have gone under decades ago.
1. This is not remotely defamation or libel.
2. All these were owned by "wealthy corporate interests" well before the 1990's and most haven't even changed owners.
3. Glenn Beck was not on CNN, he was on Headline News for like a year and a half, nor was his rhetoric on there approaching anything like he would become on Fox (in fact this is why Fox poached him) and Lou Dobbs was fired from CNN for his birther and anti-Latinx comments setting him up for his job at Fox.
4. Seeing some conspiracy theories on a forum that doesn't allow members to post them.
Bit weird a forum that sees dog whistles everywhere can't notice how talking about a (((zionist))) cabal that secretly control all media and political parties comes across, innit?

[Image: g080E24.png]
You know those wealthy corporate interests that own the media there's nothing they love for deciding their coverage like a few thousand Zionist dollars paid to politicians who support Israel. huh
I believe the correct 'leftist' approved term is 'shekels' Snob
Aerie’s rise to season regular has been so wholesome to see uguu

aerie, post: 137004663, member: 4112 wrote:I'm not saying this to joke or make light of the situation, but it's amazing how the Star Wars prequel trilogy was a lesson in this type of rise of fascism, hate, fear, and a lust for power by the most terrible people out there. Shame right wingers don't have any media literacy.

aerie, post: 137006280, member: 4112 wrote:Oh, I don't think many people think Kendrick is some perfect person or anything like that, I understand his flaws. Tupac has always been an inspiration for me, and he had some deep flaws and serious issues.

Kendrick is an incredible artist, and it's not me separating the art from the artist, it's me accepting that he's flawed and will fuck up, and not everything will be ideal.

I'm flawed too.

aerie, post: 137068641, member: 4112 wrote:This is of course anecdotal, and not the sign of some big trend, but I have a friend whose parents are unbelievably right-wing. Like they just sit in their chairs watching Fox News all day every day, and they're miserable, hateful people. Their brains are cooked, you can't have conversation with them about anything political, as it's clear they don't understand the issues and are fed so much hate and propaganda. When I saw them a couple of days ago (my friend has health issues so her parents are around quite a bit, which I will say that is lovely), they told us they were voting for the Liberal party for the first time in their lives, and that they can't stand little PP.

I was really quite shocked. It's not that they've seen the light and woken up from the right wing propaganda machine, but it's something certainly notable.

aerie, post: 137096394, member: 4112 wrote:Oh god no, not all. I wouldn't, but not because I don't want to interact with them, I just value my privacy.

aerie, post: 137096535, member: 4112 wrote:Social media and it's monetized hate have played a big part in the ruin of western society. Weak arguments that support discrimination that don't hold up to reason or critical thinking, but are easy to believe if you're not really thinking for yourself, praying off peoples prejudice and justifying it and building it up. Prejudice does not come from a place of truth, and so many folks do not understand that, and lean into it when it's forced down their throats through algorithms and for-profit hate. It's all justifying prejudice, which means it's justifying something that isn't true or real, even if it's something you think is.

Like that's all the anti-woke movement is, for-profit hatred towards minorities and women, trying to censor, control, and erase them from media. Freedom of speech for me, not for thee.

I know terminally online weirdos love to browse this site, so let me ask you this; if the woke games list says so many games from the 90s and 00s were woke, why is it a problem now, when it wasn't a problem before? If your answer is something along the lines of "it's gone too far," then that's nonsense, because the argument of why we support positive and accurate representation of various groups (including you) hasn't changed. Your argument comes from a place of prejudice and bigotry, not truth or reason, or even kindness, decency, or respect.

Your own worst enemy is you, not women or whatever minority group is the target of the year, work on yourself, bring yourself up, don't push others down. Move on and let go of hate, I promise you will feel free and healthier, happier, and you will see the world clearer. You will be more attractive as a partner to women. I know this is difficult to do, but there is a warm light and truth at the end of that tunnel.

aerie, post: 137099301, member: 4112 wrote:This is off topic, but I'm just posting it to give you folks a bit of a laugh. Every time I see the word "mods" in a title, my eyes just focus on that before the rest and my instant thought goes to "Oh god what did we fuck up this time?" and I get a surge of anxiety. I know, it's really silly, but i thought you'd all find it funny.

Also mods can't fix Starfield.

Also also Dragonage Veilgauard is way better then Starfield, don't @ me.
(03-16-2025, 05:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:
aerie, post: 137096535, member: 4112 wrote:Social media and it's monetized hate have played a big part in the ruin of western society. Weak arguments that support discrimination that don't hold up to reason or critical thinking, but are easy to believe if you're not really thinking for yourself, praying off peoples prejudice and justifying it and building it up. Prejudice does not come from a place of truth, and so many folks do not understand that, and lean into it when it's forced down their throats through algorithms and for-profit hate. It's all justifying prejudice, which means it's justifying something that isn't true or real, even if it's something you think is.

Like that's all the anti-woke movement is, for-profit hatred towards minorities and women, trying to censor, control, and erase them from media. Freedom of speech for me, not for thee.

I know terminally online weirdos love to browse this site, so let me ask you this; if the woke games list says so many games from the 90s and 00s were woke, why is it a problem now, when it wasn't a problem before? If your answer is something along the lines of "it's gone too far," then that's nonsense, because the argument of why we support positive and accurate representation of various groups (including you) hasn't changed. Your argument comes from a place of prejudice and bigotry, not truth or reason, or even kindness, decency, or respect.

Your own worst enemy is you, not women or whatever minority group is the target of the year, work on yourself, bring yourself up, don't push others down. Move on and let go of hate, I promise you will feel free and healthier, happier, and you will see the world clearer. You will be more attractive as a partner to women. I know this is difficult to do, but there is a warm light and truth at the end of that tunnel.

Well I for one when I see eras weekly suicidal ideation thread think: "Wow. These people really are feeling free, healthier, happier, and really see the world clearly"
(03-16-2025, 05:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:
aerie, post: 137004663, member: 4112 wrote:I'm not saying this to joke or make light of the situation, but it's amazing how the Star Wars prequel trilogy was a lesson in this type of rise of fascism, hate, fear, and a lust for power by the most terrible people out there. Shame right wingers don't have any media literacy.
Man, I really tried to do one of those Society questions I do about the actual events of the prequels but I'm struggling too hard to get over this one. omfg

Spare a thought for excel. They're working extra hard to bait someone into a ban but so far they've been ignored

Feels bad, man
(03-16-2025, 05:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:
aerie, post: 137096535, member: 4112 wrote:Social media and it's monetized hate have played a big part in the ruin of western society. Weak arguments that support discrimination that don't hold up to reason or critical thinking, but are easy to believe if you're not really thinking for yourself, praying off peoples prejudice and justifying it and building it up. Prejudice does not come from a place of truth, and so many folks do not understand that, and lean into it when it's forced down their throats through algorithms and for-profit hate. It's all justifying prejudice, which means it's justifying something that isn't true or real, even if it's something you think is.
I've seen Roman statue avatars saying this same thing on Twitter for years.
(03-16-2025, 03:39 PM)benji wrote: I don't think they're saying to bottle up his emotions they're saying to not be so stupid over an event that didn't even involve him and definitely didn't include him "being a strong leader, standing up for others, standing against intolerance" but instead turning away and then crying for an hour by himself thinking about the dog and not his wife or child. His OP put more focus on the dog yelping from being kicked away and how it was digging into his mind and making him cry and be scared.

Because I want to emphasize it, aerie made a whole long list of what it means to be a man, which this dude didn't do any of and instead selfishly focused on himself and then went to his hugbox forum to get approval for his selfish focus. So I just had to take aerie's list to show this dude wasn't being a man.

The study is fun

[Image: v2iwdsocialthread-slide7.x5c85700b.png?f=webp]
(03-16-2025, 05:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:
aerie, post: 137096535, member: 4112 wrote:I know terminally online weirdos love to browse this site, so let me ask you this; if the woke games list says so many games from the 90s and 00s were woke, why is it a problem now, when it wasn't a problem before? If your answer is something along the lines of "it's gone too far," then that's nonsense, because the argument of why we support positive and accurate representation of various groups (including you) hasn't changed. Your argument comes from a place of prejudice and bigotry, not truth or reason, or even kindness, decency, or respect.

See, this is the kind of stuff that's just flat out untrue and all the weirder because they seemingly pay a lot of attention to the evil chuds. If you actually pay attention to the anti-woke crowd you'll notice how they'll always praise games from the 90s and 00s. If there are any who call those games woke they're a tiny tiny number.

Next, to claim that the politics in these games have always been the same is just not true either. To argue that these two pictures are exactly the same is just plain gaslighting

[Image: NmjIysN.png]

[Image: 8vgnyv7.png]

That's generally the big problem with that whole Gen-Z men thread, there's no genuine effort to actually understand the other side. The same can certainly be said for the right wingers too but RE after all keeps acting like they're above all that with their moral righteousness.
(03-16-2025, 04:25 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Is about that fucking protester. omfg 

No retards, people don’t need to like the dude to defend him. You are just doing the same shit that you bitch about the Fox News audience.

Quote:This is not the Trump camp alone.
Liberals are largely Zionist trash.

How do you even position yourself as “better as Trump” with this shit?

Quote:Even with the commentators agreeing that Mahmoud Khalil's arrest is illegal, that Khalil's rights are being violated, pointing out how he hasn't been charged with a crime, that this is a trampling of the Constitution, that this is a dangerous segue into authoritarianism, they still couldn't help themselves but to point out how "evil" Khalil is, how "abhorrent" his views are, his "hatred" of Jews, how CUAD is an evil organization, and repeating the claim that he wants "the West to be slaughtered", while asking why he came to America if he wants the West to die.

They literally cannot comprehend that a person could be a vile racist yet people people will decry his civil rights taken away.  

This guy is being deported for his opinions.  That's wrong.
This guy is also a racist. That's wrong. 
Wait, how can both be wrong.  Clearly one is false.
Cognitive Dissonance activate.  He must be a heroic champion and leader of the people.  Perfect in every way.  

[Image: kxKkzv.gif]
(03-16-2025, 05:57 PM)Polident wrote: The study is fun

[Image: v2iwdsocialthread-slide7.x5c85700b.png?f=webp]

That's like, their culture you colonist. 


That's only because of colonization.  They were a peaceful Na'vi people before we showed up.
Damn Poland, what's your secret
3 users liked this post: Uncle, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(03-16-2025, 05:31 PM)benji wrote:
(03-16-2025, 05:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:
aerie, post: 137096535, member: 4112 wrote:Social media and it's monetized hate have played a big part in the ruin of western society. Weak arguments that support discrimination that don't hold up to reason or critical thinking, but are easy to believe if you're not really thinking for yourself, praying off peoples prejudice and justifying it and building it up. Prejudice does not come from a place of truth, and so many folks do not understand that, and lean into it when it's forced down their throats through algorithms and for-profit hate. It's all justifying prejudice, which means it's justifying something that isn't true or real, even if it's something you think is.
I've seen Roman statue avatars saying this same thing on Twitter for years.

Another one for the horseshoe pile.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
I would say "no" to that survey and can't see how 58% of Americans think there's great or even some tension between the sexes. Because, like, there's not. I know there's all the "womens march" and abortion stuff but that's not tension between the sexes, that's tension between different views, the different views are still gender balanced. There's this idea that anti-abortion is all men being men but the anti-abortion movement is dominated by women, so how could the abortion disagreement be a tension between the sexes? It can't be unless you ignore the actual positions. Men aren't more anti-abortion, they're split and this makes complete sense if you realize why would men be against abortion when they get no strings sex from it and lots of men favor that far more than they would "controlling" women by having kids with them. Abortion is something that happens to women so of course they're going to have stronger views on it than men, which means anti AND pro will both be stronger than any position among men. And this is what the polling constantly shows, you have a third hardline pro-choice, a third hardline pro-life and a third compromise to the right of the left position. Men don't split like this, they do a cleaner 50/50 because they don't really give a shit about the specifics, it's an abstract consideration, women do care about those.

Similar thing is college, it's 60% women now. Yet all we hear about is how it's male dominated even though it's not. Certain fields are and they're male dominated because there's no women in them at all. That's not "tensions" between the sexes, the tensions are created because everyone is demanding every field be 60% women even if there's no women in them. The tension is being created by weirdos in the first place.

I don't even know what other "tensions" people would be thinking of, these are like all the examples I ever hear. Well, other than that right-wing fascist stuff about women's sports when everybody knows women's sports were created because men were fragile and didn't want to lose to women.
I've seen a few online comments that the reason Trump got office (twice! lol ) was because its still better than a woman in charge, even though the obvious counterpoint is which specific women were on offer.

We don't have that problem here, because 2 of the biggest heroes to our gammon flag-shaggers are Queen Liz and Maggie Thatcher
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower

4 users liked this post: Uncle, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
(03-16-2025, 01:43 PM)killamajig wrote:
(03-16-2025, 01:07 PM)Nintex wrote: Bill Burr could actually be the 'left wing' Joe Rogan if they weren't so picky and soy.

If he wasn't a white man they would be sucking his cock so hard. They even give him the side eye for marrying a progresive black woman ??? And he was in a Disney show. ??? 

It goes to show if you're a straight white man, it doesn't matter how much you ally yourself; it's still not enough.

As I've said, they don't want equality; they want revenge. Revenge on people who didn't do anything to them except being born a straight white man. Which sounds kind of racist to me, but what do I know, I'm a straight white man.

Being honest, they don't even like the gay white men much either...
(03-16-2025, 03:32 PM)BIONIC wrote:
dd533, post: 137074263, member: 9587 wrote:I can't comment on your situations specifically, but this forums definitely feels a lot more mean than I remember it being in the past.

Sure, you always had people getting into heated arguments over stuff that doesn't matter and things like that, which sucks but at least I understand why people do it. But lately it feels like we get way more comments that aren't even posted to argue, they're just posted to make other people feel awful.

This thread is a good recent example. OP posts a personal situation that stressed him out and made him emotional, and some of the responses are just "you need to go to therapy and also your wife should divorce you".

Kyle Cross, post: 137086428, member: 5544 wrote:Jesus, a lot of the responses in that thread. So much "Be a real man!" energy focused in one spot.

aerie (Admin), post: 137098773, member: 4112 wrote:I can't stand that attitude. Being a man, to me, means being a strong leader (if you can be), standing up for others, especially those who are vulnerable, standing against oppression, bigotry, intolerance, and especially fascism. It means processing your emotions, being vulnerable when needed, and not bottling everything up turning into anger and bitterness. It means being comfortable and strong enough to cry,  showing emotion, and you will always feel better and clearer after.  It means treating people with kindness, love, respect, and tolerance. It means learning about people different than you, their wants, their needs, their rights. It takes strength to do all these things. "This is how I fight."

Bottling up emotions isn't being a man, it's being a coward, and it's self-destructive turning you into a bitter mess. It's being too scared to express how you feel, and of how other weak men perceive you.

No one told the OP that, just go to therapy  Not like this!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
(03-16-2025, 02:01 PM)killamajig wrote:

quote from the article...
Quote:Men across the world feel they are being asked to do too much to support women, despite the fact that they directly benefit from women's prosperity.

A survey of more than 24,000 people across 30 countries revealed 57% of Gen Z men felt their nation had "gone so far in promoting women's equality that we are discriminating against men."

Six in 10 Gen Z men also said they were being asked to do too much to support women, with 28% adding that a father who stayed home to look after his children is less of a man than those who went to work.

Across the board, Gen Z had more extreme views on their role in creating an equal society than any other generation. For example, only 12% of baby boomers agreed with the statement that fathers staying home meant they were less of a man.

Likewise, under half of boomer men (43%) told the study—carried out by Ipsos UK and the Global Institute for Women's Leadership at King's College London—that they were being asked to do too much to support equality.

Strangely, Gen Z men were more likely to describe themselves as feminists than other generations with 32% agreeing with the statement. Likewise 32% of millennial men said they were feminist, compared to 29% of Gen X men and 28% of baby boomers.

Overall, however, 62% of men across countries including the U.S., Australia, Great Britain, Canada, and Japan said that achieving gender equality is of personal importance to them."Despite the divisive headlines, our survey highlights that most people—including men—still agree that achieving gender equality…is important to them personally. Many problems we face are shared, and all genders can and should come together to address the challenges we face as a society, as only by uniting our efforts can we meet them."
should be a good one to watch

These people have to admit at some point that gender equality is not a realistic goal.

Women should have equality of opportunity. Fighting for equality of outcome is where these idiots have misunderstood their own goals.

My own current workplace is 85% women and no one sees a problem with that. If it was 85% men, people would be asking questions. 

At some point we have to admit that we have almost removed every barrier that women face in life. They have unrestricted access to university, they can apprentice in any trade, they can sit on boards and we don't even make them give up work when they get married any more.

What we shouldn't do is promote people into roles they are unqualified for or disadvantage people because of their gender. We currently do both. I'll let you work out which gender gets which treatment.
(03-16-2025, 05:12 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Quote:I know terminally online weirdos love to browse this site
She's talking about the whole Ree site
3 users liked this post: Mediocre Lager, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato
(03-16-2025, 06:16 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Damn Poland, what's your secret

Slap the shit out of your woman and then go get drunk with your mates. It's Polish culture.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(03-16-2025, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote:
Comics Enabler & Freelance Games Journalist
Quote:Texas writes a bill that's designed explicitly to allow Republican attorney generals to hunt LGBT+ youth and their parents, libraries and bookstores carrying LGBT+ books, and social media educating youth on LGBT+ topics, and Dexerto asks, "Wow, could this impact my anime and video games?"
Journalist who didn't read the article or the OP at all.  First sentence in the OP

Quote:A Texas bill that was unanimously passed by state Senators will, if it gets instated as actual law, will criminalize the possession of any material depicting a minor in "obscene" ways.

Seeing as many stories center around people who are high-school age, any content that depicts characters who are underage in a way Texas law deems “obscene” would be committing a felony offense.

mvp admin aerie
Quote:I know it's awful not to focus on those issues, and I don't say this to be dismissive at all, but we are ultimately a video game forum, and this is the sort of stuff that might actually resonate with the folks who enabled these systems. We can, and hopefully will, have threads on the other aspects of this bill. And just to be clear, I have no problem with anything that bans the sexualization of younger characters, but that's not what this is all about.

edit: I actually misread your post, I apologize, but i'll leave this up as I think it's a good point still.
4 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, books, benji
(03-16-2025, 07:33 PM)Jansen wrote:

Damn, boredfrom on suicide watch rn...
6 users liked this post: nachobro, books, Jansen, BIONIC, Nintex, Taco Bell Tower

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