(03-21-2025, 01:57 PM)killamajig wrote: (03-21-2025, 01:10 PM)Steven Snell wrote: Wait did Echoes request a self ban? yep
We are missing so many wlw Autogyno fantasy threads.
Yeah, but the return of NepNep the Destroyer of liberal political hacks is the true story of this season.
Nep's back in political threads y'all!
Slayslay’s thread titles crack me up sometimes.
“Everyone talks mad trash about AND to Cyclops until they got to made the hard decisions”
03-21-2025, 08:49 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2025, 08:59 PM by benji.)
Anyway, you idiots aren't smart enough to do the learning like I have so there's no point in continuing this. Keep dehumanizing people by saying somebody did not come out of nowhere. That's why y'all lost.
03-21-2025, 08:53 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2025, 08:54 PM by Besticus Maximus.)
Let me share with you the sage words of the philosopher Muamar
Quote:Peoples are left with only false external appearance of democracy manifested in long queues to cast their votes in the ballot boxes.
Quote:Poor people fail to compete in the election campaign and it is always the rich -- and only the rich -- who come out victorious. Philosophers, thinkers and writers advocated the theory of representative government at a time when the peoples, without realising it, were driven like sheep by kings, sultans and conquerors. The ultimate aspiration of the people of those times was to have someone to represent them before such rulers. Even that aspiration was nullified. Peoples went through long and bitter struggles to attain what they aspired to. After the successful establishment of the era of the republics and the beginning of the era of the masses, it is unreasonable that democracy should mean the electing of only a few representatives to act on behalf of great masses. This is an obsolete theory and an outdated experience. The whole authority must be the people's. The most tyrannical dictatorships the world has known have existed under the shadow of parliaments.
Quote:The people stand silently in long queues to cast their votes in the ballot boxes the same way as they throw other papers into the dustbin. This is the traditional democracy prevalent in the whole world, whether the system is one-party, two-party, multi-party or non-party. Thus it becomes clear that representation is fraud.
Anne Frank should have delivered carrots to her neighbors.
Roast these losers Jeff!
(03-21-2025, 09:01 PM)books wrote: Anne Frank should have delivered carrots to her neighbors. The attic was kind of a neighborhood pod.
03-21-2025, 09:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2025, 09:31 PM by Taco Bell Tower.)
(03-21-2025, 12:29 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Nepenthe wrote:I can't imagine being a kid and hearing my parents say that my sibling is better off dead than alive.
Cuz like...you feel the same about me?
Freudian slip
Catching up on them likes!
Quote:Not everyone should have kids, i am sorry if that hurt feelings but there are a lot people on this earth right now that shouldn't be trusted with a house plant, let alone a sentient being
11 users liked this post: clockwork5, Keetongu, NekoFever, ClothedMac, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, BIONIC, benji, DavidCroquet
03-21-2025, 10:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2025, 10:26 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
(03-21-2025, 07:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/atlasintel-disapproval-of-trump-is-at-83-for-people-who-didnt-vote-in-2024.1140855/page-5#post-137317437
Pargon wrote:Nepenthe wrote:For the record, my argument has always been to simply not vote for Trump […] How's that working out for you?
Nepenthe wrote:Currently my life has remained stable. How's Trump working out for you? 
Reverse that conversation and that dude would be permed to death.
11 users liked this post: Keetongu, Eric Cartman, nampad, ClothedMac, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, DavidCroquet, benji, Alpacx, HaughtyFrank
ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this is unacceptable.
Fuck up the dealerships when they close for the day all you want. That makes the point loud and clear and will still lead to a decrease in Tesla's popularity as more and more potential buyers are turned off by the brand.
But do not fuck with a person's personal property or harass individual owners. A person is not a Nazi or even an Elon supporter because they own a Tesla.
Ashhong wrote:I was just thinking the same thing. Surely the MAGA sticker using drivers should be the real targets of these nut jobs? I think it comes from Tesla being so inherently tied to Elon Musk, while "MAGA" is just an overall movement that ranges from car stickers to baseball hats to yard signs.
Elon owning a car company gives a very specific target that people can go after.
They could target his rocket launches for the government.
entremetGPT, post: 137337495, member: 9388 wrote:I once did a test, I decided to stop initiating texts with some friends. Guess what? They just peeled off.
You don’t fucking say?
14 users liked this post: Keetongu, NekoFever, ClothedMac, MJBarret, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, DavidCroquet, Gameboy Nostalgia, killamajig, Mask, JoeBoy101, benji
03-21-2025, 11:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2025, 11:13 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
(03-21-2025, 10:57 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this is unacceptable.
Fuck up the dealerships when they close for the day all you want. That makes the point loud and clear and will still lead to a decrease in Tesla's popularity as more and more potential buyers are turned off by the brand.
But do not fuck with a person's personal property or harass individual owners. A person is not a Nazi or even an Elon supporter because they own a Tesla.
Ashhong wrote:I was just thinking the same thing. Surely the MAGA sticker using drivers should be the real targets of these nut jobs? I think it comes from Tesla being so inherently tied to Elon Musk, while "MAGA" is just an overall movement that ranges from car stickers to baseball hats to yard signs.
Elon owning a car company gives a very specific target that people can go after.

They think dealerships are stateowned or something
Quote:Quote:I was just thinking the same thing. Surely the MAGA sticker using drivers should be the real targets of these nut jobs?
I think it comes from Tesla being so inherently tied to Elon Musk, while "MAGA" is just an overall movement that ranges from car stickers to baseball hats to yard signs.
Also this is a very dumb explanation that doesn't explain anything at all
03-21-2025, 11:13 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2025, 11:17 PM by benji.)
(03-21-2025, 10:57 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: ZeoVGM wrote:Elon owning a car company gives a very specific target that people can go after. Factually wrong. Elon doesn't own Tesla.
No really, he only has like 12-13% of the shares. They aren't even premium shares like Zuck with Facebook or whatever.
He's CEO because the shareholders, for whatever incomprehensible reason, support him. He's not CEO because he's also owner like with SpaceX or Twitter.
(03-21-2025, 11:01 PM)benji wrote: They could target his rocket launches for the government.  Coincidentally, I think more of his wealth might come from SpaceX now, if not in the near future. He sold off a lot of Tesla stock to buy Twitter and SpaceX has only gone up in value.
(03-21-2025, 11:12 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (03-21-2025, 10:57 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: ZeoVGM wrote:Yeah, this is unacceptable.
Fuck up the dealerships when they close for the day all you want. That makes the point loud and clear and will still lead to a decrease in Tesla's popularity as more and more potential buyers are turned off by the brand.
But do not fuck with a person's personal property or harass individual owners. A person is not a Nazi or even an Elon supporter because they own a Tesla.
I think it comes from Tesla being so inherently tied to Elon Musk, while "MAGA" is just an overall movement that ranges from car stickers to baseball hats to yard signs.
Elon owning a car company gives a very specific target that people can go after.

They think dealerships are stateowned or something
Quote:Quote:I was just thinking the same thing. Surely the MAGA sticker using drivers should be the real targets of these nut jobs?
I think it comes from Tesla being so inherently tied to Elon Musk, while "MAGA" is just an overall movement that ranges from car stickers to baseball hats to yard signs.
Also this is a very dumb explanation that doesn't explain anything at all
Jubilant Duck wrote:I mean, set fire to Teslas at dealerships, sure.
But doing this kind of shit to a regular person just makes you an asshole, to the point you should probably invest in a Cybertruck yourself so folks know to avoid you.
So coddling doesn't work? Is that the message Slayven is giving from this X-men panel? Safe spaces do nothing to help teach youth how to survive?
03-21-2025, 11:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2025, 11:52 PM by benji.)
Nepenthe, https://www.resetera.com/threads/atlasintel-disapproval-of-trump-is-at-83-for-people-who-didnt-vote-in-2024.1140855/page-5#post-137321103 wrote:Quote:Intentionally not voting is resigning that you do not care which candidate will win. It's a full endorsement of either policy.
Say you and I go to a restaurant. Like an American joint.
And I say to you, "You can only have a burger or pasta."
Pretend for a second that you have little agency in this weird sudden relationship of ours to simply order a third option. No. Your choices are a burger or pasta. Also pretend that you don't like either choice (you could very well not like either but I don't know your palate.)
And you say to me "If that's the case, I'm not eating tonight."
Does this mean, then, you actually like burgers and pasta? Or does it mean you've disavowed both choices?
Let's go further and say I order the burger for you. Is this a statement about your personal preference for a burger over pasta (just because you dislike both doesn't mean you can't rank them still.) Does this mean you cannot complain about the awful smell of the burger in front of you now? Nepenthe wrote:Quote:This is what I don't get. For all the acknowledgement that one candidate was worse and they don't support what Trump is doing, the arguments still boil down to "well both candidates were pretty much the same". Trump isn't a normal candidate. These aren't normal times.
The argument about the need to organise is right on the money. But I don't understand how you can argue that is part of the answer, then be entirely indifferent to stopping a candidate that is dismantling all systems and freedoms to organise, assemble and educate. That will stack the Supreme Court to ensure this fascist system can't be removed for generations. That could launch a attack against its allies, suspend all your rights and freedoms, and cause untold suffering.
I have literally never argued for performing indifference nor said they are exactly the same. There are superstructural (ie cultural) differences between the two Parties, but ultimately they both agree on the economic system causing the strife resulting in those superstructural issues.
Basically, one side is on full-throated fascism, and the other side enables it. It is the enablement that is so enraging because it also comes with the lie that Democrats care for minorities as a principle. They literally cannot care as a principle because they agree with the system causing the oppression of minorities. It's this contradiction for why Democrats come off as disingenuous. They are disingenuous. Even if we voted in Democratic administrations over three times in a row, that would not actually guarantee that they would have moved to more left-leaning causes because they fundamentally don't believe in leftism. The neoliberal experiment would've kept going.
People who have come to regularly abstain from voting because they feel disenfranchised have clocked what's actually going on and feel that voting is actually not going to make their lives better. They are both philosophically and factually correct: again, wealth inequality is out of control with no end in sight. If you weren't born early enough to experience the post WWII economic boom and all the cool social programs and cheap-ass college and shit, then you were literally fucked. That's never coming back under our current system and culture.
So then the question becomes how do you activate people who feel like they have no agency in their lives through voting? The answer is to give them agency. First that means understanding they are full human beings deserving of grace. Second that means listening to their concerns about their lives and futures. Third that means incentivizing organization so they actually feel like they're apart of a movement that's bettering themselves and their society.
We can't even agree to get to step one because you all are constantly dehumanizing these people. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:I get that it's punching down by saying "We need you to step up this time even though we've never really worked in your interest" and I want to break out of this cycle. I don't blindly think more Dems or vote harder will fix this. I'm participating in activism and mutual aid in my community and still trying to figure out what to do in terms of local politics. My leanings are much more left than the Dems and seeing them go against really basic quality of life improvements for us is infuriating. Seeing them support Israel is infuriating too. So is Schumer's support of the CR for the budget.
The way you break out of the cycle is that you start delivering on promises to the masses to better their quality of life, and take accountability for when you don't deliver. It doesn't matter if you "didn't have the votes." You should've gotten them. That's your fucking job. You promised x, you didn't deliver x, so you're still responsible for it. Anything less is feckless cowardice that breeds mistrust. If you don't want to do that, don't get into politics. Simple. Go work retail or something.
We need actual leaders. We don't have them in the Democratic Party. They need to either become leaders, get some leaders, or die to make way for a Party that will lead. The time where this bullshit was acceptable, where Democrats can pull off what Schumer did and it be fine, where Jefferies can whine about "What do you want us to do? 😔" and we're just supposed to accept that as an answer?
That shit is over. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:I can die from obesity over 30 years or a gun shot to the head. Please stop claiming both options are equivalent. One of these gives me a chance to course correct.
The point is that you should demand the right to live. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:Organising is certainly a big part of the answer. But I don't agree with just shrugging off disengaging with a system because it is flawed. You need to burn the candle at both ends.
Trump's rise to power is as much about capitalism's penchant for fascism as it is the fact that Republicans were willing to engage and elect MAGA extremists at every level of governance. Imagine if people had the same willingness to do that for progressive Democrats.
If you think no meaningful change is being achieved now, try organising under a fascist regime or perhaps, in a few years, under wartime restrictions.
It's not that the system is merely flawed. Every system is flawed. It's that the system we currently is fundamentally not actually set up to achieve long-term humanistic outcomes. And yet people are trying to achieve long-term humanistic outcomes through this system. Once again it's contradictory.
And the reason the Democrats aren't willing to engage with progressives is because they fundamentally don't believe in progressive values. Those values aren't congruent with the Party. They don't believe in them. They're never going to move leftward at a pace that can address the issues in the moment. We're gonna get a $15 minimum wage when a living wage needs to really be $30. They are always going to be on the backfoot. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:but those non voters were lionized and remembered in history as being fighters for good and such right? oh wait they're remembered as cowards and enablers who contributed to the deaths of millions? accolades from a little leftist circle of friends who are into a niche hobby doesn't fucking matter in the end? aw shucks I guess, at least the wealthy demonrat and lib politicians are suffering. oh they aren't? oh. i'm not getting thanked by my fellow people getting fucked? struggling to figure this out here.
You're struggling to figure it out because you're being disingenuous. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:against the people who sat out in the 1930s or the people who sat out now? the people in 1930s germany at least had an excuse.
I'm talking about your general participation in this topic. You're not actually talking or saying anything of substance. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:The way organizing is talked about on this forum is always so bizarre to me. "Voting isn't everything, you need organizing year round in your communities" isn't wrong, but the whole point of that organizing is to produce outcomes at the ballot box!
That is not the point of organizing.
The point of organizing is to simply build power and autonomy within your communities. Depending upon your political ends, that doesn't inherently mean you are only organizing to vote. For example, the AAPRP is not organizing for American elections. They're organizing in service of Pan African revolution, of which the United States is fundamentally against. What in the world could they vote on for their goals????
Y'all need to stop essentializing voting as the only thing humans are capable of to achieve change. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:Right. But surely you can't think a fascist regime is going to allow for an environment to be able to organise and achieve those aims quicker?
No. But that still doesn't mean you don't organize. This is a lifelong endeavor, not one of convenience. If you only organize when it's convenient, you're not committed to the cause. Simple as. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:Well obviously.
But if you don't want to be realistic about influencing the political environment to be in your favour, you're not actually serious about bringing about change. You just enjoy cosplaying as an activist.
My point is that the question has nothing to do with the merits of organizing. Of course it's (sometimes) easier under a Democratic president (depending upon your political goals.)
But I return to the reality that we cannot always elect Democrats to power. It is mathematically impossible.
You all keep running on this weird fantasy where statistics isn't real, and that Democrats can somehow always be in power underneath our current electoral system, but then call me a cosplayer.
This is typical liberal reactionary drivel at this point. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:But it's not just about presidential elections at the end of the day. I said influencing the political environment - that's electing progressives to school boards, local councils, town mayors. That shit goes hand in hand with grassroots organisation. Building alliances, creating momentum. But it also means engaging with the system.
Yes, if your political goal is to simply get progressives into positions of power in the current system, then that's one way to do it, and indeed I even suggested as such earlier. But you must also contend with the fact that a lot of progressives and far leftists don't fundamentally view the system as capable of producing good outcomes, in the same way that anyone could've understood that electing a Black man twice was not going to solve racism, and thus they view electoralism as antithetical to liberation.
Indeed, what actually is your political goal? Just making progressives run America and ship the bombs, or actually dismantling things like white supremacy, capitalism, etc.?
Quote:i'm sure. i guess this is where the leftist=progressive illusion dropping was rough on me. i always thought the far left were united against the things they said they were. but 'fuck you i'm good' is a universal trait.
I'm not gonna meet your bitchy attitude with pity. You want to be dismissive, I'm going to shrug it off and be dismissive right back. Either you want to talk in good faith or you don't. Hell, I thought you were leaving!
Quote:there are other leftists here who will realize this in time. the people next to you aren't your friends and are actually willing to die in anarchy for maybe a partial point on the board, or more realistically giving the other side multiple points (and absolute unending control over your future).
late edit: the left needs a project 20XX asap but not sure it would matter without the institutional help in getting it done
You don't know what the far-left or anarchy is.
At most, the far-left are united in terms of being anti-capitalist, and even then that's inaccurate if we're considering like the ancap folks far-left. I don't; I think they're libertarian lunatics, but whatever.
But aside from that, there is little unity in terms of philosophy or goals. Some people want democratic socialism (not good enough for me). Some people want the elimination of all classes. Some people want the elimination of hierarchy as a concept. And there's a multitude of different sub branches and overlapping thought within these general branches. And there's far far-left thought that can't even be classified on the typical spectrum.
The far-left in America is a very small faction of people who are largely morally against the current society itself in most if not all of its forms, relatively fringe groups that have no actual play in American society where the rest of you all are deeply pilled on some level of capitalism staying because you need your video games at the expense of human well being.
In fact, you all know this because you use it as a form of mockery, rubbing it in about how small we are and how stupid it is that I'm in a small group of people that wants something as silly as Black people being free from white supremacy and colonialism (which, you know, actually fuck all of you for that one.) That's why it's so funny that you all blame us for election results. We're statistically irrelevant!
Dissatisfied centrists who voted for Biden but didn't see the returns, but who were also so disgusted with Trump that they were never gonna vote for him, stayed home. That's why Kamala lost. The far-left has fuck all to do with this, and frankly I'd wish you all would keep our names out your mouths. Handle your in house business. Figure out why you lost every swing state and keep chasing those suburban snow bunnies that you are convinced will eventually break away from their husbands to vote for your candidates.
Keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:Hundreds of millions of preventable deaths are going to happen because of Trumps re-election
Hundreds of millions of people fundamentally are going to die because of how the West maintains power and because no one is serious about stopping global warming. Nepenthe wrote:Quote:And hundreds of millions is probably a really generous estimate for what climate change is going to do over the next century.
I'm hoping we don't hit 4 degrees. -_- Why is she still arguing with these people who are incapable of learning?
Also, love her continued delusional takes about climate change. Can't even be assed to know what the UN predicts.
Quote:Nepenthe wrote:The point is that you should demand the right to live.
Thank you for the comments throughout this thread. Quote:Gonna be honest Nepenthe, you can fight the good fight as much as you can, it isn't gonna change jack shit on this thread or forum. You're better off conserving your energy.
And because I'm compelled to, the talk about Weimar Germans not voting against the Nazis in that thread is not an apt comparison because the Nazis never won an election. And voting for KPD was equally as bad, as was voting for some of the right parties as they also opposed the Republic and sought to end democracy. Begging people to stop using Germany analogies if they aren't going to bother to learn the history of Germany.
LGBTQIA rights are "You can only have a burger or pasta".
Just demand. And organize y'all. Simple as.
11 users liked this post: Keetongu, Potato, MJBarret, Taco Bell Tower, Mask, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Propagandhim, DavidCroquet, Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC, Boredfrom
How the fuck does this cunt have the time and will power to write all that drivel in less than a single fucking day?
11 users liked this post: Keetongu, Potato, imsotired, Taco Bell Tower, Mask, Boredfrom, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Propagandhim, Besticus Maximus, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji
Yesterday, 12:01 AM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 12:03 AM by benji.)
Nepenthe wrote:There are superstructural (ie cultural) differences between the two Parties, but ultimately they both agree on the economic system causing the strife resulting in those superstructural issues. I love that she's still repeating this, not knowing that in Marxism the superstructure constructs the base and vice versa. The abolition of capitalism won't matter if the superstructure recreates the capitalist base. That's why totalitarian control of culture and institutions is required.
She's doubly ignorant because she says this but never defines the base. Which Marx did: trade between individuals. But Nepenthe would never say artists should not be able to do their own art and trade it for what they can get rather than producing only the art which the state orders them to for distribution the state determines. And nobody there will ever do enough learning to force her to address this contradiction. It's a much greater contradiction than the one she alleges here:
Nepenthe wrote:It's that the system we currently is fundamentally not actually set up to achieve long-term humanistic outcomes. And yet people are trying to achieve long-term humanistic outcomes through this system. Once again it's contradictory. Because that's just an idiot believing a system can be designed where only intentions happen. And especially for a future it cannot know.
Yesterday, 12:03 AM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 12:03 AM by DavidCroquet.)
(03-21-2025, 11:12 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Quote:Quote:I was just thinking the same thing. Surely the MAGA sticker using drivers should be the real targets of these nut jobs?
I think it comes from Tesla being so inherently tied to Elon Musk, while "MAGA" is just an overall movement that ranges from car stickers to baseball hats to yard signs.
Also this is a very dumb explanation that doesn't explain anything at all
Teslas are good targets because the company is owned by Elon Musk!
MAGA branded stuff, by comparison, doesn't have any specific affiliation with anyone in particular.
11 users liked this post: Keetongu, JoeBoy101, Potato, NekoFever, ClothedMac, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, Propagandhim, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji
Pargon wrote:Nepenthe wrote:I'm hoping we don't hit 4 degrees. -_- Since you tried not voting against it, maybe you could try prayer next.
It's just as effective at enacting change. Nepenthe wrote:No thanks. I'm not religious. Pargon wrote:Are you sure? You seem to be doing a lot of magical thinking. Nepenthe wrote:Insulting me isn't actually addressing the analysis I've given.
I also noticed you didn't answer the first two questions.
Are you here to participate like an adult, or take out your anger on an easy target like a child? Fucking obliterated her.
23 users liked this post: clockwork5, Keetongu, StandingOvation, almostheathen, Eric Cartman, Bootsthecat, JoeBoy101, Potato, NekoFever, imsotired, MJBarret, ClothedMac, Shecky Fragbaum, Cheers, Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, killamajig, BIONIC, HaughtyFrank, Propagandhim, DavidCroquet
Yesterday, 12:06 AM
(This post was last modified: Yesterday, 12:06 AM by benji.)
ZeoVGM wrote:Quote:Hundreds of millions of preventable deaths are going to happen because of Trumps re-election,
what B-Dubs wrote:Do you not realize how much damage Trump cutting foreign aid alone is going to do? DUBS CHECKED
11 users liked this post: Keetongu, Eric Cartman, ClothedMac, DJ Bedroom, Alpacx, Taco Bell Tower, Hap Shaughnessy, Mask, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Propagandhim
(03-21-2025, 11:45 PM)benji wrote: [quote=Nepenthe, https://www.resetera.com/threads/atlasintel-disapproval-of-trump-is-at-83-for-people-who-didnt-vote-in-2024.1140855/page-5#post-137321103]Quote:Intentionally not voting is resigning that you do not care which candidate will win. It's a full endorsement of either policy.
Say you and I go to a restaurant. Like an American joint.
And I say to you, "You can only have a burger or pasta."
Pretend for a second that you have little agency in this weird sudden relationship of ours to simply order a third option. No. Your choices are a burger or pasta. Also pretend that you don't like either choice (you could very well not like either but I don't know your palate.)
Also if you order pasta (or nothing) US AID will be closed, America's global alliances will be threatened, the Dept of Ed will be dismantled, deportations and illegal arrests will skyrocket, LGBTQ+ and Women's rights will be rolled back in major ways.
And you say to me "If that's the case, I'm not eating tonight."
Does this mean, then, you actually like burgers and pasta? Or does it mean you've disavowed both choices? Weird she included the bolded sentence. Didn't notice it the first time round. Kinda strains the metaphor.
Quote:Quote:Many weimar era Germans disapproved Hitler, but they couldn't be bothered to vote.
That action led to 85 million deaths.
I'm not a person who thinks voting doesn't matter but this is like the single worst argument for electoralism ever if you understand the 1932 German Presidential election.
(Yesterday, 12:05 AM)benji wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/atlasintel-disapproval-of-trump-is-at-83-for-people-who-didnt-vote-in-2024.1140855/page-7#post-137338899
Pargon wrote:Nepenthe wrote:I'm hoping we don't hit 4 degrees. -_- Since you tried not voting against it, maybe you could try prayer next.
It's just as effective at enacting change. Nepenthe wrote:No thanks. I'm not religious. Pargon wrote:Are you sure? You seem to be doing a lot of magical thinking. Nepenthe wrote:Insulting me isn't actually addressing the analysis I've given.
I also noticed you didn't answer the first two questions.
Are you here to participate like an adult, or take out your anger on an easy target like a child? Fucking obliterated her.  Lol at calling yourself an easy target. And here I used to think she lacked self-awareness.