Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(09-12-2023, 04:57 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Quote:Our cops has it’s roots in black executioners and slave patrolling. The evil is there at the root and even the FBI (another racist organization) have said it’s got so bad that street level whtie supremacist groups like neo nazis and the like have infiltrated and assimilated, making going through and just picking them out impossible. Those are just ghost skins too.
Quote:How good your police force is determined by who they protect

Within a capitalist institution they exist to protect capital, as private capital cannot be maintained without the existence of violence. The police act as that violent arm of capital to uphold it's position within society.
Quote:Police are mostly reactionary not preventive, the only thing they really do outside be black executioners is protect the bourgeois and the property they own. Most reasons for what people THINK the police are needed for don't exist without capitalism/white supremacy. A different economic system and the deliberate destruction of whatever culture spawned in the last 4 centuries or whatever is what's needed. Wanting a genuine end to police terrorism without being firmly anti capitalist and anti american hegemony probably isn’t possible because from the police, other types of gun violence, homelessness etc all seems to be tied into the same root issue.
Quote:I'm not sure there's a better shorthand for "our antiquated political and legal systems designed by wealthy genocidal slavers perpetuate systemic abuse at the hands of those willing to protect private property over human life and cannot operate in any other fashion as they are fulfilling their fundamental design." The way you characterize it is in my opinion the definition of narrow-minded and lacking in perspective. The world is not made of atomized components that don't affect anything around them. ACAB isn't because I think cops are meanie pants, it is because whether or not they are personally bastards they will certainly function as bastards relative to the policed because that is what they exist to do.
Quote:There is a bunch of alternatives, you can do literally anything other than what we are doing now.

Just because it is challenging to think about doesn't mean anything. It's the same with economics, like just because it's hard to think about alternatives to capitalism doesn't mean it is the best we can come up with, you haven't even given it any thought.

Consider all the research on socioeconomics and how just having means ie. money reduces crime, or how access to social services, or access to healthcare, or living in an area that has a good school, etc. Crime is not solely determined by if there is some doofus with a monopoly on violence, in fact it is ridiculous that our solution to crime is hiring people to do anything after the crime has actually happened.
Quote:Police as a concept should be abolished it’s filled with rotten ideas, there can be Something more akin to public safety or community safety else but the whole idea around policing is just not the way to go and need to pretty much tear up and throw away policing as a concept for something way more geared towards soley public safety.

Vast majority of crime is due to lack of opportunity and society refuses to look at it that way, on top of that inherently violent people aren’t born they are made by how society is today and there could be tons of ways to intervene and fix a vast majority of the social ills of society policing today is just a lazy ass attempt to sweep people into prisons.
Quote:Cops don't solve crimes, they don't protect anyone, and the amount of them doesn't make a difference even when not compared to the damage they do. When my catalytic converter is stolen I call the police only as a step towards getting some actual help from my insurance, not because they will help. (btw my insurance didn't help either in that case, the robber barons)

When I contact the police, usually the crime has already happened and they're just there to say "lmao that sux". We overrated the functionality of police even with the mythical "good training and accountability".
PlanetSmasher wrote:Education, mental health support, financial support for struggling minority populations, better access to health care and employment options.
Quote:The problem with any attempt to restrict the power of the police or their unions is that if you start seriously proposing it as a politician you or your family suddenly wind up the victim of random crime that they're mysteriously powerless to do anything about
Quote:How do you get Americans to stop committing so much crime so that we can reduce our police forces and make them more docile? It's probably some combination of:

-Reducing income inequality
-Dealing with structural racism
-Limiting access to firearms
Quote:This is one of those topics where, before speaking up on it, a person should ask themselves "have I ever read a single book about this?"
Nepenthe wrote:To solve the issue with American police, you need people to reckon with the fact that the police have always been guard dogs of white property and Black oppression, and that that has never stopped being true no matter what the Andy Griffith show taught you or the fact that the cop in your family is nice to you personally.

Furthermore, you need to ask people to imagine what true security means beyond the presence of guns and handcuffs. You also need to change attitudes about crime, specifically what should constitute crime in the first place, what punishment looks like, and how we handle rehabilitation. You also need Americans to actually become more sociable, loving, and beholden to the welfare of their fellow man, versus giving in to the isolation and mistrust that capitalism bestows on us.

We fundamentally need a society that prevents crime from even happening as often as it does in the first place, meaning massive investments into education, job security, our agriculture and healthcare industries, public amenities and third spaces, strict gun control, and even reparations. We need to delegate more of our community issues back to ourselves as good stewards, or to specialized caretakers who can handle problems with the appropriate knowledge and tact, like mental health professionals.

The police should, ultimately, be a last resort in any issue, and I would argue regular beat cops shouldn't even be armed in a functioning society. An easy rebuttal would be "who do you call in a mass shooting?" And I would simply retort that why are you continuing to imagine a society where there are more mass shootings than days in the year.

Quote:One quick change, at least in the United States, would be to disqualify police foundations from 501©(3) status so that they can no longer receive piles of money and military equipment through the back door.
Nepenthe wrote:You also need Americans to actually become more sociable, loving, and beholden to the welfare of their fellow man, versus giving in to the isolation and mistrust that capitalism bestows on us.

We fundamentally need a society that prevents crime from even happening as often as it does in the first place, meaning massive investments into education, job security, our agriculture and healthcare industries, public amenities and third spaces, strict gun control, and even reparations.
Just amazing projection and complete lack of knowledge. Delicious
"ACAB, but what's the alternative?"
"Just use mass violence to forcibly change human nature, duh." Social Justice Warrior
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
*applies for a job at a late night comedy show*

"Can't believe he would make fun of ME"  Social Justice Warrior 2
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
A surprising amount of people talking about how this is a US problem while I distinctly remember lots of RE members talking about how ACAB applies to the whole world
(09-12-2023, 05:35 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: A surprising amount of people talking about how this is a US problem while I distinctly remember lots of RE members talking about how ACAB applies to the whole world
That makes it harder to repeat the myth that police were invented for slave catching when you bring up countries that had police going way back and that were the actual historical source for policing. (Definitely don't look up the historical meaning for police, especially in France and other Latin influenced places.)
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(09-12-2023, 05:18 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:There is a bunch of alternatives, you can do literally anything other than what we are doing now.

literally anything

you can hand every citizen a unicycle and expect that they will be so puzzled and fascinated by the device that they will all stop committing crimes
(09-12-2023, 01:45 PM)porkbun wrote:
(09-11-2023, 09:39 PM)Nintex wrote: Let's get a real expert opinion on this list

Quote:Athena - Princess Athena fights monsters in her panties, what is not to like 10/10 Pimp  


Even for a shit poster on a shit tier message board, this is total and undeniable shit.
Fact check, Sakurai handpicked a song from Athena to use in Smash Bros. Bolo 

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Guess who would be first in line for someone to enforce some rules when someone doesn't want to give a carrot in return for a shitty lucio fanfic
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
I mean, just a couple days ago they were writing to the FBI to report someone for saying something legal they don't like and bemoaning how nothing would be done about it.

And having a thread where they praised a Governor for unilaterally threatening mass arrests in violation of the law and asking for more executives to do so.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(09-12-2023, 04:12 PM)benji wrote: Isn't one of the "smoking guns" that Fallon mocked something in front of some celebrity? lol

The number one reason is he had trump on his show and tousled his hair, which yada yada yada the presidency
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
(09-12-2023, 06:03 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(09-12-2023, 04:12 PM)benji wrote: Isn't one of the "smoking guns" that Fallon mocked something in front of some celebrity? lol

The number one reason is he had trump on his show and tousled his hair, which yada yada yada the presidency
I forgot about that, lock em the fuck up already. Another white cishet male getting away with it. Rolleyes
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(09-12-2023, 06:03 PM)benji wrote: I mean, just a couple days ago they were writing to the FBI to report someone for saying something legal they don't like and bemoaning how nothing would be done about it.

And having a thread where they praised a Governor for unilaterally threatening mass arrests in violation of the law and asking for more executives to do so.

that's just because you have to work within the system you live under ufup

all cops are bad, but until they are abolished we will wield them for our ends, because any action taken to promote our own well-being and empowerment allows us greater reach to spread our ACAB message

the boorish pig cops don't even understand that by defending us, they bring their own reckoning ever closer
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Take it farther, we need to sic the police on more people, especially innocents so they become more opposed to it. Messofanego is ahead of the game demanding a panopticon state to increase the contradictions.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Ironic how people who act the most like cops they bemoan in their little online enclaves want to eradicate cops in real life. Will they extend this "no cop" rule to ERA?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
Captain Smoker wrote:Libya: 10,000 missing after unprecedented floods, says Red Cross

Neighbourhoods washed away in port city of Derna, where two dams burst
Pau wrote:Damn...

We really need to get on flood control and fast because unfortunately they are just going to keep coming.

Now is not really the time for puns. ufup
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Build more dams, duh.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(09-12-2023, 06:38 PM)Averon wrote: Ironic how people who act the most like cops they bemoan in their little online enclaves want to eradicate cops in real life. Will they extend this "no cop" rule to ERA?
They don't actually want to eradicate cops, they're very clear they want to have the community police the community. This will involve the community designating some people to act in the roles currently done by the cops. This will be different from the cops by... uh... well, it just will be okay. Because community. COMMUNITY.
Nepethe wrote:The police should, ultimately, be a last resort in any issue, and I would argue regular beat cops shouldn't even be armed in a functioning society. An easy rebuttal would be "who do you call in a mass shooting?" And I would simply retort that why are you continuing to imagine a society where there are more mass shootings than days in the year.


Any other user would be flammed to death for that shit.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
These same people always cheer for harsher and more strict online moderation since they believe it will be a bigoted hellhole otherwise. But somehow, they think removing law enforcement from real life society writ large will work out with just a little adjustment here and there?
(09-12-2023, 06:55 PM)Averon wrote: These same people always cheer for harsher and more strict online moderation since they believe it will be a bigoted hellhole otherwise. But somehow, they think removing law enforcement from real life society writ large will work out with just a little adjustment here and there?

The reality is extreme leftists like those on Era absolutely want a harsh, totalitarian society as long as it's under their rules.

Just imagine, for a moment, a country run by someone who thinks like kyuuji or Nepenthe. Biological women would be second class citizens. White people would always be paying some kind of reparations to blacks for things that happened three centuries ago. There would be absolutely no kind of jokes allowed.

To normal people like us, that would be a nightmare. To them: paradise.
(09-12-2023, 06:55 PM)Averon wrote: These same people always cheer for harsher and more strict online moderation since they believe it will be a bigoted hellhole otherwise. But somehow, they think removing law enforcement from real life society writ large will work out with just a little adjustment here and there?
I think "little adjustment" is a bit of a downplaying little adjustment of what they usually are proposing for everyone.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(09-12-2023, 06:43 PM)benji wrote: Build more dams, duh.

even the most casual commentary in era threads like this reveals a paternal "we're more enlightened than those dark continent savages" viewpoint
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, benji
Where exactly are all these multi-talented social workers who will be able to handle the domestic disputes that turn violent? Are there tens of thousands frothing to get in on that? How is gang culture in the ghettos being addressed? Oh
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(09-12-2023, 07:10 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: Where exactly are all these multi-talented social workers who will be able to handle the domestic disputes that turn violent? Are there tens of thousands frothing to get in on that? How is gang culture in the ghettos being addressed? Oh
Just raise taxes and increase government spending, duh.
Gadaffi’s magnum opus was building an underwater river system under the desert instead of being normal and irrigating it all properly.

He’d have made a very quotable resetera mod. Had his own theories of geopolitics, wore wigs and makeup, hated women and was a sex case. Had his own crew of NPC hot female guards for his own titillation and stuck them in uniforms. Bonus points for arming every anti west group in Europe and Africa.
Let's remember, this is all coming from ResetERA, a place that, if you go by ban reasons, is one of most bigoted hellscapes online. A dozen people a week getting mere temp bans for racism, sexism, and anti-trans rhetoric while "trolling" net you perms. Whole communities driven out, if you go by what some say. Trans members not feeling safe by the genocide their fellow forum members perpetuate by playing games like CP 2077 and "The Wizard game."

All that harsh cop-like modding and still ResetERA is apparently no better than Stormfront.
5 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, benji, Uncle
(09-12-2023, 07:21 PM)Averon wrote: Let's remember, this is all coming from ResetERA, a place that, if you go by ban reasons, is one of most bigoted hellscapes online. A dozen people a week getting mere temp bans for racism, sexism, and anti-trans rhetoric while "trolling" net you perms. Whole communities driven out, if you go by what some say. Trans members not feeling safe by the genocide their fellow forum members perpetuate by playing games like CP 2077 and "The Wizard game."

All that harsh cop-like modding and still ResetERA is apparently no better than Stormfront.
Wrong people in charge, the theory remains perfect. Trumps
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Funniest thing about ree is that the board only exists now so some Swedish lads can leech the ad money and sell off the user data Heh

Like what the fuck are retards like b dubs and nep fighting for really by keeping the site the way it is?

3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Nintex

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