Nepenthe wrote:Every now and again I get a dream where I'm stranded in a large body of water with only a small platform or hold or something keeping me from submerging. Can be a lake, an ocean, or even a water park attraction that's way too big logistically.
Worst part is I can't swim in real life.
This is the only dream I will force myself to wake from because I refuse.
09-13-2023, 04:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 04:30 PM by Propagandhim.)
Quote: Black people, who account for 13 percent of the U.S. population, accounted for 27 percent of those fatally shot and killed by police in 2021, according to Mapping Police Violence, a nonprofit group that tracks police shootings. That means Black people are twice as likely as white people to be shot and killed by police officers.
Despite being only 13% of the population
09-13-2023, 04:31 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 04:31 PM by Besticus Maximus.)
It's like they think white people get the same general protection and warding spell that they cast on trans mods
Even Morrigan, a blooded flamewarrior of decades, cannot break such enchantments
09-13-2023, 06:19 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 07:28 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
Quote: S1 User Banned (1 Month): Victim Blaming Rhetoric
Salty Catfish wrote:I mean... Her calling this "revenge porn" is straight-up wrong because she posted it willingly. That's a misuse of the term. I mean obviously there's nothing wrong with her and her husband posting videos of their consensual acts, but if you're running for political office you really, really need to make sure you lock that shit down with zero identifiers.
Quote: User Banned (3 Months): Laughing at a victim of revenge porn, hiding it with many edits; prior for victim blaming
Dice wrote:Haha
09-13-2023, 06:23 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 06:26 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
Well that's one way to go out for Dice.
The way the mods insist though that this is totally revenge porn reminds me of how they declared baldness a disability.
Why can't they ever go for the middle road? I don't think she should be shamed for doing porn with her husband but it's also her own stupidity that got her into this situation. What kind of dumbass streams to thousands of people and thinks it'll never surface again.
Own that shit instead of comparing yourself to women who had their trust broken by former boyfriends
Where was this talk about revenge porn when it happened to everyone's favorite Weiner?
09-13-2023, 07:12 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 07:14 PM by Taco Bell Tower.)
Stroking gun
Weiner probe on Hill
(09-13-2023, 07:12 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Dickileaks
Stroking gun
Weiner probe on Hill

And in that framed picture Hilldawg looks dissapointed at Weiners weiner.
09-13-2023, 08:10 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 08:12 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
BIONIC wrote:Previously on ree:
Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide)
BIONIC wrote:
Hidden post saga from the TERF BITCH thread:-
February 8:
lokiduck, post: 100898410, member: 55351 wrote:I was at working trying to get stuff done when my coworkers started talking about Harry Potter. One of my bosses actually threw her baby a Harry Potter Birthday party and everyone thought it was just so fucking darling and cute, and all started gushing about how much they love HP and have reread the books recently and i was basically shut down unable to work emotionally, because I'm honestly getting to the point where even mentioning words from the series infuriates me.
ANYWAYS, I realized part of why they could have such a positive conversation was probably because they were unaware of what Rowling has been doing as they aren't active on twitter and social media sites like that. I didn't want to go butting into their super happy positive conversation about their love of HP to tell them the truth, but I'm on the equity team at my job and part of my job is teaching people about social justice and equity issues in a civil and educational way.
I'm thinking of talking with my other boss about it in our private meeting tomorrow to see if there's a way i can use this moment as an educational moment to teach my coworkers about Rowling is doing and let them form their own opinions from there. I think if she's involved I can make sure it's done in a professional and civil way instead of just angrily calling Rowling a terf and horrible person like I do in online circles LOL.
I guess the main thing will be finding the best sources I can use that work in a work based setting, but I really want to do it, just to use this moment to teach things and hopefully give myself some peace of mind at work lol
lokiduck, post: 100937761, member: 55351 wrote:Thanks everyone for your well wishes and concerns. I had concerns of my own, which is why I wanted to talk about it with my boss first. The meeting itself went very well, and she agreed that something needs to be done just because she wants the office to be a safe place for everyone. She just wasn't sure how to go about it, so she suggested reaching out to the rest of our Equity team and seeing what they suggest since some are more experienced at having hard conversations over micro-aggression. I sent an email summing up everything, and one member is already being supportive so I have some hope but still am wary anything will happen.
My entire goal with this is to educate and hope that my coworkers understand where I'm coming from. The hard part is unlike the internet, I have to see these people every day, but again if I can find a way of presenting it in a professional and civil way, maybe there's a chance. Anyways, we shall see.
lokiduck, post: 101626864, member: 55351 wrote:Update on the situation at work. I had the meeting. Due to scheduling conflicts it almost got pushed to another month from now, but but was pretty gun ho about making it happen so we had it yesterday with just a few people. Over all the meeting itself went well but there was some discussion about it, as it happens one of my coworkers who is queer is very pro HP still and while hating Rowling with every fiber of her being still supports the series. We talked for a while about how to present the information to the office in the best way, and some debate of "do we want to get in the way of people's joy came up." A hypothetical was even put forth about "what if a trans friend of yours still finds joy in the series but doesn't know about Rowling, do you tell them?" At which point I said yes to both.
People should know what's going on, so they can be informed and decide on their own whether they want to still engage with a series.
Anyways, the conclusion was to write a email explaining the situation and once it gets approved send it to my office. That way people can choose to read and engage with the email on their own time and privately debate how they will handle it. I felt this was the best way of doing it because people who were going to ignore the topic can continue to do so, and there should be less push back on "why are we taking time away from the meeting to talk about this?" from the assholes in my office lol.
I wrote the email draft and sent it off to the team for review, so we'll see how that goes.
Additionally, my boss sat down with me to discuss it and made it clear that I am 100% valid in my opinion and stance on things, but I also can't be critical of others and need to let people do what they want. She approves of me informing others, but doesn't want any issues in the office because people disagree with each other. I also have to accept that people will probably still talk about the series in the office, and I can't tell them not to talk about it.
So basically my conclusion is that this whole thing has been a failure LOL. While I'm being told my feelings are valid and I'm allowed to educate people, I'm also told to respect "whether people continue to enjoy this series or not" but honestly this is what I should have expected.
BIONIC wrote:
Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
The saga does indeed continue
lokiduck, post: 101814907, member: 55351 wrote:thanks to the CNN article I was able to finish the email I'm sending around my office, get it approved and sent off. The equity team helped make it way more civil and work appropriate which I unfortunately get, but at least I'm getting it done. I sent it off today. Still not entirely hopeful as basically my boss and HR are trying to have a cake situation where both myself and others are happy but at least they humored me this far :I
lokiduck, post: 102003208, member: 55351 wrote:Feedback on the email has been minimal in so far one person has admitted to read it besides the one that knew about it already, but feedback was still positive. Another member of the equity team actually wants to share the email with the rest of our organization because they think it'd be a good learning opportunity and maybe a chance to open discussion on how we as an organization and individuals deal with media or businesses that aren't being inclusive to everyone.
HR wants to prep the different managers before the email will be sent organization wise, but still looks like not a bad outcome after all. Spoiler: (click to show)(click to hide);topicseen#msg3098523
Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
lokiduck wrote:At a science fiction and fantasy writing convention this weekend and of course HP stuff comes up.
There’s a panel today called “my fave author said what?!” That directly mentions Rowling and is about can you still love media by hateful people and I’m massively tempted to go just to see if anyone tries to justify why they can still enjoy Harry Potter at this point.
The con in question is pretty progressive and has a major queer scene and even panels on how to be true allies so I’m curious how it will go lol
lokiduck wrote:Saw a great comment on tumblr that you can sitll enjoy problematic material as long as you acknowledge the problems and understand when others won't want to associate with it. This is more or less something I agree with. I still love Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado even tho it's horribly racist.
But in general I have a simple system that mostly just boils down to "is the creep making money off of it" "does thing give me joy" but here it is:
1. Does the thing still give me joy?
NO - Don't consume the thing \o/
YES - See next question.
2. Does the problematic person(s) profit from the thing?
NO - Enjoy the thing! \o/
YES - Consume the stuff you already own and do not give the person(s) anymore money. \o/
3. Does the problematic person(s) support causes or cause harm to others?
NO - It's up to you whether you give them money but preferably you just stick to stuff you already own or won't finance them anyways. \o/
YES - Absolutely without a doubt do not support the problematic person(s) financially. \o/
I can consume Minecraft and Lovecraft because the person in question does not profit, but I refuse to fund anything connected to JK Rowling or Orson Scott Card. Stuff where the person in question is just a horrible prick but does not fund causes to harm others I give a bit more wiggle room but in general I try and not support them if I can help it.
Damn, I kinda feel bad for the dude.
Dude who wants to get ravish by Chris Redfield
Quote:I mean... I get it. People like violence. But some of this stuff seems needlessly so? Like extra gory* without purpose ? Like I get cutting the head off of your opponent (actually no i dont) But sometimes they rip the arms off of their opponent and then beat them with it. Or they cut open their ribcages, fill said ribcage with acid, and then a mini demon dragon is born out of their bubbling ribcage and bites their face off? Like. He was already dead. What was the point of that?
Some of this stuff makes THE SAW seem like child's play. Doesn't this bother any of you? The way they scream while dying slowly? This has always stopped me from enjoying the MK series. They just go overboard with some of this stuff. Is there any reason to fill somebody's entire body with knives and then blow them up? Is there any reason to slowly saw someone in half and then rip their body apart and slam both halves of their body together to make a bloody mist? He was already dead from being cut in half tho? Why go that extra mile?
Anyone else upset by this? All I see on this forum are people going "hype!" Or "oh yeah baby!" And I'm just like wow y'all are bloodthirsty huh?
ERA, are you bloodthirsty or some shit? Not judging. But please tell me somebody sees how crazy these games look? This game looks borderline horror. I really want to like these games because they seem rich in lore and the graphics and facial expressions are so cool. But wow man. Jeez.
(09-13-2023, 08:57 PM)books wrote: Damn, I kinda feel bad for the dude.
Quote:Saw a great comment on tumblr
PlanetSmasher, post: 111971987, member: 6260 wrote:Sony probably wishes Stellar Blade was still third party after that report about their devs abusing their female staff came out. No matter how many times he repeats it, nobody is going to end up responding. Eeryone knows sexism is wrong; not sure what he wants consumers to do about Korean culture.
(09-13-2023, 09:04 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Dude who wants to get ravish by Chris Redfield
Quote:I mean... I get it. People like violence. But some of this stuff seems needlessly so? Like extra gory* without purpose ? Like I get cutting the head off of your opponent (actually no i dont) But sometimes they rip the arms off of their opponent and then beat them with it. Or they cut open their ribcages, fill said ribcage with acid, and then a mini demon dragon is born out of their bubbling ribcage and bites their face off? Like. He was already dead. What was the point of that?
Some of this stuff makes THE SAW seem like child's play. Doesn't this bother any of you? The way they scream while dying slowly? This has always stopped me from enjoying the MK series. They just go overboard with some of this stuff. Is there any reason to fill somebody's entire body with knives and then blow them up? Is there any reason to slowly saw someone in half and then rip their body apart and slam both halves of their body together to make a bloody mist? He was already dead from being cut in half tho? Why go that extra mile?
Anyone else upset by this? All I see on this forum are people going "hype!" Or "oh yeah baby!" And I'm just like wow y'all are bloodthirsty huh?
ERA, are you bloodthirsty or some shit? Not judging. But please tell me somebody sees how crazy these games look? This game looks borderline horror. I really want to like these games because they seem rich in lore and the graphics and facial expressions are so cool. But wow man. Jeez.
Jack Thompson was just ahead of the curve.
09-13-2023, 09:59 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 10:13 PM by Greatness Gone.)
I wonder if ZeoVagine or FJ08882823 are going to respond to this
ClickyCal', post: 111973781, member: 7351 wrote:Shocked that the cishet white guy makes jokes and plots tied to trans people just for kicks. Damn they're so mad they're calling a man named TAIKI WAITITI white.
12 users liked this post: PogiJones, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, NekoFever, Tucker's Law, Potato, benji, Propagandhim, killamajig, BIONIC, HaughtyFrank, Hap Shaughnessy, Taco Bell Tower
09-13-2023, 10:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 10:16 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
There are rumours he may be back next season in the lower levels. His family may finance a comeback until there are enough sponsors and there are teams that could use the money.
(09-13-2023, 09:59 PM)Greatness Gone wrote:
I wonder if ZeoVagine or FJ08882823 are going to respond to this 
ClickyCal', post: 111973781, member: 7351 wrote:Shocked that the cishet white guy makes jokes and plots tied to trans people just for kicks. Damn they're so mad they're calling a man named TAIKI WAITITI white. Quote:He is queer and he isn't white.
That still makes him... a guy!
Pretty sure this man is a pussyhound. He may be "queer" in the TikTok way.
09-13-2023, 10:25 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 10:27 PM by Taco Bell Tower.)
(09-13-2023, 09:59 PM)Greatness Gone wrote:
I wonder if ZeoVagine or FJ08882823 are going to respond to this 
ClickyCal', post: 111973781, member: 7351 wrote:Shocked that the cishet white guy makes jokes and plots tied to trans people just for kicks. Damn they're so mad they're calling a man named TAIKI WAITITI white.
Quote:This is really disappointing.
It seemed like Searchlight/Disney might have had faith in this when they moved it from September to November. Sounds like it's a miss though.
While I do think Love and Thunder is largely good and has a much better third act than Ragnarok, between the mixed reaction it received and now what looks to be a poor reception to Next Goal Wins, Taika is obviously in a down period.
But having a string of five great movies isn't a fluke, so I think he can bounce back from this.
Quote:While I do think Love and Thunder is largely good and has a much better third act than Ragnarok
why was mentioning that even necessary
09-13-2023, 10:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-13-2023, 10:29 PM by HaughtyFrank.)
Clicky Cal wrote:Wasn't aware about him being queer. Doesn't change his transphobia at all regardless. Then why did you mention his sexuality and race in the first place ya dumb cunt?
19 users liked this post: Daft Hand, PogiJones, ClothedMac, Chumbawumbafan69, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Daffy Duck, NekoFever, jorma, FUME5, Tucker's Law, Potato, Hap Shaughnessy, benji, Uncle, Propagandhim, killamajig, BIONIC, Greatness Gone, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:You can be queer and married to someone of the opposite sex.
Additionally you can be queer and transphobic.
Quote:Ragnarok sucked, Jojo Rabbit sucked and I didn't even bother with Love & Thunder. No surprise this movie is another dud. Dude is a hack. What We Do In The Shadows is great but that's it -- and even then the TV show easily surprassed the movie.
Quote:I mean, if you didn't like Ragnarok then I'd say his style just isn't for you. Which is fine, of course, but it's certainly a well-crafted comedy.
Quote:Which is fine, of course, but it's certainly a well-crafted comedy.
So he finally admitted these aren't well-crafted action movies.
(09-13-2023, 09:13 PM)Uncle wrote: (09-13-2023, 08:57 PM)books wrote: Damn, I kinda feel bad for the dude.
![[Image: pRyqqfq.png]](