Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Remember, you get MRA and Alt Right shit because you probably regularly watch bread tube videos, rather that the algorithm thinks you are conservative because you watch Red Letter Media.

Also, they are probably not conservatives: 

4 users liked this post: Eric Cartman, NekoFever, Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
As silly as that comic is, at least she can still enjoy watching it. In comparison the slops on RE stop watching the thing they like and are just endlessly mad about it
(09-13-2023, 10:39 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:You can be queer and married to someone of the opposite sex.

Additionally you can be queer and transphobic.

wait what do they mean, opposite sex

you use opposite when there are only two possibilities, like left is the opposite of right

literally shaking
(09-13-2023, 03:51 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Excusing Systemic Racism and Inflammatory Commentary around Police Brutality; Account in Junior Phase
Speaking of "systemic racism" we trust the science right? wrote:Florida State University criminology professor Eric Stewart was a guru of the claim that “systemic racism” infests America’s police and American society.

Now he’s out of a job on account of “extreme negligence” in his research.

The academic was fired after almost 20 years of his data — including figures used in an explosive study, which claimed the legacy of lynchings made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives — were found to be in question.

College authorities said he was being fired for “incompetence” and “false results.”

Among the studies he has had to retract were claims that whites wanted longer sentences for blacks and Latinos.

To date, six of Stewart’s articles published in major academic journals like Criminology and Law and Society Review between 2003 and 2019 have been fully retracted after allegations the professor’s data was fake or so badly flawed it should not have been published.

The professor’s termination came four years after his former graduate student Justin Pickett blew the whistle on his research.

Pickett said they had worked together in 2011 researching whether the public was demanding longer sentences for black and Hispanic criminals as those minority populations grew, with the paper claiming they did. But Stewart had fiddled the sample size to deliver that result when the real research did not, Pickett said.

When the investigation into Stewart began in 2020, he claimed he was the victim and that Pickett “essentially lynched me and my academic character.”

But I guess go on making clear you don't care about police brutality when it's happening to the "right people" due to their skin color. But that's none of my business...
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1694650330' wrote: 1694650330[/url]']
As silly as that comic is, at least she can still enjoy watching it. In comparison the slops on RE stop watching the thing they like and are just endlessly mad about it

I mean, they still enjoy watching it, they just course it and shit talk it any chance they get.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Nepenthe wrote:I just want to know whether this was a case of sheer incompetence on part of the police, or just sheer fortitude and craftiness by this dude that he lasted so long.
(09-13-2023, 09:13 PM)Uncle wrote:
(09-13-2023, 08:57 PM)books wrote: Damn, I kinda feel bad for the dude.

[Image: pRyqqfq.png]


Quote: Cop User Banned (Duration Pending Admin Review): Dismissive Commentary Around Trauma; Long History of Hostility
Spoiler:  (click to show)
Slaythe wrote:
TheGummyBear wrote:What do you mean by getting super weird about it? The thread is currently discussing how it's about getting over trauma, and as a trauma victim I don't like how getting over trauma was portrayed.

It's a worn trope that this episode opted to go for. The intervention of the person causing the trauma being the instigating factor of overcoming the trauma is simply ugly in my eyes.
Please you're not the only that has gone through trauma, not to mention different traumas require completely different kind of solutions, and each person is different etc... so let's please drop that bit.

Anakin fought for Ahsoka when he was Anakin, he did not "cause" that initial trauma she had. What happened in Rebels is long after all this and that ending in that show was absolutely "unfinished business", settling it all off screen when it's a major part of that character story, would be a pretty big disservice.

Not to mention, the trauma in itself is very relative because it's stated the WBW does let you change fate. And she knows that because she literally states it herself. So once again, unfinished business, she had to know why she survived. (=Anakin was still in Vader despite the odds)
3 users liked this post: ClothedMac, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Just to pop that out of the spoiler away from the Star Wars talk:
Quote:Please you're not the only that has gone through trauma, not to mention different traumas require completely different kind of solutions, and each person is different etc...
They banned a guy for "dismissive commentary around trauma" because he said the most boilerplate true thing everyone learns about trauma that you're supposed to be inclusive about. lol
I've never seen Slaythe catch a ban before, the heck
(09-13-2023, 09:42 PM)NekoFever wrote:
(09-13-2023, 09:04 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Dude who wants to get ravish by Chris Redfield
Quote:I mean... I get it. People like violence. But some of this stuff seems needlessly so? Like extra gory* without purpose ? Like I get cutting the head off of your opponent (actually no i dont) But sometimes they rip the arms off of their opponent and then beat them with it. Or they cut open their ribcages, fill said ribcage with acid, and then a mini demon dragon is born out of their bubbling ribcage and bites their face off? Like. He was already dead. What was the point of that?

Some of this stuff makes THE SAW seem like child's play. Doesn't this bother any of you? The way they scream while dying slowly? This has always stopped me from enjoying the MK series. They just go overboard with some of this stuff. Is there any reason to fill somebody's entire body with knives and then blow them up? Is there any reason to slowly saw someone in half and then rip their body apart and slam both halves of their body together to make a bloody mist? He was already dead from being cut in half tho? Why go that extra mile?

Anyone else upset by this? All I see on this forum are people going "hype!" Or "oh yeah baby!" And I'm just like wow y'all are bloodthirsty huh?

ERA, are you bloodthirsty or some shit? Not judging. But please tell me somebody sees how crazy these games look? This game looks borderline horror. I really want to like these games because they seem rich in lore and the graphics and facial expressions are so cool. But wow man. Jeez.

Jack Thompson was just ahead of the curve.

Someone should use one of the bore burner accounts to just copy paste Jack's insane rants. See how much support you get.


Dead Dead Dead Dead

These people are so dumb, has this theory hit and been made bannable to "dismiss" yet?
oh my god no, I made $200,000 in the last 12 months selling my game for only 10 cents of profit somehow, and now I  will LOSE 10 cents per install Gloomy 

I can't wait even one month to roll past our launch period and fall back under the $200k/12mo number, I'm losing small amounts of money NOW which is all that matters Gloomy 

even though I made $200,000, I can't afford the $2000 it costs to upgrade to a Unity Pro license which would increase the threshold to earning a MILLION dollars a year and greatly reduces the per-install charge, nope, can't afford that  Gloomy

Spoiler:  (click to show)
I hate what Unity is trying to do both on its face and for the precedent it would set for other companies, and if nothing else the optics are suicide for the company if they don't reverse course quickly

even so when you actually look at the numbers?
I don't 
I don't see the reason for thinking they'd be so stupid as to instantly invoice on any single unverified call. They're going to ignore the entire industry framework of this stuff to create from scratch and not look at what anyone else has ever done?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
somehow Unity knows how much money you've made, let's say you made $300,000 and it's publicly viewable that you're selling your game on Steam for $20

suddenly somehow your game has been installed 5 million times which means you owe them a million dollars

but 5 million times 20 bucks means you should've made $100 million, not $300k

and Unity's just gonna bill you without checking any of this at all and whether it makes any sense whatsoever

and also you're gonna be so stupid as to not just pay the $2000 to upgrade to Unity Pro and avoid the whole mess
Quote:I don't see the reason for thinking they'd be so stupid as to instantly invoice on any single unverified call. They're going to ignore the entire industry framework of this stuff to create from scratch and not look at what anyone else has ever done?

I mean, yes I can see this companies being that stupid. That is the basic problem, they may be as stupid as stupid people say. Willam

Let’s wait and see what actually happens.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(09-14-2023, 03:32 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Let’s wait and see what actually happens.
So you want all marginalized developers to be genocided. This is why developers don't feel safe on The Bire unlike
Quote:I got white savior vibes from this when I saw the trailer during Barbie. But now added transphobia? I hope it bombs.
1 user liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
…is Barbie considered a white savior movie?

Is there a percentage of how many non-whites the white entity needs to save before it tips over?
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(09-13-2023, 11:57 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Remember, you get MRA and Alt Right shit because you probably regularly watch bread tube videos, rather that the algorithm thinks you are conservative because you watch Red Letter Media.

Also, they are probably not conservatives: 

Yep. I watch RLM all the time and my recommendations are tech and photography reviews because that’s what I watch on YouTube. They get those recommendations because they watch videos about feminism and politics and the dumb algorithm thinks it’s recommending them high-engagement videos about the same.
I am absolutely shocked that the person of gender high council of resetera is mad about something
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1694644152' wrote: 1694644152[/url]']
Clicky Cal wrote:Wasn't aware about him being queer. Doesn't change his transphobia at all regardless.
Then why did you mention his sexuality and race in the first place ya dumb cunt?

I note they address they didn’t address the fact they called him white just his sexuality…pretty gross and I’m surprised they didn’t feel the backhand of moderation
3 users liked this post: Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
This is a genuine question. If the criteria for queer status is so low and it can grant you a sort of diplomatic immunity, what’s stopping everybody from claiming it? I mean, aside self respect.
3 users liked this post: Uncle, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(09-14-2023, 08:49 AM)Polident wrote: This is a genuine question. If the criteria for queer status is so low and it can grant you a sort of diplomatic immunity, what’s stopping everybody from claiming it? I mean, aside self respect.

The very real danger of one of these danger haired mentalists making a move on you

It's like getting on a bus, and everyone else in the queue is the kind of person you obviously avoid talking to on the bus

But they all go upstairs and start having sex with each other while invoking Hitler's management style
(09-14-2023, 08:49 AM)Polident wrote: This is a genuine question. If the criteria for queer status is so low and it can grant you a sort of diplomatic immunity, what’s stopping everybody from claiming it? I mean, aside self respect.

Prominent failures like Visawife can't come out as gay/trans, that's why they slither around Kyuuji's mob.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(09-14-2023, 08:49 AM)Polident wrote: This is a genuine question. If the criteria for queer status is so low and it can grant you a sort of diplomatic immunity, what’s stopping everybody from claiming it? I mean, aside self respect.
The real queers in The Party will determine whether or not your claim is accurate, chud. ufup
(09-14-2023, 04:59 AM)Polident wrote: …is Barbie considered a white savior movie?

Is there a percentage of how many non-whites the white entity needs to save before it tips over?

I think he means the Taika movie, not Barbie. Still weird to me though since this is based on a true story about a white guy being flown to Samoa to fix their football team. So is reality a white savior story too?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Taco Bell Tower

Autism thread.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(09-13-2023, 09:59 PM)Greatness Gone wrote:

I wonder if ZeoVagine or FJ08882823 are going to respond to this Smile

ClickyCal', post: 111973781, member: 7351 wrote:Shocked that the cishet white guy makes jokes and plots tied to trans people just for kicks.
Damn they're so mad they're calling a man named TAIKI WAITITI white.

Taiki YTT  wag

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