Journal of Other Forum Analysis

Quote:Hey there, I bear some real ugly news, and let me preface this by doing trigger warnings for harassment and transphobia anyway, since I, a trans woman who's escaped 4 years ago from the alt-right, is the one affected by this. It relates to 3D Realms and other game companies that are similar anyway, so it's related to the whole retro FPS industry in some way.

I got the evidence here:

Basic tl;dr of this: 3D Realms protects and platforms MajorArlene and her dev Hellforge Studios, who has been weaponizing an alt-right harassment forum against me, a trans woman.

I come here with hopes that someone of importance will shed some light on this, as the situation got worse since I escaped the alt-right 4 years ago. I also apologize for irrupting this thread since this is, again, pretty much needing of a higher signal boost.


So this goblin of a human joined the site and this is their first post.

I looked up their kiwifarms thread and he literally ate shit on stream in the past, and used to be an alt-right nazi. Just a major fucking creep. They will fit right in.
LoverOfCycles dateline='[url=tel:1696392951' wrote: 1696392951[/url]']

Quote:Hey there, I bear some real ugly news, and let me preface this by doing trigger warnings for harassment and transphobia anyway, since I, a trans woman who's escaped 4 years ago from the alt-right, is the one affected by this. It relates to 3D Realms and other game companies that are similar anyway, so it's related to the whole retro FPS industry in some way.

I got the evidence here:

Basic tl;dr of this: 3D Realms protects and platforms MajorArlene and her dev Hellforge Studios, who has been weaponizing an alt-right harassment forum against me, a trans woman.

I come here with hopes that someone of importance will shed some light on this, as the situation got worse since I escaped the alt-right 4 years ago. I also apologize for irrupting this thread since this is, again, pretty much needing of a higher signal boost.


So this goblin of a human joined the site and this is their first post.

I looked up their kiwifarms thread and he literally ate shit on stream in the past, and used to be an alt-right nazi. Just a major fucking creep. They will fit right in.

Is Divine? But she could take both Kiwi Farms and RE single handed:
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:When developing Sass VS Fash: Girlballs of Steel, I found myself some neo-liberal tier comments saying that violence against nazis in a videogame is unjustified. Some come out with the whole ordeal about “did you meet nazis in real life?” or “this isn’t 1942” like complete buffoons, but I do think, at least as a stress reliever, that killing nazis in a videogame is perfectly fine.

Direct anti-fascist action sometimes cannot be at all safe, taking in mind the authorities and other factors to take care of. It’s a hassle you have to take care of when an actual nazi can incriminate you for hostile violence when all you’ve been doing is self-defense. And that’s because the justice system everywhere is so blind, that it favors actual fascists. Luckily, the medium of videogames, including titles such as Wolfenstein 3D (which turned 30 this year!) and the current title I’m developing, can help amplify the anti-fascist message, not just as a player, but also as a developer.

It’s reasonable that nazis are the bad guys in media in general, no matter what perspective you’re taking it from, because of the enormous damage they’ve done to society since 1938 and even earlier. As a result of capitalism, because fascism is capitalism in decay, the damage done to marginalized voices, whether it is Jewish, people of color, LGBTQ+, or anything, can only be paid for by nazis with punishment. And not just by physical punishment, but also by social punishment as well. Their trash ideology needs to be invalidated completely alongside the other ideologies that sustain it, and for that, it’s long work.

But a good start, luckily, is to spread anti-fascist media, especially games, which boost the anti-fascist message further. And that’s what our titles are for. So get going and kill some nazis (in a videogame).
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
[Image: cb46a0572aece238567b815db10cf87e_origina...bf9b6d6abc]
[Image: 70bb51c3be5a4b6a51917a95eb1150eb_origina...73839a0a45]
Quote:Risks and challenges
To be frankly honest, I'm fairly a tiny bit inexperienced in Unreal Engine, and that can lead to a bunch of mishaps and bugs that might result in a rather sub-par game. Hopefully, with the funding, we could hire additional coders to help sort this out.
San Sebastián, Spain
Bigender transgender and bisexual woman who's into game development, DOOM and general creativity.

Receive a Steam digital copy, the MP3 soundtrack, your portrait in the credits and a random printed copy of me dunking on Twitter a TERF or a nazi.
Dead Dead Dead Dead

wtf is this whole thing lol

omg Nsfw

no seriously Nsfw

i'll warn you one more time Nsfw

Spoiler: REALLY I MEAN Nsfw (click to show)

Dead Dead Dead Dead
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles
Hear me out. We should help them reach $400k to see what ??? means.
Half these tweets are unintelligible. I can't even understand what the twenty of them complaining about gay guys on Grindr are even supposed to mean. lol

Thank you for your service!

Oof, misogynistic language:

Quote:It's times like this I wish steam had a sideways thumb, because what's here really isn't bad, but I don't think there's enough to justify getting it either. They are upfront that this is basically a demo, but I finished the one level featured here in 4 minutes and had to idle the game another minute to even be able to post a steam review. The weapons are a bit stiff, but I thought the level design was decent and the wallrun was cool. The enemies kept spamming voice clips and one seemed to glitch such that it kept saying the same clip over and over again really loudly which actually kind of hurt my ears, but I do think if built upon it could be a decent retro throwback shooter.

Sadly I just don't think having one short 4 minute level is compelling enough to get whatever kind of traction they'll need if they really need sales that badly to finish the game. I think it would be better to devote some time each day to working on levels, especially since the tools to do so are free, and build up at least a minimum viable version of episode 1 and have the first level as a free demo. It doesn't need to have all the planned features in place, just enough to make the game feel worth investing in. If the game gets more content I'd definitely revisit because it seems like the foundation is there, but I just can't recommend for now.
Quote:"Speaking of "game is short", now the Fourth problem and the worst of the problems, the length of this game, like what I said, it's short, I already finished the damn thing around a minute, it's even on hardest difficulty when I played it and you'll finish it only in seconds if you ignore all the enemies, room and just go straight to finish, also the audacity of selling this game for a seconds of playtime, it's just the most annoying sh*t ever..... I've got nothing to say."

"Oh yeah, this game is a demo, yes a F*cking DEMO, it's just straight up f*ck and yes I read what the developer said in the description, "it only have one level", but at least make the level longer,'
Quote:The developer of this game practically begged me to play this game and said he'd pay me to leave a good review which to me is extremely shady but I said I didn't require payment and played the game anyway, the game is a total mess the menus don't work properly or save correctly and the A.I just stands around autoaiming you through walls.

You get abilities like wall running and dash for no reason just to run along the wall for 2 seconds until the game finishes? also I was harassed by the developer who has a long history of doxing, harassment and criminal history online and he outright threatened me when I asked about it.

The developer was charged and arrested for swatting and other criminal activities such as threats of violence towards people online and bomb threats, there are multiple videos and evidence of this which he tries to deny, just look up JMAATV he also was involved in racist raids on streamers and now he pretends to be left wing because he burned his bridges with everyone on the right, also the game has extremely weird GPU load issues almost as if he tried and failed to put some form of crypto miner in the game?

Also I heard he ate his own feces and googled his online handle and found multiple videos of this, very disturbing person.
Amazing stuff.
Honestly, as a somewhat normal person, how am I supposed to read this sort of shit and believe that trans people are not just a bunch of literally insane lunatics with a cross-dressing fetish?
Literally been convicted of a hate crime (for bomb threats apparently, that he streamed making), he tweeted a screenshot of this himself. lol
[Image: 4eYUkEo.png]
4 users liked this post: Uncle, BIONIC, LoverOfCycles, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth staff better not cave to the hate site lies and ban a prominent trans game developer just because of what I've shared. wag

edit: Oh, wait, they've posted a bunch of times under different alts in their own Kiwi Farms thread, nevermind. Shotgun 'em, Hecht.
How long did this transition from hate crime committing neo-nazi to chick with a dick take?
From what's in the very hard to follow Kiwi Farms thread it looks like they were a hate criming leftie first, then shifted to hate criming neo-nazi because all the leftie spaces had banned them, now they've shifted back after the neo-nazis started banning them from everywhere. Like the above focus on whoever Major Arlene is they seem to have one particular nemesis at any one time who may or may not know they exist but which is the source of their claimed harassment. They were trying to team up with Keffals last year which only resulted in being banned from all the Keffals subreddit/Discord/etc. Endless number of Twitter and YouTube accounts that have been banned. They're pretty proud of the fact that they eat and smear shit on themselves on stream. There's also a video (from 2015-16ish) of them fighting with multiple (school?) girls which there appears to be no context of and was semi-viral in Spain:
I’ll be honest, I can’t even muster up enough energy to care about trans stuff nowadays.

I used to be all for it. Let people live however they want. So what if there’s a bunch of online crazies, there are crazies for every collective. A small minority of a tiny minority shouldn’t change my beliefs.

The thing is, things have changed. I’ve only ever met a couple of trans people and they were both the living stereotype of the crazy online trans. They were rude, they were imposing, they were demanding, and they were creepy. I don’t think I can properly explain how it feels when someone twice my size, male pattern baldness and five o’clock shadow starts aggressively explaining how they’re as much of a woman. It’s, for the lack of a better word, dehumanizing. You can’t argue with the obvious, you can’t simply point out the obvious. You feel guilty about wanting to do it, but the alternative is being quiet about feminist issues to let the deep voiced penis-haver to talk over you, and that feels even worse.

I hate that I am labeled as anti-feminist or TERF for not considering people who don’t even attempt to transition (and in my country, you can legally change your gender simply by self-id, which is, predictably, trying to be abused by rapists and abusers). I hate all the new terminology that needs to be included to make sure that when you talk about women, you are talking about women. It’s othering, it’s ridiculous, and it’s sexist. And it may be because of lived experience, sure, but I feel like it’s nowhere near as bad with transmen or male terminology.

Sorry for the wall of text. But yeah, I just can’t help to think about these people whenever trans issues come up, and so I cannot care about them. I feel sorry for whatever people legitimately have gender dysphoria, but if Hogwarts Legacy is up there in your list of concerns, you have no fucking idea how easy you have it.
(10-04-2023, 07:09 AM)Anti-Monitor wrote: The thing is, things have changed. I’ve only ever met a couple of trans people and they were both the living stereotype of the crazy online trans. They were rude, they were imposing, they were demanding, and they were creepy. I don’t think I can properly explain how it feels when someone twice my size, male pattern baldness and five o’clock shadow starts aggressively explaining how they’re as much of a woman. It’s, for the lack of a better word, dehumanizing. You can’t argue with the obvious, you can’t simply point out the obvious. You feel guilty about wanting to do it, but the alternative is being quiet about feminist issues to let the deep voiced penis-haver to talk over you, and that feels even worse.
It's okay, we can let this meme featuring White House invited Lesbian Leader, Democratic Party activist and former accused creep male feminist Charlotte Clymer (that this specific image link comes from their own tweet) properly explain:
[Image: D_x-hTuX4AMIzmM?format=jpg&name=small]

I myself am most easily approached with the "let people live as they want" aspect to this since of course as a libertarian anarchist who does not care what consenting adults do I see no issue with such a thing, and I certainly never would say otherwise about any specific individual absent more information, but I cannot regard a movement that openly espouses its wishes to use violence to force other people to constantly lie to be anything but totalitarian. Thus, I must oppose it as I do all others that are similar. I think the whole topic speaks very clearly to the importance of rejecting reactionary and regressive views no matter how often they're proclaimed to be on the right side of history so shut up and do as you're told. As I commonly express like a broken record, I thought the Enlightenment was centuries ago, not still needing us to convince people to catch up to.
My counter anecdote is, going back ten years or so, I had trans co workers and acquaintances. They were by and large normal. Can also say the last time I encountered a trans person in real life was 2019, a friend of a friend of a friend, and they seemed alright. Unironically talked about Smash Bros Switch in a social setting among adults. But whatever. 

Now I don’t know if chem trails or whatever the fuck happened these last four years. Some historians believe Tumblr dying had the rot break out of quarantine. But I haven’t had any encounters outside. Well, there is a co worker who does the he/they thing. And all I can say is, we do work with many people outside the US bubble and he hasn’t melted down over them not giving a shit. Locker room talk is very much still around.

Anyway, I can’t say I ever met or noticed a trans man. Maybe I have and couldn’t tell. Sort of tbh inverse of that image, I can’t assume every manlet I meet is trans.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, benji
The trans people I know seem fine, but I also do not know how they act online. We should remember Nepenthe's online persona versus her real life and other examples. Also how often members post about their inability to handle simple social situations and existential meltdowns over minor or imagined slights they keep to themselves until venting on the forum to affirmation.
I have no interest in completing the trans battle pass of the internet and I'm looking forward to the internet changing up direction next season with new writers

I have had exactly one person irl try to stoke a hate circle on JK Rowling and that shit got shut down pronto by normals, definitely seems to be internet nonsense from where I'm sitting
benji dateline='[url=tel:1696404938' wrote: 1696404938[/url]']
Anti-Monitor dateline='[url=tel:1696403366' wrote: 1696403366[/url]']
The thing is, things have changed. I’ve only ever met a couple of trans people and they were both the living stereotype of the crazy online trans. They were rude, they were imposing, they were demanding, and they were creepy. I don’t think I can properly explain how it feels when someone twice my size, male pattern baldness and five o’clock shadow starts aggressively explaining how they’re as much of a woman. It’s, for the lack of a better word, dehumanizing. You can’t argue with the obvious, you can’t simply point out the obvious. You feel guilty about wanting to do it, but the alternative is being quiet about feminist issues to let the deep voiced penis-haver to talk over you, and that feels even worse.
It's okay, we can let this meme featuring White House invited Lesbian Leader, Democratic Party activist and former accused creep male feminist Charlotte Clymer (that this specific image link comes from their own tweet) properly explain:
[Image: D_x-hTuX4AMIzmM?format=jpg&name=small]

I myself am most easily approached with the "let people live as they want" aspect to this since of course as a libertarian anarchist who does not care what consenting adults do I see no issue with such a thing, and I certainly never would say otherwise about any specific individual absent more information, but I cannot regard a movement that openly espouses its wishes to use violence to force other people to constantly lie to be anything but totalitarian. Thus, I must oppose it as I do all others that are similar. I think the whole topic speaks very clearly to the importance of rejecting reactionary and regressive views no matter how often they're proclaimed to be on the right side of history so shut up and do as you're told. As I commonly express like a broken record, I thought the Enlightenment was centuries ago, not still needing us to convince people to catch up to.

Man, that image is depressing, specially since those communities could see the fetishists trying to took over since a mile away. Hope someday there is a genuine big reckoning for the weirdo fetish assholes, but I feel that would also require that the internet leftists communities become introspective enough to understand how their online slactivism made easier to assholes to take advantage of it.

Is sad because I was also all in on trans rights and “live and let others live” but little by little this dudes eroded a lot of good will.
Tin Foil Squizo thread:
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Also, benji, you are going to hate this post:

Bansi wrote:I strongly believe what cis people need to do is to make any place we are in an unsafe space for the sharing of transphobic views and the participation of transphobes. Every time someone mentions Rowling I make it a point to say that she's a piece-of-shit TERF. Any conversation that happens about her or her work in my presence will only happen in that context.

Don't be quiet when someone cracks a transphobic joke or casually mentions a celebrity who's a known transphobe. Make your thoughts known and shut it down.

That is a kid throwing a tantrum while trying to pass it off like “fight the power”.

Who the fuck you think you are?
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
That’s the crux of the online trans movement though. Not being a woman. Controlling the minds of your enemies. L Ron wrote the playbook.

It’s a decentralised online religion.
That’s in part an interesting factor or dilemma in stuff like the ever exhausting restroom/prison/sports question. At least in my limited reading, whenever it’s put forth to either create a third option or do away with gendered categories, it’s not what they want. Like it’s about willing their way into a space they weren’t entitled to. That’s the crux of the terf white supremacy nazi harpy position. They want an exclusive space for cis women.

I can’t speak to sides and all that. Once again, if a trans man came into a cis male space, we’d happily include the little man. Except in a pick up game. They can keep score.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, benji, Alpacx, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
I kind of feel like the twitter ex-male feminist narcissist abuser who becomes a trans lesbian as a cover for his deeply held clear ideological misogyny type person (who somehow ends up at the whitehouse?) needs to be put in their own category apart from the cool trans women out there.
(10-04-2023, 08:55 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Man, that image is depressing

I always wondered who that woman in the picture is, and what her thoughts on the matter are.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(10-04-2023, 11:27 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
(10-04-2023, 08:55 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Man, that image is depressing

I always wondered who that woman in the picture is, and what her thoughts on the matter are.

which one?
I've met normal trans people both trans male and trans female, also meant NB people but don't consider them normal as I don't consider that a legitimate identity and more some strange sense of opting out of identities. 

But even my normal trans friends have a tendency to go to the extremes online, with their discord groups convincing them there is a trans genocide going on and it's like.... where? So strange.
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, benji
Bansi wrote:I strongly believe what cis people need to do is to make any place we are in an unsafe space for the sharing of transphobic views and the participation of transphobes. Every time someone mentions Rowling I make it a point to say that she's a piece-of-shit TERF. Any conversation that happens about her or her work in my presence will only happen in that context.

Don't be quiet when someone cracks a transphobic joke or casually mentions a celebrity who's a known transphobe. Make your thoughts known and shut it down.

TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Indeed, I feel many Potter and Rowling fans feel uncomfortable when reminded about the type of person Rowling is, often then trying to downplay it, ignore it, "death of author" etc etc and at worse, get angry and say "Fuck Rowling!" as if that means anything as if that makes it all better (which often just feels like showing your true colours moment). Don't let them, just remind them more of how she benefits from their support and how she takes that as support of her transphobic views. Never let them feel comfortable about supporting Rowling whether through Potter or her other works; especially her other works because how can you even pretend she isn't being transphobic in her recent works?

Of course this is easier said than done, especially if you're naturally shy and an introvert offline.

Case in point, imagine being friends or coworkers with these miserable bastards. Want to talk about Harry Potter? Make sure to caveat it and explain how she's an evil TERF first, brow beating is how your cause grows 😂
JK Rowling is awesome, and I'm uncomfortable that you're joining in an online witch hunt against a woman who has done nothing wrong and is on the right side of things

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