Conspiracy Theories
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Laura can't be bothered to learn about Taylor Swift's whole record label dispute so she thinks she's uncovered a massive plot about voting and vaccines:

Quote:Has @taylorswift13 made a deal with George Soros and Alex Soros to get the rights to her music back in exchange for getting Zoomers registered to vote Democrat against President Trump ahead of the 2024 Presidential election?

Gen Z + Taylor Swift = Gavin Newsom in the White House. The only way @GavinNewsom gets to the White House is if people with influence start normalizing his radical policies like vaccine mandates and late term abortion. @GavinNewsom is 100% backed by George Soros, and he is the nephew of Nancy Pelosi. In his old age, George Soros has turned his political empire over to his son, Alex Soros.

In 2024, Zoomers are officially set to replace Boomers as the largest voting demographic in America.

Last week, Taylor Swift registered over 40,000 voters with a single Instagram post, and most of them were zoomers. She has decided to engage in an anti-Trump tirade in which she is using her platform to make abortion and fear mongering about divisiveness as the number one issue to get people registered to vote.

She has more followers than President Trump has on both X and Instagram.

And now she’s dating a pro athlete @tkelce who just signed with @pfizer to push the COVID vaccines to millions of sports fans and zoomers, even though data shows us that young people and athletes who take the vaccine are developing myocarditis and dropping dead from health issues like cardiac arrest. Kelce embraces anti-American values because he kneeled for the National Anthem in 2017.

Taylor Swift also just launched a world tour, and after she travels the world this year, she’s coming back to the US right before the US elections for what looks to be her version of an October surprise.

She spending 3 days in Miami, FL in the last week of October 2024 where she will likely make a big push to get people to the polls. Florida is the largest swing state in the nation and also happens to be where @RonDeSantis signed a six week abortion ban.

The Eras global tour that Taylor Swift is currently on is supposed to be a tour featuring *all* of her albums.

However, she has lamented in the past that Alex Soros and George Soros bought the rights to her music and her first 6 Albums when @scooterbraun sold it to a private equity firm tied to the Soros family for $300 MILLION.

Do you think that in their efforts to beat Donald Trump in 2024 and destroy America that @georgesoros @AlexanderSoros would have made a deal with Taylor Swift to help give her back the rights to all of her albums as long as she helps get Democrats elected in 2024? $300 MILLION isn’t a lot of money when you realize the 2020 Presidential election cycle was the most expensive election season in US history with a price tag of $14.4 billion, according to Open Secrets. This is nearly double the cost of the election season in 2016 when @realDonaldTrump defeated @HillaryClinton.

How is Taylor Swift doing a world tour with all of her albums if George Soros and Alex Soros helped strip her of her rights to her first 6 albums, as she claimed in an old Instagram post below?

Were deals made between the Soros family and Taylor Swift in a Presidential election year?

I have provided the receipts below.
Quote:MAGA, it’s time to show the Swifties just how powerful our movement is.

What are the odds that @taylorswift13 helped record this video for the Democrats in 2020 when Biden was running against Trump? This is a campaign ad. They likely had to pay to use her music and sue obviously signed off of this. And then, as a final October push in 2020, @GavinNewsom posted this video on Twitter and thanked @taylorswift13. Now, as she is on a world tour, Taylor Swift is doing democrat voter registration drives on Zuckerberg owned Instagram by pushing her lies to her base of zoomers and millennials. She has accused President Trump of being a white supremacist, has accused him of using the USPS to cheat in elections, and she is promoting Gavin Newsom’s abortion and LGBTQ policies which are the most radical in the nation.

It’s obvious why this alliance has formed. @GavinNewsom and @MichelleObama are running in 2024 and their plan is to use social media influencers to help them win.

No wonder why Joe Biden allocated a wing of the White House for Tik Tokers. With the help of brain dead celebrities and Chinese communist social media, the Democrats are trying to take another election with lies and the Zoomer vote, which will now be larger than the Boomer vote in 2024.


The Democrats have partnered with @taylorswift13 . And just like she and @GavinNewsom pushed this video out in October 2020, they will likely be campaigning together in 2024 when she makes her first trip on her world tour back to the US in MIAMI, FLORIDA for 3 days in OCTOBER 2024!

Are the Democrats trying to make @taylorswift13 their October surprise?
Laura Loomer has her eyes on the ball, the only movement that is currently bigger and more loyal than MAGA are the Swifties. Every other group is too divided to pose a challenge.
A Taylor Swift fan that places her above god.

If Taylor speaks up that she's not going to get into politics or endorse candidates (and this is what her manager would probably tell her to do) she won't be a threat to MAGA.

If Taylor does support the dark side it's better to know it now than to be blindsided.
I thought it was a fake but Jimmy Dore actually briefed the UN Security Council Titus 

Conspiracy theory about Taylor Swift working with Soros Do Not Want

Conspiracy theory about Taylor Swift being a man  Oh yeah

Also for benji


Shocked Pikachu
He warned us:
1 user liked this post: TylenolJones

✓✓ Fact Checked
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC, benji
[Image: F7gHnfOWsAAwPFq?format=jpg&name=large]

I guess the SS had a better dental plan too Dead

Welp, Schwabs days are numbered. He should stay away from windows and planes.

Putin also said how Prigozhin died, they got drunk or high on the plane and played with grenades.  lol

[Image: F75Xs9iasAEBPat?format=jpg&name=small]
1 user liked this post: Nintex
Massive Joe Biden scandal breaking!!!

1 user liked this post: BIONIC
The Bidens have the biggest cocks, girth like you wouldn't believe, long enough to swing like helicopters and believe me I've boarded a few. 
In terms of size the biggest you've ever seen, as big as aeroplanes, many people are saying it. It looks unhealthy to tell you the truth.
This shouldn't be allowed folks. Absolutely disgusting and frankly scary how big they are.
Swinging like this should be illegal.

Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1697060896' wrote: 1697060896[/url]']
Biden claims he has seen the pictures of the beheaded babies and could never imagine that would have been part of his job

Just sad at seeing all that adrenochrome wasted

2 users liked this post: BIONIC, benji

1 user liked this post: TylenolJones
Space Tribunals are coming to NBC this fall!!!

1 user liked this post: benji
[Image: F8hYdELbUAAkbDX?format=jpg&name=small]

I like how this is a screenshot of an image but also has multiple watermarks. Really sells it to me.
1 user liked this post: who is ted danson?
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1692439986' wrote: 1692439986[/url]']

Alex sounds the alarm, new COVID restrictions incoming.

It’s been 2 months, when are the lockdowns going to happen???
(10-16-2023, 06:41 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1692439986' wrote: 1692439986[/url]']

Alex sounds the alarm, new COVID restrictions incoming.

It’s been 2 months, when are the lockdowns going to happen???

i guess 97 deaths/day globally doesn't really justify welding peoples homes shut  lol
3 users liked this post: TylenolJones, Nintex, BIONIC
do some traditional cultural diets lend themselves toward causing diarrhea more often than others?

should the West decrease the likelihood of potential terror attacks by waging a cultural war to encourage consumption of food that can cause intestinal maladies in those most likely to commit such attacks?
3 users liked this post: benji, Nintex, BIONIC
(10-20-2023, 12:54 PM)Uncle wrote: do some traditional cultural diets lend themselves toward causing diarrhea more often than others?

1 user liked this post: Nintex

But that's none of my business...
America: 1776-2023

You’re next Alex!!!
3 users liked this post: Nintex, BIONIC, TylenolJones
Reply wrote:Mild rant, but sometimes I feel like the United States is rigged against people who want to eat healthy/lose weight

Obviously, we all have access to healthier food options, but it does seem like our country really pushes, promotes and markets food that doesn’t satisfy you, and isn’t nutrient dense, so you just feel like you need to eat more because you never feel full.

Also eating healthy here is kind of a privilege because fruits and vegetables are not cheap and they don’t often last very long in the refrigerator so you have to keep buying them.

I’ve even noticed criticism when I started eating healthier and trying to reduce my portion sizes, eating fruits and vegetables and chicken and really trying to reduce my sugar intake. A lot of people didn’t see this as a normal way to eat, but rather an “extreme” way to eat. Anyway, I know there’s not really a question in here it’s just something that I’ve been thinking about and wondered how others feel.
Quote:Yes this is a whole public health issue. It’s great to see people finally waking up to this. For so long it’s been labelled as an individual problem, which of course our own responsibility plays a part in it but when you’re constantly bombarded in a system that’s actively working against you it makes it extremely hard. I wish more people would understand what Social determinants of health are. It really explains this and other problems in our world as well. How our physical environments, income, education, social environments plays a HUGE role in our health outcomes.
Quote:I also learned recently that newer/better refrigerators keep produce fresh longer. Yet another way that having more money makes it easier to be healthy (and in the long run, also saves you money).
Quote:I just hate how it feels like such an inconvenience to eat healthy. Not even just an inconvenience to yourself, but to everyone else. I was committing myself to cutting back on sugar and carbs, and I was going to eat over at a friend's house while her parents were in town. They asked if I ate something (don't remember what it was) and I told them that I wasn't keen on breaking my good streak of eating healthier, but I still wanted to hang out. The whole time I was there, her Mom was all passive aggressive and cold with me about the dinner. I even brought over some stuff to make some kabobs and offered to get/cook some for everyone else. And yes, I told them I would do this before coming as not to infringe on their meal plan.
Quote:Pepsi apparently was really pushing Mountain Dew in some of the poorer areas of the states (it has twice as much sugar as Coca-Cola apparently) and when this film was made, all of these kids (like Larry in the clip) basically ended up with really rotten teeth before they turned 15. Babies were being fed Mountain Dew in bottles. There's a community dentist who has an RV (funded by Pepsi after he appealed for them to do something) trying to help them, but Pepsi won't stop marketing to the community or provide funding for education on sugar consumption.

It's totally abhorrent and literally criminal that food companies are allowed to get away with this.
Quote:I took a class on the ethics of food in college and they explained that obesity is extremely common in lower-income areas here in the US because there literally isn’t healthy food available. Plus, fast/processed food can be cheaper than buying meat & produce & takes less time, and time is extremely valuable to people who have to work long hours or do manual labor. A documentary we watched for the class was A Place At The Table (free on youtube) & i do think it’s worth a watch
Quote:Sometimes? Try all the time. Our entire system is based on the idea of getting you addicted to something then taking all your money for it. Food tastes so good because they want you to over-consume. They get all your money and if the price is your life, meh. They don't care.
Quote:I don't think "they hate us". They don't care. There is just way more money to be made in a society that consumes more and more. And when you have giant corporations running advertising, lobbying, etc.. the cards are stacked against you for sure.
Quote:Unlike overweight people, food companies need to grow. Their investors insist on it to the tune of at least 4% annually or more. That means they have to sell more to customers, and there's no better customer than an addict. So they advertise with food porn, they pump the "craveability" of their products. They also lobby for looser food standards, they create messaging to attack competing (healthier) food interests.

It's all because they have to grow. Who knows, your 401K or pension fund may be tied up with these folks. But it just requires extra vigilance and personal fact-finding to overcome all this to regain and maintain your health.
Quote:I agree it’s 100% possible to eat healthy here but there are a lot of ifs-

-If you don’t live in a food dessert which is surprisingly common in this country -If you can afford fresh produce and meats which are definitely more expensive than say ramen and and boxed Mac and cheese - both of which will feed a full meal to you for less than a dollar and less than 10 minutes of prep, I’m not sure I could get much more than a single banana for a dollar where I live -If you have a solid education on or understanding of nutrition -If you have enough time in your day to prepare non-processed food

That is where the deck is stacked against Americans - especially poor Americans - making OPs claim pretty accurate.
Quote:Remember that pretty much every living adult grew up in this food environment. Is it truly a choice if this is the only culture you’ve ever known? We’re multiple generations into this shit now.
Quote:Last time I was in East & SE Asia to visit family, it felt like all we did was eat and I shockingly LOST weight. But we ate very little that was processed and even the rare meal at an international fast food chain tasted fresher. We walked a lot and grazed more instead of having large meals that tend to make you sedentary afterwards. Amongst my friends who do a lot of international traveling, we've even noticed that bread overseas doesn't give us issues like it does here. Whether that's because glycophosphates are restricted in a lot of the EU & Asia or the fact bread tends to be made slower instead of with rapid rise yeasts and conditioners, so that the enzymes have a chance to breakdown problematic proteins. Who knows? All I know is across the board, we all experience a reduction in gastric distress and/or sinus issues when eating bread overseas. American mass-produced bread is an atrocity. My BF used to camp in the in-field of a NASCAR race twice a year with his boys, spring and fall. A package of hamburger buns was forgotten in a cabinet after the spring race. They sat in that RV the rest of spring, all summer, and until right before Halloween. Not a spec of mold, they didn't harden, and they otherwise appeared as fresh as the day they were bought.

Our food system was perverted by WWI and WWII. Chemicals used in warfare became pesticides and herbicides. The loss of thousands of able-bodied men made the rise of ever larger farm machinery necessary and the factories were already prepared to make huge equipment after making war machines. Plus long before the US entered both wars, we were feeding everyone at home and abroad. Figuring out how to preserve food to send to the frontlines became the basis of our shelf-stable and hyper-palatable processed foods. If you watch "The Food That Made America" series you find out things like Cheetos are a direct result of wartime food production, or at least the excesses of it.

Tinfoil hat time: I'm convinced we are being farmed for our illnesses. Healthcare is ~18% of the GDP. 90% of those expenditures are chronic health care issues like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc. There is ZERO financial benefit for corporations and the government if people start eating better and stay healthy. They need us all the stay just this side of the grave and using as much medication and services as they can squeeze out of us to keep those stock prices up and the tax revenue rolling in.
Quote:USA seems to have something in their food supply that makes people sick. Whenever I'm online I hear people talking about difficult to lose weight because of their pcos, adhd etc. Either people don't have these as much as in the rest of the world or something is in the food because people don't grow to 500 lbs elsewhere (except countries that heavily import food like Samoa). Between the food supply, the love of cheese and being car centric, it's an uphill battle. That CAN be won but it's harder than it should be.

Responding to your "tinfoil hat time": What's your take on those new weight loss drugs? After all they 1) lower people's appetite (therefore overall consumption) and 2) will reduce incidence of weight related diseases with negative impact on pharma's sales.
Quote:It absolutely is rigged. You’re not imagining that. While in other societies the food is already reasonably healthy and reasonably inexpensive, ours is packed with unnecessary sugars, dyes, preservatives, and the government subsidizes the least healthy food to make it more affordable.

In other countries you can walk to most of your basic needs. That’s simply not a thing in 90% of America. You have to tack on extra time in the day to exert excess calories (go to the gym) which is really insane when you think about it.

And that gets to my last point: time. Americans are chronically stressed and overworked. Beyond the issues of lack of paid vacation, sick time, or parental leave, we also work very long hours with long commutes. It makes it extremely difficult to cook healthy food when you get home, and bring healthy food with you to work. We also don’t generally get lunch breaks.

All of this creates a society where the default is obesity. You have to do extra work and use up your precious free time to actively do things to avoid obesity. Other countries are not like this.
Quote:This is why my husband and I are not living in the US when we retire. We’ve been traveling the world together for 10 years, and there’s not a lazier, unhealthier country in the world. Junk food and chemicals are everywhere and we don’t have pedestrian friendly cities. The Blue Zones show on Netflix explains it all.
Quote:i agree! everything here seems designed to keep us unhealthy and overweight. Would not be surprised if it’s by design, healthcare industry and diet industry make billions off treatment
Quote:Because being unhealthy generates more money for corporations and all this country seems to care about is profit.
Quote:Sugar sells. Preservatives help sell sugar for cheaper. America=capitalism. Capitalism will kill us all. So yes. America is rigged against us being healthy.
Quote:It is. The US has been intentionally carved up so you don't know your neighbors, are scared to go out and walking is a bad word. The food is high calorie and low nutrition and those that eat decently are chastised. Its time to take back your society.
Quote:The United States is rigged against many, many good things. All in the name of Capitalism.

At the very bottom of the page I found this abhorrent disinformation:
Quote:Well, yes, you do have to keep buying fresh fruits and vegetables. They’re fresh. And odds are, they keep longer with refrigeration. That’s going to be true anywhere in the world.
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