Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(10-11-2023, 05:13 PM)MMM wrote: Remember the good old days when there was a thread on neogaf about banning that transphobic slur that is filtered on here and Evilore said 'nah'? And that was just accepted. 

This was like 2011. Was absolutely well known as a slur back then.
The meme of putting a trannysuprise tab in every browser screenshot went pretty close to the end and maybe even carried over to at first. TransEra was a minor thing and not yet a monolithic bloc even with SweetNicole on the staff, hence the need for summits and the Ketkat War. Even TransEra's thread wasn't recreated as members only until later as they became increasingly paranoid and in thrall to people like Kyuuji.
(10-11-2023, 09:17 PM)Pwnz wrote:
(10-11-2023, 09:16 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Only episode like that I'm aware of is the one where Kyle gets the black surgery to be better at basketball and it was a hilarious episode, also recall something about dolphins in it.

I haven't watched it in a while and I may be missing context, but I felt like the message was people should accept who they are in a way like you shouldn't transition because that's like wanting to be a dolphin.  Different times.

See how we can discuss things here instead of "fuck you asshole bigot, you're genocidiing me!!!"

I recall Mrs Garrison struggling and accepting her identity as a trans woman, but Kyle and someone else realizing they can't change everything (changing race and changing to an animal). Seemed like a pro trans message to me but not a series I follow enough to know how it all plays out.

But yep, definitely a better group here than on retardEra.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, D3RANG3D, Pwnz
I like that Mr Garrison is such a massive weirdo that conventional gender and sex labels don’t apply to him. 

Wasn’t an earlier episode when Chef said “there is gay people and there is Mr Garrison”?
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Pwnz, benji, D3RANG3D
Hating on RLM and South Park feels like the old days again  Rejoice
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Potato, Uncle
This is one of the great early threads, I haven't gone through it since then obviously but I don't really recall much discussion of trans or non-binary people. Now it would completely dominate the topic. Persephone has since stopped identifying as a woman but at the time it was very important to her hence this thread and establishing the women critique designs one:
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HaughtyFrank
GuessMyUserName wrote:Incredibly clear to see who isn't affected and doesn't care about the very real harm South Park bigotry has been dishing out for decades and very much continues to do so.

clickycal wrote:
DivineMoleman wrote:to be honest watching South Park growing up put me on a left-wing path, and gave me tools to look at society. It encouraged me to be skeptical of corporations because their only goal is to make money, accept gay people (even the ones who look or act in ways that might be "funny) and to question when people blame a crime on "some puerto-rican guy" (nowadays this is usually "some homeless guy").

Obviously I can't defend everything they did and there are lots of times something from one episode might contradict another. It honestly is a nuanced show, which also does a bunch of stuff simply because they think it will be funny/shocking and that can muddle it's overall sentiments. I'll also acknowledge that while I am Jewish I grew up with a bunch of other Jewish kids so maybe I wouldn't find Cartman's anti-semitism to be funny if I actually had to deal with anti-semitism inspired by the episodes when I went to school.

I really do understand what you're saying, but the amount of things throughout the show that were either intentionally daft at best, or "misinterpreted".

And then we get to the fact that every single time they have went into transgender subjects, there has been nothing close to nuance, and just horrific transphobia that has helped shape a lot of things still to this day that people source for their hatred.

Of course ClickyCal can't understand an actual minority.
(10-11-2023, 09:31 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
GuessMyUserName wrote:Incredibly clear to see who isn't affected and doesn't care about the very real harm South Park bigotry has been dishing out for decades and very much continues to do so.
Name one that's not trans shit. But that's none of my business...
Looks like the beginning of my election cycle block list. I normally block nobody on era but the incessant hysteria and concern trolling is insufferable. Won't be long until Thordison response to a very generic statement by me that doesn't matter, and will adamantly disagree as if it is a crisis with technical correctness.

I don't know why I even bothered responding, every era south park thread is like this. Nothing to do with the OP, clear ban baiting, but it's a protected group on era so they can do whatever they want.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom
(10-11-2023, 09:36 PM)Pwnz wrote: Looks like the beginning of my election cycle block list. I normally block nobody on era but the incessant hysteria and concern trolling is insufferable. Won't be long until Thordison response to a very generic statement by me that doesn't matter, and will adamantly disagree as if it is a crisis with technical correctness.

Word of warning, some era mods actively monitor this thread so using the same username may have you in peril already 

3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Pwnz
(10-11-2023, 09:30 PM)benji wrote: This is one of the great early threads, I haven't gone through it since then obviously but I don't really recall much discussion of trans or non-binary people. Now it would completely dominate the topic. Persephone has since stopped identifying as a woman but at the time it was very important to her hence this thread and establishing the women critique designs one:
Oh my god, I missed that. Persephone who made endless post about disgusting men and how they need to listen to women about how cleavages are destroying the world, now identifies as non-binary
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
(10-11-2023, 09:38 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(10-11-2023, 09:36 PM)Pwnz wrote: Looks like the beginning of my election cycle block list. I normally block nobody on era but the incessant hysteria and concern trolling is insufferable. Won't be long until Thordison response to a very generic statement by me that doesn't matter, and will adamantly disagree as if it is a crisis with technical correctness.

Word of warning, some era mods actively monitor this thread so using the same username may have you in peril already 


I'm aware. I don't think I'm doing anything wrong as I'm expressing an opinion that is too nuanced for moderation policy there, but sure if one doesn't like me they could use "off site drama" or something. I'm not coordinating anything on era, just expressing an opinion elsewhere.
benji dateline='[url=tel:1697059857' wrote: 1697059857[/url]']
This is one of the great early threads, I haven't gone through it since then obviously but I don't really recall much discussion of trans or non-binary people. Now it would completely dominate the topic. Persephone has since stopped identifying as a woman but at the time it was very important to her hence this thread and establishing the women critique designs one:

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle
Biden claims he has seen the pictures of the beheaded babies and could never imagine that would have been part of his job

1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
They still won't ban terrorist sympathizers in that thread casting doubt about it will they? maf
(10-11-2023, 09:17 PM)Pwnz wrote:
(10-11-2023, 09:16 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Only episode like that I'm aware of is the one where Kyle gets the black surgery to be better at basketball and it was a hilarious episode, also recall something about dolphins in it.

I haven't watched it in a while and I may be missing context, but I felt like the message was people should accept who they are in a way like you shouldn't transition because that's like wanting to be a dolphin.  Different times.

See how we can discuss things here instead of "fuck you asshole bigot, you're genocidiing me!!!"

another aspect of it was extreme permissiveness, "oh you say you want this, ok, you know yourself better than we do"

people should first encounter many barriers like mandatory counseling, the kind of things that can't be gotten around by reading a script you got from the catboy ranch on discord in order to score some easy E

the solution to self-hate shouldn't be demanding that everyone around you patronizingly tell you you're something you're not, because that doesn't even work in the long run, suicide rates skyrocket the more time that passes after transitioning because you realize it didn't actually make you happy and now you've made decisions that you can't take back

the solution is coming to terms with yourself and more often than not realizing you're just reaching for what seems like the easiest solution, one that was pushed on you by a community that also are full of self-hate, where it's in their best interest to create more people like themselves and grow the "community"
(10-11-2023, 09:50 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: They still won't ban terrorist sympathizers in that thread casting doubt about it will they? maf
Chief Malik just tried to debunk the story by posting an article from a hardcore pro-russian conspiracy website and only got threadbanned
(10-11-2023, 09:30 PM)benji wrote: This is one of the great early threads, I haven't gone through it since then obviously but I don't really recall much discussion of trans or non-binary people. Now it would completely dominate the topic. Persephone has since stopped identifying as a woman but at the time it was very important to her hence this thread and establishing the women critique designs one:
The entire first page of this thread would have been instantly permabanned for their responses if this thread were made today.
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Uncle, Boredfrom, HaughtyFrank
(10-11-2023, 09:48 PM)Nintex wrote: Biden claims he has seen the pictures of the beheaded babies and could never imagine that would have been part of his job

From Ridin' with Biden to Lyin' Biden in one tweet. DemoRATs in trouble.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, TylenolJones, Nintex
(10-11-2023, 10:17 PM)Greatness Gone wrote:
(10-11-2023, 09:30 PM)benji wrote: This is one of the great early threads, I haven't gone through it since then obviously but I don't really recall much discussion of trans or non-binary people. Now it would completely dominate the topic. Persephone has since stopped identifying as a woman but at the time it was very important to her hence this thread and establishing the women critique designs one:
The entire first page of this thread would have been instantly permabanned for their responses if this thread were made today.
But remember, things are worse than ever on for trans people.
(10-11-2023, 10:15 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(10-11-2023, 09:50 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: They still won't ban terrorist sympathizers in that thread casting doubt about it will they? maf
Chief Malik just tried to debunk the story by posting an article from a hardcore pro-russian conspiracy website and only got threadbanned

Remember that James bond article got someone a temp ban and the source was listed as banned. This? Thread ban and nothing else. Guess bdubs really is that far gone.
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1697062506' wrote: 1697062506[/url]']
kaleidoscopium dateline='[url=tel:1697061007' wrote: 1697061007[/url]']
They still won't ban terrorist sympathizers in that thread casting doubt about it will they? maf
Chief Malik just tried to debunk the story by posting an article from a hardcore pro-russian conspiracy website and only got threadbanned

nocturne wrote:we're 'not used' to seeing many of these things because we do not give palestinian victims the same air and sympathy we do israeli victims. it's not breaking news. children and babies and the elderly are killed in palestine all the time, and many are killed in ways only a step removed from the deeply personal violence of hamas. 50% of the population isn't under 15 because people live long lives in the gaza strip.

i wouldn't really call hamas cold-blooded either. the term implies a casual attitude toward death that the nature of their killings really don't embody. it's rage. to me, cold-blooded is a way more accurate descriptor of an idf - and largely western - outlook that as many palestinian deaths are justifiable if you can argue at least one hamas fighter died in the attempt. and if you can't prove it, well, they probably were anyways. this is a playbook tried and tested from iraq and afghanistan to excuse any number of civilian deaths that people are incredibly redeploying as rational and 'complicated' to achieve in any other way.

it's also fundamentally not really a relevant comparison. the idf bombs indiscriminately because it's what they (or the us) paid billions for. they have them and hamas don't. bombs and jetplanes are the most effective way to inflict maximum damage with minimal risk, not sending soldiers to personally butcher palestinians and favouring 'cleaner' ways of inflicting mass death is way less about how much the idf respects the dignity of palestinian life and way more about israeli life. if you don't care about immediately occupying the land, and your goal is primarily annihilation, it's sound military strategy to just level everything you possibly can rather than risk lives trying to win hearts and minds.

it's what is deeply frightening about what could happen in the next month because israel has carte blanche to inflict whatever violence they deem appropriate on the gaza strip and as long as that violence doesn't produce videos equally suffused in personal, human cruelty the international community will largely look away. because you know, as a handful of posters will claim, you can't separate hamas and the average palestinian. it's too hard a problem, so they all have to die.

They planned the attack for months or years. They hide guns and military equipment in the little infrastructure Gaza has left. And guess what, asshole, they used the economic incentives to pull this shit:

Quote:The plan as conceived by Deif involved a prolonged effort at deception. Israel was led to believe that Hamas, an ally of Israel's sworn foe Iran, was not interested in launching a conflict and was focusing instead on economic development in Gaza, where the movement is the governing power.

But while Israel began providing economic incentives to Gazan workers, the group's fighters were being trained and drilled, often in plain sight of the Israeli military, a source close to Hamas said.

Even if is vengeance, it was a coldblooded one you dumb fuck.
They will truly go to all depths to justify infanticide.
Resetera caring about Saudi Arabia if there's the smallest hint of them possibly helping Palestinians.

I care about Saudi Arabia and their GREAT prince for his efforts to better document Hadith.

Be better in your Islamic support, Ree.  Rolleyes
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom
Chief Malik has legacy supreme BCT privileges, I still remember on Gaf when he asked for someone's address or something with the blunt implication that he wanted to murder them and only ate a 6 month or so ban lol
It's too bad that bringing up some of the brain dead takes from that thread by some posters in a hypothetical future thread would probably leave whoever referenced it with a perm for targeting members for their terrible takes.
Greatness Gone dateline='[url=tel:1697040341' wrote: 1697040341[/url]']
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1697040031' wrote: 1697040031[/url]']were the old mods less unhinged and power tripping than nepenthe etc.? I don't know???
I'm going to say yes as a whole, only because I can't remember anyone particularly crazy outside of Lore/Besada/Amir0x. Maybe Dragona had a moment? Whereas every single mod on Era (except for based Hogwarts Legacy playing admin Coldsun) is some level of retarded.

Y2Kev is the biggest cunt of them all. And one of them is literally a pedo.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
3 posters in a row without avatars Holeup
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Lights out in Gaza
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
North Korea still does it better.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Voodoopeople, post: 113208374, member: 24307 wrote:Hold on a cotton picking sec.

A demo?!

Right. Time to download this.

I don't even care how "good" this game might be as an FPS by modern standards.

If they'd have just marketed this as a non-VR Robocop walking sim, I'd still be in.
hydro94530, post: 113211776, member: 14321 wrote:😬 I'd lose this term ASAP if I was you.
Voodoopeople, post: 113220524, member: 24307 wrote:Wow. Genuinely. Thanks for the heads up. Amazing the language you use without thinking. That phrase has zero resonance where im from. Just something i heard on cartoons as a kid. Leaving here just to raise it with others. Happy to delete too.

Thanks again.
hydro94530, post: 113225498, member: 14321 wrote:Np at all! I know what you mean too.
One of the most soyboy interactions I've ever seen on this site.

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