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How many posts do we need to make it out of junior member status?

I need to post more. Maybe I can at least make it to full member here before this place shits the bed.
2 users liked this post: Switters, Taco Bell Tower
Uh-Oh. Did the ‘Old Place’ go down permanently? Can’t refresh out of forbidden.

Oh, never mind. Got back in. Definitely is listing and taking on water though.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
If you use the “reply” button the generated quote has a messed up looking header
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
It would be nice if quoted posts could have a different background color to make them easier to distinguish.
2 users liked this post: PhoenixDark, Taco Bell Tower
Links get shortened too aggressively. I can’t tell the title of any ree thread that gets posted in the shit thread without clicking on the link first What is this?
5 users liked this post: benji, HaughtyFrank, killamajig, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
I imagine dark mode is not supported but it would be more comfortable to read if the background color could be a little darker.
2 users liked this post: Switters, MJBarret
This is petty but can I suggest styling likes as follows so they look more like the old ones:

Quote:.tyllist_classic {
    background-color: #f5f5f5;
    border: 1px dotted #ccc;
    padding: 2px 5px;
    margin: 10px;
    margin-left: calc(20% - 10px);
    border-radius: 3px;
[Image: so7lS0u.png]
Just to be clear, I'm not a professional "shit poster". I'm just a middle-aged alcoholic who greatly values his recliner and smug posting over any silly Neo-Gaf offshoot that may or may not be dead. That being said, I am open to any and all likes.

"In this moment, I am drunk. Not because of any Benjils blessing. But because, I am englightened by all this beer."  ~Switters
5 users liked this post: Uncle, BIONIC, SmokyDave, benji, MJBarret
I agree that quoted posts are kind of ugly. I'm liking just about everything else, good job dudes.
1 user liked this post: Uncle
E-mail registration now works, Switters was the first person to do it successfully. Probably everything else I tried was useless but making a mailbox just for the forum and assigning it seems to have done the trick.

Also, there's like a hundred free mail boxes or something with the server if people want e-mails for something. lol

(05-30-2023, 12:32 PM)RetiredSkunk wrote: 'User CP' is a... Choice...
I changed this, not for this reason, but because I think calling it that probably makes it too easy to not realize what it's for. (It's not actually where you should keep your child porn.)

(05-30-2023, 02:07 PM)killamajig wrote: How many posts do we need to make it out of junior member status?

I need to post more. Maybe I can at least make it to full member here before this place shits the bed.
It's 10 posts, I was going to eliminate the category but first I wanted all of you to fear being permabanned for being junior members.

(05-30-2023, 11:46 AM)BIONIC wrote: The go to the new post button is also too small, and should be on the right of the thread title. It feels super awkward on the left.
(05-30-2023, 05:42 PM)BIONIC wrote: Links get shortened too aggressively. I can’t tell the title of any ree thread that gets posted in the shit thread without clicking on the link first What is this?
Looking into both of these, could not locate them right away. The URL shortening thing is explained by the devs as SUPERIOR STANDARDS AND FEATURE but there does appear to be a way to disable it but the location of where to do this has changed since it was on their forum years ago. Apparently wrapping urls in the url tags turns it off as well.

I might change the timestamp on the right of the threadlist to be a link that goes to the last new post since the "Last Post" link is right under that. As for the "last post" stuff, I have added that to my note list, just have not gotten to it before doing this post.

(05-30-2023, 11:54 PM)remy wrote: This is petty but can I suggest styling likes as follows so they look more like the old ones:
No, I appreciate these types of suggestions if only because I don't have to figure out how to do it. As I mentioned it's been decades since I did this php/css/etc. stuff for an actual live website/forum but thankfully stuff doesn't seem to have changed to where I can't tell what it is you're doing and copy it.
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
I nominate 'Hog-Posting' for the off-topic section.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
These post/quote backgrounds are the OG Bore colors but they seem to be a lot darker and less subtle for some reason. huh

edit: Just realized what looks wrong to me with the emoticons, look at where that one aligns with my sentence. lol
Apparently removing the URL shorten code by commenting it out collapses the entire forum, but setting it so the function only happens if the URL is ungodly long does not.
I know it's lazy but I used that quick link to the Vidya forum too often
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
(05-31-2023, 04:37 AM)SomeoneElse wrote: I know it's lazy but I used that quick link to the Vidya forum too often
To the lower right should be a forum jump box, but I can look into adding a link. (Or moving the box I suppose.)
1 user liked this post: SomeoneElse
No need, that will do nicely.
Just a general request.

Can we not sticky so many threads here?

Shit was dumb. Half of those threads were inactive most of the time anyway.
2 users liked this post: Kurt Russell, SomeoneElse
(05-31-2023, 06:19 AM)Potato wrote: Just a general request.

Can we not sticky so many threads here?

Shit was dumb. Half of those threads were inactive most of the time anyway.
I mentioned in the International Politics thread that I wasn't really intending on stickying any "politics" threads. I will probably sticky the random link/images/etc. and random talk threads if they're created, similarly in gaming I intend to sticky a "what are you playing?" thread if it gets created. For the rest that are stickies on the OG, I am leaning against, though I'll sticky the movie thread (or I guess anything, especially if it was an OG sticky) if people really want it so. If things improbably become so active again that these are dropping too far we can reconsider.

If we have another pandemic I probably will unsticky that thread sometime before the federal government declares it over. lol
(05-30-2023, 02:45 PM)BIONIC wrote: If you use the “reply” button the generated quote has a messed up looking header
Looking into this, but I have a bit of a workaround in that I've put the formatting bar into the quick reply so you can use the quote button into that and still be able to access all the buttons/emotes. For whatever reason, despite creating the same exact quote, it doesn't error.
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
(05-31-2023, 04:40 AM)benji wrote:
(05-31-2023, 04:37 AM)SomeoneElse wrote: I know it's lazy but I used that quick link to the Vidya forum too often
To the lower right should be a forum jump box, but I can look into adding a link. (Or moving the box I suppose.)

add the link

i'm dying
2 users liked this post: BIONIC, who is ted danson?
cum Bowsette
4 users liked this post: Uncle, Switters, D3RANG3D, BIONIC
Can we change the forum title to NeoBore?
2 users liked this post: Potato, D3RANG3D
[Image: aEkhSth.png]
4 users liked this post: Eric Cartman, Switters, Kurt Russell, BIONIC
Is it considered stealing from The Coli if these emotes were technically stolen from The Bore?
2 users liked this post: benji, Uncle
My vote would be 

NeoBire Tokyo: asparagus stage wolf gravy - 4/4 particle board 2.nd II.AOL

why don't I get notified when I get likes? Nate, can you handle this?

Where did Nate go?
Switters dateline='[url=tel:1685547852' wrote: 1685547852[/url]']
My vote would be 

NeoBire Tokyo: asparagus stage wolf gravy - 4/4 particle board 2.nd II.AOL

why don't I get notified when I get likes? Nate, can you handle this?

Where did Nate go?

Jerkin it to his sister.
1 user liked this post: Switters
dude this place was a little rough before configuration but reading peoples' preferences for changes and seeing they've mostly already been done, benji is killin it  Applause

oh god you rescued some of the hidden emotes too  Mario
this is not an official request for these emotes but for posterity, as long as the site will rarely load

[Image: KUSTLOt.gif] Whip

[Image: 8Zuv5DE.gif] I'm With Stupid

[Image: DrNEcYJ.gif] I'd Hit It!

[Image: ln9BzyF.gif] Banned!

[Image: nc9l5ZD.gif] Elephant

[Image: widtn2V.gif] Violin

[Image: GucakXO.gif] Link, he came to town, come to save the Princess Zelda

[Image: tFLpBPq.gif] Star Wars

[Image: EKD40Zp.gif] Hurr

[Image: abWq2V7.png] Princess Peach

[Image: 3WiYPvZ.png] Clark Kent

[Image: gzeYi7e.gif] Lore
1 user liked this post: BIONIC
[Image: EA9C6Ux.png]
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, BIONIC, Uncle
Why is there something that says: “Warning Level: 0%” under my tag? Thinking Subscribe to Info Wars!

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