Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Justice for CookieCrumbs
Thank you for your service!
Quote:Replying with this immediately after my post seems a bit pointed, especially since it's the second time in this thread when you've downplayed the problematic nature of LSM.

He probably has you muted/ignored, you moron.

Eta- "Love & Respect is not a capitalist's creed."

Thor Love & Thunder is a capitalists creed.

Resetera once again showing their ass. Thanks for letting us disabled folk who can't bend over to tie our shoes, don't wear shoes, or are unable to tie shoes, know that we are worthless.  Yikes
Just rubbing it in the faces of those of us who can't even afford shoes because of capitalism. Social Justice Warrior
I knew when I posted that EZA thread that it was good benji-bait. Took him a while to bite, but  Rejoice wrote:
Quote:feels like a bit of a cop-out when it's well documented in this very thread that they got all the exact same comments last time, but as I said, more power to everyone involved if they think its a sizable part of their community
This implies trans members need to be a sizeable part of the community to be worth listening to.

RE: "It doesn't matter how few they are, THEY MATTER!"

RE on detransitioners: "They're too few, they don't matter."
(10-16-2023, 09:29 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(10-16-2023, 09:16 PM)Uncle wrote: Gameboy Nostalgia please un-like one of Pogi's posts but don't tell him which one


Taco Bell Tower has a complete and total monopoly on EVERY SINGLE "Most liked by" stat on here EXCEPT mine, which you managed to steal out from under him, and now you're just gonna give him an opening to take it back?

Really want to know what zeovgm/planetsmasher/entremet/fat4all do for a living that allows them to post 24/7. They can’t all be unemployed.
Taco, I found one of your missing ones. Go get him, tiger.
Don't worry, I've re-liked your post for your good behavior.
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1697514600' wrote: 1697514600[/url]']
Don't worry, I've re-liked your post for your good behavior.

ratcliffja wrote:
Quote:Slash said:
[Image: image0.jpg?ex=65405c09&is=652de709&hm=97...e19e3e3ef&]
That adds up. The 2/3 includes Republicans but almost no Republican is going to think Biden is handling the crisis well, regardless of what he does. Combined with the far left who don't want Biden supporting the Israeli government whatsoever, you get your 52%.
.. are you.. blaming Etcetera?!  literally shaking
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(10-17-2023, 03:39 AM)PogiJones wrote: Taco, I found one of your missing ones. Go get him, tiger.

Thank you for your service!
What's strange about that? Why is the writer treating me as stupid and unimaginative as he is? Hypothetically, I could agree with everything in the first paragraph and still disapprove of Biden's handling if I think his proper course of action is to nuke the Middle East. Or an endless number of other options.

It's also taking a Jerusalem Post editorial, along with billboards in Israel, as some kind of fact and one that Americans should not just be aware of but instantly agree with.

At no point did we establish what anyone thinks Biden should do, what anyone thinks Biden is doing, etc. Instead we simply pointed at unrelated data points and assumed they should match and cause each other because... well, I don't know why. Ignorance presumably.
Quote:Personally I can, but my knots are pretty shitty... they never feel strong or they even get untied somehow after a while :/

What about you, Era? Am I the only adult here who can't tie my shoelaces for shit
(10-17-2023, 03:39 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: Really want to know what zeovgm/planetsmasher/entremet/fat4all do for a living that allows them to post 24/7. They can’t all be unemployed.

The harrowing realization from reading this thread is that they’re not only active on era. Any time they’re not on era, it’s discord, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube comments, LinkedIn (for stalking, not jobs), their alts, more than likely reading this thread. Have to assume at least one is under house arrest after breaking numerous retraining orders.
(10-17-2023, 03:39 AM)Greatness Gone wrote: Really want to know what zeovgm/planetsmasher/entremet/fat4all do for a living that allows them to post 24/7. They can’t all be unemployed.
I can give you one of those:
[Image: zeovgm.png]
(10-17-2023, 04:25 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(10-17-2023, 03:39 AM)PogiJones wrote: Taco, I found one of your missing ones. Go get him, tiger.

Thank you for your service!

Found the last two:

No, the irony of me finding these when one of the two posts is me telling someone to "get a life, man" is not lost on me.  Feels bad, man
PlanetSmasher will take more time to find but I just wanted to share this reddit post that's a top Google result for him:
[Image: uMnV3eO.png]
(10-16-2023, 08:42 PM)Venice wrote: Giving a special shout-out to HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, one of the unsung, forgotten heroes of the 'Like' war, who is second only to Taco Bell Tower, with a staggering 10,400 Likes given:

[Image: 5c0791db8b8d85f923387517e01ea057.jpg]
entremet kept posting into 2021 on

ZeoVGM genuinely doesn’t seem to understand the difference between fact and opinion. It's crazy.
Messy banned?
@Benji update the dossier!
User Banned (5 Days): Inflammatory comparison

Messofanego wrote:
Quote:Lobster Roll said:
This is still the most curious bit about the entire thread. I can't get over how perfectly fitting this is to the "bad activists turn away current activists" argument that's being laid down. It's like ... too perfect lol.

25 years of climate activism dating back to the 1990s at the latest ruined by one bad activist. Damn, what a loss. And what a parallel it has to this thread, by chance.
Such a tragic story. Look at what that bad activist made him do. 25 years of activism down the drain because of a bad activist. Just hate to see it. 😥
[Image: bors.jpg?1601416095]

(10-17-2023, 06:12 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: ZeoVGM genuinely doesn’t seem to understand the difference between fact and opinion. It's crazy.

Yesterday’s opinions are tomorrow’s facts if you remove enough dissenting voices.
They understand perfectly well how seeing a bunch of Trump supporters marching and talking like morons will make a casual observer think "holy shit that's embarrassing, I want to be physically and ideologically as far from this person as possible" but then when people start running on stage during performances and gluing themselves to the road, suddenly they can no longer understand this concept.
Surely messofanego will learn with this 5 day ban to... Not post comics? The random ass bans make no sense if they are trying to curb these behaviors when the ban messages don't even explain what the ban is for 😂
benji dateline='[url=tel:1697521392' wrote: 1697521392[/url]']
entremet kept posting into 2021 on


Not surprising.  The dude is so much more ideologically shallow than most of RE.
Another day, another RBH thread spreading FUD about electric vehicles. At this point it seems like the guy owns a car dealership with how much he link drops 😂what's more funny is in the US for Q3 EVs just posted a record high 300K sales.
And of course more weird Elon musk obsession. 

Quote:How much of it is due to Teslas becoming less attractive due to musk musking about do you think?

Quote:the average person finds what Elon Musk does very attractive

I know a handful of too many people who support Tesla simply because they believe in Musk

same type of person who looks up to Trump tbh

Resident bike loving car hating communist booshka also reveals his hypocrisy in that he does in fact drive cars:  

fake biker booshka wrote:I bought an 04 CR-V with 60k miles and will drive it into the ground. First car I have ever owned, can’t afford shit and need a car that I can drive all over SoCal while I do care work for my family. I would love a hybrid, but too expensive, don’t have the infrastructure for an EV at my godmother’s place or the apartment where my family lives.

For the past four years I have mostly commuted by bicycle and public transportation, while renting cars every few months as needed. Now that I am back in SoCal doing full time care work and having no money, I had to get what my family could afford to pay upfront asap.

I just wanted a cargo ebike and a simpler life, instead I am in a car on the road all the time, nightmare timeline.
AOC is helping the cause, she has an EV:

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