Journal of Other Forum Analysis
We can't trust the IDF, we can't trust the fake news media, we can't trust the GOP, we can't trust the Democrats, we can't trust Putin, we can't trust Xi, we can't trust Biden, we can't trust the terrorists.

There is only one man we can be sure is always lying Putin  

one man we can trust to tell us the simple truth Trumps  

one man that will be unbiased Rogan 

and one man that has all the documents Subscribe to Info Wars!
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia
it's been 30+ minutes and AldusMoneyPenny only has 5 likes..

Real telling.. I'm going to be side eyeing users now..
(10-17-2023, 10:40 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: it's been 30+ minutes and AldusMoneyPenny only has 5 likes..

Real telling.. I'm going to be side eyeing users now..

It really is pretty fucking disturbing. Donate to my KoFi pls

Once again: random social media posts are not a source. Clout chasers with patreons are not a source.

Given the sheer amount of misinformation out there, DO NOT post things from internet randos.

leave the social media posts to the Ukraine thread, jeez..!
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Venice
(10-17-2023, 11:15 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Once again: random social media posts are not a source. Clout chasers with patreons are not a source.

Given the sheer amount of misinformation out there, DO NOT post things from internet randos.

leave the social media posts to the Ukraine thread, jeez..!

The fact he has to keep saying this is hilarious, they have completely fallen for conspiracy theories.
Sales threads still salty about Hogwarts Legacy doing well lol

[Image: AmAoki5.png]
Quote:Fox News’ international desk has actually traditionally been pretty good.

Quote:Fox News do have reporters on the ground who generally do decent work. Their editorial/opinion hosts are the terrible ones.


How long until, Tucker Carlson raises valid points?
blastprocessor wrote:

maabus1999 wrote:For the love of God don't fall for fake analysis stuff like this.

TokiDoki wrote:He is a crypto bro, endorsed by musk and had some issues with law if i remember right. Not someone who should be posted here

They are really falling for all of this lol
Anything that's Anti-Israel will do. Resetera and Neo-Nazi's walking side by side. Wink
They're "Just asking questions" ok? It's healthy skepticism.. The jews DO own a lot of the (((media)))..
Both factions seem to be a bunch of scumbags so I will not be surprised if it was one or another.
Now we have this moron cosplaying as a ballistics expert:

[Image: 6PnB4ym.png]

Mivey wrote:The problem with the rocket misfiring explanation is that it doesn't fit the explosive power that makeshift Hamas or PIJ armaments have. It wouldn't virtually level a large hospital, not from a single strike. I have not seen any serious attempt to explain that key issue

a guided missile fits the recorded footage quite well, just some questions about a shrill noise. Thr IDF terrible track record in lyng about their operations like the murder of journalists doesn't help here and I don't think they would shy away from manipulating any footage they can.

The larger question is how this attack will be received in neighbouring countries. I don't think it will change much in terms of Western support. Brown lives mean little to people here in Europe or in the US.

Someone needs to tell Mivey that playing Call of Duty and Battlefield doesn't make you an expert on the trajectory of missiles.

But Mivey don't care. Mivey just wanted to write a word-salad to basically say 'Israel lie! Israel kill brown people! Israel bad! Derp ' like everyone else on Era.

Era, at this point, has become the extreme left-wing equivalent to Fox News and Breitbart in the sheer volume of bullshit and lies being shat out every minute on behalf of Hamas.
Get that guy over to the Ukraine thread stat. They need his added expertise.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Venice
Quote:I mean, like, you know, things and such, and so on.

Are you ever going to say anything worth anything? Or just keep being mealy-mouthed?

(10-18-2023, 12:23 AM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:I mean, like, you know, things and such, and so on.

Are you ever going to say anything worth anything? Or just keep being mealy-mouthed?


Quote:I have a disdain for idiotic trolls who just shit up a critically important topic with their proud lack of knowledge and when pressed on the garbage they say, start crying.

I think you’re dreadful. There’s nothing you’ve said here that’s of any interest, and yet you continually shitpost. To what purpose?

I said specifically that war crimes aren’t always viewed as such, and like a drooling imbecile, you reply with “that’s not at all an accurate view of history”? With absolutely zero elaboration. Uh what? Are you a genuine moron or do you just play one on the internet?

If you detect any disrespect from me, towards you, it’s intended.

Siren Siren
[Image: giphy.gif]
Me Again wrote:Why are you being an ass to me? Like seriously, the fuck is wrong with you?

Zeliard wrote:I have a disdain for idiotic trolls who just shit up a critically important topic with their proud lack of knowledge and when pressed on the garbage they say, start crying.

I think you’re dreadful. There’s nothing you’ve said here that’s of any interest, and yet you continually shitpost. To what purpose?

I said specifically that war crimes aren’t always viewed as such, and like a drooling imbecile, you reply with “that’s not at all an accurate view of history”? With absolutely zero elaboration. Uh what? Are you a genuine moron or do you just play one on the internet?

If you detect any disrespect from me, towards you, it’s intended.

Me Again wrote:This is an absolutely insane rant.

Hachikoma wrote:seems like it. so the threshold for a topic to be too volatile for the president of the united states not to reflexively vomit out genocidal propaganda he saw online is somewhere beyond 40 beheaded babies but luckily still on this side of hospital bombing. with just a few more data points i think we might be able to pinpoint its exact location.
if you ever wake up in the morning and feel like it's not worth it.. do yourself a favor. Close your eyes and say to yourself:

"at least I'm not Hachikoma."

edit: top of page gadot

[Image: gal-gadot-dance.gif]
Congraulations Taco Bell Tower, for having The Most Liked post ever on TheBore!

[Image: Ajhgv99.png]

It's a well-deserved, collective thank you from TheBore for being one of the nicest members on here.

Here's a random picture of some IDF babe to celebrate your achievement!

[Image: qD5X289.jpg]
(10-18-2023, 12:37 AM)Venice wrote: Congraulations Taco Bell Tower, for having The Most Liked post ever on TheBore!

[Image: aapsmD2.png]

It's a well-deserved, collective thank you from TheBore for being one of the nicest members on here!

Here's a random picture of some IDF babe to celebrate your achievement!

[Image: qD5X289.jpg]

Thank you for your service!
(10-18-2023, 12:37 AM)Venice wrote: Congraulations Taco Bell Tower, for having The Most Liked post ever on TheBore!

[Image: Ajhgv99.png]

It's a well-deserved, collective thank you from TheBore for being one of the nicest members on here.

Here's a random picture of some IDF babe to celebrate your achievement!

[Image: qD5X289.jpg]

Zeliard wrote:Slime like you is always so cowardly, isn’t it? Just wilts away when pressed, almost reflexively.

People who don’t have the courage of their convictions are always the worst people in the room.

Me Again wrote:This thread isn’t about you, so please stop. It’s ridiculously disrespectful to this tragedy.

How has Zeliard not been banned yet? lol
Quote:Then don’t reply, fool. You made a dismissive comment towards my post talking about fucking war crimes and you’re too much of a sniveling little turd to follow up on it. And now you have the insulting audacity to talk about being disrespectful to tragedy.

Again, slime is as slime does. It would be genuinely hard to express in words how little I think of you. Coward.

he keeps going. THIS.. MADMAN..  omg
Me Again wrote:Zel, are you ok? This response is actually concerning. I have no idea what’s going on with you. If you want or need to talk, I’m happy to listen over PM. This time has been hard for me too, I’m Jewish (half), my wife and soon to be son are Muslim (Jordanian), and we know a lot of people in Palestine (not so much Israel). I’m also bipolar and everything that has been happening has pretty much triggered a manic episode, leading me to not be able to eat or sleep really for 3 days. Maybe we can help each other a bit.
Manipulation 101. Telling a person they're crazy and trying to push fake empathy on them. Don't fall for it!
(10-18-2023, 01:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Zeliard wrote:Slime like you is always so cowardly, isn’t it? Just wilts away when pressed, almost reflexively.

People who don’t have the courage of their convictions are always the worst people in the room.

Me Again wrote:This thread isn’t about you, so please stop. It’s ridiculously disrespectful to this tragedy.

How has Zeliard not been banned yet? lol

Because Zeilard shows up in just about every trans thread, so he/she/whatever is an 'ally' and therefore is protected by the trans-privilege shield.

Me Again is the one who's going to be banned, either for 'trolling' or 'inflammatory commentary'. Even though he is the only one talking any kind of sense by basically saying 'There is a fog of war, let's wait and see before rushing to conclusions'.

Edit, looks like I was partially wrong. Zeilard got threadbanned:

[Image: k83ohZX.png]

Anyone else would have been hit by a 3 month or 6 month ban for Zeilard's level of abuse. Zeilard gets a slap on the wrist. Being an ally definitely gets you protection that cissies wouldn't ever be given.

Edit 2:

[Image: uUpTRBF.png]

Zeliard wrote:I said specifically that war crimes aren’t always viewed as such, and like a drooling imbecile...

Zeilard even managed to get away with blatant ableism  wag

Edit 3: Me Again also assassinated with a Threadban

[Image: noDlSh1.png]

Zeilard: "You're an idiotic troll, a moron, a shitposter, a drooling imbecile, a fool, a coward, a snivelling little turd, slime..."

Me Again: "You're absolutely insane"

Both threadbanned, yet one of these "personal attacks" does not seem like the other  Thinking
(10-18-2023, 01:17 AM)Venice wrote:
(10-18-2023, 01:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Zeliard wrote:Slime like you is always so cowardly, isn’t it? Just wilts away when pressed, almost reflexively.

People who don’t have the courage of their convictions are always the worst people in the room.

Me Again wrote:This thread isn’t about you, so please stop. It’s ridiculously disrespectful to this tragedy.

How has Zeliard not been banned yet? lol

Because Zeilard shows up in just about every trans thread, so he/she/whatever is an 'ally' and therefore is protected by the trans-privilege shield.

Me Again is the one who's going to be banned, either for 'trolling' or 'inflammatory commentary'. Even though he is the only one talking any kind of sense by basically saying 'There is a fog of war, let's wait and see before rushing to conclusions'.
Slime is as slime does

3000 emojis and no Forrest Gump? Best I can do is Woody
(10-18-2023, 01:17 AM)Venice wrote:
(10-18-2023, 01:07 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Zeliard wrote:Slime like you is always so cowardly, isn’t it? Just wilts away when pressed, almost reflexively.

People who don’t have the courage of their convictions are always the worst people in the room.

Me Again wrote:This thread isn’t about you, so please stop. It’s ridiculously disrespectful to this tragedy.

How has Zeliard not been banned yet? lol

Because Zeilard shows up in just about every trans thread, so he/she/whatever is an 'ally' and therefore is protected by the trans-privilege shield.

Me Again is the one who's going to be banned, either for 'trolling' or 'inflammatory commentary'. Even though he is the only one talking any kind of sense by basically saying 'There is a fog of war, let's wait and see before rushing to conclusions'.

Edit, looks like I was partially wrong. Zeilard got threadbanned:

[Image: k83ohZX.png]

Anyone else would have been hit by a 3 month or 6 month ban for Zeilard's level of abuse. Zeilard gets a slap on the wrist. Being an ally definitely gets you protection that cissies wouldn't ever be given.

Edit 2:

[Image: uUpTRBF.png]

Zeliard wrote:I said specifically that war crimes aren’t always viewed as such, and like a drooling imbecile...

Zeilard even managed to get away with blatant ableism  wag

Yeah I haven't seen such leniency for things that actually warrant a ban, even if for a day.

Thats what they should be doing instead of all of the perms for the most absurdly uncharitable interpretation of someone with trans issues.

Sleep deprived drinking or a bad trip is my guess. The diction is lazy and direct, not even trying to be witty or avoid a ban
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
Retard Ra wrote:I always have mixed feelings about white people telling the tales of how their ancestors massacred their way to holding all of the wealth of this country, because they are the only ones allowed and empowered to do it.

Quote:This one in particular was made with input from the Osages

Retard Ra wrote:That's the point though, no one cares about Native Americans until a movie is made with a white heartthrob falling in love with one, they are ignored when they bring it up themselves. Suddenly we all want to dance with wolves.

Or Black people make movies and they get categorized as Black entertainment, theatre full of Black people alone. Let Django get made though. Who ran to go see Rosewood?

It's good the movie is respectful, frustrating it takes this much just to tell a story about thievery and the focus of the marketing is hype to see it because it's a Scorsese flick with Leo in front.

Will the mods ban a fellow mod for talking down to Native Americans and how they share their cultures strife?
They need multiple mods to sign off on a ban? Right?  Wink

Zeliard was fighting the good fight for the pro-Hamas side so he got a slap on the wrist instead of a full ban thanks to his hard work. I don't see many mods signing off against one of their best and brightest. Heart

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