Journal of Other Forum Analysis
That cowboy looks is fresh as fuck.
If you gotta watch a flick over the weekend brehs go watch The Killer
If you can't make it to see The Marvels in theaters, at least do your part against the chuds by watching Loki season 2.
I can't support a show that makes a POC the bad guy.   Princess Peach

deimosmasque wrote:When has a Marvel movie had a good solo villian?

S1kkZ wrote:zemo, mysterio, high evolutionary, wanda

LewieP wrote:Loki, Vulture, Elon Musk.

deimosmasque wrote:How many were in the first or second movie of a characters?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
HeavenlyOne wrote:
Keyframe said: wrote:Is this movie uninteresting to the general audience?…no it must be the "chuds"

Not liking things I like makes you a bad person.

A women led movie? Sexism.

A Muslim character? Islamophobia.

Turns out browbeating doesn't put bums in seats.

Respect Knuckles
(11-11-2023, 04:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

deimosmasque wrote:When has a Marvel movie had a good solo villian?

S1kkZ wrote:zemo, mysterio, high evolutionary, wanda

LewieP wrote:Loki, Vulture, Elon Musk.

deimosmasque wrote:How many were in the first or second movie of a characters?

Musk was in a Mavel movie?!
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
(11-11-2023, 04:06 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

deimosmasque wrote:When has a Marvel movie had a good solo villian?

S1kkZ wrote:zemo, mysterio, high evolutionary, wanda

LewieP wrote:Loki, Vulture, Elon Musk.
So... one, Michael Keaton? lol

I love MCU Loki and everything, but he's been an anti-hero comedic sidekick in more movies than he's been a villain. He was lame in The Avengers.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory Xenophobic Generalization
FHIZ wrote:This is a very Japanese game dev take... like, what? They'd still excite people? Have you seen your community?

This reminds me of the story Jeff Gerstmann would tell about Square back in the day where they'd refuse to give Gamespot any press media because they believed anything to do with the internet, like a website would lead to piracy.
Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Inflammatory Xenophobic Generalization
Pancracio17 wrote:Certified japanese game dev take.

This just fundamentally misunderstands how people engage with media in the internet age.
Hey, don't let anybody say shitposting here doesn't achieve things. Look, I got them to finally stop calling Japanese a race!
Reminder that Smash isn't a fighting game.
Damn it has a B CinemaScore too. Not even the most diehard of the MCU crowd is liking it much.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:This is one that I've been saving for Weekend-Era and its finally time.

I've heard stories of people getting fired from a job, or getting arrested / called out for masturbating in a public restroom and I really don't understand how exactly they get "caught" doing it. The possible exception being looking at porn incredibly loud on your phone.

Like lets say your in the bathroom stall, and assuming the bathroom isn't recording you in there which I'm pretty sure is Illegal, ANYTHING that goes on in that stall is not really any of anyone else's business so I assume most people just walk by. Even then lets say you look in real quick and catch somebody doing it, you have to actually accuse them with no physical proof at all and any rationale person is going to say "no that's not what i was doing" and then its basically just one person's word versus another.

Yet I read articles in the news or hear stories of "oh so and so got caught masturbating in the bathroom" and I just don't understand how the hell that happens. If theres some comic style series of events where someone is in the stall and drops an open phone with porn on it I guess that would be enough evidence but you'd still have to go through the process of telling a higher up that you spied on someone and caught them masturbating which is its own red flag.

Am I missing something here, shouldn't this be nearly impossible to actually prove as long as the person doing it isn't completely being obvious about it ?
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D
maybe don't listen to your porn without earbuds.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
that thread is getting way too boys club..
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
That thread has a lot of people showing their asses about "the type of person who would do that" and the staff are just allowing it. Trans women should be able to experience gender euphoria wherever they want chuds. Hmph
3 users liked this post: BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
Like what am I supposed to do if I'm at work and read that whats-her-face wants to play Zelda in the movie? Just experience trans joy out in the open?
This is post that will prevent from holding office so I can masturbate in the bathroom.
(11-11-2023, 03:47 AM)cRumB wrote: If you gotta watch a flick over the weekend brehs go watch The Killer

This has a white male lead and a white man director. Nice try, chud.  ufup
ComeAgain dateline='[url=tel:1699682724' wrote: 1699682724[/url]']
Damn it has a B CinemaScore too. Not even the most diehard of the MCU crowd is liking it much.

H.Cornerstone wrote:Kind of surprising since it has an 86 audience score on RT

Do you think people would really do that?
If you have any doubts that we're at war and need to play it tactical:
[Image: tPA1aHW.png]
vocal minority marvel nerds does not mean your film is good. box office is all that matters.  Mr. Worldwide
What the fuck are they going to do all of next year when the only marvel capeshit has a straight while male lead married to an attractive certified fresh FEMALE?
I’ve not paid much attention to movie box office, but the drop from captain marvel 1 to captain marvel 2 is dramatic. About 1/3rd of the first. The worst opening since the Edward Norton Hulk in 2008. How does that even happen.
Because the first one was inflated by been between InfinityWar and Endgame.  People thought Captain Marvel was going to do shit.
3 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:The signing planet so was fucking great I forgot to mention, it was wonderful to have such a joyful moment the whole movie is just dripping with fun gives me a lot of guardians 1 vibes.

People can be so curmudgeonly idk how you dont love this stuff
SkinnyNPC wrote:Exactly. I guess some people just hate fun lol. This was good. The singing planet was a trip, I loved that Kamala can't help but enthusiastically dance too since traditional dancing is a part of her culture as seen on her own TV show. Iman's got moves!

Even so, you’d think it retained some audience. Additional research, the Black Widow movie opened quite a bit larger. For a dead character. During the pandemic theater lull. While it released on Disney Netflix day and date.

It’s in Morbius territory.
I think people give a shit about Black Widow (an OG MCU Avenger) while nobody genuinely cares about Captain Marvel
SkinnyNPC wrote:All this arguments about "less interesting characters" or "lesser known characters" or "does anyone care about X character" is fucking hilarious considering the MCU's origins.
ElBombastico wrote:Its giving me flashbacks to the first GotG where everyone was saying it would bomb for the same reasons.

Of course, that required a good film. Awesome
(11-11-2023, 08:03 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
SkinnyNPC wrote:All this arguments about "less interesting characters" or "lesser known characters" or "does anyone care about X character" is fucking hilarious considering the MCU's origins.
Yes, hilarious:
[Image: uwZxkLI.png]

These were expected blockbusters from the start with equivalent blockbuster budgets. They cobbled the original Avengers MCU lineup out of the highest profile characters they had access to plus Hawkeye even though it hadn't been the team in the comics (well, 616, it was The Ultimates which is the real source of the MCU) in decades. lol
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, Boredfrom

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