Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Quote:Bizarre timing of this given that I was just served his FF16 video last night (I'm not subscribed to his channel), and I watched the entire thing. I've only heard about him previously. If true, that'll be the first and last time I watch anything of his.
Stay safe.
I always knew this guy I never heard of who is apparently stealing money was shitty because he went to someone's wedding and was in a Discord or something.
Karl Jobst does more investigative journalism of the games scene than Jason Schrier ever pretends to, so of course he's an unperson.
(11-13-2023, 08:51 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Karl Jobst: The Completionist has been pocketing charity money

Quote:Did everyone miss the fact that this dude was in the Jon Tron circle of friends?

Even outside this, it was clear he was not a cool dude. Frankly, consorting with Neo Nazis is IMO worse.


Quote:Frankly, consorting with Neo Nazis is IMO worse.

I'll dare say that defrauding people out of tens of thousands of dollars is actually worse than attending JonTron's wedding
SanTheSly wrote:I'm sure Karl's reporting is accurate, but some of the stuff people are posting here about his own channel/beliefs/posts means I probably will not watch the video. The text breakdowns other people have posted here will suffice, and could do with being threadmarked.

For fuck sake, you are not 10. You can deal with uncomfortable shit.
John Oliver's bit on the Israel-Hamas war was fairly nuanced and clear, so of course era cherry picks the parts they agree with and continue with the turn of the century YouTube comments "discussion".
(11-13-2023, 09:06 PM)benji wrote: I always knew this guy I never heard of who is apparently stealing money was shitty because he went to someone's wedding and was in a Discord or something.
(11-13-2023, 09:09 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
SanTheSly wrote:I'm sure Karl's reporting is accurate, but some of the stuff people are posting here about his own channel/beliefs/posts means I probably will not watch the video. The text breakdowns other people have posted here will suffice, and could do with being threadmarked.

For fuck sake, you are not 10. You can deal with uncomfortable shit.
Oh, it appears the guy stealing money is different from the guy calling for re-establishing the Third Reich or whatever. Whatever, they all sus to me, that's capitalism for you. Sounds about white.
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1699908022' wrote: 1699908022[/url]']
kaleidoscopium dateline='[url=tel:1699907734' wrote: 1699907734[/url]']
lol, about Alan Wake 2

elbarto56 wrote:I find it very hard to get immersed in the game, because all of the forced diversity in a little town in the middle of the pacific north west....

Including one of the main characters, there's like three 3 black people so far? lol

Handful id think with Saga, Mr. door and some random towns people. Just funny at the obvious bait and then them falling for it in the replies 😂
(11-13-2023, 09:01 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:There's a video of Doom ports that Jobst misgendered Becky, the sole developer of the 3DO Doom port. Ever since then I stopped watching him.
UPDATE: Dismissing concerns: wrote:Becky's pronouns are she/her? That's what is used in the video.
Quote:He's using the right pronouns there. The one he uses he/him pronouns to refer to is Randy Scott.
Quote:fuck jobst.

edit 2:
wait he doesn't misgender her at all. why lie Linkark07

Linkark07 wrote:Yes, Becky uses She/They. At least the timestamp I added Jobst uses 'he' to refer to Becky.

If Jobst corrected himself after that I don't know. Just listening that made me stop watching his video.
Linkark07 wrote:Will have to rewatch when I return to my home since I'm driving right now.

But I was sure Jobst was referring to Becky in that instance.
I can't believe the staff are allowing others to question Linkark07's lived experience and are telling people to watch a known neo-Nazi associated transphobe's video to hear what's actually said. It's been five whole minutes and there's no STAFF COMMUNICATION or actioning on my reports. Not like this!
Budi wrote:Are you sure you aren't confusing "who was" as "he was", because at that timestamp is said "Who was the sole programmer for the port". Just bit later it's mentioned that Randy Scott lied to HER (Rebecca). No misgendering at your timestamp atleast.

The misgendering proclamation came because the person needs hearing aids 😂 insane how quick these retards are to screech about something and assume the worst in all cases.
Lmao cunt is trying to put me on blast

benji dateline='[url=tel:1699910476' wrote: 1699910476[/url]']
Linkark07 wrote:Will have to rewatch when I return to my home since I'm driving right now.

But I was sure Jobst was referring to Becky in that instance.

I’m in the middle of driving home, I guess I’ll pull out my phone and start making bad takes on the internet. If I kill someone, the judge will understand.
(11-13-2023, 09:28 PM)MMaRsu wrote: Lmao cunt is trying to put me on blast

Why is she posting on twitter and not mastdon or bluesky or whatever? Just another hypocrite.
(11-13-2023, 09:26 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Budi wrote:Are you sure you aren't confusing "who was" as "he was", because at that timestamp is said "Who was the sole programmer for the port". Just bit later it's mentioned that Randy Scott lied to HER (Rebecca). No misgendering at your timestamp atleast.

The misgendering proclamation came because the person needs hearing aids 😂 insane how quick these retards are to screech about something and assume the worst in all cases.
Oof, ableism and dismissing concerns of transphobia? Yikes
(11-13-2023, 09:30 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
benji dateline='[url=tel:1699910476' wrote: 1699910476[/url]']
Linkark07 wrote:Will have to rewatch when I return to my home since I'm driving right now.

But I was sure Jobst was referring to Becky in that instance.

I’m in the middle of driving home, I guess I’ll pull out my phone and start making bad takes on the internet. If I kill someone, the judge will understand.
"Your honor, there was a thread on my favorite video game forum about a video from a guy about another guy who makes videos. I needed to warn everyone about how the first guy once used the wrong pronoun in one of his videos. There simply was no time to pull over."

Spoiler:  (click to show)
"Not guilty. And the city is ordered to award the defendant key to the city."
Would love for them to prove that Jontron is a "neo-nazi" lol especially since it uses a now banned source
(11-13-2023, 09:21 PM)benji wrote:
(11-13-2023, 09:01 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:There's a video of Doom ports that Jobst misgendered Becky, the sole developer of the 3DO Doom port. Ever since then I stopped watching him.
UPDATE: Dismissing concerns: wrote:Becky's pronouns are she/her? That's what is used in the video.
Quote:He's using the right pronouns there. The one he uses he/him pronouns to refer to is Randy Scott.
Quote:fuck jobst.

edit 2:
wait he doesn't misgender her at all. why lie Linkark07

Linkark07 wrote:Yes, Becky uses She/They. At least the timestamp I added Jobst uses 'he' to refer to Becky.

If Jobst corrected himself after that I don't know. Just listening that made me stop watching his video.
Linkark07 wrote:Will have to rewatch when I return to my home since I'm driving right now.

But I was sure Jobst was referring to Becky in that instance.

Remember when CDPR got cancelled because a social media guy made a "did you just assume their gender" joke, and RE was adamant that this was transphobic because no one in real life actually does that? Meanwhile here's RE trying to instantly cancel a dude because they're not sure if they heard the right pronoun being used.
MMaRsu is getting cancelled Shocked Pikachu 

Don't worry, the patriots have your back. You are doing a FANTASTIC job! You are WINNING OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
looks like the switch version runs quite well, wonder if Digital Foundry will dare to cover it now lol 

Another big WIN by a great patriot!!! OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™

Applause Applause Applause 

Jame's Cameron's Avatar
Jame's Cameron's Avatar, highest boxoffice of all time and a sequel which came damn near close.

Hogwarts Legacy, the #1 best selling game worldwide

Weird how they seem to measure success/mediocrity lol
I'm a simple person. I see Joanne, I like. Trumps

Reesisters call me back when you drop Disney for supporting genocide, quit X / Twitter due to the transphobia. Stop making excuses for them. Until those cooperation's are banned from Era I will not support Joanne slander.

J.K Rowling is a terf and that isn't a bad thing.

Real women matter.
I like JK Rowling because she's an absolute fucking legend, who has been on the right side of all battles in living memory, and done it with grace

And also because I'm not an absolute himmler, goading on the nutters towards primordial violence
JK Rowling is inspirational in a number of ways and continues to be because most celebs at her level would capitulate and keep their opinions to themselves. But she sticks to her convictions despite there being a vocal minority that try to scream her down. It's definitely admirable.
MCU fan genocide continues. This time it’s SkinnyIndonesian!

Quote:Also skinny got banned for fucking nothing.

Quote:On Discord they say
Quote:so this one guy was saying the Marvels bombing was obvious since they're pushing "worse heroes with worse acting talent"
and I pointed out that Cap Marvel and Ms Marvel weren't any less popular or "good" as heroes go compared to Iron Man or Cap when MCU first debuted
and how Brie Larson is an Oscar winner and Iman Vellani is killing it in her first onscreen role
so I took a dig "wonder why you think they're worse then"
and the guy just replied "not even gonna respond, reported"

RoflYou can’t report me, only I get to do that.
IndoTard was clearly trying to bait them into a ban, the fact they are upset about being caught is hilarious though
(11-13-2023, 10:01 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: JK Rowling is inspirational in a number of ways and continues to be because most celebs at her level would capitulate and keep their opinions to themselves. But she sticks to her convictions despite there being a vocal minority that try to scream her down. It's definitely admirable.

and she never devolved into being a grifter or a dick like so many others, her positions have been consistent and don't seem to be a shallow cover for more extreme ones
PeS wrote:I guess for the folks that are trying to come bring "nuance" in this thread by, here's a piece of nuance for you to consider.

Hamas attacks on Israel that killed and kidnapped civilians is abhorrent and should be denounced as terrorist attacks. Hamas', and any Palestinian people more broadly, attacks on military targets of their genocidal occupying force are not, they are acts of defense and resistance, even when it's terrible people that do it.

So, when you come here and say "they are shooting back from the hospital", and people here don't denounce it or even defend it, it's because those are not horrifying acts to be denounced. It's simple like that.

Oh.. so Hamas IS in the hospitals?

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