Journal of Other Forum Analysis
Bremsstrahlung wrote:Dunno how you got that from what I said. The fact is Israel is attacking the Palestinian people, not (just) Hamas. So Hamas members attacking the IDF now would essentially be defending them.

Quote:It's also true that the Palestinian resistance is more than just Hamas. There are genuine resistance fighters in Gaza of many leftist stripes so no use trying to pin this or that RPG on whoever. Israel is besieging hospitals, that should be the focus.

They're really acting like someone just accidentally stumbled upon an RPG in a hospital. Like maybe ask yourself how that could be?
There's just so many leftist groups it could be anyone.  Wink
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
The problem is that they're at the point where they believe anything coming from Israel is a lie. Meanwhile it looks very possible that Hamas is actually stockpiling shit at those hospitals. Whether that's a good enough reason to besiege the hospital, killing lots of innocents in the process, is then up for debate, but they're not even getting that far.
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1699918992' wrote: 1699918992[/url]']
Bremsstrahlung wrote:Frankly at this point anyone who picks up a weapon against the IDF, Hamas member or otherwise, is de facto defending the Palestinian people. Are they supposed to not fight back? MSF have been reporting that they've been sniping patients. Should they just roll over and let the IDF go all XOF on them.

B-dubs wrote:How about we NOT conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people?

How about we not use video game references too  lol . We'd be seeing IDF is Voldemort if Harry Potter wasn't banned. Sorry B-dubs, your inmates are pro-Hamas now. Deal with what you created.

Is funny, because in MGSV is later revealed that it was a hospital controlled by Cipher and everyone there died protecting Big Boss and his body double. In other words, the hospital was on it.
(11-13-2023, 11:43 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Bremsstrahlung wrote:Frankly at this point anyone who picks up a weapon against the IDF, Hamas member or otherwise, is de facto defending the Palestinian people. Are they supposed to not fight back? MSF have been reporting that they've been sniping patients. Should they just roll over and let the IDF go all XOF on them.

B-dubs wrote:How about we NOT conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people?

How about we not use video game references too  lol . We'd be seeing IDF is Voldemort if Harry Potter wasn't banned. Sorry B-dubs, your inmates are pro-Hamas now. Deal with what you created.

ughhhh Israel is behaving just like Malpercio in Baten Kaitos and I don't know how people aren't seeing this
(11-14-2023, 12:18 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1699918992' wrote: 1699918992[/url]']
Bremsstrahlung wrote:Frankly at this point anyone who picks up a weapon against the IDF, Hamas member or otherwise, is de facto defending the Palestinian people. Are they supposed to not fight back? MSF have been reporting that they've been sniping patients. Should they just roll over and let the IDF go all XOF on them.

B-dubs wrote:How about we NOT conflate Hamas with the Palestinian people?

How about we not use video game references too  lol . We'd be seeing IDF is Voldemort if Harry Potter wasn't banned. Sorry B-dubs, your inmates are pro-Hamas now. Deal with what you created.

Is funny, because in MGSV is later revealed that it was a hospital controlled by Cipher and everyone there died protecting Big Boss and his body double. In other words, the hospital was on it.

They just gonna ignore big boss gathering child soldiers too so he could replenish his stocks when they get older.  Yikes
(11-14-2023, 12:13 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:It's also true that the Palestinian resistance is more than just Hamas. There are genuine resistance fighters in Gaza of many leftist stripes so no use trying to pin this or that RPG on whoever. Israel is besieging hospitals, that should be the focus.

They're really acting like someone just accidentally stumbled upon an RPG in a hospital. Like maybe ask yourself how that could be?
It's called the Second Amendment, chuds. And the Supreme Court is hearing a case about protecting my right to defend myself from genocidal Israeli occupation as we speak:
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom, Gameboy Nostalgia
(11-13-2023, 10:38 PM)Nintex wrote: [Image: ezgif-4-abcb3c6a93.gif]
(11-13-2023, 10:07 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
PeS wrote:I guess for the folks that are trying to come bring "nuance" in this thread by, here's a piece of nuance for you to consider.

Hamas attacks on Israel that killed and kidnapped civilians is abhorrent and should be denounced as terrorist attacks. Hamas', and any Palestinian people more broadly, attacks on military targets of their genocidal occupying force are not, they are acts of defense and resistance, even when it's terrible people that do it.

So, when you come here and say "they are shooting back from the hospital", and people here don't denounce it or even defend it, it's because those are not horrifying acts to be denounced. It's simple like that.

Oh.. so Hamas IS in the hospitals?
Tsk, like capitalist hospitals don't store RPGs and have basements to hold trans hostages during the genocide  Rolleyes

Spoiler:  (click to show)

your spoiler is being called into question, Nintex. Defend yourself you propaganda monger!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower

Fj0823 wrote:
KtotheRoc wrote:Why is Variety still writing up stories about the MCU like this?
It's been relentless from them ever since people took issue with the inaccuracies in the reporting.

Also yet again thinly veiled "White man gud, black girls bad"

Fj0823 wrote:
Anth0ny wrote:I imagine anti-MCU articles are doing MASSIVE clicks right about now across the entire internet
But it's variety the one spamming
(11-14-2023, 01:32 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Fj0823 wrote:Also yet again thinly veiled "White man gud, black girls bad"
Meanwhile, in the actual article: wrote:it was hard not to imagine Marvel Studios’ own god of stories — that would be studio chief Kevin Feige — contending with an increasingly impossible tangle of narrative possibility, clinging onto each strand, willing them to all work together.

At the Las Vegas premiere of “The Marvels,” Feige told “Entertainment Tonight” that “everything is a building block in the broader story — that’s just part of the fun.” But is it anymore? While following a grand, sustained meta-narrative across several individual movie franchises was once delightful and thrilling, the MCU now feels closer pop-culture homework.

Take “The Marvels.” As a movie, it is often good fun, and Iman Vellani’s performance as Kamala Khan (aka Ms. Marvel) is an endless delight. But to fully appreciate the movie’s story, you need to have seen 2019’s “Captain Marvel” and “Avengers: Endgame” in theaters, and then watched 2021’s “WandaVision” and “Hawkeye,” and 2022’s “Ms. Marvel” on Disney+. The movie strains under the weight of having to service all of these storylines while also pretending like you don’t have to have seen any of them to understand the movie, when — as audiences clearly believed — you really do.

“Think about those first acts of those initial Marvel movies,” one award-winning genre TV writer said to me. “They work! You care about your protagonists. You’re not concerned with setting up fifteen other movies or teasing some grand mythology. Those first MacGuffins — the Tesseract, Infinity Stones — were just that. They didn’t overwhelm those first movies.”

The barrier to entry has become needlessly convoluted and intimidating, the same predicament that caused Marvel comics to shrink from a mainstream phenomenon to servicing a relatively insular subculture. Which is totally fine! But comics don’t require hundreds of artists and hundreds of millions of dollars to create the illusion of a billionaire playboy with a cutting-edge metal suit. Movies aren’t comics. So why does Marvel Studios have to race headlong into the same narrative cul-du-sac that the comics did?

As a different TV and comic book writer put it to me recently, “The MCU has become Marvel [comics] in the aughts: Too many books, too many characters. They need to get small. I don’t give a shit about the Kang Dynasty because I don’t care about Kang. Or the multiverse. They haven’t made it emotional.”

The interconnectivity of the MCU has also grown so tangled, spurred by an insatiable push for Disney+ content, that it has made it particularly vulnerable to disruption. At one point, the Disney+ series “Secret Invasion,” focusing on Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury, was supposed to follow the events of “The Marvels,” but then creative issues with the movie caused Marvel to move its debut to several months after “Secret Invasion.” As anyone who watched the show can tell you, it suffered — so much so, that even though Fury plays a significant role in “The Marvels,” the movie contains zero mention of what happened in “Secret Invasion.”
Quote:Marvel has taken some less drastic steps to address these problems recently, but they come off as half measures. The studio recently announced a new “Spotlight” banner for titles that don’t have “larger MCU continuity” — but the Disney+ and Hulu series launching this banner, “Echo,” was created to be a spin-off of “Hawkeye,” which only adds confusion instead of clarity. As recently as Thursday, Disney has also pushed several Marvel titles originally announced for 2023 into 2024 and 2025. But that’s largely due to the writers and actors strikes, and while Marvel now only has one feature film set to open in 2024, there are four movies currently slated for 2025.

Two of those films, “Thunderbolts” and “Blade,” have now leapfrogged “Fantastic Four” on Marvel’s slate after initially being scheduled to open before it — which wouldn’t be a problem if those movies weren’t, in Feige’s words, “a building block in the broader story.” Just about every creative problem Marvel is currently facing could be resolved if its movies didn’t have to service the MCU.
Quote:But if abandoning the most lucrative creative endeavor ever produced in Hollywood isn’t in the cards, then allow me to make another wildly presumptuous suggestion: Make more projects like “Loki.” You needn’t have seen any Marvel title since “Endgame” to grasp the show; instead, it asks its audience to invest in its characters far more than anticipate how it may relate to a larger universe. “Loki’s” universe is more than enough, and audiences are responding. After this story originally posted, Disney announced that the Season 2 finale had earned 11.2 million views in its first three days, up from the 10.9 million views for the season premiere in the same time frame. According to the studio, it’s the second best viewed season finale in 2023, behind just the Season 3 conclusion of “The Mandalorian.”

Perhaps all Feige needs to do is let go of those strands and let them develop on their own.
Lol that article is pretty positive about the MCU. Show how insulated the group of crazies in that thread have become.

Deleted member 160169 wrote:Oct 30, 2023

Hi everybody!
FJzeo must be great at parties.
Quote:Oh God dammit. It's official, I can't trust any creator I like anymore. Jirard was one of the unquestionable good guys. Extremely nice, incredibly passionate, just seemed like a normal dude who loves games. And now this. What the fuck.
Rees creepy over-enthusiastic reaction to Iman Vellani continues’m-taking-it-easy-on-him-until-i-get-ms-marvel-s2-if-he-says-the-mcu-is-earth-616-i’ll-let-him-believe-that-”.785033/
MMaRsu dateline='[url=tel:1699913994' wrote: 1699913994[/url]']
Nintex dateline='[url=tel:1699911905' wrote: 1699911905[/url]']

Another big WIN by a great patriot!!! OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™

Applause Applause Applause 


Like fine if you wanna hate on JK Rowling be my guest but don't automatically assume you can hate me, or put me on blast.

Fuck off dumbass bitch

Can’t believe such filth is allowed on this website.

No wonder benji is being voted genocide supporter of the year.
(11-13-2023, 09:21 PM)benji wrote:
(11-13-2023, 09:01 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:There's a video of Doom ports that Jobst misgendered Becky, the sole developer of the 3DO Doom port. Ever since then I stopped watching him.
UPDATE: Dismissing concerns: wrote:Becky's pronouns are she/her? That's what is used in the video.
Quote:He's using the right pronouns there. The one he uses he/him pronouns to refer to is Randy Scott.
Quote:fuck jobst.

edit 2:
wait he doesn't misgender her at all. why lie Linkark07

Linkark07 wrote:Yes, Becky uses She/They. At least the timestamp I added Jobst uses 'he' to refer to Becky.

If Jobst corrected himself after that I don't know. Just listening that made me stop watching his video.
Linkark07 wrote:Will have to rewatch when I return to my home since I'm driving right now.

But I was sure Jobst was referring to Becky in that instance.

Quote:I think Linkark is not a native english speaker so that must be it. I could be wrong though
(11-13-2023, 09:58 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I'm a simple person. I see Joanne, I like. Trumps

Reesisters call me back when you drop Disney for supporting genocide, quit X / Twitter due to the transphobia. Stop making excuses for them. Until those cooperation's are banned from Era I will not support Joanne slander.

J.K Rowling is a terf and that isn't a bad thing.

Real women matter.

(11-13-2023, 09:59 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I like JK Rowling because she's an absolute fucking legend, who has been on the right side of all battles in living memory, and done it with grace

And also because I'm not an absolute himmler, goading on the nutters towards primordial violence

(11-13-2023, 10:01 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: JK Rowling is inspirational in a number of ways and continues to be because most celebs at her level would capitulate and keep their opinions to themselves. But she sticks to her convictions despite there being a vocal minority that try to scream her down. It's definitely admirable.

I like her big ol' MILF tiddies.

m_shortpants wrote:oh Garfield, what have they done to you?

When I was a kid, I would excitedly check out Garfield collections from the library and read them every morning when I woke up. This is all so far from that. Capitalism ruins everything lol.
(11-14-2023, 02:00 AM)Vertigo wrote: Lol that article is pretty positive about the MCU. Show how insulated the group of crazies in that thread have become.
Their desire is to be persecuted for their faith.
(11-14-2023, 02:49 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

m_shortpants wrote:oh Garfield, what have they done to you?

When I was a kid, I would excitedly check out Garfield collections from the library and read them every morning when I woke up. This is all so far from that. Capitalism ruins everything lol.

They could've just left it without the Capitalism talk but you need your quota or else you'll be looked at as a troll in the future if you ever post something even slightly off the right path.
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
Everybody hates me just because I'm smarter than them!

Nepenthe wrote:Derailing a thread about the GOP's run to fascism by blithely targeting some of the very minorities in their crossfire, who still may not want to vote because supporting their own genocide is morally untenable, absolutely deserved the ban. The length of time was a standard escalation given their history. In general, mitigating the behavior of vote shaming is something we are discussing behind the scenes in regards to the upcoming election season, but considering these discussions were not public, they did not necessarily influence the ban. It was an asshole post in general.

As an aside, it is just more general proof to me as I've been trying to stand back, observe, and read more books (not social media; books, essays, first hand accounts), that ResetEra in general just is not a great place for political discussion because the historical context and the ability to use that context to derive meaningfully nuanced takes is sorely lacking. Most people here haven't the faintest idea of the various philosophies borne from the fights of minority groups they claim to champion, and then they get pissed off when someone displays knowledge, experience, and context outside of that general ignorance.

Like, superficially being against bigotry does not necessarily make you a good person. Merely picking the right side doesn't mean you are truly knowledgeable. Reactionary drive-bys, a lack of reading and strong media literacy, and chauvinistic presumptuousness towards minorities you believe you know better than are universal faults of us all in this shitty world, but particularly so for Americans, and they are things we should all be working on, myself included.

Who writes like that?  Who is she trying to impress?
It reads like someone that has an ego problem that's starting to think about reflecting on it while bragging about how humble they are.
"In general, mitigating the behavior of vote shaming is something we are discussing behind the scenes in regards to the upcoming election season, but considering these discussions were not public, they did not necessarily influence the ban. It was an asshole post in general."

This is going to be glorious with the 2024 election.

Trump wins? The ban wave from those crying about third party / non-voters will be beautiful music.

(11-14-2023, 01:46 AM)benji wrote:
(11-14-2023, 01:32 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Fj0823 wrote:Also yet again thinly veiled "White man gud, black girls bad"
Meanwhile, in the actual article: wrote:Take “The Marvels.” As a movie, it is often good fun, and Iman Vellani’s performance as Kamala Khan (aka Ms. Marvel) is an endless delight.

Sounds like the article mostly agrees with the nerds but since it doesn't blame the audience for being chuds the writer is actually racist.
(11-14-2023, 02:54 AM)ClothedMac wrote: Everybody hates me just because I'm smarter than them!

Nepenthe wrote:Derailing a thread about the GOP's run to fascism by blithely targeting some of the very minorities in their crossfire, who still may not want to vote because supporting their own genocide is morally untenable, absolutely deserved the ban. The length of time was a standard escalation given their history. In general, mitigating the behavior of vote shaming is something we are discussing behind the scenes in regards to the upcoming election season, but considering these discussions were not public, they did not necessarily influence the ban. It was an asshole post in general.

As an aside, it is just more general proof to me as I've been trying to stand back, observe, and read more books (not social media; books, essays, first hand accounts), that ResetEra in general just is not a great place for political discussion because the historical context and the ability to use that context to derive meaningfully nuanced takes is sorely lacking. Most people here haven't the faintest idea of the various philosophies borne from the fights of minority groups they claim to champion, and then they get pissed off when someone displays knowledge, experience, and context outside of that general ignorance.

Like, superficially being against bigotry does not necessarily make you a good person. Merely picking the right side doesn't mean you are truly knowledgeable. Reactionary drive-bys, a lack of reading and strong media literacy, and chauvinistic presumptuousness towards minorities you believe you know better than are universal faults of us all in this shitty world, but particularly so for Americans, and they are things we should all be working on, myself included.

Who writes like that?  Who is she trying to impress?

Her professor from that that city college coirse she took once but felt disrespected and so she left. If I had to guess.
(11-14-2023, 12:13 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:It's also true that the Palestinian resistance is more than just Hamas. There are genuine resistance fighters in Gaza of many leftist stripes so no use trying to pin this or that RPG on whoever. Israel is besieging hospitals, that should be the focus.

They're really acting like someone just accidentally stumbled upon an RPG in a hospital. Like maybe ask yourself how that could be?

Are they really calling the Palestinians firing rockets and RPGs leftists?

Does the conservative religious ethos not give them a clue what these people are?
Captain Marvel and the JV squad will turn this ship around for sure! 

I kinda miss this blind optimism in my life.

(11-14-2023, 02:56 AM)Pwnz wrote: It reads like someone that has an ego problem that's starting to think about reflecting on it while bragging about how humble they are.

It's every college essay I ever wrote the night before its due.
(11-14-2023, 03:02 AM)Potato wrote: Are they really calling the Palestinians firing rockets and RPGs leftists?

Does the conservative religious ethos not give them a clue what these people are?
Leftism is when you're the good guys fighting the bad guys.

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