Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(11-21-2023, 03:46 AM)benji wrote: The funniest part about "left" is how they're such self-enforced losers they can't even really talk about how much they want violence, instead it's all this UGH SOMEONE SHOULD DO VIOLENCE AND OVERTHROW ALL OF SOCIETY FOR ME cringe pussy shit where they all try to top each other while pretending to be "hard" but only the occasional lunatic moderator actually comes out and tells people to arm up and kill cis people or whatever. It's why I have more respect for people like hachikoma and Booshka, even the former's pathetic whining about how "they" wouldn't let them run for office or how "they" fired them for being unhinged in an organization full of crazy people that's still something you know.

Like this endless handwringing about their meaningless vote is vomit-inducing narcissism. Literally nobody cares. The politicos care even less, especially when you spend all your time rhetorically supporting them. Oh no, this person who devotes their life to hating Trump and Republicans and chuds on YouTube isn't going to vote for me in my safe district, whatever will I do.

Yeah, but both hachikoma and Booshka are pussies that would chicken out last second. Booshka is specially the middle class white leftie that has more to lose without the system than with it (married male nurse with a ill father).

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 month): Trolling senstitive political threads across multiple posts, account in Junior stage
PRomeotheus wrote:
Thorrgal wrote:If you don't live in argentina you have no business calling argentinians biased or trying to link the markets reaction to peoples wellbeing.

What are you even trying to say really.
As I said in my previous post, I was just trying to see the bigger picture. Obviously I struck a nerve in here and at this point I'm being answered at passionally and not objectively.

I'll remove myself from this conversation and I hope all you people in Argentina live a good life and that all goes well for you.

EDIT: By the way, I wasn't calling argentinians biased, I was calling that particular post biased. Just as a life lesson, It's good to try to understand both sides even if one looks crazier than the other. To fully disqualifiy one side because their way of thinking doesn't line up with the one you stand for, robs you of the opportunity of building bridges. The full picture is always in the middle, not just in one side
But guys he talks to his dogs!  literally shaking
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1700540676' wrote: 1700540676[/url]']
But guys he talks to his dogs!  literally shaking

They are clones from a dog he considered his dad.
(11-21-2023, 02:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Pollen wrote:The entire Democratic Party are AIPAC funded shams tbh
Resetera is the new Stormfront   Yikes
Quote: Cop User Banned (permanent): antisemetic dogwhistle; account in junior phase
RetroRunner wrote:Staff has utterly failed the Jewish members of this site, I don't know how they live with themselves
(11-21-2023, 03:58 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Mauricio_Magus wrote:
Dark Knight said: wrote:People are animals and selfishness is enshrined in our DNA. Hate to say it but it's simple as that.
this is not true at all. We are social beings, the whole "we're selfish" crap is not true at all and it's just reinforced by society and yeah... capitalism.

Countries with less inequality in which people help each other are going to be way less "selfish" than others because when your needs are met and you know that there is also a safety net for you, build by others, most people won't need to be "selfish". It's just about building that society, just because we will always care about ourselves before others doesn't mean that we are "selfish".

So yeah, it's not "as simple as that".

Dark Knight wrote:That's literally the definition of selfish. And a certain level of it isn't shameful. Obviously you are going to care for the needs of your newborn child over those of your next door neighbor. There is a certain level of inherent, programmed self interest in even the most peaceful and harmonious human societies that would be destructive to ignore or overwrite. It's imperative to our survival.

Either way, I was speaking to the alt right's(and similar societal villains) inability to expunge or control their animal nature. I completely agree with you that societies with less inequality(and less dependence on capitalism) are absolutely less likely to resort to othering and populism. Capitalism itself runs on a very warped, stacked version of the "survival of the fittest" ethos, so of course it's going to reduce some people to prey.

I shouldn't have called it simple, though. But to be fair, when I look at the types who want to upend society or accelerate its collapse at the expense of the most vulnerable I do see dangerous animals. I can't see those who went all in on Trump or stormed the US Capitol as anything but brutes who have given up their minds to their worst nature. To rephrase with a bit more nuance, I think humans can be animals in their rejection of a peaceful and equitable society. And those who choose to distance themselves from those instincts are those who drive progress.
Socialism is a permanent selfish survival of the fittest because it monopolizes all resources into a single caste system that cannot be challenged except through esoteric behind closed doors politics. If they don't care about your self-interest, it doesn't happen, period. If your self-interest contradicts theirs, you are ground up by the state. You are the ones who "want to upend society or accelerate its collapse at the expense of the most vulnerable" when you argue for violently destroying all peaceful cooperation everywhere for an all powerful elite caste that decides everything for every person.

You are against peaceful change. You are against making resources more accessible and an ever continuing system of levelling. You are against democracy and human rights in any reasonable form. You are for a violent hierarchy imposing itself without consent. You are for an ever crumbling stasis myopically focused on whatever is happening in the immediate now that only a self-declared elite few care about. You are for only rewarding the worst who always get on top. You are against progress because you demand a system that will permanently stamp it out as treason. You are deliberately gaslighting others and yourself because you choose to be willfully ignorant about the very thing you're arguing for. And you take all of this as confirmation of what a good person you are because you're willing to sacrifice others, erase them and their personhood both literally and figuratively, to achieve others goals in the name of all.

(11-21-2023, 04:12 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Yeah, but both hachikoma and Booshka are pussies that would chicken out last second. Booshka is specially the middle class white leftie that has more to lose without the system than with it (married male nurse with a ill father).
If there was some kind of riot down the street that looked like it could succeed or be a good time, I think they would both show up and be overly enthusiastic about it. Nepenthe and the others would never take off their super expensive cat ear headphones and pause the five hour YouTube video about some stupid consoomer shit to see what the noise and flames are about let alone touch grass.
(11-21-2023, 04:32 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(11-21-2023, 02:00 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Pollen wrote:The entire Democratic Party are AIPAC funded shams tbh
Resetera is the new Stormfront   Yikes
Quote: Cop User Banned (permanent): antisemetic dogwhistle; account in junior phase
RetroRunner wrote:Staff has utterly failed the Jewish members of this site, I don't know how they live with themselves

Just because we say "From the River to the Sea Palestine Will be Free" doesn't mean we're cheering for the genocide of ALL the Jews in Israel, okay?

by the way Jews are white if you forgot.
(11-21-2023, 04:13 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 month): Trolling senstitive political threads across multiple posts, account in Junior stage
PRomeotheus wrote:
Thorrgal wrote:If you don't live in argentina you have no business calling argentinians biased or trying to link the markets reaction to peoples wellbeing.

What are you even trying to say really.
As I said in my previous post, I was just trying to see the bigger picture. Obviously I struck a nerve in here and at this point I'm being answered at passionally and not objectively.

I'll remove myself from this conversation and I hope all you people in Argentina live a good life and that all goes well for you.

EDIT: By the way, I wasn't calling argentinians biased, I was calling that particular post biased. Just as a life lesson, It's good to try to understand both sides even if one looks crazier than the other. To fully disqualifiy one side because their way of thinking doesn't line up with the one you stand for, robs you of the opportunity of building bridges. The full picture is always in the middle, not just in one side

[Image: major-payne-sensitive.gif]
Quote:Don't bump old threads with new news
Yet it's fine to do it in the gaming section.
No fun allowed.
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
viskod wrote:Trump will be found guilty by a DC Jury in the Jan 6th trial well before that September debate.

No, he won't. 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: Ov25x12v_200x200.jpg]
5 users liked this post: Hap Shaughnessy, Boredfrom, Uncle, Potato, Taco Bell Tower
Is JeffMarvel’s face AI generated? Thinking
BIONIC dateline='[url=tel:1700501789' wrote: 1700501789[/url]']’s-history-of-sexism-is-complicating-its-journey-to-the-west.787029/#post-115180752

Melody Shreds, post: 115180752, member: 2700 wrote:holy fuck. Also the lesbian in me was interested in Stellar Blade for bad reasons but fuck not anymore. fuck that shit.

Bruh…that’s not the lesbian in you, it’s the man in you
(11-21-2023, 01:06 AM)benji wrote: [Image: F_Wfy-KakAAUS-O?format=jpg&name=small]
[Image: F_YlqL9XcAAZlCR?format=jpg&name=small]


Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: F_W4sbuagAA6ptb?format=jpg&name=small]

Will this fucking hate site ever recognize the personhood of Bunnymen?
(11-21-2023, 01:39 AM)Boredfrom wrote: I supposed that is the Neoxon's dream job: grifting to a high corpo position just by bitching about social issues in mass produced media.

Funny enough, one of these companies had created some software to analyze their games to check for diversity and ERA went ballistic. So I guess unless it's some doofus doing the same thing without any computer program helping them, it's wrong?
excelsiorlef hasn't posted in the Israel / Palestine thread since Friday. I hope they're doing okay. Their work to bring twitter news to the thread was a harrowing ordeal that no doubt scarred their mental health.   Stahp
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: evJs4Kw.jpg]
monketron wrote:
WildflowerWildfire said: wrote:More Terf-fuckery

Bit more info here. I don't blame her for quitting, she probably feels she's letting her team down even though it's absolutely not her fault.

yeah it's the fault of the team manager for letting them on the team in the first place.
(11-21-2023, 08:15 AM)D3RANG3D wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: evJs4Kw.jpg]

So, a woman flies around space to find dinner for her male overlord?

What’s the issue?
(11-21-2023, 08:15 AM)D3RANG3D wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: evJs4Kw.jpg]

That ought to bring the women back to the MCU. A naked chick painted silver.
women who are men who know better than women criticising women will not stand for this one
(11-21-2023, 07:53 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: excelsiorlef hasn't posted in the Israel / Palestine thread since Friday. I hope they're doing okay. Their work to bring twitter news to the thread was a harrowing ordeal that no doubt scarred their mental health.   Stahp

She's been binging old Mike Flanagan series on anti-trans TERF platform Netflix, and spending her time coming up with the cringiest thread titles known to man

Suddenly Resetera are a bunch of libertarians, it seems.
(11-21-2023, 09:24 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote:

Suddenly Resetera are a bunch of libertarians, it seems.

Well, era types have always had one very specific policy in common with libertarians.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC
(11-15-2023, 04:26 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Well, era types have always had one very specific policy in common with libertarians.

Freedom to accumulate gobs of precum?
(11-21-2023, 08:15 AM)D3RANG3D wrote:
Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: evJs4Kw.jpg]

[Image: ec5da55d1dfaecd749950987c71021bc93c0cf9d...9c7_1.webp]
(11-21-2023, 03:46 AM)benji wrote: The funniest part about "left" is how they're such self-enforced losers they can't even really talk about how much they want violence, instead it's all this UGH SOMEONE SHOULD DO VIOLENCE AND OVERTHROW ALL OF SOCIETY FOR ME cringe pussy shit where they all try to top each other while pretending to be "hard" but only the occasional lunatic moderator actually comes out and tells people to arm up and kill cis people or whatever. It's why I have more respect for people like hachikoma and Booshka, even the former's pathetic whining about how "they" wouldn't let them run for office or how "they" fired them for being unhinged in an organization full of crazy people that's still something you know.

Like this endless handwringing about their meaningless vote is vomit-inducing narcissism. Literally nobody cares. The politicos care even less, especially when you spend all your time rhetorically supporting them. Oh no, this person who devotes their life to hating Trump and Republicans and chuds on YouTube isn't going to vote for me in my safe district, whatever will I do.

[Image: tR313JL.png]
What's really depressing is that Resetera is so completely retarded, but even the worst ones are still comparatively mainstream and functional compared to some of the more underground communities described above.

We see elements of this shit in whackjobs like hachikoma, click cal, Melody shreds and a few others, but generally speaking they aren't as bad as they could be.

Imagine the kind of shit this guy has seen?
(11-21-2023, 12:52 AM)Uncle wrote:
(11-21-2023, 12:10 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
(11-21-2023, 12:00 AM)Straight Edge wrote:

What is this?

This is before the party indiscriminately slaughters them, right? Right?

Inclusiveness in a game where 90% of players are murder hobos, not Critical Role wannabes.

why the fuck are they so obsessed with giving personhood to goblins?

do you know how many lesser races are in D&D, practically animalistic tribes that hate all civilization and try to kill on sight?

this is still live on the actual wiki, using language now deemed verboten:

[Image: 0BLZko4.png]

why don't these fuckers deserve personhood?

[Image: tmDVX4E.png]

why don't these fuckers deserve personhood?

there are DOZENS of beings like this, all just waiting for you to sanitize them into sweet little Animal Crossing villagers! they all lead complex lives and have interpersonal relations and LIVED EXPERIENCES that cannot be denied! how dare adventurers colonize them??


Those are French people
It's got nothing to do with left or right really, at the core of it, it's a deep sickness of the soul brought on by too much internet. The description of the trans nutters could be applied equally devastatingly to the America First weirdos, or the SNP cult, or the Corbyn cranks, or Farage's wankers, etc etc. And that isn't a cop out, it's true, these behaviours emerge when a critical mass of internet crankery is reached

We're unlucky in that our hobby is the sphere from which all of this has emerged, because games are the primordial soup of internet culture, the gamers being the people who were permanently online in the beginning and forevermore.
SNP cult? Fuck off.
1 user liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia

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