(11-24-2023, 02:32 PM)jorma wrote: (11-24-2023, 02:10 PM)benji wrote: (11-24-2023, 08:07 AM)jorma wrote: what do you even mean? It's an ongoing success story from the Israeli land grabbing perspective. Every time a partition plan is suggested, the area presumed to form palestine just get smaller and smaller. If they're bloodlust driven war criminals devoted to genocide then why haven't they just carpet bombed the territories and occupied the rubble? What's the point of negotiating yet another "partition" with the people they're committed to eliminating from existence? The Zionists who control every institution of the West are going to change their mind about the genocidal project they all support if it succeeds too well at exterminating the people they want rid of?
wtf are you even talking about? the land grab is a real thing, i'd post a historical map but i know you've already seen it and know what it looks like 
The "historical map[s]" which every leftist refers to as a meme uses 4 different definitions of "Palestinian land" for each of the 4 maps and isn't even internally consistent within a couple of the maps.
To wit:
Quote: The right-most graphic (2000) seems to label as "Palestinian land" that land which is under the de jure control of the Palestinian Authority. And it shows as "Jewish land" the land that is under the de jure control of Israel. So it looks like we're getting a series showing who had de jure control of what land at what time. That's great!
Moving left, the next graph (1949-67) shows as blue "Jewish land" all the land under Israeli control during that time period. So far so good. But the green "Palestinian land" is not territory under control of a Palestinian sovereign. Those territories, at that time were under Egyptian and Jordanian sovereignty. The metric for "Palestinian land" now has switched from "land under Palestinian sovereignty" to "land not under Jewish sovereignty". Technically, one could say that's still the metric in the first graph (land that is or isn't under Israeli de jure control). That'd be more than a little shady (why should land under Jordanian control be labeled "Palestinian land"?), but I suppose technically it's not an inconsistency.
The next map shows the proposed 1947 partition plan. It has nothing to do with who has de jure control over anything. Neither Jews nor Palestinians had sovereign authority over any of that land at that time -- it was under British dominion. We've completely left the realm of "de jure control" for both Jews and Palestinians alike.
The final map, in 1946, is the most difficult for me to parse. It's obviously not about de jure control (again, it was entirely in British hands at the time). From what I can tell, it labels as Jewish land any land under private Jewish ownership -- a completely new metric. And is the green then "any land under private Palestinian ownership"? Nope -- the green is "everything else." Like the 1949-67 map, it's not even an internally consistent metric (let alone consistent across the four graphics).
Quote:it must be nice not having a family bitching about f*gg*t "tr*nnies ruining our government.
you know, while i their trans daughter am right fucking there.
When i was younger i used to just leave the dinning table after like the third or fourth N word drop out of disgust. now i just dont go to the dinners half the time anymore.
like this dinner i just fucking slept through
"Well, I guess Greg doesn't want to join us today, he's having one of his episodes again" "I'll bring him some turkey later when I grab his laundry" "just call him Melody, else he pees in his trashcan"
Motherfucker is like 40. Those poor elderlies
Puffy Fucking Baby dateline='[url=tel:1700844702' wrote: 1700844702[/url]']
whats the drama there? someone liked a tweet from a badman?
Is a company funded by artists that love drawing fan service, their games are famous for being over the top in the sex sells department. There is also a weird drama between many Korean developers and feminists employees (Korean feminists seem to have a way more toxic and aggressive discourse compared to the U.S. centric counterparts), and obviously is going to take the side of the perceived progressive point of view.
Bootsthecat dateline='[url=tel:1700847968' wrote: 1700847968[/url]']
Quote:it must be nice not having a family bitching about f*gg*t "tr*nnies ruining our government.
you know, while i their trans daughter am right fucking there.
When i was younger i used to just leave the dinning table after like the third or fourth N word drop out of disgust. now i just dont go to the dinners half the time anymore.
like this dinner i just fucking slept through
"Well, I guess Greg doesn't want to join us today, he's having one of his episodes again" "I'll bring him some turkey later when I grab his laundry" "just call him Melody, else he pees in his trashcan"
Motherfucker is like 40. Those poor elderlies
How would they even know Greg’s become their trans daughter. He’s had that haircut since he was 15
Quote: eUser Banned (2 weeks): misgendering
McScroggz wrote:One piece has some great LGBTQ characters but I'm not sure than any of them are trans. Yamato probably counts, and I like her character, but it is a little weird because she doesn't identify as male but as a specific man. Ivankov and Bon Clay doesn't count for trans, but they are some of my favorite non-straw hat characters.
These motherfuckers don't give a shit that I, their trans daughter, has a HEALTHY interest in gundams and a shallow to moderate expertise in mecha content
17 users liked this post: PogiJones, Chumbawumbafan69, LoverOfCycles, Brolha, Uncle, Water Enjoyer, Anti-Monitor, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, JoeBoy101, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Alpacx, ClothedMac, Boredfrom, HaughtyFrank
The insurance will cover it™
18 users liked this post: PogiJones, Chumbawumbafan69, LoverOfCycles, Brolha, Uncle, Water Enjoyer, Tucker's Law, Greatness Gone, Anti-Monitor, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, JoeBoy101, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Boredfrom, ClothedMac, HaughtyFrank
15 users liked this post: Chumbawumbafan69, DJ Bedroom, LoverOfCycles, Brolha, Uncle, Daffy Duck, Water Enjoyer, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, jooseloose, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Boredfrom, D3RANG3D
Quote:Yamato probably counts, and I like her character, but it is a little weird because she doesn't identify as male but as a specific man
Why even try?
(11-24-2023, 04:24 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Resetera: Sony needs to end their marketing deal with the Stellar Blade devs!
Sony: https://www.resetera.com/threads/stellar-blade-developer-shift-up-is-now-a-sony-2nd-party-studio.788427/
 Quote:Torn about this.
On one hand, the game looks fantastic.
Otoh, I hope that means Sony gets some sway to correct their alleged in studio bad behaviors, and maybe can provide guidance as per the apparent male gaze problem in game (though I guess that like for Bayonetta context may play a part in this, hard to judge before seeing the final product).
Quote:Sucks Sony wants to do business with this misogynistic AF company.
Quote:♥️sony should be embarrassed to be associated with this company ♥️
Quote:Yeah, I was side-eying the game, and then the rumors broke. Sounds like an awful place to work.
Quote:Wtf that ass shot
Quote:"But her ass is part of her character".
Not overly thrilled that this sort of character model and other previously mentioned conduct gets perpetuated.
Quote:Is this the bouncing boob game? So embarrassing if so.
Quote:Absolutely gross
Quote:Wow, that's gross news! Every time I see this game I wish I could unsee it.
That's only from the first page
(11-24-2023, 03:37 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Potato dateline='[url=tel:1700819619' wrote: 1700819619[/url]']
Boredfrom dateline='[url=tel:1700815150' wrote: 1700815150[/url]']
Cultural Appropriation 
Do you feel colonised boredfrom?
I just accepted TexMex food. I can’t complain about it, I probably would love some of it. (Not this bizarre combination of Pizza, though). I already accepted TacoBell in my heart without even trying.
Is just annoys me how RE would not shut up about appropriation if it was Afro or Asian food made by a yt.
The Reeee types are just conservatives dressed up as progressives. Never seen a more stagnant, backwards-looking bunch of people in my life.
Food should be shared and any non-anglo culture loves sharing its culinary traditions because we generally love sharing food with others.
My "feeling colonised" comment was sarcasm because you're right. Any other food/culture would have had the harpies out there screeching about cultural appropriation. But Mexican/Latino food gets a big ol' pass because they love eating that stuff, but don't want to have to get a real Mexican to make it for them.
11-24-2023, 07:56 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2023, 07:57 PM by Potato.)
(11-24-2023, 04:56 PM)BIONIC wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/not-the-onion-gay-furries-hack-nuclear-laboratory-in-idaho-demand-research-into-creating-irl-catgirls.788319/page-2#post-115342590
Melody Shreds, post: 115342590, member: 2700 wrote:As a transhumanist im willing to be a subject for the future of catgirl kind!
Is there any way we can do Schrodinger's Cat, but just put Melody in the fucking box instead?
11-24-2023, 08:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2023, 08:06 PM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
(11-24-2023, 07:48 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: (11-24-2023, 04:24 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Resetera: Sony needs to end their marketing deal with the Stellar Blade devs!
Sony: https://www.resetera.com/threads/stellar-blade-developer-shift-up-is-now-a-sony-2nd-party-studio.788427/
 Quote:Torn about this.
On one hand, the game looks fantastic.
Otoh, I hope that means Sony gets some sway to correct their alleged in studio bad behaviors, and maybe can provide guidance as per the apparent male gaze problem in game (though I guess that like for Bayonetta context may play a part in this, hard to judge before seeing the final product).
Quote:Sucks Sony wants to do business with this misogynistic AF company.
Quote:♥️sony should be embarrassed to be associated with this company ♥️
Quote:Yeah, I was side-eying the game, and then the rumors broke. Sounds like an awful place to work.
Quote:Wtf that ass shot
Quote:"But her ass is part of her character".
Not overly thrilled that this sort of character model and other previously mentioned conduct gets perpetuated.
Quote:Is this the bouncing boob game? So embarrassing if so.
Quote:Absolutely gross
Quote:Wow, that's gross news! Every time I see this game I wish I could unsee it.
That's only from the first page 
“Second party” triggers me.
(11-23-2023, 06:27 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wkd-box-office-%E2%80%A2-11-17-19-23-%E2%80%A2-a-ballad-of-songs-trolls-and-thanks-the-marvels-sub-10m.786738/page-12#post-115218885
Quote: User banned (permanently): Troll account
Female wrote:Carlquincy wrote:Hm.. Why did the women demo reject The Marvels? Putting women in lead roles doesn't automatically makes them want to see a movie, especially if it's an unattractive, unpopular brand and genre with said demo.
It's such a lazy, shallow, overly-simplistic concept.
Especially if those characters look to be yet again unappealing, unrelatable girlboss characters, that wear horrible, fugly, unstilysh superhero costumes, that have no romance or love triangles with hot men, preferably shirtless. 
The permanent ban that was made with the approval of several mods has been reversed without a word. Rock solid set of rules
25 users liked this post: Chumbawumbafan69, DJ Bedroom, LoverOfCycles, Brolha, Uncle, PogiJones, MoonlightJazz, Water Enjoyer, Tucker's Law, Greatness Gone, Anti-Monitor, Switters, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, MJBarret, Hap Shaughnessy, Gameboy Nostalgia, Averon, books, benji, BIONIC, Potato, Alpacx, Boredfrom, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
11-24-2023, 08:37 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2023, 08:38 PM by Nintex.)
Nintendo came up with "second party" during the N64/early GameCube Project Dolphin days.
It was used to describe studios that weren't treated as poorly as the third party studios but still had limited access to devkits and documentation (Rare, Factor 5, DMA, Silicon Knights, Retro Studios etc.). They were making Nintendo games but not allowed the same privileges as Nintendo studios.
(11-24-2023, 08:31 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (11-23-2023, 06:27 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wkd-box-office-%E2%80%A2-11-17-19-23-%E2%80%A2-a-ballad-of-songs-trolls-and-thanks-the-marvels-sub-10m.786738/page-12#post-115218885
Quote: User banned (permanently): Troll account
Female wrote:Putting women in lead roles doesn't automatically makes them want to see a movie, especially if it's an unattractive, unpopular brand and genre with said demo.
It's such a lazy, shallow, overly-simplistic concept.
Especially if those characters look to be yet again unappealing, unrelatable girlboss characters, that wear horrible, fugly, unstilysh superhero costumes, that have no romance or love triangles with hot men, preferably shirtless. 
The permanent ban that was made with the approval of several mods has been reversed without a word. Rock solid set of rules
Android Sophia found a loophole since she counts as a half dozen mods.
15 users liked this post: DJ Bedroom, LoverOfCycles, Brolha, Uncle, Water Enjoyer, Tucker's Law, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, jooseloose, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, Potato, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1700847505' wrote: 1700847505[/url]']
Pretty sure trans humanism is about exceeding human limits through technology, you know, literally going beyond being human, but it seems to have been more and more adopted by transfolk who I guess just saw the word 'trans' and figured it's about them?
In what way is being half sexy cat not exceeding human limits
11-24-2023, 09:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2023, 09:38 PM by benji.)
(11-24-2023, 02:32 PM)jorma wrote: wtf are you even talking about? the land grab is a real thing, i'd post a historical map but i know you've already seen it and know what it looks like  What are you talking about? The post, like many others, said Israel's goal is the complete elimination of the Palestinian people. I asked what's taking so long and you started talking about land negotiations. If the whole point is genocide then why do any of this?
(11-24-2023, 03:57 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/it-should-be-feasible-to-re-sell-your-games-on-steam.788394/
Quote:We all have games in our libraries that we bought, thought we would like, but realized we didn't when the refund time was over.
For example, I bought Devil May Cry 5, waited too long for the refund, and now I have a game in my inventory I will never play that I just want to get rid off.
But what if whenever a game isn't on sale, you could offer it up for a discounted price. Let's say that DMC5 isn't on a sale, someone is interested in buying it, but think its current price is too much. Then they can see that there are "pre-owned" versions of it from the store page. If someone buys "my" version of it for maybe $5 less, I get $5 for selling it, with the developer and Steam getting the remaining revenue from the sale.
I know the reason is "greed and money", but with a system like this developers could almost always have the extra number of sales that a regular Steam sale brings in. You could tweak the system and numbers. For me it's just that I don't want stuff in my library I'm not going to play, and I don't want to have to hide every game I regret buying. I don't care if it means just getting $2-3 of money for the sale as the depreciation of reselling something is what I expect for everything I buy.
You can call me a naive idiot as much as you want, but I don't see how some sort of re-selling system couldn't work or be beneficial to the developers. Uh, you're the one about "greed and money" because you want to resell a non-scarce item you don't fully own that didn't depreciate so you can personally cannibalize one of the sales. You want Valve to let you be GameStop but they do all the work for you while losing part of their cut.
(11-24-2023, 05:46 PM)Bootsthecat wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/family-get-togethers-feel-like-people-getting-together-to-complain-about-shit-i-think-this-is-why-i-cant-stand-them.788289/post-115349001
Quote:it must be nice not having a family bitching about f*gg*t "tr*nnies ruining our government.
you know, while i their trans daughter am right fucking there.
When i was younger i used to just leave the dinning table after like the third or fourth N word drop out of disgust. now i just dont go to the dinners half the time anymore.
like this dinner i just fucking slept through
"Well, I guess Greg doesn't want to join us today, he's having one of his episodes again" "I'll bring him some turkey later when I grab his laundry" "just call him Melody, else he pees in his trashcan"
Motherfucker is like 40. Those poor elderlies
(11-24-2023, 06:45 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/favorite-trans-characters-in-media-trans-awareness-week.786111/page-5#post-115076616
Quote: eUser Banned (2 weeks): misgendering
McScroggz wrote:One piece has some great LGBTQ characters but I'm not sure than any of them are trans. Yamato probably counts, and I like her character, but it is a little weird because she doesn't identify as male but as a specific man. Ivankov and Bon Clay doesn't count for trans, but they are some of my favorite non-straw hat characters.
That was a close call, gang. Let shit like that slide and next thing you know you're in a boxcar heading to Trans Dachau.
(11-24-2023, 03:57 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/it-should-be-feasible-to-re-sell-your-games-on-steam.788394/ How does this thread have six pages?
At least most of the posts aren't insane. And some people are being properly DISMISSIVE of the idea that capital-G gamers deserve a cut of game sales:
Quote:I think it's telling that people are making up the most complicated sales rules and regulations ever creating for this not to immediately bankrupt every dev out there and I have yet to see a single realistic benefit to either storefront, the publishers or the devs
Quote:Wanting to ruin a working retail ecosystem because of buyer's remorse is the most human thing I'll read today I think.
Quote:Imagine wanting to destroy Steam as a platform because you don't like seeing Devil May Cry 5 in your library
Quote:Instead of wishing for the games publishing industry to gut its own sales like a fish, maybe use DMC5 as a lesson not to buy games until you are ready and want to play them.
Apart from deep sales, you don't get a gold sticker for owning a game earlier than you intend to play it. And even deep sales aren't a good reason to buy something you'll never play. It reminds me of when my mom would go to the supermarket and buy all kinds of stuff nobody liked or would ever eat, and when we complained she'd say "It was on sale." OK? You know what's cheaper than buying an unwanted item on sale? Not buying it.
11-24-2023, 10:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 11-24-2023, 10:45 PM by Snoopy.)
Anyway it’s time for the annual top 10 best religious groups
1. Buddhists. As usual the baldy curry munchers come out on top. Unlike certain other groups the pyjama enthusiasts are more concerned about sitting still instead of bombing everyone around them.
2. Sikhs. Who are they? Nobody really knows, except they wear big hats and are usually found in convenience stores. Lovely stuff.
3. Hare Krishnas. Once they plagued airports and street corners. Annoying everyone on the planet with their flowery nonsense. Recently though they’ve risen up the rankings due to their almost total disappearance. Fantastic.
4. Hindus. Again, nobody knows who they are or what they want, but they can usually be found in neighbourhood restaurants worshipping elephants.
5. Mu-Ists. These witchy gooks do things on mountains. What things? Who cares. They’re not blowing up their neighbours and that counts for a lot these days.
6. Church of England Christians. Not to be confused with their homicidal counterparts. The COE is what Christianity would be if it had been formed by Eric Clapton. Diet racism, slight homophobia and tasteful bigotry all washed down with a nice cup of tea.
7. Wiccanism. What are Wiccans you ask. Wiccans, or Kathys, as they’re sometimes called are fat stupid women who buy overpriced tat and prance about in fields. Not to be confused with doggers.
8. Mormons. Yes, it’s true they dress like Nazi architects and often turn up at the door uninvited, much like the Nazis used to do but in fact Mormons aren’t Nazis. They’re just American homosexuals.
9. Jews. Jews or the Global Elite as they have taken to calling themselves recently, have been mired in controversy as usual. From Hollywood to Hawaii, their occupational antics have made them the bete noir of zoning officials everywhere
10. Muslims. The fez fanatics have been unusually quiet this year. Indeed, one wonders if they aren’t planning to challenge the Buddhists for the religion of peace title.
(11-24-2023, 08:31 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (11-23-2023, 06:27 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/wkd-box-office-%E2%80%A2-11-17-19-23-%E2%80%A2-a-ballad-of-songs-trolls-and-thanks-the-marvels-sub-10m.786738/page-12#post-115218885
Quote: User banned (permanently): Troll account
Female wrote:Putting women in lead roles doesn't automatically makes them want to see a movie, especially if it's an unattractive, unpopular brand and genre with said demo.
It's such a lazy, shallow, overly-simplistic concept.
Especially if those characters look to be yet again unappealing, unrelatable girlboss characters, that wear horrible, fugly, unstilysh superhero costumes, that have no romance or love triangles with hot men, preferably shirtless. 
The permanent ban that was made with the approval of several mods has been reversed without a word. Rock solid set of rules
Wish someone there will call them out on these obvious knee-jerk bans because some mod has either shit reading comprehension or they got triggered/mad because a poster said something they didn't like, even though it wasn't a TOS violation or trolling. Also, call them out on their "three mods must agree to a ban" rule that's obviously bullshit. But of course anyone that would do this would be instantly perma banned and have their posts deleted.
12 users liked this post: Chumbawumbafan69, LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Boredfrom, benji, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, NekoFever, HaughtyFrank
(11-24-2023, 10:35 PM)Snoopy wrote: Anyway it’s time for the annual top 10 best religious groups
1. Buddhists. As usual the baldy curry munchers come out on top. Unlike certain other groups the pyjama enthusiasts are more concerned about sitting still instead of bombing everyone around them.
2. Sikhs. Who are they? Nobody really knows, except they wear big hats and are usually found in convenience stores. Lovely stuff.
3. Hare Krishnas. Once they plagued airports and street corners. Annoying everyone on the planet with their flowery nonsense. Recently though they’ve risen up the rankings due to their almost total disappearance. Fantastic.
4. Hindus. Again, nobody knows who they are or what they want, but they can usually be found in neighbourhood restaurants worshipping elephants.
5. Mu-Ists. These witchy gooks do things on mountains. What things? Who cares. They’re not blowing up their neighbours and that counts for a lot these days.
6. Church of England Christians. Not to be confused with their homicidal counterparts. The COE is what Christianity would be if it had been formed by Eric Clapton. Diet racism, slight homophobia and tasteful bigotry all washed down with a nice cup of tea.
7. Wiccanism. What are Wiccans you ask. Wiccans, or Kathys, as they’re sometimes called are fat stupid women who buy overpriced tat and prance about in fields. Not to be confused with doggers.
8. Mormons. Yes, it’s true they dress like Nazi architects and often turn up at the door uninvited, much like the Nazis used to do but in fact Mormons aren’t Nazis. They’re just American homosexuals.
9. Jews. Jews or the Global Elite as they have taken to calling themselves recently, have been mired in controversy as usual. From Hollywood to Hawaii, their occupational antics have made them the bete noir of zoning officials everywhere
10. Muslims. The fez fanatics have been unusually quiet this year. Indeed, one wonders if they aren’t planning to challenge the Buddhists for the religion of peace title.
Even the happy clappers at the top of your list are responsible for some heinous violence and terrorism.
Fuck the lot of them
(11-24-2023, 09:42 PM)benji wrote:
Got me busting a gut over this.