Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
"Man. I just got Lasik, and let me tell you, it was like I suddenly I felt like I was the closest thing to a Sharingan master!"

"What if I told you transitioning is like the closest thing to a Sharingan master?"

" Dude, I cheated on my wife, then flew to Tampa and made $500 bucks at the dog track. Closest I ever felt to being Don Draper"

"What if..."

So fucking dumb

Hedge wrote:
UF_C wrote:'m editing my post because I don't want to get banned but as Jewish person who supports this site, the things that have been written in this thread make my soul hurt. And I am more and more jaded by Era every time I decide to visit it.
I agree with you. People are thankfully aware of blatant antisemitism but it's the more subtle kind that is slipping through the cracks here. As a Jewish person I hear the dogwhistles but nothing is being done about it. And I have reported some posts, and besides one explicit case, nothing has been done so I've given up awhile ago on reporting and just periodically checking the thread for updates and ignoring the commentary as best I can
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1700964071' wrote: 1700964071[/url]']

Hedge wrote:
UF_C wrote:'m editing my post because I don't want to get banned but as Jewish person who supports this site, the things that have been written in this thread make my soul hurt. And I am more and more jaded by Era every time I decide to visit it.
I agree with you. People are thankfully aware of blatant antisemitism but it's the more subtle kind that is slipping through the cracks here. As a Jewish person I hear the dogwhistles but nothing is being done about it. And I have reported some posts, and besides one explicit case, nothing has been done so I've given up awhile ago on reporting and just periodically checking the thread for updates and ignoring the commentary as best I can

User threadbanned: ignoring the staff warning about derails
I had no idea filler became a ree mod.

My boy finally made it Tocry
(11-26-2023, 01:22 AM)Boredfrom wrote:

Let’s take Wikipedia word from it and read a little.

Quote:Megalia (Korean: 메갈리아; RR: Megallia) was an online community and social movement of South Korean feminists that began in May and June 2015. The movement is most well known for the "mirroring" strategy that supporters ("Megalians") used to expose misogynist ideas on the South Korean Internet. Megalians would repost ("mirror") misogynist content with the gender roles reversed, with the goal of provoking laughter and/or outrage. After being banned from the Internet forum DC Inside, Megalians created several Facebook groups and an independent website called (archived and in Korean). They continued to mirror misogynist posts but also began mobilizing for feminist causes.
Quote:The movement split when moderators on the Megalia website banned homophobic posts targeting gay men. A group of users opposed to the decision left to found WOMAD. In 2017 the Megalia website was shut down, in part do to users leaving for WOMAD and a multitude of smaller sites.
Quote:A major argument began between Megalia users in December 2015 over whether it was acceptable to attack men for being homosexual. Some Megalia posters outed gay men who were married to women. Megalia's administrators eventually banned homophobic posts, which caused a large number of users to leave and found an alternative forum known as WOMAD (워마드), followed by almost one hundred other splinter sites. The movement continued for months, but the Megalia 4 Facebook group went dormant in the latter half of 2016 and the Megalia website was shut down in 2017.
The far-right incel chuds infiltrate another progressive group and splinter it after going mask off. It just keeps happening. Not like this!

I bet a bunch of those bad faith troll accounts are probably now fascists, TERFs and Zionists. This is why you should never ever compromise on anything. That's how they win. Punch
(11-26-2023, 02:01 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Hedge wrote:
UF_C wrote:'m editing my post because I don't want to get banned but as Jewish person who supports this site, the things that have been written in this thread make my soul hurt. And I am more and more jaded by Era every time I decide to visit it.
I agree with you. People are thankfully aware of blatant antisemitism but it's the more subtle kind that is slipping through the cracks here. As a Jewish person I hear the dogwhistles but nothing is being done about it. And I have reported some posts, and besides one explicit case, nothing has been done so I've given up awhile ago on reporting and just periodically checking the thread for updates and ignoring the commentary as best I can

Like ZeoVgm being banned and suddenly the residents feel they can point out what a turd he was, the Israel Hamas War talk has urged people to finally call out the longstanding anti-semitism on Era.  Somehow leaving NeoGaf meant they had to promote the suburban college-leftist ideal(?) that jews All Are Bad as white southern men and cops.

The only time Era has ever stood up for Jews was when Kanye was against them.  Otherwise anti-semite attacks are the result of Jew's Talking Shit and Get Hit and their gentrification policies (modern day colonialism. )
(11-26-2023, 12:51 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Hostility, multiple past infractions
chubbpenguin wrote:[quote=Haribokart ]I do wonder how people who cry so hard over nothing like this respond to actual problems.

Life is precious OP, try to enjoy as much of it as you can.

chubbpenguin wrote:The famously reasonable, justified, and level-headed resetera gang-up. And I'm the miserable one?
Am I out of touch?

Quote:Why do you care? You sound like the annoying neighbor who needs to complain about everything.
(11-26-2023, 03:34 AM)ClothedMac wrote: The only time Era has ever stood up for Jews was when Kanye was against them.
How quickly you forget how forcefully they came out against Joanne's antisemitism she forced into Hogfart's Legaycy in hopes of converting people to her belief in an elaborate international evil plot by big nosed greedy Jews.
(11-26-2023, 03:34 AM)ClothedMac wrote:
(11-26-2023, 02:01 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Hedge wrote:I agree with you. People are thankfully aware of blatant antisemitism but it's the more subtle kind that is slipping through the cracks here. As a Jewish person I hear the dogwhistles but nothing is being done about it. And I have reported some posts, and besides one explicit case, nothing has been done so I've given up awhile ago on reporting and just periodically checking the thread for updates and ignoring the commentary as best I can

Like ZeoVgm being banned and suddenly the residents feel they can point out what a turd he was, the Israel Hamas War talk has urged people to finally call out the longstanding anti-semitism on Era.  Somehow leaving NeoGaf meant they had to promote the suburban college-leftist ideal(?) that jews All Are Bad as white southern men and cops.

The only time Era has ever stood up for Jews was when Kanye was against them.  Otherwise anti-semite attacks are the result of Jew's Talking Shit and Get Hit and their gentrification policies (modern day colonialism. )

Odd. Jews = White, why would Era choose to side with them over Kanye?  Social Justice Warrior 2
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Checking back in, let's start with this: wrote:Who is this we? I left twitter when the idiot updated the app with the X name and logo.

I have been using threads for a few weeks now and its getting busier. Its a decent alternative. Some of the OF models I follow are on threads. They cant post NSFW but that's whatever.

Quote:I was hoping it would be the death knell each instance of Musk being an increasingly assholely but I guess it'll keep on limping along because we need mass social media to keep destroying the world. It's surreal how addicted we collectively are to this stuff.
Quote:Musk won and congratulations to everyone who stayed at Twitter and keep using it despite it being a Nazi shithole.
Quote:I've posted it a few times but I genuinely wonder if there is a reason given for why Rowlings work is banned but not Elons on this forum? Those media objects preach inclusivity and love despite their creator being a piece of shit, but Twitter is being actively used by its owner to promote and support hate aggressively.
Quote:Haven't watched the video yet, but I'm Im Actually surprised Twitter hasn't had way more catastrophic outages—apart from the rate limiting stuff it hasn't really had many problems? Especially with all the staff laid off and Musk being a paranoid dictator afraid to go to the toilet by himself. I think it's wise to branch out though, because Twitter WILL run out of money at some point, right?
Quote:The major problem with the modern internet is unlike before where people were happy to just be part of multiple smaller communities for what they like everyone now has to go to between 1-5 sites and they're the only sites people use, it's where all of the people are now and if you don't go there you miss out on a bunch of stuff. It sucks.
Quote:The twitter OT here has daily examples of why Twitter as a business is completely done, not the least of which is that its main source of revenue has completely dried up. Unless Elon decides to subsidize his Nazi-adjacent, transphobic bullshit indefinitely, Twitter will have to pull out of the EU or scale down to a fraction of its current outreach.
Quote:It would be ideal if Conover's wishful thinking came into fruition. But the world seems incapable of delivering an actual alternative. I think my wishful thinking of Twitter getting shut down is more achievable.
Quote:Seriously. Please analyze your life if you think you are "stuck" with a white supremacist website and can't POSSIBLY leave. lol.
Quote:People saying they need Twitter because of communities that I'm apart of are confusing me. Like I get when people say like sports or something, that's not what I'm into so I can take your word for it easy. But SW, LGBT, politics, Gaza, art, media.... y'all describing precisely my For You feed and (apart from gaza which is obviously heated) they're all so much more pleasant than I could ever imagine Twitter to be (not that I expect the positive vibes to be permanent).

I'm not saying everyone is there, I'm in vtuber circles and while nicher communities are there it's blatantly obvious bigger names are not... but I really don't care. If they don't wanna post in a space that isn't dominated by the biggest trash on the internet, then I as a trans person just won't be following them on Twitter - I can still engage on their discords or other socials if I want anyways, somebody being ONLY on twitter is incredibly rare.
Quote:Threads kept recommending me zionist propaganda and it got to the point that I deleted my profile.
Quote:Dropping the nazi platform shouldn't be that hard.
Quote:it barely was to begin with, of course, but twitter is now aggressively and actively trying to not be a safe space for marginalized communities. Like at it's core programming and functionality.
The Albatross wrote:I used to be a daily/hourly twitter user
Quote:Threads,Bluesky, mastodon, etc. supporting a nazi sympathizer for a few deals is dumb as hell.
Quote:Imagine being stuck on a nazi platform.
IrishNinja wrote:immediately after the buy & song about "free soeech", elon opened the gates for most of the nazis & fascists folks worked to deplatform, and then banned some of the largest antifascist accounts pushing community self-defense by letting folks know who the nazis were offline. it was so transparent, and such a tell of how he'd run things (trying to ban cis or phrases for palestinian liberation, etc) but some folks keep acting surprised when he shows who he's clearly always been

Sinophobia, you hate to see it:
B-Dubs wrote:
Quote:Oh for sure TikTok has been great also for giving a voice to Palestinians. Without Tiktok and Twitter the Israeli war crimes would be almost entirely muted.
I could just do without them pushing conspiracy nuts, right wing dipshits, and neo-nazis to people's feeds though. Shit keeps happening and it's gotta be by design at this point.
Though this guy thinks B-Dubs is talking about Twitter:
Quote:I mean it is kind of by design because Elmo is a bigot and has gutted moderation. There is plenty of evidence that hate speech has blown up on that platform. It's to my chagrin that I have to praise Tiktok or Twitter for Palestinian coverage which unfortunately I think is mainly incidental due to the poor moderation. It's not happening because Elon supports them because I'm pretty positive he is an islamophobe as well as an antisemite.

All their fond memories suck:
Quote:finally got that bluesky invite recently and in terms of filling that dumb educated, snarky, shitposting quotient that drove a lot of early twitter, it certainly fills that niche well-enough.
omfg What journalists do is not shitposting or educated.

Quote:Boycotting Twitter because of Musk's role in propping up and emboldening the far right is a noble stance to take I suppose, but to then jump onboard with and promote Threads seems pretty silly.

While Zuckerberg's public persona is obviously not in the same league as Musk's obnoxiousness, the actual material damage caused by Facebook eclipses it.

Sort of like the people wistfully looking back at the Bush era during the Trump presidency.

Quote:I saw Be The Change spray painted in a parking lot yesterday. Really makes you think.
(11-25-2023, 08:43 PM)Ribosome wrote:
(11-25-2023, 08:04 AM)Potato wrote:
(11-25-2023, 06:50 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Edit: goddamn my post disappeared. Basically just agreed with you. These genocidal fuckers in WWII and other actual genocides were on such a different level than “they won’t let me play women’s sports” that it’s quite insulting.

This is a genocide:
Quote:Its inhabitants were kept for nearly half a year in dog kennels, urinals and in old baking houses. The dog kennels were three feet high, nine feet long, six feet wide. Five men slept in each of them. The prisoners had to crawl into these kennels on all fours… There was no water in the camp

Quote:The clothing of the Eastern workers was likewise completely inadequate. They worked and slept in the same clothing in which they had arrived from the East. Virtually all of them had no overcoats and were compelled to use their blankets as coats in cold and rainy weather. In view of the shortage of shoes many workers were forced to go to work in their bare feet, even in winter… 

Sanitary conditions were atrocious. At Kramerplatz only ten children’s toilets were available for 1,200 inhabitants… Excretion contaminated the entire floors of these lavatories… The Tartars and Kirghiz suffered most; they collapsed like flies [from] bad housing, the poor quality and insufficient quantity of food, overwork and insufficient rest.

These workers were likewise afflicted with spotted fever. Lice, the carrier of the disease, together with countless fleas, bugs and other vermin tortured the inhabitants of these camps… At times the water supply at the camps was shut off for periods of from eight to fourteen days…

Quote:The Einsatz unit would enter a village or town and order the prominent Jewish citizens to call together all Jews for the purpose of “resettlement.”* They were requested to hand over their valuables and shortly before execution to surrender their outer clothing. They were transported to the place of executions, usually an antitank ditch, in trucks—always only as many as could be executed immediately. In this way it was attempted to keep the span of time from the moment in which the victims knew what was about to happen to them until the time of their actual execution as short as possible.

Then they were shot, kneeling or standing, by firing squads in a military manner and the corpses thrown into the ditch. I never permitted the shooting by individuals, but ordered that several of the men should shoot at the same time in order to avoid direct-personal responsibility. Other group leaders demanded that the victims lie down flat on the ground to be shot through the nape of the neck. I did not approve of these methods.

Quote:…My foreman and I went directly to the pits. I heard rifle shots in quick succession from behind one of the earth mounds. The people who had got off the trucks—men, women and children of all ages—had to undress upon the order of an S.S. man, who carried a riding or dog whip. They had to put down their clothes in fixed places, sorted according to shoes, top clothing and underclothing. I saw a heap of shoes of about 800 to 1,000 pairs, great piles of under-linen and clothing.

Without screaming or weeping these people undressed, stood around in family groups, kissed each other, said farewells and waited for a sign from another S.S. man, who stood near the pit, also with a whip in his hand. During the fifteen minutes that I stood near the pit I heard no complaint or plea for mercy…

An old woman with snow-white hair was holding a one-year-old child in her arms and singing to it and tickling it. The child was cooing with delight. The parents were looking on with tears in their eyes. The father was holding the hand of a boy about 10 years old and speaking to him softly; the boy was fighting his tears. The father pointed to the sky, stroked his head and seemed to explain something to him.

At that moment the S.S. man at the pit shouted something to his comrade. The latter counted off about twenty persons and instructed them to go behind the earth mound… I well remember a girl, slim and with black hair, who, as she passed close to me, pointed to herself and said: “twenty-three years old.”

I walked around the mound and found myself confronted by a tremendous grave. People were closely wedged together and lying on top of each other so that only their heads were visible. Nearly all had blood running over their shoulders from their heads. Some of the people were still moving. Some were lifting their arms and turning their heads to show that they were still alive. The pit was already two-thirds full. I estimated that it contained about a thousand people. I looked for the man who did the shooting. He was an S.S. man, who sat at the edge of the narrow end of the pit, his feet dangling into the pit. He had a tommy gun on his knees and was smoking a cigarette.

The people, completely naked, went down some steps and clambered over the heads of the people lying there to the place to which the S.S. man directed them. They lay down in front of the dead or wounded people; some caressed those who were still alive and spoke to them in a low voice. Then I heard a series of shots. I looked into the pit and saw that the bodies were twitching or the heads lying already motionless on top of the bodies that lay beneath them. Blood was running from their necks.

The next batch was approaching already. They went down into the pit, lined themselves up against the previous victims and were shot.

I highly recommend The Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze if you're interested in reading another deep dive into Nazi Germany.

Don't know if I will have the emotional energy for it for a while, but I'll definitely keep that in my list
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(11-26-2023, 04:42 AM)benji wrote: Checking back in, let's start with this: wrote:Who is this we? I left twitter when the idiot updated the app with the X name and logo.

I have been using threads for a few weeks now and its getting busier. Its a decent alternative. Some of the OF models I follow are on threads. They cant post NSFW but that's whatever.

Quote:I was hoping it would be the death knell each instance of Musk being an increasingly assholely but I guess it'll keep on limping along because we need mass social media to keep destroying the world. It's surreal how addicted we collectively are to this stuff.
Quote:Musk won and congratulations to everyone who stayed at Twitter and keep using it despite it being a Nazi shithole.
Quote:I've posted it a few times but I genuinely wonder if there is a reason given for why Rowlings work is banned but not Elons on this forum? Those media objects preach inclusivity and love despite their creator being a piece of shit, but Twitter is being actively used by its owner to promote and support hate aggressively.
Quote:Haven't watched the video yet, but I'm Im Actually surprised Twitter hasn't had way more catastrophic outages—apart from the rate limiting stuff it hasn't really had many problems? Especially with all the staff laid off and Musk being a paranoid dictator afraid to go to the toilet by himself. I think it's wise to branch out though, because Twitter WILL run out of money at some point, right?
Quote:The major problem with the modern internet is unlike before where people were happy to just be part of multiple smaller communities for what they like everyone now has to go to between 1-5 sites and they're the only sites people use, it's where all of the people are now and if you don't go there you miss out on a bunch of stuff. It sucks.
Quote:The twitter OT here has daily examples of why Twitter as a business is completely done, not the least of which is that its main source of revenue has completely dried up. Unless Elon decides to subsidize his Nazi-adjacent, transphobic bullshit indefinitely, Twitter will have to pull out of the EU or scale down to a fraction of its current outreach.
Quote:It would be ideal if Conover's wishful thinking came into fruition. But the world seems incapable of delivering an actual alternative. I think my wishful thinking of Twitter getting shut down is more achievable.
Quote:Seriously. Please analyze your life if you think you are "stuck" with a white supremacist website and can't POSSIBLY leave. lol.
Quote:People saying they need Twitter because of communities that I'm apart of are confusing me. Like I get when people say like sports or something, that's not what I'm into so I can take your word for it easy. But SW, LGBT, politics, Gaza, art, media.... y'all describing precisely my For You feed and (apart from gaza which is obviously heated) they're all so much more pleasant than I could ever imagine Twitter to be (not that I expect the positive vibes to be permanent).

I'm not saying everyone is there, I'm in vtuber circles and while nicher communities are there it's blatantly obvious bigger names are not... but I really don't care. If they don't wanna post in a space that isn't dominated by the biggest trash on the internet, then I as a trans person just won't be following them on Twitter - I can still engage on their discords or other socials if I want anyways, somebody being ONLY on twitter is incredibly rare.
Quote:Threads kept recommending me zionist propaganda and it got to the point that I deleted my profile.
Quote:Dropping the nazi platform shouldn't be that hard.
Quote:it barely was to begin with, of course, but twitter is now aggressively and actively trying to not be a safe space for marginalized communities. Like at it's core programming and functionality.
The Albatross wrote:I used to be a daily/hourly twitter user
Quote:Threads,Bluesky, mastodon, etc. supporting a nazi sympathizer for a few deals is dumb as hell.
Quote:Imagine being stuck on a nazi platform.
IrishNinja wrote:immediately after the buy & song about "free soeech", elon opened the gates for most of the nazis & fascists folks worked to deplatform, and then banned some of the largest antifascist accounts pushing community self-defense by letting folks know who the nazis were offline. it was so transparent, and such a tell of how he'd run things (trying to ban cis or phrases for palestinian liberation, etc) but some folks keep acting surprised when he shows who he's clearly always been

Sinophobia, you hate to see it:
B-Dubs wrote:
Quote:Oh for sure TikTok has been great also for giving a voice to Palestinians. Without Tiktok and Twitter the Israeli war crimes would be almost entirely muted.
I could just do without them pushing conspiracy nuts, right wing dipshits, and neo-nazis to people's feeds though. Shit keeps happening and it's gotta be by design at this point.
Though this guy thinks B-Dubs is talking about Twitter:
Quote:I mean it is kind of by design because Elmo is a bigot and has gutted moderation. There is plenty of evidence that hate speech has blown up on that platform. It's to my chagrin that I have to praise Tiktok or Twitter for Palestinian coverage which unfortunately I think is mainly incidental due to the poor moderation. It's not happening because Elon supports them because I'm pretty positive he is an islamophobe as well as an antisemite.

All their fond memories suck:
Quote:finally got that bluesky invite recently and in terms of filling that dumb educated, snarky, shitposting quotient that drove a lot of early twitter, it certainly fills that niche well-enough.
omfg What journalists do is not shitposting or educated.

Quote:Boycotting Twitter because of Musk's role in propping up and emboldening the far right is a noble stance to take I suppose, but to then jump onboard with and promote Threads seems pretty silly.

While Zuckerberg's public persona is obviously not in the same league as Musk's obnoxiousness, the actual material damage caused by Facebook eclipses it.

Sort of like the people wistfully looking back at the Bush era during the Trump presidency.

Quote:I saw Be The Change spray painted in a parking lot yesterday. Really makes you think.

I expect to see bans for these, B-dubs.  wag Telling mods what they should and shouldn't ban isn't for general discussion.
(11-26-2023, 05:11 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I expect to see bans for these, B-dubs.  wag Telling mods what they should and shouldn't ban isn't for general discussion.
Really shows you how forgiving staff members are that members can post death threats like that and nothing happens. If people are posting that stuff directly on the forum imagine how many murder attempts are happening behind the scenes while the staff are trying to discuss every entry in the report queue. Not to mention people like that bad faith actor in the community feedback thread "just asking questions" about why the OP tells people to send in tickets about other people's bans despite the obvious danger this puts every staff member in. Makes you realize how thankful you should be about admins everywhere, even on hate sites, that they're willing to put their own lives at risk every hour of every day just to do everything they can to have a safe and welcoming community for everyone. Remember, it's not their jobs they don't get paid for this and they're human beings too with thoughts and emotions.

Just think what would happen if we didn't want to post more than we already don't because we hate our chud-filled Marvels-denying communities. Existential
While we're being thankful in this season, it's easy to forget now but before Disney created the MCU using the worst characters ever nobody had heard of in heartwarming fun progressive stories that actually connected together the only reason there had ever been to see movies was Harry Poopter and look where that led. Joanne and Zaslav putting people in camps.

It makes the lessons for all of us so stark and obvious, don't devote your every aspect of your life to make sure the media you consume and make the centerpiece of your worldview is completely pure because the risk is too great.
I will say that I feel some members here are really showing their ass and ripping the mask off by how they don't like every single one of my posts. Honestly, it's really sus and I'm starting to wonder if you guys even care about how much you're being side-eyed. I'd swear that if I wasn't such a humble, forgiving person who is super busy with really important stuff I'd call out those of you spreading this harmful negative energy and tell you to FFFFFFUUUUCCCKKKK OOOOFFFFOOOOFFFFFF for bringing the entire community down by not liking all my posts.
It's been 20 minutes and zero likes on that post. 40 minutes and only one BIONIC like on any of those three posts.

This is what genocide looks like.
That Irish ninja cunt and Kyuuji, sending each other cat pictures on x and laughing, while trying to ruin someone’s life
(11-26-2023, 06:42 AM)benji wrote: It's been 20 minutes and zero likes on that post. 40 minutes and only one BIONIC like on any of those three posts.

This is what genocide looks like.
This is one genocide we can all get behind 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
this is post prevent me office
Not like this!
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Nintex, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(11-26-2023, 06:18 AM)benji wrote: I will say that I feel some members here are really showing their ass and ripping the mask off by how they don't like every single one of my posts. Honestly, it's really sus and I'm starting to wonder if you guys even care about how much you're being side-eyed. I'd swear that if I wasn't such a humble, forgiving person who is super busy with really important stuff I'd call out those of you spreading this harmful negative energy and tell you to FFFFFFUUUUCCCKKKK OOOOFFFFOOOOFFFFFF for bringing the entire community down by not liking all my posts.

[Image: jeb-bush-please-clap.gif]
[Image: jqtkgEs.png]
Of all the usual resetera subjects that we post here is Kyuuji the only one that never been banned? Even pests like incelchief and visawife get slap on the wrist bans from time to time but kyuuji seems imune tot even that.

On the subject, ol' jeffmarvel's return is going to be glorious, he is going to be extra mad from all the Marvel shit talking but he will have to behave because I think his next ban is going to be a perm.
Quote:Theres a large demographic of people that both drive Chrysler 300s and wash their chicken

Not an Alt Account dateline='[url=tel:1701009609' wrote: 1701009609[/url]']
Of all the usual resetera subjects that we post here is Kyuuji the only one that never been banned? Even pests like incelchief and visawife get slap on the wrist bans from time to time but kyuuji seems imune tot even that.

On the subject, ol' jeffmarvel's return is going to be glorious, he is going to be extra mad from all the Marvel shit talking but he will have to behave because I think his next ban is going to be a perm.

Legit she may be fucking a Admin. KetKat, SweetNicole and Kay got bans or early retirements, but Kyuuji can post any stupid shit and not get questioned. 

(Who the hell would want to fuck dino legs, thought? )
(11-24-2023, 07:59 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: I just wonder why people continue to post, when they know they're going to be banned for being demonstrably correct every time

pages old but this is one of the most accurate posts ever

being demonstrably correct removes the argument from wishy-washy "believe what you feeeel" non-binary etherealness and places it into a position of blunt, stark, undeniable reality, which cannot effectively be argued against and thus cannot be allowed to exist on era

Quote:It was never a good movie anyway.

Quote:it was pretty bad the first time

Quote:It's a meh movie overall, in my opinion.

Quote:Yeah, for me this and Last Night in Soho hae been whiffs.

Quote:The music beat gimmick got old after the first 10 mins and the rest of the film sucked.

Quote:I've never liked the movie and didn't understand all the love for it

etc etc etc

I always knew there was something up with thing Snob
(11-26-2023, 02:40 PM)Not an Alt Account wrote: Of all the usual resetera subjects that we post here is Kyuuji the only one that never been banned? Even pests like incelchief and visawife get slap on the wrist bans from time to time but kyuuji seems imune tot even that.

On the subject, ol' jeffmarvel's return is going to be glorious, he is going to be extra mad from all the Marvel shit talking but he will have to behave because I think his next ban is going to be a perm.

She experienced the void for like 3 days for reeing about somebody not liking Destiny 2’s UI or some dumb shit like that.
Kyuuji was a fucking cunt long before the barbie act

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