Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Nepenthe absolutely, 100% would lead some kind of retaliatory genocide (in the digital realm)

She's the fucking pol pot of gamer jannies with a legion of dead accounts in her wake
(11-27-2023, 02:22 AM)benji wrote: wrote: User banned (3 days): inflammatory and inaccurate accusations

Ad blockers are your friend. MOBA Network doesn't deserve any ad revenue for you. God only knows how much they got from selling every user's personal information.
See, nobody's banned for advocating blocking ads, just posting inaccurate accusations. Something that people get banned for making all the time, right?

Quote:Really should stop posting with this attitude.

The content of this web site drives engagement which in turn drives ad revenue. Blocking ads yourself while providing content to engage with is still helping to generate revenue.
You could have just walked away
(11-27-2023, 02:13 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I don't know shit about wrestling but I'm going to assume AEW fans are babies and reporting posts like crazy in that thread.

As far as I can tell from the occasional Era thread, AEW is the MCU of wrestling.
(11-27-2023, 02:41 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: riotous
Quote:Really should stop posting with this attitude.

The content of this web site drives engagement which in turn drives ad revenue. Blocking ads yourself while providing content to engage with is still helping to generate revenue.
You could have just walked away

[Image: ce6068c734e8f5d53f5c78e5a6a7b74483847a8d...f617_1.gif]
Quote:Nothing you've said gives either the current state of Israel, or the collective nation of Jewish people, the right to be commiting genocide.

Resetera or Stormfront?
(11-27-2023, 02:35 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:It's amazing how quick folks will call minorities stupid, lazy, and privileged the moment they don't toe whatever political line they're expected to, even in the face of their own genocide. It just be asked whether or not you hold the left-leaving beliefs you do for the sake of others, or for yourself.
Nepenthe is posting in PloliEra.
This whole discussion that led to that post is hilarious (I cut much redundancy):
Quote:Not voting for Hillary is how we got Trump in the first place. It's how we ended up with a significantly right wing Supreme Court that gutted voting rights, abortion rights, etc. It's how we ended up with a Muslim ban and other terrible xenophobic immigration policies. It's how we had a government that completely fucked up COVID. It's how we have a very emboldened far right political group that is extremely racist, xenophobic, anti-LGBTQ that have now infiltrated all kinds of government boards and roles such as school boards. It may be psychologically different but having seen what not voting already has done, doing it again tells me you do not give a shit about other marginalized people in this country.
Quote:Now go knock on the door of someone who lost family to IDF bullets or bombs and can't bring themselves to vote for Biden as a result, say that to their face, and realise why it's not exactly an election-winning tact to take.
Quote:I've lost family and friends because of what is happening and I have these conversations all the time with my family. But there are also plenty of Muslims in this country that have not lost people in Gaza and are still saying they are unwilling to vote for Biden. Are you saying we should not have these conversations? We should not point out the consequences of their non-votes?
Antrax wrote:I'm trans so when Trump does all the things he says he will (explicitly) to people like me, the non-voters can go sit with the Trump voters
Quote:Upbraiding people for being unable to stomach Biden both helps no one and, particularly in this scenario, heaps blame on people who truly don't deserve it. It's not privilege or a lack of 'giving a shit' to not vote for someone who you see as complicit in an atrocity, and if Biden's support of Israel does end up losing him the election, I think blaming Muslim voters who refused to support him for that loss would be both wrong - especially from a political analysis perspective - and, frankly, a deeply shitty thing to do.
Quote:If they feel comfortable with the consequences of that non-vote, it absolutely is a privilege others are not afforded. I am not saying Muslims should get blamed for Biden losing if they don't vote for him, but if that happens, why should those communities that suffer significant consequences here in the US care about what happens to the community that didn't support them? We have already seen what not voting has caused, and Trump is promising to turn things up to crazier levels. We shouldn't shy away from having these conversations and pointing these things out.
BowieZ wrote: User banned (2 weeks): insensitive commentary
Quote:Mehdi Hasan tweets saying all Muslims will refuse to vote for Biden
Lazy, selfish politics.
Quote:Agreed, but that's nothing new for Americans. Imagine sitting out as a protest only to help get a person elected who is going to rip apart your life and fuck over your entire family.

(As entire family is getting deported and banned) "hey, at least we showed Biden!!! That'll teach them a lesson for next time!!! Oh wait, there's not going to ever be a next time ever again?"
Quote:People's anger at what's happening is justified and the elections are a year away, it's probably okay to vent right now.

People's anger at anyone sitting out of elections a year from now will also be justified. We all know that everything we care about both in and outside the US will be worse under trump. But I don't know how much the discussion of that threat will really stick with people until the election campaigns truly start.
For the most part, I've just been letting people vent, but I'm gonna call people out when they spread misinformation and also downplay the risk that a second Trump term poses in the process
Quote:One candidate wants an actual genocide within the US and abroad. That genocide includes many types of people.

Biden sucks but I can't gesture at Trump any harder.
Quote:Yep. I don't think it's my place to try and say anything to those that are mad right, I don't even know what could be said. At the very least, venting to let out you're frustrations is understandable, and I won't get in the way of that.

But when the election campaigns are truly starting, no one in any of the communities at threat by trump should be expected to be nice to someone that tells them "it won't be my fault because I won't vote".
Quote:I wish people would be more empathetic of other groups when they decide whether to vote or not.

Think the calamity that will befall trans people if Trump and the GOP get back in power. Or the implication that has for abortion rights.
PawPrints wrote: User banned (2 weeks): insensitive commentary
Quote:Mehdi Hasan tweets
Can't be hurting too badly if they have the luxury of allowing a trump presidency
Quote:There's lots to criticize over, but TikTok and some on the far-left are not serious actors when it comes to international geopolitics. It usually boils down to 'USA bad' no matter what. The vast majority of Americans don't really care unless it affects them.
Quote:Mehdi Hasan tweets
People are selfish and stupid and that's about it.
Quote:Many American Muslims feel that they don't have any political allies at the moment, and to be honest, who can blame them. They're witnessing the destruction of some of their most sacred sites in Gaza and all Biden can say is "sorry about all that". It's a pathetic display of mealy mouthed support from Biden and his party. When Muslim voters who supported Biden in 2020 get betrayed by him in such an ugly fashion, of course they're not going to feel willing to vote for him again just because Trump is worse. They came to the conclusion that this country doesn't support them and they feel powerless as a result. Voting for Biden isn't going to change shit for them.

If you think they're being 'selfish' then, quite frankly, you have no idea what it's like to be in their position and should probably refrain from judging them in a poor light.
Booshka wrote:"Selfish, lazy, stupid." What a remarkable choice of words for people who are dealing with some of the worst oppression imaginable, and have to wrangle with an existential threat to their families and livelihood back home.
Quote:Everyone knows being in pain makes you not accountable to make choices that hurt other people! It suddenly becomes permissible!
Quote:That's not new for anyone who is black, this country was founded on our subjugation. Even getting the right to vote at all was something we had to fight long and hard for and even we did get it we had two different flavors of white supremacists to choose form. We've had to vote defensively from the very beginning to slowly improve things, none of this is new.

Voting for Biden would be the same defensive vote other groups have had to make because things can ALWAYS get worse.

I understand people venting and being angry, but I am not going to stand by and let things collapse. Letting Trump back in is nothing else but enabling more genocides, I can't be silent about that. Too many people have skin in the game, myself included.
Quote:Yup. I'm a black man in America. None of this is new to me. We were zoo exhibits last century and there is still an inherent hatred of our very existence. I still show up to vote to help prevent something even worse.
Thordinson wrote:I mean it's always permissible unless you think they should be forced to vote for Biden? As far as accountability, they are accountable for their own choices. The key factor missing here is for understanding why they would do this. If you can't understand it then you can't begin to work towards getting them to vote for Biden. And if you don't care to work towards it then by all means continue to admonish marginalized folks but don't expect a vote for what you want.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:No one should ever be forced to vote for someone. But if you don't think that those people will forever be in my "shitty people" list, and many others will do the same thing, validly, then you do not live in the real world.
I don't care about feel good politics. I care about harm reduction. If you're against that, then I have nothing else to say to you.
Getting mad at them and calling them shitty people, we are talking about victims of a genocide by the way, actively works against what you want and is the opposite of harm reduction.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:Disagree. Not giving validity to a very bad choice is better than encouraging someone to stay home. You will never agree with this. That's fine.
Who is encouraging anyone to stay home though? We are talking about folks saying "I'm hurt and I'm not going to vote for Biden for various reasons" and if your reply to them is "you are a shitty person" then you won't get them to vote and is actively harmful if that is your goal.
GoldenEye007 wrote:
Quote:I'm not saying it's new, but rather I'm contextualizing why this specific voting bloc is less willing to throw support for Biden again. Defensive voting has been a thing tons of Americans have been doing for a long time, just to protect their own rights and interests if they were under threat by the opposition. The problem we have right now is a valuable group of voters who don't want to support Biden in 2024. The defensive voting strategy isn't working for them. It's not about defending themselves, but rather it's an inexorable feeling of defeat. Biden supporters and the Democratic party have to come together to think about how can you win that support back. That's a challenge none of us can answer that right now; but this is the mess we find ourselves in.
You don't think other minorities, specifically black Americans, don't feel a constant sense of defeat?
B-Dubs wrote:Guys, I get that the idea of another Trump presidency is legitimately terrifying for people, especially with what he has planned for immigrants and other minority groups but part of being convincing is the ability to show empathy and understanding toward the people you are trying to convince. If you cannot demonstrate that you understand where someone's impulses are coming from in the first place then how are you supposed to make someone trust you enough to convince them? Acting like an antagonistic ass is just going to push people away, you need to be able to demonstrate you understand and empathize with where they are coming from in the first place. You have to earn trust and then attempt to turn them around.
Quote:"Sure, I aided and abetted the murder of your family, but if you don't vote for me, you'll be killed, too," isn't as persuasive a message as some would think.

If Biden was "privately negotiating" while publicly gaslighting victims while, hypothetically, DeSantis was rounding up queer folk in conversion camps under the guise of fighting grooming or Abbott was sending in the national guard to wipe out Latino neighborhoods claiming that he's securing the border, I don't think anyone here would say, "Well, Trump would be worse", or "Actually, presidents don't have any power", or that threatening to withhold one's vote is simply irrational. Yet when Biden is propping up a genocidal regime carrying out a campaign of ethnic cleansing, dissent is forbidden, even for those most impacted.
Quote:Are we all allowed to freely post egregiously bad faith impressions of other people's arguments on here?
Quote:Ah yes, because we're not actively in a ceasefire, even if fragile, as we speak. Because ol Joe loves his genocide. This certainly isn't an extremely complicated situation in the wake of a pretty brazen attack and mass kidnapping.

Very little point of debate if that's where we're coming from.
Thordinson wrote:The problem is that folks are painting Biden as both too weak to really do anything but also so strong that he made Netanyahu commit to a ceasefire.

We should all be able to agree that Biden has a lot of power here and he's not using all of it.

But are folks who have been dehumanized by Biden supposed to think he cares about them? He apologized for the civilian death toll comment privately because he knows it was horrible but refuses to do it publicly. His own actions are hurting him.
ClickyCal wrote:Tbh, it just straight up comes down to people in fear of their lives. I'm trans, and my partner is as well, and also black. We also have some trans best friends. There is just an absolute constant lingering dread I try to push back thinking about how every trans persons' lives in the country could be absolutely wrecked and turned upside down in a year. When your lives are in legitimate imminent danger, it's hard to really make someone just calmly think rationally.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:Biden hasn't explained his strategy publicly, that's the point of diplomacy. The impression is either fabricated or a representation of the arguments made in defense of Biden by others, including by people on this board.

Hmmm? I thought it was clear that's the impression some folks get from Biden himself. Not from others.

It's definitely an impression I've gotten from Arab and Muslim folks in my community.

I think it would be more productive for folks to do less defending Biden and more putting the work in to help the folks most affected by this.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:When has Biden said you will be killed if you don't vote for me or anything like it?
The impression folks get. Not what he said literally. Come on now.

I think folks here really need to touch grass and do work in their communities if you really can't understand why folks feel the way they do and if you really want them to vote for Biden. If you don't want them to then fair enough.

Quote:Absolute bullshit. Have all Americans been released? If Biden has all of this power, even if you cynically think he doesn't care about either Israel or Palestine, I would hope you would agree that he would absolutely want the Americans released.
Biden cannot instantly force Israel to abandon pursuing Hamas or Hamas to release hostages and turn themselves in. The best he can do is continue to pressure both parties towards a long lasting peace, but that's not going to be done in a day.

I've never said he can unilaterally do everything. He has more tools at his disposal that he is not using. I'm sure you would admit that he has the ability to slow walk weapons to deny them to Israel. We may disagree if this is the best course of action or if it will have an impact/a big impact but it is a tool he has. Let's not act like he can't do more. He can. He has decided he won't for reasons we currently don't know.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:What if I disagree with what is productive? Why is helping everyone who would be affected by a Trump presidency not a valid position?
But if you don't think doing work in your community is productive then I can't help you.

It is valid. Helping them includes doing more than voting if you want them to vote for Biden.
Thordinson wrote:
Quote:I do things outside of electoral politics to help my community. But the discussion here is what Biden has to do so why would we not discuss what Biden should or shouldn't do?
So we agree it is productive then.

Biden has to continue to go to folks and talk to them. He has to apologize for his comments that folks took as dehumanizing. This is the bare minimum.

I was talking about the folks who spend so much energy shitting on Arab and Muslim folks for threatening to withhold their votes. These specific marginalized groups, I might add, that most folks don't give a fuck about unless they can blame them for what might happen in an election. I mean in this general. How many folks have been to their local Masjid to actually see how Arab and Muslim folks are doing?

I see the same things happen with Jewish folks. Just a prop to talk about when it comes to an election. Folks don't go to their local Synagogues/Temples to ask how Jewish folks are doing.

It's all so frustrating and heartbreaking. These folks are hurting and they are just simply votes instead of people.

After Nepenthe's great contribution, B-Dubs took another swing at it replying to ClickyCal':
B-Dubs wrote:I get the fear, I really do, but the fact is, we're nowhere near a point where any of this election stuff is real just yet. The GOP is still making their choice, Trump still faces four different trials that could have him see jail time, and there's a mountain of things that could happen in the next year. The last few GOP primaries were clowncars of incompetence and stupidity. Focusing on the election this far out is completely pointless.

Right now nobody is actually being asked to make a choice, we really don't even know what the eventual choice will be. For all we know Biden could drop dead tomorrow and Harris could pick up the baton, inflation could go crazy and seal his fate regardless, Putin could lose his mind and invade Poland and trigger a world war. There are a million horrible things that could happen that would decide the election in a single moment that nobody could do anything about.

My point is that you're right that we're probably going to be facing down some scary shit, but attacking other people isn't going to save us from it. That has never been the way bigots and fascists get beaten. The assholes of the world only ever get beaten when the decent people of the world display empathy for each other, reach out a helping hand, and work together. There's an old quote from Kurt Vonnegut that goes along the lines of, "There is no reason good cannot triumph over evil, if only angels organized along the lines of the mafia." Which is to say, we spend so much time bickering amongst ourselves that we forget that we are all on the same side. World War Two wasn't won by the liberals and it sure as shit wasn't won by the communists. It was won by all the decent people of the world standing together, working hand-in-hand, toward a common goal, against hate.

What I'm saying is this: if we cannot have empathy for others than how can we expect them to have empathy for us? If we cannot speak up against injustice against others, how can we expect them to speak up for us? Liberal, leftist, socialist, progressive, whatever you want to call yourself, if your politics are not centered around empathy for others then you will never win simply because you give others no reason to take your side. We have to listen and understand where people are coming from, understand what their problems are, and do the best we can to help them with those problems.

Nepenthe got pushback:
GoldenEye007 wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:It's amazing how quick folks will call minorities stupid, lazy, and privileged the moment they don't toe whatever political line they're expected to, even in the face of their own genocide. It just be asked whether or not you hold the left-leaving beliefs you do for the sake of others, or for yourself.
Sorry, as a minority, I push back on anything that helps in the result of Trump returning to office. Now I'd never call anyone stupid over their choices, but the unfortunate thing about US politics is there is either one choice or the other. If one guy doesn't get in, the worse one will. Sucks, I live it every single day, but I still show up at bare minimum to do what I can to make sure that worse option doesn't get in.

Also, would probably would be better for you to specifically call out those calling others stupid, rather than suggesting "folks" are doing it as if it is the default and common thing within this thread.

B-Dubs writes some more gibberish:
B-Dubs wrote:
Quote:Which then goes back to - people want him to unilaterally solve the conflict overnight, retroactively, despite that not being realistic or even feasible.
Part of the problem, and we often dismiss this because results tend to get remembered more, is that he hasn't done enough to support arab- and muslim-americans rhetorically. When Obama was in power we'd be getting leaks out of the state department about how he'd be letting Clinton or Kerry off the chain and how they'd be chewing into Netenyahu for his crap for literally an hour before they'd let him get a word in edgewise. We all remember those stories, at least I do, because they made it clear that Obama understood the level of injustice going on and was at least trying to reign in Netenyahu. The leaks coming out of the state department this time have largely been about how everyone is unhappy with the administration not going hard enough on Netenyahu. We've had leaks of people threatening to quit en mass over it. It's like night and day.

Sure, Biden was able to negotiate a ceasefire, he deserves some credit for this, but people realize that it's only really happened after a month of protests and lobbying from constituents asking for it. The fact is that Israel's actions in this last month have put the lives of all the hostages at risk, including American and other international hostages, and Biden hasn't done enough to protect them. Let alone the innocent people living in Gaza who had no hand in the Hamas attack. If he gets credit for the ceasefire, which I agree he should, he also needs to be criticized for taking so long and not doing enough to try protect innocent life. We can say that Netenyahu is a human with agency, and he is, and that maybe Biden giving speeches calling for him to stop might not have worked, which it might not have, but we can at least criticize him for not trying hard enough or early enough. Part of living in the democracy is dealing with politicians and doing that means threatening their jobs when they do stuff we don't like and rewarding them when they do stuff we do like. It's very carrot and stick, but that's all they understand.

No politician should ever get our total support in a democracy, our support should be conditional on them actually doing good things or trying to do good things. Weirdly, the GOP understands this very very well. If a GOP politician doesn't toe very specific lines, their voters will punish them. GOP voters, despite being gigantic assholes, are very disciplined in that way. This goes back to the old Vonnegut quote in my other post because falling in love does us no good but we keep doing it. Now, I'm not saying we let Trump win to punish the Dems, but they should at least be hearing the branch creak and that should scare them. That's where our power is in this situation, making them afraid we might not show if they don't shape up.

And this dude drives the hookup knife in:
Hodgy wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:What I'm saying is this: if we cannot have empathy for others than how can we expect them to have empathy for us? If we cannot speak up against injustice against others, how can we expect them to speak up for us? Liberal, leftist, socialist, progressive, whatever you want to call yourself, if your politics are not centered around empathy for others then you will never win simply because you give others no reason to take your side. We have to listen and understand where people are coming from, understand what their problems are, and do the best we can to help them with those problems.
It would be nice if this was universally applied though. This community and other tangentially to this one have been putting up with insane rhetoric, allusions that they are fascist "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" Or any of the -ims because our views don't perfectly line up. Now it's genocide defender. You ask for empathy but that ask is extremely one sided. And I think many people are simply sick of tone policing themselves. Empathising with people that dont show that level of respect back is tiring. And I know an easy answer to this is to "be better" but that expectation isn't applied to any other group here.

B-Dubs falls back on his rote statements:
B-Dubs wrote:So, if anyone is accusing another member of being a "genocide defender" or anything along those lines that should get reported and banned pretty hard and we have largely been doing that. That said, we're not here to protect Joe Biden or random internet people.

More murders:
Thordinson wrote:I disagree that it's a separate topic. They are intertwined. To get to know how folks really feel about electoral politics, you have to work in your community.
Maybe you feel differently but make it a point not to proselytize about politics to people I meet at my neighborhood's women's shelter. In fact the only time I notice politics comes up is like 2 weeks before an election. This is in a blue city, but I wouldn't do it in a purple area either unless someone engages me on politics or I'm actively volunteering on behalf of a campaign.

The only people I've interacted with who volunteer the fact that they won't vote for Biden are the online folks. If you're posting on a message board about that decision a year before the election, you are actively inviting engagement and disagreement including with people who will directly be harmed by a Trump win.

Thordinson wrote:As I said, a public apology for his comments about the civilian death count would help. I don't think this hurts him with anyone that would vote for him. Not every action hurts one group to help another.

Anything he's said that's been pro-Palestinian has been dismissed as "just words." I think if you want him to say anything, he has to believe that his words matter to that audience. Asking him to say things has not been the main demand. You've still not addressed how people are getting the impression from him that they'll die if they don't vote for him, or simply acknowledge how egregious that argument is.
Midnight Jon wrote:
Quote:I can understand the anger and sentiments being shared by Muslim Americans, I would probably feel similarly if I was a member of that community. But giving up just isn't an option to me, and I think it's clear to see that the alternative is far, far worse for damn near everyone (both domestic and abroad).

Progress is incremental, while destruction can happen at the snap of a finger. The hope is that we can prevent a Trump presidency and then continue to move forward as best we can. I see so many liberals on social media throwing their hands up and saying they refuse to vote in 2024. I get the anger, but what's the plan? Doing nothing?
the plan, as far as i can tell, is to keep specifically enabling anger rather than any way to actually channel it. there's almost no posts about messaging your representatives and senators (or the president himself), almost no posts about direct aid, but certainly a whole lot about how we shouldn't expect anything out of people feeling angry.

Quote:Ah yes, because we're not actively in a ceasefire, even if fragile, as we speak. Because ol Joe loves his genocide. This certainly isn't an extremely complicated situation in the wake of a pretty brazen attack and mass kidnapping.

Very little point of debate if that's where we're coming from.
and very little point in continuing to use this website if incredibly obvious thought-termination - including that which was in the next post you replied to, which literally doesn't describe what anyone's actually been doing in this thread but because it describes some idiots on twitter we're going to allow it - is what we're going to enable.

e: actually cracking up that while i'm basically typing something up agreeing with Hodgy the thread suddenly improves somewhat.

B-Dubs suggests that this whole discussion is not productive:
B-Dubs wrote:So here is the thing: we are a year out from the election and a lot can happen between now and then. There's a huge difference between someone saying that out of anger right now and someone saying that right after candidate Trump gets done talking about concentration camps for hispanic people he accuses of being illegal immigrants at the final debate. The two situations are wildly different and shouldn't really be conflated.
B-Dubs wrote:Here's the thing, we're a year out. There's zero point in even having the conversation until we get closer simply because there's no possible way it can be productive at the moment. It's too academic right now is my point and beyond that, there seems to be people who can't seem to not be dicks about the whole thing.

ClickyCal wrote:Tbh, it just straight up comes down to people in fear of their lives. I'm trans, and my partner is as well, and also black. We also have some trans best friends. There is just an absolute constant lingering dread I try to push back thinking about how every trans persons' lives in the country could be absolutely wrecked and turned upside down in a year. When your lives are in legitimate imminent danger, it's hard to really make someone just calmly think rationally.
I'm really sorry. I can't blame you at all for feeling that way. It doesn't help that your post went significantly (not completely but significantly) ignored either.

I really don't think people realize just how much trans people are in danger right now, and I really don't think people realize just how much trans people need help from allies because they can't do this alone.

It may not seem like it, but you are loved and appreciated. Nothing lasts forever, and this hell that you and many other trans people are going through isn't any different. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. I don't know when, exactly, we'll get there, but we'll get there. Until then, keep your head up high and don't give up, okay? <3

Don't worry if you thought Nepenthe would allow someone else to speak back against her:
Nepenthe wrote:I'm a minority as well. What I'm personally tired of the simultaneous resignation of our status quo without any attempt to actually bother with rallying one's supposed constituents and allies, and the insistence that minorities always act like a monolith to save a country that has made it clear for its entire existence that it does not care about us, while letting white people off the hook.

What I feel keeps getting missed is that Trump's electoral fate is likely going to be decided based on white centrists and independents in the Midwest once again breaking for him or not, regardless of what minorities who were already primed to vote already did. It's literally the same fucking shit that happened last time (and despite that, you all still blamed "identity politics", aka Black, brown, and queer issues for the loss). Anyone on Era voting or not voting does not matter; Biden will win or lose based upon how the idiotic white independents who do not have enough of a backbone to stand up for what's right are feeling the tea leaves next November, and they're largely people who don't post here. If they do, they're at least smart enough to shut the fuck up about it.

There's potential to offset that with reaching demographics that typically don't vote, many of which are disenfranchised from voting through systemic barriers, or whose situation is so dire that it truly doesn't matter to their quality of life who gets in, but no one wants to do that work because it's either left to the wayside until the final hour unless you're Stacey Abrams or some other community organizer/activist who does actually give a shit, or because the work is considered beneath people that they get all fucking indignant. "I shouldn't have to tell people to do the right thing." Well Kevin, we don't live in a fantasy land. Allyship and organization take work. You need to ensure people that their vote is actually going to get them something tangible out of the deal, and no, harm reduction doesn't count as a reward. People want a true increase in their quality of life. If your response to that is some variation of "Well, you can't always get what you want" or "Stop waiting for the perfect unicorn candidate," or "That doesn't matter right now," then don't expect that person to vote. It's as simple as that.

The Democrats need us more than we need them, and it's about time they start fucking acting like it. They've got a year. Let's see what they've got.
GoldenEye007 wrote:Except I don't agree that Biden has done nothing, even for minorities. He's either tried plenty of things or outright done them only to little fanfare. Student loan debt which disproportionately affects minority students, a number of things attempted but blocked by courts, or done to make student loan debt less of a burden. That's a tangible thing.

His labor stances and pro union work. Something he got railed on here, but then when many breakthroughs started happening, a comparable lack of acknowledgement of those efforts and accomplishments. His lobbying for the extended child tax credit, which directly helped millions in regards to poverty. Only for the American populace itself to hate it along with Congress refusing to continue funding it. A very tangible thing. Everyone was calling for a recession and mass layoffs. Instead, we're appearing more and more likely to take a soft landing in regards to taming inflation. The process to get there is no doubt painful, but I'm not sure how much better a deep recession would have gone over.

No GOP candidate is even trying for any of those things. And that's just a couple examples that either directly helps workers or helps children/students, especially minorities.

Is Biden perfect? Absolutely not. Does he have blind spots? Sure. Is it ridiculous that we're going to have basically two 80 year olds run for office? Yes. But he has consistently done things that plenty doubted he'd go for. And plenty of times where initial headlines said one thing, he kept working behind the scenes to make something better. So yeah to me, the choice is clear. Call it harm reduction or whatever, but it's a valid reason to vote for someone when there is a binary choice in the voting booth.

And I don't disagree that the bulk of the race will come down to the whims of white moderates like most times, but that doesn't mean there isn't a level of responsibility among all who are eligible to vote and have the means to.
Nepenthe wrote:I'm not sure where in my post I said Biden has done literally nothing. If you're using it as a springboard to just extol his virtues, don't bother. I literally don't care. I'm fucking fighting Cop City Democrats. Like, yes, his turnaround on the railroad strike was great, but right now I personally have a more immediate problem to deal with in my community. The same goes for Muslim Americans who have tangibly lost people in the Gazan genocide, a few of which grace us all by actually trusting this space enough to post on here, the same folks a couple of people in here were calling "selfish," "idiotic," and "privileged." This is what I mean when I said that we need to learn to actually listen to and empathize with everyone's issues. You don't get to go "But Biden did x, y, and z, why are you complaining?" It's fucking tone deaf. There's work to be done still.

Quote:And I don't disagree that the bulk of the race will come down to the whims of white moderates like most times, but that doesn't mean there isn't a level of responsibility among all who are eligible to vote and have the means to.
That's not how this works.

If a decision is coming down to another party's choice regardless of your actions, then no, your utilitarian responsibility is actually greatly mitigated. There is an obvious and clear threat here that unites us all, and it's white independents/moderates who are powerful enough to put a Republican in the White House just for funsies, because deep down they truly know this shit really doesn't matter to their quality of life.

So why the fuck are some of you all trying your damnedest to fight with Muslims and Black people? Because they're finally realizing that they're really only a political football to be tossed around every four years, and you don't like it? Good. Understanding who truly cares and doesn't care about these issues is important. You can either whine about it, or put in the work to actually earning the trust back and tempering the anger. After that, you can set about trying to fight against systemic barriers to voting and get more folks who would actually be inclined to vote for you to show up.
GoldenEye007 wrote:You specifically said in your post: "You need to ensure people that their vote is actually going to get them something tangible out of the deal, and no, harm reduction doesn't count as a reward. People want a true increase in their quality of life."

I took that and directly responded to it by pointing out very tangible things he's championed that directly affects and improves lives - especially minorities. Except you reduce it to Dems taking advantage of voters. Real things that changed lives, but no, it's just all part of a game of football for Biden.

Sure, like you said, you don't care. So if that's where you're at, I see no need to continue wasting any posts on you. And nowhere did I say the work is done and there is no need to listen to Muslim Americans or other minorities. In fact, it seems that Biden has been incorporating various things to put some pressure on Israel. As mentioned multiple times now, are we not currently in a bit of a ceasefire in order to get hostages released, with talk of extending it? Are there not for the first time likely ever some movement towards putting conditions on Israel arms agreements? Is aid not substantially increasing? All a game of football, though. Means nothing. And apparently if this is explained or mentioned, it just means you're talking past people and not trying to directly address concerns.
Nepenthe wrote:Once again, I'm not sure why you thought I was talking about Biden in that statement when this conversation has been about how left-leaning citizens commonly react to people who insist on not voting for Democrats. A common refrain that people say is that "It's about reducing harm," of which the clear rebuttal to that is that harm reduction doesn't inherently improve the lives of the destitute. Like for example, making sure Trump doesn't get the chance for more court nominations is gonna do fuck all for Indigenous folks at Pine Ridge. That's the argument I'm making; I could be happier with Biden and that wouldn't change. My problem is mainly with some of you all.

But I will also say that, you're right- I legitimately do not believe that Biden cares about Black people and Palestinians inasmuch as he's interested in actually tackling root issues that directly cause our harm. He's not some firebrand progressive. He's a traditional American liberal, which means he's gonna have shit on record like "We should fund the police" and "If Israel didn't exist, we'd have to make one."

Quote:As mentioned multiple times now, are we not currently in a bit of a ceasefire in order to get hostages released, with talk of extending it? Are there not for the first time likely ever some movement towards putting conditions on Israel arms agreements? Is aid not substantially increasing? All a game of football, though.
It is a game of football because the only reason this is happening is because there are worldwide protests against the genocide and inter-party fighting over whether or not to just call a genocide a fucking genocide. Biden would not have moved an inch without the tangible threat of political consequence, and the reason he wasn't going to move is because he has literally always agreed with Israel's colonialism, if only because its existence acts as a bulwark for Western interests in the region.

If doing the right thing in this instance was true to his core, we wouldn't have needed Hamas attacking for it to get to this point. He would've just fought for it on his own volition. But no, let's continue pretending that geopolitics cares about progressive principles.
Nepenthe wrote:
GoldenEye007 wrote:Regarding Israel-Palestine, the thing is, nobody has been able to get a handle on it. No president, king, queen, empire, etc. for centuries. This is a longstanding problem that goes beyond the purview of any one president to solve. To expect him to be able to just snap his fingers and get to the "root of the issue" seems like a wildly unrealistic expectation.
Israel has not existed for centuries; it has existed since 1948.

All it takes to figure out which side you should be on is A.) a hardline stance against colonialism and ethnic cleansing, and B.) Some reading into the ideological tenants and the formation of Zionism and Israel (specifically about how Europe was ironically all too happy to oblige because both meant the antisemitic bastards still achieved the disappearance of Jewish people from the mainland, while also not having to reckon with true assimilation and reparations for the Holocaust) to be able to form a basic opinion. Or just like, I dunno, comparing the fucking death tolls between Israelis and Gazans since Oct 7.? Read about the Nakba???

Like a bare minimum of effort.

And trust and believe I'm no expert. I'm still reading through Herzl. But Biden is the fucking President, with decades of political and educational experience, with the world's best advisors on his side. The reason he is complicating this isn't because it's all that hard to figure out a side; you either agree with settler colonialism or you don't. It's because he really, really, really wants Israel to maintain its place there, their conducting of genocide be damned. And again, it's not like he's on record for particularly caring that it's specifically a Jewish ethnostate. "If it didn't exist, we'd have to make one."

Israel goes poof somehow, and hell, the United States and Europe will install Black people there. "Hey, we're really really really sorry for all the slavery and racism we imparted onto you and with which we never had any intention of fixing. Want some land in Asia?!" It literally doesn't matter to him who is there so long as they're not aligned with Middle Eastern interests. They're simply using the plight of Jewish people as the chaser to get the public on board with it, but with the war crimes being broadcasted in 4K that is mattering less and less.

GoldenEye007 wrote:I guess that's my point. If he has shown he is willing to move on topics like these, wouldn't you want more of that? Ideally, sure you get this candidate that is a true progressive and ticks all of boxes when it comes to their understanding of the plight of minorities in the US and abroad, but realistically, who is out there that can win a national coalition? In these United States?
I'm sorry, but I shouldn't have to push people who are "on my side" to not support colonialism and genocide. This goes triply so for Muslims who have lost people in this conflict. If you're doing that, you're not my ally. You are my enemy. Full stop. I don't care what else you've done for me; I have, like, basic moral tenants I adhere to, and "not supporting genocide" is the one you can't cross.

And realistically, there is likely not that many people who are qualified and rich enough to secure the nomination and win based on progressive principles, and that's because this country is a right-wing capitalist hellhole that is not going to go for shit like "human rights" and "decolonization." But again, change takes time and work, and it will absolutely necessitate working outside of and sometimes undermining the system that allows the majority of bullshit to happen in America the way it does. The fight for freedom does not begin and end at November 2024. Win or lose, there is always work to be done. If you want to win, it's not by complaining about how Muslims are being selfish for not wanting to vote for a man who has basically told them to their faces "I don't care how many of you die." You have two choices right now as far as what you can do for trying to get people to vote: either convincing them to put aside their dehumanization (fucking morally horrible; don't do this) or by telling Biden to do the right thing or risk reelection, and by sticking to that and fighting the genocide by any means necessary.

This is Biden's choice right now.

This brings us to real fun:
TheDestructiveSquirrel wrote:Are you saying Israel shouldn't exist?

Not recognizing Israel's right to exist will never lead to a peaceful solution (if it's even still possible with all the extremists currently in positions of power)
Quote:Why can't we put mods on ignore?

I think there should be a much clearer line between posting opinions vs. official mod announcement/actions?
Midnight Jon wrote:I think it has a very chilling effect when someone with the power to ban you from the entire website is saying things this strong, and repeatedly pushing any and all discussion to things this strong, in a thread where the person who brought the very community thread they're posting in over from the old place got actioned for even mentioning this earlier.

B-Dubs, you said yourself there's no point in having a lot of these discussions right now. So why the hell are you allowing one of your administrators to run roughshod over that? She's claiming people are here acting like "oppressed groups are like a hive mind" while literally claiming to represent all members of specific oppressed groups!

What the hell happened to you, man?
disparate wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Israel has not existed for centuries; it has existed since 1948.
The distinction between the longevity of a state and a nation lies in their respective concepts and origins. A state typically refers to a political entity with defined borders, a government, and a system of laws, and its duration is measured by the establishment of its political structure. In contrast, a nation pertains to a group of people who share common cultural, historical, or ethnic ties, and the duration of a nation is often rooted in the historical continuity of its people. While the founding of a state is marked by political events and the creation of governing institutions, the existence of a nation is shaped by the collective identity and cultural heritage of its populace, spanning generations regardless of changes in political structures. Consequently, a state can be relatively young in terms of its establishment, while the nation it governs may have a much longer historical trajectory, reflecting the enduring character of its people. i.e. the age of Ukraine as a state in it's current form is distinct from Ukraine as a nation.
Nepenthe wrote:
disparate wrote:The distinction between the longevity of a state and a nation lies in their respective concepts and origins.
I know this.

Nothing you've said gives either the current state of Israel, or the collective nation of Jewish people, the right to be commiting genocide.
IggyChooChoo wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I know this.

Nothing you've said gives either the current state of Israel, or the collective nation of Jewish people, the right to be commiting genocide.
Who claims the collective Jewish nation is committing genocide? Is that what you're arguing?
Hodgy wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:So, if anyone is accusing another member of being a "genocide defender" or anything along those lines that should get reported and banned pretty hard and we have largely been doing that. That said, we're not here to protect Joe Biden or random internet people.
We dont need to protect these people I agree nor is that what I'm suggesting. But people make these accusations without being explicit. there is a lot of "sub tweeting" going on that is basically results in "if you defend or agree with these things then you support / defend genocide" without actually pointing the finger, but it ultimately has the same effect of silencing points of view even if they aren't guilty of what they are being accused of. As a community we have seemingly allowed bullies to wield their unachievable moral standards as a cludgel against any attempt to engage with those standards and how they would play out with reality.
Mouf Especially the part where Nepenthe replied but not to the question about Israel existing while managing to say something even more antisemitic while avoiding the question.

There was also this odd post about Thanksgiving that I don't understand:
whiskeystrike wrote:A lot of my family likes to pretend they're conservative as they don't know that voting records are public info and they're clearly way too lazy to ever make it to the polls in a battleground state so politics aren't typically a thing that gets brought up at the family dinner table.
Here's the posts from that massive wall you don't want to miss:
(11-27-2023, 03:19 AM)benji wrote: Nepenthe got pushback:
GoldenEye007 wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:It's amazing how quick folks will call minorities stupid, lazy, and privileged the moment they don't toe whatever political line they're expected to, even in the face of their own genocide. It just be asked whether or not you hold the left-leaving beliefs you do for the sake of others, or for yourself.
Sorry, as a minority, I push back on anything that helps in the result of Trump returning to office. Now I'd never call anyone stupid over their choices, but the unfortunate thing about US politics is there is either one choice or the other. If one guy doesn't get in, the worse one will. Sucks, I live it every single day, but I still show up at bare minimum to do what I can to make sure that worse option doesn't get in.

Also, would probably would be better for you to specifically call out those calling others stupid, rather than suggesting "folks" are doing it as if it is the default and common thing within this thread.
And this dude drives the hookup knife in:
Hodgy wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:What I'm saying is this: if we cannot have empathy for others than how can we expect them to have empathy for us? If we cannot speak up against injustice against others, how can we expect them to speak up for us? Liberal, leftist, socialist, progressive, whatever you want to call yourself, if your politics are not centered around empathy for others then you will never win simply because you give others no reason to take your side. We have to listen and understand where people are coming from, understand what their problems are, and do the best we can to help them with those problems.
It would be nice if this was universally applied though. This community and other tangentially to this one have been putting up with insane rhetoric, allusions that they are fascist "scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds" Or any of the -ims because our views don't perfectly line up. Now it's genocide defender. You ask for empathy but that ask is extremely one sided. And I think many people are simply sick of tone policing themselves. Empathising with people that dont show that level of respect back is tiring. And I know an easy answer to this is to "be better" but that expectation isn't applied to any other group here.
This brings us to real fun (after a giant rant by Nepenthe about Israel, see above in the full post):
TheDestructiveSquirrel wrote:Are you saying Israel shouldn't exist?

Not recognizing Israel's right to exist will never lead to a peaceful solution (if it's even still possible with all the extremists currently in positions of power)
Quote:Why can't we put mods on ignore?

I think there should be a much clearer line between posting opinions vs. official mod announcement/actions?
Midnight Jon wrote:I think it has a very chilling effect when someone with the power to ban you from the entire website is saying things this strong, and repeatedly pushing any and all discussion to things this strong, in a thread where the person who brought the very community thread they're posting in over from the old place got actioned for even mentioning this earlier.

B-Dubs, you said yourself there's no point in having a lot of these discussions right now. So why the hell are you allowing one of your administrators to run roughshod over that? She's claiming people are here acting like "oppressed groups are like a hive mind" while literally claiming to represent all members of specific oppressed groups!

What the hell happened to you, man?
disparate wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Israel has not existed for centuries; it has existed since 1948.
The distinction between the longevity of a state and a nation lies in their respective concepts and origins. A state typically refers to a political entity with defined borders, a government, and a system of laws, and its duration is measured by the establishment of its political structure. In contrast, a nation pertains to a group of people who share common cultural, historical, or ethnic ties, and the duration of a nation is often rooted in the historical continuity of its people. While the founding of a state is marked by political events and the creation of governing institutions, the existence of a nation is shaped by the collective identity and cultural heritage of its populace, spanning generations regardless of changes in political structures. Consequently, a state can be relatively young in terms of its establishment, while the nation it governs may have a much longer historical trajectory, reflecting the enduring character of its people. i.e. the age of Ukraine as a state in it's current form is distinct from Ukraine as a nation.
Nepenthe wrote:
disparate wrote:The distinction between the longevity of a state and a nation lies in their respective concepts and origins.
I know this.

Nothing you've said gives either the current state of Israel, or the collective nation of Jewish people, the right to be commiting genocide.
IggyChooChoo wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:I know this.

Nothing you've said gives either the current state of Israel, or the collective nation of Jewish people, the right to be commiting genocide.
Who claims the collective Jewish nation is committing genocide? Is that what you're arguing?
Hodgy wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:So, if anyone is accusing another member of being a "genocide defender" or anything along those lines that should get reported and banned pretty hard and we have largely been doing that. That said, we're not here to protect Joe Biden or random internet people.
We dont need to protect these people I agree nor is that what I'm suggesting. But people make these accusations without being explicit. there is a lot of "sub tweeting" going on that is basically results in "if you defend or agree with these things then you support / defend genocide" without actually pointing the finger, but it ultimately has the same effect of silencing points of view even if they aren't guilty of what they are being accused of. As a community we have seemingly allowed bullies to wield their unachievable moral standards as a cludgel against any attempt to engage with those standards and how they would play out with reality.
PoliEra boys finding their balls because The Bore member TheHunter got permabanned. Thank you for your service!
Bdubs: Permabanning Nepenthe is the first step towards having a normal gaming forum.

Step 2 is Permabanning the trans mafia.
Who's the geek wrestling mod that is banning AEW dissent? Cult supporting Cult.
(11-26-2023, 07:48 PM)BIONIC wrote:

Melody Shreds, post: 115432056, member: 2700 wrote:I may not no the way of the B-Ball but i have mastered the blade...

Dude can't even master a fucking pen.
(11-27-2023, 04:07 AM)Alpacx wrote: Bdubs: Permabanning Nepenthe is the first step towards having a normal gaming forum.
Absolutely not.

Her sentence should only ever be removing her staff shield.
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1701037661' wrote: 1701037661[/url]']

ContractHolder wrote:
RedVejigante wrote:Marvels is, in my personal opinion, not "amazing". But I've had personal conversations with folks who haven't seen the movie who hear my measured response and then say; "so it deserves to be doing as well as it is at the box-office", and I'm like; no!

Can we not live in a world where the movie is not exceptional but is also being castigated far more than it deserves? Marvels is, in my personal opinion, not "amazing". But I've had personal conversations with folks who haven't seen the movie who hear my measured response and then say; "so it deserves to be doing as well as it is at the box-office", and I'm like; no!

Can we not live in a world where the movie is not exceptional but is also being castigated far more than it deserves?
I'm ok being in a world where a film simply didn't click with others. It happens. I'm not going to say people have to like something. Just like people shouldn't feel bad for liking something either (unless it's things that actively punch down or cause harm by existing)

The problem is that there's a lot of individuals who have been waiting for tides to change and the right moment where they could pile on things that couldn't do that before. So no, we can't live in that world.

KtotheRoc, post: 115436145, member: 12616 wrote:I expect The Marvels will do well once it's on D+. But that isn’t how we measure success for movies so it won’t change anything.

Bigshow You could have just walked away
(11-27-2023, 02:35 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Nepenthe wrote:It's amazing how quick folks will call minorities stupid, lazy, and privileged the moment they don't toe whatever political line they're expected to, even in the face of their own genocide. It just be asked whether or not you hold the left-leaving beliefs you do for the sake of others, or for yourself.
Nepenthe is posting in PloliEra.

Please keep engaging her.  Prior to Oct 7 she was saying how anything is permissible when fighting against your colonizers.  She shut up about that since but how long can she censor herself.  

She's either 1984 style banned that thought from her head and cowed down to those billionaire globalists, or she's going to follow her principles and say her life truth.  But when has she ever acted in accordance to her proclaimed ideals and values?

Top Page

Spoiler:  (click to show)
[Image: dy2imigvhbt81.jpg?width=1080&crop=smart&...7ec9019377]

Samal (Sergeant) Gal Gadot with an Uzi submachine gun during her military service with the Tzahal, Israel Defense Forces (IDF), from 2005–2007.
(11-27-2023, 02:41 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(11-27-2023, 02:22 AM)benji wrote: wrote: User banned (3 days): inflammatory and inaccurate accusations

Ad blockers are your friend. MOBA Network doesn't deserve any ad revenue for you. God only knows how much they got from selling every user's personal information.
See, nobody's banned for advocating blocking ads, just posting inaccurate accusations. Something that people get banned for making all the time, right?

Quote:Really should stop posting with this attitude.

The content of this web site drives engagement which in turn drives ad revenue. Blocking ads yourself while providing content to engage with is still helping to generate revenue.
You could have just walked away

It's reeeotous the biggest retard ex-borean or does that honor still go to Tay San?
(11-27-2023, 02:59 AM)Snoopy wrote:
(11-27-2023, 02:41 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: riotous
Quote:Really should stop posting with this attitude.

The content of this web site drives engagement which in turn drives ad revenue. Blocking ads yourself while providing content to engage with is still helping to generate revenue.
You could have just walked away

[Image: ce6068c734e8f5d53f5c78e5a6a7b74483847a8d...f617_1.gif]

Stop turning me on. I'm at work.
(11-27-2023, 05:53 AM)ClothedMac wrote: Please keep engaging her.  Prior to Oct 7 she was saying how anything is permissible when fighting against your colonizers.  She shut up about that since but how long can she censor herself.  

She's either 1984 style banned that thought from her head and cowed down to those billionaire globalists, or she's going to follow her principles and say her life truth.  But when has she ever acted in accordance to her proclaimed ideals and values?
Look at what I posted, she pretty much said Israel shouldn't exist and attacked the "collective nation of Jewish people" as well.

edit: here's the main two:
(11-27-2023, 03:19 AM)benji wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Once again, I'm not sure why you thought I was talking about Biden in that statement when this conversation has been about how left-leaning citizens commonly react to people who insist on not voting for Democrats. A common refrain that people say is that "It's about reducing harm," of which the clear rebuttal to that is that harm reduction doesn't inherently improve the lives of the destitute. Like for example, making sure Trump doesn't get the chance for more court nominations is gonna do fuck all for Indigenous folks at Pine Ridge. That's the argument I'm making; I could be happier with Biden and that wouldn't change. My problem is mainly with some of you all.

But I will also say that, you're right- I legitimately do not believe that Biden cares about Black people and Palestinians inasmuch as he's interested in actually tackling root issues that directly cause our harm. He's not some firebrand progressive. He's a traditional American liberal, which means he's gonna have shit on record like "We should fund the police" and "If Israel didn't exist, we'd have to make one."

Quote:As mentioned multiple times now, are we not currently in a bit of a ceasefire in order to get hostages released, with talk of extending it? Are there not for the first time likely ever some movement towards putting conditions on Israel arms agreements? Is aid not substantially increasing? All a game of football, though.
It is a game of football because the only reason this is happening is because there are worldwide protests against the genocide and inter-party fighting over whether or not to just call a genocide a fucking genocide. Biden would not have moved an inch without the tangible threat of political consequence, and the reason he wasn't going to move is because he has literally always agreed with Israel's colonialism, if only because its existence acts as a bulwark for Western interests in the region.

If doing the right thing in this instance was true to his core, we wouldn't have needed Hamas attacking for it to get to this point. He would've just fought for it on his own volition. But no, let's continue pretending that geopolitics cares about progressive principles.
Nepenthe wrote:
GoldenEye007 wrote:Regarding Israel-Palestine, the thing is, nobody has been able to get a handle on it. No president, king, queen, empire, etc. for centuries. This is a longstanding problem that goes beyond the purview of any one president to solve. To expect him to be able to just snap his fingers and get to the "root of the issue" seems like a wildly unrealistic expectation.
Israel has not existed for centuries; it has existed since 1948.

All it takes to figure out which side you should be on is A.) a hardline stance against colonialism and ethnic cleansing, and B.) Some reading into the ideological tenants and the formation of Zionism and Israel (specifically about how Europe was ironically all too happy to oblige because both meant the antisemitic bastards still achieved the disappearance of Jewish people from the mainland, while also not having to reckon with true assimilation and reparations for the Holocaust) to be able to form a basic opinion. Or just like, I dunno, comparing the fucking death tolls between Israelis and Gazans since Oct 7.? Read about the Nakba???

Like a bare minimum of effort.

And trust and believe I'm no expert. I'm still reading through Herzl. But Biden is the fucking President, with decades of political and educational experience, with the world's best advisors on his side. The reason he is complicating this isn't because it's all that hard to figure out a side; you either agree with settler colonialism or you don't. It's because he really, really, really wants Israel to maintain its place there, their conducting of genocide be damned. And again, it's not like he's on record for particularly caring that it's specifically a Jewish ethnostate. "If it didn't exist, we'd have to make one."

Israel goes poof somehow, and hell, the United States and Europe will install Black people there. "Hey, we're really really really sorry for all the slavery and racism we imparted onto you and with which we never had any intention of fixing. Want some land in Asia?!" It literally doesn't matter to him who is there so long as they're not aligned with Middle Eastern interests. They're simply using the plight of Jewish people as the chaser to get the public on board with it, but with the war crimes being broadcasted in 4K that is mattering less and less.

GoldenEye007 wrote:I guess that's my point. If he has shown he is willing to move on topics like these, wouldn't you want more of that? Ideally, sure you get this candidate that is a true progressive and ticks all of boxes when it comes to their understanding of the plight of minorities in the US and abroad, but realistically, who is out there that can win a national coalition? In these United States?
I'm sorry, but I shouldn't have to push people who are "on my side" to not support colonialism and genocide. This goes triply so for Muslims who have lost people in this conflict. If you're doing that, you're not my ally. You are my enemy. Full stop. I don't care what else you've done for me; I have, like, basic moral tenants I adhere to, and "not supporting genocide" is the one you can't cross.

And realistically, there is likely not that many people who are qualified and rich enough to secure the nomination and win based on progressive principles, and that's because this country is a right-wing capitalist hellhole that is not going to go for shit like "human rights" and "decolonization." But again, change takes time and work, and it will absolutely necessitate working outside of and sometimes undermining the system that allows the majority of bullshit to happen in America the way it does. The fight for freedom does not begin and end at November 2024. Win or lose, there is always work to be done. If you want to win, it's not by complaining about how Muslims are being selfish for not wanting to vote for a man who has basically told them to their faces "I don't care how many of you die." You have two choices right now as far as what you can do for trying to get people to vote: either convincing them to put aside their dehumanization (fucking morally horrible; don't do this) or by telling Biden to do the right thing or risk reelection, and by sticking to that and fighting the genocide by any means necessary.

This is Biden's choice right now.

(11-27-2023, 05:54 AM)Potato wrote: It's reeeotous the biggest retard ex-borean or does that honor still go to Tay San?
TaySan joined The Bore after he had already been noticed on Riotious chose to go there and the Discord instead while having his public Bore history erased.
(11-27-2023, 05:02 AM)BIONIC wrote:
KtotheRoc, post: 115436145, member: 12616 wrote:I expect The Marvels will do well once it's on D+. But that isn’t how we measure success for movies so it won’t change anything.
Like how the Ms. Marvel show did? Society
Nepenthe has already posted enough to get herself sacked to smithereens in a real job. She's a thick racist who should have as little power as possible in all circumstances.

Worst of all, she dismisses concerns all the time and nobody ever does anything about it.
I like how she’s larping this great intellectual leader but doesn’t know the difference between ‘tenets’ and ‘tenants’.
(11-27-2023, 06:44 AM)NekoFever wrote: I like how she’s larping this great intellectual leader but doesn’t know the difference between ‘tenets’ and ‘tenants’.
Nice try dismissing concerns about settler landlordlism. wag
(11-27-2023, 06:05 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:And trust and believe I'm no expert. I'm still reading through Herzl. But Biden is the fucking President, with decades of political and educational experience, with the world's best advisors on his side. The reason he is complicating this isn't because it's all that hard to figure out a side; you either agree with settler colonialism or you don't. It's because he really, really, really wants Israel to maintain its place there, their conducting of genocide be damned.

You bolded after the quintessential Nepenthe being the worst kind of stupid, the kind that thinks they're actually the smartest one in the room.
"I don't claim to be an expert or have decades of political and educational experience with the worlds best advisors, but let me tell you why things are easy, actually"

Also if these dipshits actually believed that being a victim gives you licence to perpetuate hostility as grievance reparations, they'd be on fucking Israels side.
But again, idiot racist americans who've never left their state let alone ever experienced a foreign culture literally making things into a Black and White issue where it doesn't fucking apply.

It's actually kind of depressing having watched nepenthes radicalisation in real time, but because they have power to silence any dissent just burrow further into their hateful beliefs.
(11-27-2023, 06:44 AM)NekoFever wrote: I like how she’s larping this great intellectual leader but doesn’t know the difference between ‘tenets’ and ‘tenants’.

I always knew there was something up with Christopher Nolan and never liked any of his films Snob
Nepnep over here going full 1488. Guess she can be one of the good ones who live inside the plantation whenever the Nazis take over.  I don't
Am I being super flippant, but it was the popcorn flick Black Panther that made "colonizer" the racist black americans replacement dog whistle for "European" when they mean wypipo, right?
(11-27-2023, 06:44 AM)NekoFever wrote: I like how she’s larping this great intellectual leader but doesn’t know the difference between ‘tenets’ and ‘tenants’.

Is there a word for a napoleon complex but only the short and inadequacies part?
Reply wrote:far right dimwits and abysmal media literacy, name a more perfect duo

(11-27-2023, 08:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Nepnep over here going full 1488. Guess she can be one of the good ones who live inside the plantation whenever the Nazis take over.  I don't

You just know she'd turn informant on her fellow concentration camp inmates at the mere suggestion that she'd get some crayons to eat draw her furry porn.
(11-27-2023, 08:56 AM)Potato wrote:
(11-27-2023, 08:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Nepnep over here going full 1488. Guess she can be one of the good ones who live inside the plantation whenever the Nazis take over.  I don't

You just know she's turn informant on her fellow concentration camp inmates at the mere suggestion that she'd get some crayons to eat draw her furry porn.

Progressives on Twitter, especially trans ones, love accusing people who don't toe the Party line completely of being this.

It'd be terrible if "forum kapo" was used to describe people like that hateful "forum cop" slur is.
(11-27-2023, 08:45 AM)Eric Cartman wrote: wrote:far right dimwits and abysmal media literacy, name a more perfect duo


Quote:They also defy widely held stereotypes about their race e.g. the Hobbits are not lazy or simple, Gimli/Legolas overcome their prejudice for each others race, Aragorn overcomes the possibility of corruption

I did my dissertation on this in fact 😁

SCIENCE! Sabu Triggered NERDS! No1curr

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