Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
You make a good point
crossing eden wrote:Ok so, just casually putting it out there like with other game show threads.

PLEASE do not feel the need to tell the class about how much you hate hiphop/rap when they show up in trailers. 🙏

Ever since posters have been pointing out why that's pretty offensive there's been a downward trend of that happening so let's keep continuing that downward trend.
I'm just here to watch Hogwarts Legacy win something and for them to lose their shits.

Also Crossing Eden can go belly flop into a pool of acid.
They hate Geoff Keighley for being a shill and whatever else, yet they're 20 pages deep.
The more Geoff drags this out without making a statement, the more Palestine suffers.
(12-08-2023, 12:11 AM)Uncle wrote: she won't be trans, that implies trans people are of the type to go ballistic and mow down citizens and rob banks and generally make themselves a menace 2 society

also if the story involves suffering of any kind, don't trans people suffer enough, that you would subject them to such evils even in a video game, isn't the real world difficult enough for them already without being tortured virtually for everyone's amusement

She's been released from a women's prison. She's obviously not trans.
Remember when Nep Nep was stalking mixed race couples on Sesame Street?

It explains a lot
Quote:I couldn't care less about Mysoginy Kojima, but Peele attached to this makes me curious.

The Salt
[Image: UUuUvpc.png]
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Potato
Quote:Absolute nothing of a trailer followed by Geoff Keighley's latest embarrassing attempt at making his favourite developer look like a rockstar.

Here is your Afrofuturism game and the dude presenting it didn’t start with a rant but with a seemingly honest anecdote about his dad.
(12-08-2023, 12:11 AM)Uncle wrote: she won't be trans, that implies trans people are of the type to go ballistic and mow down citizens and rob banks and generally make themselves a menace 2 society

also if the story involves suffering of any kind, don't trans people suffer enough, that you would subject them to such evils even in a video game, isn't the real world difficult enough for them already without being tortured virtually for everyone's amusement

The girl grows up from the slums of Little Havana.  She's smart but a trouble makers and does time in and out of juvie.  She does her last stint in prison and leaves at age 20 with her GED and a desire to make something of herself. But fate turns her into a victim of criminal war ords, corrupt politicians and shadow government cabals.  With an old flame at her side she pilots several military fighter jets, an experimental low-orbit earthquake creator, and even establishes a moon colony and saves the world.

It is quite simply the most accurate and realistic depiction of the trans experience in the history of art

Quote:He signed onto an artists for Israel stateIfment which is wildly incongruous with his role as a champion of black horror most of which is pointedly anti-colonial.

A game made by a misogynist and a Palestine genocider? If this doesn't get banned than nothing will.
Blade by Arkane  Gladbron

Edit: imagine a Gal Gadot picture here. I’m a dum dum that doesn’t know how to put images.
Quote:Blade better be english

I guess this is Slayvens version of race swapping

(He's not french you dummy)
ClothedMac dateline='[url=tel:1702003560' wrote: 1702003560[/url]']

Quote:He signed onto an artists for Israel stateIfment which is wildly incongruous with his role as a champion of black horror most of which is pointedly anti-colonial.

Is it tho?

I feel you are confusing having a political message with being inherently anti colonialism. Also, what happened with black people not being a monolith?
(12-08-2023, 01:42 AM)Snoopy wrote: Remember when Nep Nep was stalking mixed race couples on Sesame Street?

It explains a lot

for some reason I looked at the comments on this video

90% of them are from usernames that are first name, last name, 3 or 4 digits, saying something extremely basic like "there was a racist!"

is this dead internet theory? bots who say inane nothings for no reason?
(12-07-2023, 01:59 PM)bork wrote:
ImaPlayThis wrote:Anyway fast forward to today and in a different thread someone mentioned eventhubs having an article relevant to that thread so I decided to go on eventhubs and the top "article" is a cosplay one which title is "You'll need to fan off after seeing Silverr Fox' glistening big booty Kitana cosplay" and they've added a cosplay tag to their articles and basically every single article is sexy this, skin tight that, curves in all the right places and the thumbnails just being blurred out ass pics or whatever pic they think would get people to click on it. Not only this but the icon they use for their cosplay tag is two circles with a smaller circle in them (essentially breasts)


I did take screenshots of the title and icon but really don't feel comfortable sharing, anyway avoid eventhubs, unless you want to be grossed out
Thank you for your service!
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Switters, Boredfrom
Down with capitalism! Carrot in carrot ou-

Ooh oh a blade game!
(12-07-2023, 10:06 PM)Water Enjoyer wrote:
(12-07-2023, 07:42 PM)Averon wrote: It's amazing and sad how these people are so terrified of ideas, characters, or themes getting any sort of media portrayal that they don't approve of. Like, they really do believe the general public is just a movie/tv show away from going full "Heil Hitler." It's silly.

- They thought The Joke movie will cause an incel uprising and movie theaters around the country will be bloodbaths.
- To this day, they still blame South Park for voter apathy and numerous other social ills.
- Any depiction of bare female skin will apparently tun men into sexist bigots at the drop of a hat

I don't have a rich political analysis background to entrench this in, but I feel like once you reach a certain level of political extremism you view everything that isn't overt propaganda for your beliefs as dangerous and in need of immediate correction. Everything needs to be incredibly simplified, black-and-white, and dumbed down to ensure that there's zero possibility of the Wrong Message being sent and activating the Nazi/communist switch built into everyone's brain.

Mostly I just think back to Benji pointing out how many of them appear to have zero faith in the appeal of their own ideology and beliefs and think the only way for them to succeed is to ensure all opposing thought is prevented from reaching a single person.
I think it's a result of narcissism, and maybe sociopathic traits, that manifests in a lack of a theory of mind. Ironically, we put too much strength in the political language connected whereas if we strip it away or change it the underlying thinking stands more starkly. (You'd think our "critical" betters would be more challenging with their deconstructionist methods they advocate and apply it to themselves rather than always using it to always find "capitalism" but alas.)

Essentially, of course I never have to worry I'm always free from sin and if I did sin there's a good reason so you can't judge me. But everyone else? Of course they're trapped in "false consciousness" and will fall into sin at the slightest provocation. Of course I need to be ever vigilant and in control of everything so nothing ever slips past and gets to them and activates the inherent sin we're they're all born with. If they won't bother to display their faith as much as I do then can you really say they're truly saved and not likely to fall back into sin? They're simple, inputs for me, not complex people with so many identities and self-diagnoses as myself.

That's why I always knew they were a sinner and just had to wait for it to be revealed by a single incident or word usage, I knew they were never as good of person as I am. That's why in the end Hxrstory will reward me more than anyone else and just because of who I am.
Another victim of's hate speaks out:

14 hours ago (edited)
finally got help, so fucking glad It's over. My brain is not working properly so I am sorry if anything said in this video is not expressed in the most eloquent way. I never want to mislead my community of where I am at mentally because my struggle with mental health issues has played a very big role in my life, and I would be lying if I said otherwise. Thank you all for your patience with me. I'll be back soon. ❤
No mustache shadow prolly due to lighting. Would hit if super drunk in the name of equality.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(12-07-2023, 01:59 PM)bork wrote:
ImaPlayThis wrote:I know this is primarily about games but I have to talk about something adjacent to games because it's gotten so creepy and disgusting imo. During the pandemic the street fighter "news" website Eventhubs started doing articles on cosplayers (and you can guess 99% of the time female cosplayers ) and the articles headline and thumbnail were just pure thirst trap clickbait stuff, it got to the point I deleted my account on there, I didn't want to be associated with that site anymore, the final straw was an "article" of two Cammy cosplays (you can imagine the pics) and it was encouraging you to judge and comment which one you prefer (total yuck/skeeze factor). The way the articles were written would also be creepy to, often describing the cosplayers as pieces of meat.

Anyway fast forward to today and in a different thread someone mentioned eventhubs having an article relevant to that thread so I decided to go on eventhubs and the top "article" is a cosplay one which title is "You'll need to fan off after seeing Silverr Fox' glistening big booty Kitana cosplay" and they've added a cosplay tag to their articles and basically every single article is sexy this, skin tight that, curves in all the right places and the thumbnails just being blurred out ass pics or whatever pic they think would get people to click on it. Not only this but the icon they use for their cosplay tag is two circles with a smaller circle in them (essentially breasts)

I know this may not sound that extreme compared to wider media issues with women but the fgc has had very big issues in the past in regards to women and not making them feel welcome or actively making it hostile for them and despite all the progress that's being made this is just taking 3 steps back. To make matters worse eventhubs is like the only "news" site for fighting game stuff so it's a website most people even with a cursory interest might interact with and this is how they want to present themselves.

Anyway I'm sorry for this mini-rant I hope its not too off topic to have been posted here, it's just been bothering me for ages and the objectification is just getting worse, it's creepy, sleazy and exploitative

I did take screenshots of the title and icon but really don't feel comfortable sharing, anyway avoid eventhubs, unless you want to be grossed out

[Image: strip-club-the-simpsons.gif]

I swear I saw ImaPlayThis posted horny comments in cosplayers articles back then at EH
5 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, BIONIC, D3RANG3D, benji, Alpacx

Quote:Just received news that the IDF has killed Refaat Alareer, along with his brother, sister and her children.

I'm at a loss for words.

EDIT: We're not allowed to share random Twitter posts, but I wanted to share this beautiful piece by Refaat, written just days before his murder.  

I would also like to share some beautiful Refaat poetry.
[Image: GAxo2jVXgAAksU7?format=jpg&name=large]
Bdubs will need to write another screedo about posters needing to chill out and be peaceful while Nep is banning foos and calling them colonizers.

Edit- cyberpunk won best ongoing "genocide" game.
If only there was some link between being an unstable shitlord and crusading for trans rights on the internet
(12-08-2023, 05:11 AM)Alpacx wrote:

Quote:Just received news that the IDF has killed Refaat Alareer, along with his brother, sister and her children.

I'm at a loss for words.
"That sucks"?
4 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, books
Rest in power. He was my favorite ninja turtle.
(12-07-2023, 10:59 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
BDumbs wrote:We cannot and should never turn a blind eye to bigotry in any of it's forms. What the government of Israel is going to the people of Gaza is ethnic cleansing. This cannot and should not be denied. It is no different than the actions Milosevic took against the people of Bosnia in the 90's, during the Yugoslav wars. Netenyahu is bombing indiscriminately and with an eye towards exterminating the people of Gaza. He is a war criminal and needs to be not only stopped but prosecuted.
Got a few questions here for when the General Manager wakes up from his nap:
1. What about the actions they took against the people of Kosovo? Why are you promoting Islamophobia by erasing Kosovo Muslims like Milosevic wanted to do?
2. Are you saying the United States needs to launch an illegal unauthorized war and occupation until Netanyahu and the Israeli government surrenders and accedes to your demands? Should the Chinese embassy be bombed again as well? That sounds a little Sinophobic to me.
3. Neither Israel nor any country that could stop and prosecute Netanyahu or any other Israeli's recognize the authority of the ICC, so who are you suggesting prosecutes him under what law? Who do you believe should claim jurisdiction over Israel/Palestine and to what extent?
4. So this is a civil war of sorts between a separatist government and people that wishes to secede against the existing state of the territory? Is that part of why Hamas wants to claim the territory "from the river to the sea" and Nepenthe wants to expel all Jews back to where they "belong"? Does this description change the jurisdiction or legal basis of the war crimes tribunal you're asking for?
5. Do you have any comment on if the staff believes that the "collective nation of Jewish people" was behind Milosevic? You said "it is no different" after all.
6. Did you not proofread this STAFF COMMUNICATION? Because the multiple errors in just this part I quoted aren't the only ones.

Thanks as always for the transparency.

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