Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
the best part of that christopher judge thread is that it was started by a lowkey console warrior troll

that's why they started it and bounced with no further posts

but of course, era's crack mod team is absolutely fucking terrible at recognizing this shit

also, nep might legit not be long for the site. it's gotten to the point where every post is about how shitty her own site is
DSC dateline='[url=tel:1702086919' wrote: 1702086919[/url]']
the best part of that christopher judge thread is that it was started by a lowkey console warrior troll

that's why they started it and bounced with no further posts

but of course, era's crack mod team is absolutely fucking terrible at recognizing this shit

also, nep might legit not be long for the site. it's gotten to the point where every post is about how shitty her own site is

Nah, she likes the power. She may be insane and impulsive, but she would never give up her position. Is the only thing that allows her to scream to other users and being a bitch with her bootlikers.
If NepNep is so tired with racial trauma, maybe they should encourage people to made less thread about it when is about meaningless shit like “why my coworker don’t let me bitch about Jonah Hex jacket” Six
Gobs of precum
Nepenthe is an unrepentant anti-semite. Not just since she took ambien in the Hamasapalooza thread, she's been horrible since forever. 

Just wanted to get that off my chest.
(12-08-2023, 07:36 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: BREAKING 

Nepnep is on rage mode again

Quote:Because if there's one thing COD fans hate more than their shitty campaigns, it's Black people.

Quote:sorry everyone, we have been informed that we are all racist apparently by an admin of this website

Quote:Stand up to the racists in the lobbies for once in your life before you come at a Black person who was in those COD lobbies taking racist shit while some of y'all were still sucking down Enfamil.

Quote:Judge is a Black man currently facing a weird amount of scrutiny over a joke from a few devs and fans of of the game regarding the length of the campaign, who are now trying to turn this situation into one about the plights of workplace abuse in the games industry, which Judge is not responsible for and didn't even joke about.

This is despite the fact that Judge was joked about for months on this same awards show, without anyone trying to use the plight of voice actors or motion actors as a shield against jokes being lobbed at him. (Probably because Black people are rarely considered empathetic victims of anything!)

Outsized, hypocritical scrutiny at the words and actions of a Black man for a small slight, if what he said could even be called a slight, is like textbook racial prejudice and has literally been a thing for centuries.

So yeah, if you wanted to prove to me and anyone else in the room that COD fans are a bastion of racial tolerance, you've failed immensely. Keep being fucking mad.

Quote:Yes, if instead of understanding that the COD community has always had a problem with flagrant racism and reflecting on that, you're instead going to take personal offense at a Black person making a metonymical statement about that issue that literally no one else had a problem with, not even people who quoted me, then yeah, keep being fucking mad. Hit dogs holler.

Quote:you used to be so cool to talk to in the overwatch threads, sad to see where this has gone. Is there no way to block admins? Wish that was a feature

Quote:I still am cool to talk to, so long as you're not downplaying racism!

Unfortunately you can't block admins, but one way to make sure you don't have to talk to me is by quoting me in a thread I was not even posting in.

Only way this could be improved is if she called him a kike or something...
(12-09-2023, 12:40 AM)Besticus Maximus wrote: it was a self deprecating joke using will smith's mental wife as the punchline  Social Justice Warrior

Have we made sure if any of the call of duty devs are bald? It's very problematic to make fun of the disabled
(12-08-2023, 09:17 PM)Vertigo wrote:

lets see how long this thread stays open.

Maybe the weirdos from the puritan thread will roll through to call her a whore.

But then you have the pro sex workers lot saying let her live

Who will win?


She's obviously trans. If you pay attention to the colour scheme in the background and a bunch of other really obvious signs, it's a dead giveaway that is more than just coincidence.
(12-09-2023, 02:46 AM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Gobs of precum

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRR47QQl3_93jPjxFXlZ5W...w&usqp=CAU]

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Misogynist Commentary; Prior Ban for Misogyny
chubbpenguin wrote:I feel like (disregarding stupid right wingers) men don't really care if the only playable character in a game is a woman, and a lot of the time men will choose to play as a female character if given the option, but women tend to have more of an issue only being able to play as a male character, and will rarely create a male character if given the option.

Just my observations.
You fucking egg. omfg
(12-08-2023, 07:36 PM)Daffy Duck wrote: BREAKING 

Nepnep is on rage mode again
Quote:Stand up to the racists in the lobbies for once in your life before you come at a Black person who was in those COD lobbies taking racist shit while some of y'all were still sucking down Enfamil.

Quote:This is despite the fact that Judge was joked about for months on this same awards show

(12-09-2023, 12:48 AM)Averon wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:A) Y'all were never there for Judge like you are these devs when he was under the fire of community and industry wide jokes for months despite also being subject to the same industry conditions as an actor, and

B) Y'all aren't even there in any meaningful way for the ABK devs because the gaming community has absolutely fuck all in the way of consistent grassroots organization for labor rights. It's the fatal flaw of being in a community where the main method of cultural expression is fucking buying and consuming shit. Gamers are and always fundamentally will be horrible at actually promoting meaningful sociopolitical change because they're fucking capitalists. End of.

Ultimately, there are no two ways about it.

Y'all are trying to use this incident as a way to grandstand about progressive politics, and it's an embarrassment. It's both embarrassing and insulting, because you're doing so off the innocuous actions of a Black man, and stepping into anti-Black dog whistles and you don't even realize it, and I don't even know how much you all even care. It's like I'm shouting into the void. I don't care about what any of you have said in the past. You could've marched with King for all I care.

Y'all are on some bullshit, and I'm pissed about it. And I have right to be. There's literally no reason this thread should have been this long. It's only this long because y'all couldn't help yourselves in trying to make this into something it didn't need to be, because by God, it's okay for people to joke about games, and even rip them to shreds, so long as it's done by the right people.

Like enough already.
Honestly, every time she writes a long ass rant I could bold almost every sentence and put that emote.
Why should I give a fuck about sociopolitical issues when I'm stomping Goombas in Mario?

Nepnep is the kid who stays in their room while their parents have family over for a party.

Magneto wrote:
alexi52 wrote:At least his defenders are quiet now, the guy was clearly guilty when everyone came out to say how much of a piece of shit he was but this is worse than I was expecting, fuck this guy
Waiting for some evidence before yelling "HE'S GUILTY" is not a bad thing, you know ?
Believe women. ufup

bruhaha wrote:
Skyscourge wrote:Did you watch the hearing? What those school president's said was absolutely insane.
"Is calling for the genocide of Jews against your code of conduct?"
"Well, it depends on the context."
What they said definitely bordered the line on condoning antisemitism and perhaps crossed it. Elected officials are free to disapprove of and harshly criticize what they said.

Using the words "we demand that your boards immediately remove each of these presidents from their positions" in a letter to the universities violates the First Amendment.
Freeze peach.
(12-09-2023, 03:26 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

bruhaha wrote:Elected officials are free to disapprove of and harshly criticize what they said.

Using the words "we demand that your boards immediately remove each of these presidents from their positions" in a letter to the universities violates the First Amendment.
No, it doesn't because it's just the first thing you said they're free to do. lol
(12-09-2023, 01:23 AM)Averon wrote: Fuck Nep, but seeing that brown-noser Redmercury get put to blast by someone he suck up to so much is great.

redmerc trying to cash in the years and years of clout he thought he was building all this time:

[Image: OlPu832.gif]
(12-09-2023, 02:48 AM)Shecky Fragbaum wrote: Nepenthe is an unrepentant anti-semite. Not just since she took ambien in the Hamasapalooza thread, she's been horrible since forever. 

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

[Image: zfi1umt.png]
(12-09-2023, 03:53 AM)Uncle wrote:
(12-09-2023, 01:23 AM)Averon wrote: Fuck Nep, but seeing that brown-noser Redmercury get put to blast by someone he suck up to so much is great.

redmerc trying to cash in the years and years of clout he thought he was building all this time:

[Image: OlPu832.gif]
Common event in The Party dictatorships. CCP has done it endlessly, Soviets did it early on before they all agreed to an internal détente. It happened to Beria of all people who thought nobody would turn on a murderous pedophile rapist who had been so loyal to Stalin. lol
yeah, i know nep ain't leaving

but let me dream

that meltdown in the judge thread is at least the second time in recent memory that she's gone off on the board "not being actually leftist"

like, no shit. there's nothing era's about page or tos that says "we're a leftist site." it obviously has a progressive leaning, but it's a great insight into nep's mindset: since she has decided she's a real actual leftist, and she's an admin of the site, of course the whole site must share her opinions and be measured by that yardstick

b-dubs, this is why you don't make a narcissistic bully an admin. when her unhinged screeds get no engagement on twitter, she unloads on ppl in the forum, throwing jargon at the wall so that she can feel more learned than ppl who are trying to talk about whether turn-based or rtwp is better

the poliera thing was a great example of what would happen on a normal forum: someone drops into a thread or community that they never engage with (has nep ever posted in that thread?), posts some inflammatory subtweeting shit, and immediately gets served. because poliera is actually motivated and made their own discord, they had nothing to lose

lastly, the whole "this forum is unhinged, going back to the drawing board" bit? asshole, you've had YEARS to help the forum be better. you've banned everyone who has stood up to you or expressed any opinion other than the approved ones. ppl left, communities made discords, and the only ppl left are in a constant cycle of ban-baiting and feigning offense. it's time to come to terms with the truth: you're a shitty admin and won't be able to fix what you created
Actual documentary footage:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Of the Soviet Union or in the future? But that's none of my business...
I don't even know what joke Christopher Judge said or what people are upset about but I do know this: Call of Duty players and capital-G Gamers in general need to go back to where they belong. ufup
(12-09-2023, 03:56 AM)Uncle wrote:
(12-09-2023, 02:48 AM)Shecky Fragbaum wrote: Nepenthe is an unrepentant anti-semite. Not just since she took ambien in the Hamasapalooza thread, she's been horrible since forever. 

Just wanted to get that off my chest.

[Image: zfi1umt.png]
[Image: 2f3dd303-0b0d-4482-bed3-fec53c6c067b_text.gif]
(12-09-2023, 04:45 AM)benji wrote: I don't even know what joke Christopher Judge said or what people are upset about but I do know this: Call of Duty players and capital-G Gamers in general need to go back to where they belong. ufup

(12-09-2023, 03:26 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

bruhaha wrote:
Skyscourge wrote:Did you watch the hearing? What those school president's said was absolutely insane.
"Is calling for the genocide of Jews against your code of conduct?"
"Well, it depends on the context."
What they said definitely bordered the line on condoning antisemitism and perhaps crossed it. Elected officials are free to disapprove of and harshly criticize what they said.

Using the words "we demand that your boards immediately remove each of these presidents from their positions" in a letter to the universities violates the First Amendment.
Freeze peach.

I'm actually watching it now and listening to the school presidents squirm to answer a question is hilarious.  lol
The Burka thread is bitching about the new Guilty Gear character. omfg 

Morrigan has the brain of a 80 year old grandma that somehow likes Metal music.
Where's this outrage for the new GTA tho?
(12-09-2023, 01:43 AM)negativecrepe wrote: people there dont understand, the blacks on era HATE whites. its aint they dislike them its they hate them. if you asked them they wouldnt deny it, they would use a lot of words though to make it see like they were.
This is why I normally wouldn't point to racial demographics and stereotypes but with Nepenthe I constantly point out how fucking YT she is. She's "whiter" than most of the cacs I grew up with. Hell, the cacs in my own family.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Let's do the dumb thing they do and suggest that it's the result of being called "white" insultingly by other Blacks growing up due to her privilege. But that's none of my business...
Crackers upset. White people are the oppressors and POC have every right to hate them.  Social Justice Warrior 2
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, benji
Look, it's completely different from chuds, I don't hate white people because of their skin color. I hate them because of who they are inherently and how they refuse to ever change no matter how many times they're told to do better. But white people, like cis, don't care and don't want to be good people. That's not part of their DNA, that's why they're the source of every problem in society. They simply haven't been bred to be compatible with us, the normal humans, and everyone would be better off they went back where they came from so we could seal them off forever.

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