Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(12-14-2023, 01:15 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
bitter root wrote:sometimes reading these threads with predominantly white leftists, sounds like "it's a shame this black dude that I have absolute sure was abusing his white girlfriend might get away with it... evidences, video and testimonials saying she was the abuser, but you know... he black, she white...".
that's just an impression I have sometimes... maybe this is also the reason not many black users posts in these kind of threads...
but hey... maybe I am wrong...

(08-10-2023, 07:41 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Concern Trolling over Sexism Concerns
BitterRoot wrote:I'm really close friend with 2 Korean female friends, both hate the sexism there and live overseas, both married with non-Korean man.
And neither give a fuck for Barbie movie because barbie never cared for Asian women before, they grown up seem Barbie as a white women thing.

And honestly, neither the movie neither their official social accounts helped their cause for Asian women:
Quote:Barbenheimer backlash: Warner Bros apologises after its Japan arm complains 
Warner Bros Japan publicly criticised US counterparts over ‘inconsiderate’ reactions to art combining playful Barbie imagery with mushroom clouds
here is definately an imperialistic atitude when you post a montage of Barbie having a good time with oppenheimer with bomb explosion in the background.

So, the movie is feminist but their social media post a montage like that? So what, is it a white feminist movie then?

Same with friends in Brazil, I have Black female friends and family that loved it, and Black friends and family more connected with African cultures in Brazil that don't care at all because Barbie made them hate themselfs for ages.

So I honestly think the "white left" should stop assuming everyone that has criticism with Barbie is a sexist.

I wonder which of the posters agreeing with him is Shy's alt.
NepNep just discovered “The Completionist commits charity fraud” thread. She decides to talk about anything but the actual topic:

Quote:Does Jobst even speak to Goose these days, or anyone bad at all?

Closest seems to be Muta, but the way people speak, Karl is getting pictured hanging out with nazis every day and says racist shit all the time.

Like, it sucks, but Karl apologized and never seemed to have done something wrong since a few years ago but it's like it was yesterday to some people.
Nepenthe wrote:I mean, his Minesweeper video has him waxing about the genetic superiority of the world record holder, and it's creepy enough to the point that I researched about and easily found the Discord posts years ago and stopped watching. He might have apologized and shut the fuck up about it, but as far as I've seen he hasn't done anything in the way of making reparations about it.

In general I'm not sure why some of y'all are so quick to always, always, always, let white dudes who fuck around with Nazis off the hook and say racist shit just because they apologize like once. Saying "sowwy uwu" isn't character growth nor does it do anything for the affected minorities in question.

“Affected minorities like Jirard.” Awesome 

“What was the thread about, btw? Charity fraud? Fuck white chil… oh no.”
The "Nazi" here is still JonTron right? lol
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Non-white guy says one dumb thing, forever a Nazi, can't hug him or allow him at weddings or anything else.

Nepenthe calls for eradication of the collective nation of Jewish people, forced displacement of people based on ethnicities and the establishment of an authoritarian racial caste state, not a Nazi, allowed "off the hook" and to say racist shit after a weekend "On Break" despite never apologizing.
Billfisto wrote:People, we get it, both parties suck. Can we please not relitigate it and get the thread closed again?

Talking like Nepente was not a fucking Admin. lol
From Community Thread:
ComedySmasher wrote:
Kinvara wrote:As much as it pains me to say this, I think mental health crisis threads should be closed as soon as possible.

The average member is not trained to handle that kind of situation. Someone could easily say something that makes things worse either by accident or on purpose.
My general stance is that there is no one-size-fits-all option here. While you're correct that there are absolutely situations in which someone could say the wrong thing and make things worse - I have literally seen it happen and done everything in my power to reverse the damage - there have also been quite a few crisis threads that have been averted by Era members taking action and reaching out, and I would hate for those scenarios to be locked away by a blanket "just lock the thread" mentality.

Are you sure you "averted" crises and not, you know, been scammed by grifters knowing you suckers can't ignore a chance to virtue signal? Allowing suicide threads is such an obvious avenue for scamming a community. Like, who would challenge it? You'd be branded an asshole and immediately banned, which is exactly what happened in that Melody Shreds thread. B-dubs and his mods are terrible 95% of the time, but their previous policy of immediately locking suicide threads was actually the right way to approach it.
"There have been quite a few call for attention threads that have been 'averted' by Era members taking action and reaching out" doesn't have quite the same self-satisfying ring to it.
17 pages of
[Image: 4tnk9r.jpg]
Ctrl+F'd every page and not even a single mention of Zionists. And people say isn't far-right. Rage
oh boy I wonder what the general sentiment will be in response to this news article

[Image: TcZHCaa.png]

Quote:You can tell Israel is a fascist state because the far right isn't on the fringes, it's mainstream. Jewish Israeli youth are more conservative than their parents, with 73% of Israeli Jews between 18 - 24 identifying as right-wing.

Quote:I tried to tell a Jew that they're being tricked into a committing a genocide. They're not being tricked...this is outright celebrated by many Israelis.

Quote:Those people who used to complaint alot about cancel culture are saying nothing about the cancel culture right now.


Quote:So.. snowflakes then (overly emotional, easily offended, and unable to deal with opposing opinions. Wikipedia)

clarify with the wikipedia definition so people know you aren't using it in the conservative sense?? lmao  I don't 

sensible post is downvoted:

[Image: GJPEbRb.png]
(12-15-2023, 04:04 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
17 pages of
[Image: 4tnk9r.jpg]

It's crazy how much Naughty Dog has wasted this gen. Remaking a game that didn't need to be remaked and wasting 3 years on a cancelled game
Crossing Eden wrote:"We have 3 huge projects in development, none of which we wanna compromise and one of which would directly affect the production of our" isn't a failure of management, it's the exact opposite. Bad management would force them to attempt this instead of taking a step back and reflecting on what's feasible
Trying to paint the cancellation of a publicly-announced game as a management W is really something else.

Fucking Crossing Eden. Why is he such a hardcore company boy
(12-15-2023, 04:04 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
17 pages of
[im g][/img]

Quote:We realize many of you have been anticipating news around the project that we've been calling The Last of Us Online. There's no easy way to say this: We've made the incredibly difficult decision to stop development on that game.

Wut who the fuck wrote this

not "halt development on this project" or "terminate its production"

"that game? we not make that game."
(12-15-2023, 04:13 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Crossing Eden wrote:"We have 3 huge projects in development, none of which we wanna compromise and one of which would directly affect the production of our" isn't a failure of management, it's the exact opposite. Bad management would force them to attempt this instead of taking a step back and reflecting on what's feasible
Trying to paint the cancellation of a publicly-announced game as a management W is really something else.

Fucking Crossing Eden. Why is he such a hardcore company boy

It's the neo-Communism.
(12-15-2023, 04:16 AM)Uncle wrote:
(12-15-2023, 04:04 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
17 pages of
[im g][/img]

Quote:We realize many of you have been anticipating news around the project that we've been calling The Last of Us Online. There's no easy way to say this: We've made the incredibly difficult decision to stop development on that game.

Wut who the fuck wrote this

not "halt development on this project" or "terminate its production"

"that game? we not make that game."

I'll say it again louder for the Uncle in the back...The video game industry is run by the biggest bunch of morons in the world. Everything they do is unprofessional and their corporate communication is universally abysmal.
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
I looked up the Etika archives to see how Ree empathizes during a real mental health crisis. It's disgusting.  Same concerns from 2019 still happening now. I wonder what the commonality is? Hmm. Same assholes too. Planetsmasher in there but he didn't know who Etika was but was sad.

To be clear, I'm in there too saying I don't give a shit because I don't, and don't bother to pretend.
Taco Bell Tower dateline='[url=tel:1702613044' wrote: 1702613044[/url]']
17 pages of
[Image: 4tnk9r.jpg]


Honestly, seems that the only ones that actually give a shit were the fans of the first Last of Us MP. Most people seem genuinely happy that is dead. Was a waste of resources and Jim Ryan stink is all over it.
(12-15-2023, 04:08 AM)Uncle wrote: sensible post is downvoted:
[Image: GJPEbRb.png]
They're ignorant of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany outside of "oppression" to where they think being forcibly placed in a Ghetto as a precursor to your eradication is the same thing as a notionally independent territory with its own ruling government and complete freedom to travel to and from it except into Israel. They think all the Western Palestinians would willingly travel to a Nazi-operated Ghetto as they do by the bunches every year? That the Nazis would have tolerated a secessionist government to form and seek world support for their occupation of all of Germany? To take up literal arms against Germany? That the Nazis would have waited a fucking century or more hoping the Jews (and others) just die out naturally? That the Nazis would have let them live there peacefully if they chose to when they had stripped them of citizenship and stopped deporting them because they didn't want them to get away?

Do these people even know where Gaza is? It borders one of its "allies", it's not completely surrounded by Israel.
(12-15-2023, 05:15 AM)benji wrote:
(12-15-2023, 04:08 AM)Uncle wrote: sensible post is downvoted:
[Image: GJPEbRb.png]
They're ignorant of what happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany outside of "oppression" to where they think being forcibly placed in a Ghetto as a precursor to your eradication is the same thing as a notionally independent territory with its own ruling government and complete freedom to travel to and from it except into Israel. They think all the Western Palestinians would willingly travel to a Nazi-operated Ghetto as they do by the bunches every year? That the Nazis would have tolerated a secessionist government to form and seek world support for their occupation of all of Germany? To take up literal arms against Germany? That the Nazis would have waited a fucking century or more hoping the Jews (and others) just die out naturally? That the Nazis would have let them live there peacefully if they chose to when they had stripped them of citizenship and stopped deporting them because they didn't want them to get away?

Do these people even know where Gaza is? It borders one of its "allies", it's not completely surrounded by Israel.

Gaza doesn't send their best. Sinai will NOT be opened.  Trumps
2 users liked this post: NekoFever, Taco Bell Tower
Quote:The "two choices" dilemma presented in that post is so fucking bullshit it hurts. How about just release the fucking game as an online experience that doesn't need to be an ongoing thing?


Well, whatever. Sony better hold on tightly to those Final Fantasy exclusivity deals or I'm so fucking out next gen.
Melody is an expert on religion now?!
3 users liked this post: D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
(12-15-2023, 06:38 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
Quote:Same reason it's okay to make fun of white people and not other races: because they're the ones in charge, and often abuse their position of power.

After all, the Satanic Temple doesn't fight to put up Baphomets everywhere. They only put them in government buildings where Christians have already secured the right to put up Jesuses. And it's important to have a reminder that this isn't a Christian nation where only Jesus gets to hang out in courthouses and schools and the like.

What the hell is this comment? It's not "okay" to be racist towards anyone.
Making fun of white people is not being racist towards white people.

Being racist towards white people would require erecting and leveraging systems of power that put white people at the bottom of a hierarchy. No such thing exists, so it is therefore impossible to be racist towards white people.
gblues is starting to lay it on a little too thick. Their attempts at concern trolling is working but they need to rein it in a little.  Whew
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
gblues wrote:Don't give me dictionary definitions of racism and come at me calling me a bigot. "Racist against white people" is not a thing. The fact that you think it is a thing tells me you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Yes, it can be totally a thing. Not only white people can be racist against other white people, but they can suffer from racism in countries were they are not a majority (see Japan).
Don’t give dictionary definitions of bigotry, you guys.
Guide to Religion Posting on Era

The CHRISTIAN God is FAKE and those who believe in it is stupid. Christians should just fuck off =  Hesright

ALLAH is FAKE and those who believe in it is stupid. Muslims should just fuck off =  Yikes

Jews =  Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy! "Did someone say Jews?"  Gun
Everytime I read a Scrappy-Fan92 post I think of a puppy. I'd give the puppy some food and yeah I wouldn't let it into my house but he's such a weird little guy.  doggy
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth
gblues wrote:
Quote:Bullshit. Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity. What you are describing is systemic racism.

Don't give me dictionary definitions of racism and come at me calling me a bigot. "Racist against white people" is not a thing. The fact that you think it is a thing tells me you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Quote:Do me a favor. Put me on your ignore list and don't respond to my posts ever again. I don't want bigots in my comments.

Do *me* a favor and read a book or two. I am certainly not going to let "uwu won't someone think of the poor maligned white man" pass by without challenging that for the bullshit it is.
Looking for the book that tells me how to figure out which people are white enough and which aren't, not having much success at finding anything not by early 20th Century eugenicists. I'm so tired. Feels bad, man
benji dateline='[url=tel:1702628204' wrote: 1702628204[/url]']
gblues wrote:
Quote:Bullshit. Racism is discrimination and prejudice against people based on their race or ethnicity. What you are describing is systemic racism.

Don't give me dictionary definitions of racism and come at me calling me a bigot. "Racist against white people" is not a thing. The fact that you think it is a thing tells me you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Quote:Do me a favor. Put me on your ignore list and don't respond to my posts ever again. I don't want bigots in my comments.

Do *me* a favor and read a book or two. I am certainly not going to let "uwu won't someone think of the poor maligned white man" pass by without challenging that for the bullshit it is.
Looking for the book that tells me how to figure out which people are white enough and which aren't, not having much success at finding anything not by early 20th Century eugenicists. I'm so tired. Feels bad, man

The Spaniards have some of these books:
UPDATE: Been looking into books about whether the collective nation of Jewish people are white or not, the very very angry scholars have no consensus on this matter but agree with Nepenthe that Jews need to go back where they belong (location undetermined) while ending their explotaition and oppression of everyone else.

Also finding conflicting information on the whiteness of Catholics and Slavs. Will keep everyone posted on my research per gblues' advice so everyone knows what the fuck they're talking about.

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