Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Real like sex work or "real" like summer oppression for your kid?
(12-16-2023, 04:28 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
Quote:Google is free btw. Y'all don't need to so very heavily speculate when the answers anre on freely available websites. And yes, making a remake of a game is absolutely a "real" work.

The edit button is free too, you dumb cunt.
(12-16-2023, 01:08 AM)benji wrote: It's even in the unaired pilot. lol

Having Morena Baccarin as a trans lady is effective pro trans propaganda. She pegged Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool and guys cheered. The presence of an attractive woman can sway opinions. Like booth babes of old.
Nepenthe is turbo ruining the forum these days. Just rocking up into every thread and getting it closed by being a thundercunt. Put her out of her misery bdubs, before someone accidentally contacts her employer with her racist rants about jews and drags you in deep.
What if that's the plan all along? We all know Princess Bubblegum calls the shots. Nepnep is flaunting just how powerless B-dubs is right to his face.

Get in the cuck shed, B-dubs.  Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy!
It's important to note how often Nepenthe dismisses the concerns of the trans users too. Princess Bubblegum, I beseech thee, ally not with this foul demon of hatred and instead skewer her publicly for her demonstrable lack of interest in trans issues. You will never get a more delicious scalp. All of the ban baiting has been leading up to this, all along. Go get her comrades!
I'm glad that Nepenthe, the leader of the worldwide nation of blacks has confirmed that the images of famines in Africa, starving children, raping gangs, crying women, dead elephants and dry deserts are just a harmful stereotype, created by white straight genocidal christian bands around the 1980s to promote their failing songs as they just couldn't compete with the great Tina Turner and Michael Jackson.

Therefore as acting pope I call on all God Fearing Christians and governments to allow Jesus into their hearts and stop the donations, charities and aid programs for Africa, which we now know thanks to the hard work of Nepenthe is rooted in racism because Africa is doing great. In fact, Africa has never been doing better. They have many new Russian and Chinese friends and we're all very happy for them. Especially Ethnopipia where they have an abundance of food, crops, lush green forests and many beautiful Anastasias and Svetlanas. 

Of course every good Christian knows how important it is to listen to the wise words of Jesus and boy was he wise even when he was dying. And just like Jesus gave us bread and wine, honestly it's ok if you just dip your tip.... tippy top of your wafer in it, don't take the cup with two hands. Anyway like Jesus you should not hold a grudge against the jews but instead support important and worthwhile causes with your money, like Harry Potter books, Cyberpunk 2077 DLC, Rudy Giulianis legal fund, the booming Gaza real-estate market and of course donations to our great campaign. Whatever you do don't spend a single cent on the Africa SCAM!

Thank you, Merry Christmas and god bless

irrotational wrote:Someone will immediately link the mod post about this, which as a reminder is several months old now, and before the latest rounds of anti semitism and racism and the vote to let Alex Jones back on...

..but why isn't Twitter banned on here? I don't see a single reason to allow it.

...but but There are other platforms, this entire site is proof that communities can and will move. All it takes is for people to decide and support the move.

This site could also have threads to boost smaller communities and their content on threads or mastodon or bluesky whatever.

Lastly the mod post says that twitter isn't parlour...but that's much worse than parlour. It's a bunch of alt right stuff hiding under the thinnest veneer of legitimacy created by people who don't want to leave.

If people want to use twitter, then fine, go for it, but I don't see why we have to see links here? 99.9 percent of links aren't original material and will exist in other forms.

Literally nothing will be lost from the ban and some good things will be gained.

I would also flip the question around, if twitter linking and embeds etc didn't work here at all, who would be passionately advocating for adding it? I suspect no one.

Peace and love to all Twitter users 👍𝕏tt𝕏r-dr𝕏m𝕏-𝕏t-let’s-keep-it-here-parody-🔵-official-ꕤ.649272/page-1012?post=116408964#post-116408964

X wasn’t banned because it’s the default breaking news site, and because Kyuuji loves it that’s it. Going to love this new civil war over banning it 😂
incelsior in shambles rn  literally shaking
scarecrow wrote:I really liked the first Oompa Loompa song. Its the best one across all the movies.

Never cared much for Chalemet, and everyone is going to unfairly compare him to the legendary Wilder performance, but he did a great job here.

Turning this into a Harry Potter style fantasy world was a real good decision. It really fits the premise of a wonderous candy factory. I bet WB is really hoping this breaks out big so they can finally move on from the Potter world.

The only thing missing is I wish it had more adult oriented jokes snuck in there. Watching the original recently, I finally caught all the great adult humor that I never noticed as a kid. There were a few in this one. I liked the cop suggesting to the chief that they should maybe investigate the unsolved murders than go after a candy man. Me and one other guy in the theater really popped at that joke.

These people really are fucking retarded 😂 “we have thing 1 making money and thing 2 making lots of money, finally we can move on from thing 2”.
Really I'm brand for doomer era to be upset that not everyone liked the "leave the world behind". 

The film is hilariously charitable to the ability of other countries to bypass international intelligence and underestimates how many ways we can communicate other than smartphones. But whatever man it's a metaphor nevermind all of the explanations
Took a look at the thread

Quote:I really hated the 2 scenes with sexual tension .. it seemed so ... unnecessary
Yea. I thought it was just me at first, sexual tension seems to be overused and unnecessary a lot now.

This is where we're at now, huh?
all sexual tension without cartoon animals is oppression and will not be hosted on this site  Social Justice Warrior 2
i wonder if any mental health researchers and psychologists study the microcosm of reee. this place is like its own unique behavioral sink but instead of the root being overcrowding its reeeing/mental illness
FEUER FREI. dateline='[url=tel:1702754206' wrote: 1702754206[/url]']
i wonder if any mental health researchers and psychologists study the microcosm of reee. this place is like its own unique behavioral sink but instead of the root being overcrowding its reeeing/mental illness

What do you think Mess is doing there?
Ubertag wrote:Whenever we see an embed from the Nazi site that folks without an active account on the Nazi site will have no means to read or access anyhow, we politely respond to the thread with a screenshot of the embed (if a dialogue thread and/or verbatim message) or, if it happens to be cited on Mastodon, Bluesky or Threads, a direct link to that social media alternative along with a direct URL link to an article/website/video if that happened to be what was being linked to and shared from the Nazi site via the embed.

We chime in gently with a "hey, just so you know you could've linked to this alternate source instead of the Nazi site. More people will get to see the meat and potatoes of your message this way." There's no browbeating of folks for still being actively engaged on the Nazi site. There's no unruly demands of the moderation staff to ban the Nazi site. Just a gentle nudge to help curtail people off of it when and wherever possible. I need to be better about this myself and would honestly appreciate the nudge whenever I screw up.

Fostering more engagement along these lines may well make Nazi site embeds more scarce to the extent where an outright ban might be feasible someday. Clearly that day is not today or it would've been implemented already.

"Hey stop using that nazi site please thanks" 'and thats how you avoid browbeating people still using the nazi site'

Twitter always sucked. It was good as a news source for a brief moment in time but the culture wars ruined it and now it’s dead as fuck. Move on folks.
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom
(12-16-2023, 07:43 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Ubertag wrote:Whenever we see an embed from the Nazi site that folks without an active account on the Nazi site will have no means to read or access anyhow, we politely respond to the thread with a screenshot of the embed (if a dialogue thread and/or verbatim message) or, if it happens to be cited on Mastodon, Bluesky or Threads, a direct link to that social media alternative along with a direct URL link to an article/website/video if that happened to be what was being linked to and shared from the Nazi site via the embed.

We chime in gently with a "hey, just so you know you could've linked to this alternate source instead of the Nazi site. More people will get to see the meat and potatoes of your message this way." There's no browbeating of folks for still being actively engaged on the Nazi site. There's no unruly demands of the moderation staff to ban the Nazi site. Just a gentle nudge to help curtail people off of it when and wherever possible. I need to be better about this myself and would honestly appreciate the nudge whenever I screw up.

Fostering more engagement along these lines may well make Nazi site embeds more scarce to the extent where an outright ban might be feasible someday. Clearly that day is not today or it would've been implemented already.

"Hey stop using that nazi site please thanks" 'and thats how you avoid browbeating people still using the nazi site'


i remember back in the day when people that weren't nazi didn't even need to be told not to go to the nazi site, because the nazi site was stormfront

Quote: Cop User banned (2 Month): Dismissing Concerns Around Sexism and Bullying; History of the Same
SABO. wrote:
Strelok wrote:No pic? Ok...
Hey bro the mob has you now

You shouldn't have said that out loud
It's wild how Ree is a textbook example of horseshoe theory at work.

Segregation is good! Censorship is good! Free speech for me and not thee! Woman need to cover up! If you're not with me, you're against me! Murdering is wrong, somtimes!
(12-16-2023, 08:31 PM)books wrote: It's wild how Ree is a textbook example of horseshoe theory at work.

Segregation is good! Censorship is good! Free speech for me and not thee! Woman need to cover up! If you're not with me, you're against me! Murdering is wrong, somtimes!

I am a firm believer in the concrete fact of horseshoe theory but the mistake people make is accepting that any of their positions are actually left wing, under the remotest bit of scrutiny. 

Resetera is interesting because it's a microcosm of the failure of antisecularism in the US, and a totem of the long tail effect of evangelical christianity and the generational self loathing brought on by the horror of american slavery. Everything is conducted through the lens of an evangelical, millenarian fight between good and evil, and good is who agrees with you on the item of the day, and therefore that is what is left wing.

There's no voltaire, no rousseau, not even a bit of Jean Paul Marat. The kindest of them are utilitarians and the actual left wingers (socialists and social democrats) have been driven off by american liberal intersectionalists. Their favourite 'left' thinkers are liberals and totalitarians like Gramsci. Nepenthe is the absolute centre of this kind of fucked up, not left wing but loudly says it is discourse. Nepenthe is a nationalist, which is the antithesis of socialist.

We speculate a lot on the attraction of Islam to them and the answer is, democratic centralism, or the superficial verisimilitude between democratic centralism, their modus operandi for controlling discourse and Islam's ability to shut down heresies. An interesting manifestation of this across the wider internet is the 4chan > trans> Islamist pipeline.

That's before you get into how many of them are bourgeois failsons who project their fairly serious mental illness out to the world as moralist outrage. Worst of all, the biggest, most heinous crime is that none of them are funny.
(12-16-2023, 02:39 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(12-16-2023, 02:06 AM)TacoWallace wrote:
(12-15-2023, 10:35 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Wonder what clown college they went to? Hope it's not too late to enroll for spring term

They are now in timeout for trolling even though dozens of members commended it.

Whoever here managed to infiltrate the staff...thank you.
User banned (2 weeks): Trolling, thread derail; history of similar behavior

Resetera has to be the only place where you get banned for making a joke that lands too well   lol

Every other ban that's been posted the past month gets lifted after a day or two, B-Dubs really knows how to manage his team lol
(12-16-2023, 09:04 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(12-16-2023, 02:39 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(12-16-2023, 02:06 AM)TacoWallace wrote: They are now in timeout for trolling even though dozens of members commended it.

Whoever here managed to infiltrate the staff...thank you.
User banned (2 weeks): Trolling, thread derail; history of similar behavior

Resetera has to be the only place where you get banned for making a joke that lands too well   lol


It happened after the rowdy inmates noticed it 

Quote:That's what gets him a 2 week ban?
Quote:What the fuck is this ban? Come on.

Thought this was a fun harmless posting, as an answer to a bullshit Tim Epic statement that should be criticized, combined with the truth.

Merry Christmas I guess.

Not even a lazy dev post,

Mods must be sensitive on an Epic scale

Of course the mods don't acknowledge any mistake and lock the thread.
Quote:If we want Twitter to die; perhaps when you see a tweet about an article, just link the article? Those embeds lead to clicks on Twitter, rarely the article itself.

Lol. You see what happens when they go back to the cult. Absolute brain rot𝕏tt𝕏r-dr𝕏m𝕏-𝕏t-let’s-keep-it-here-parody-🔵-official-ꕤ.649272/page-1012?post=116413704#post-116413704

SkyDos wrote:"cant create a thread until your account is 1-month old AND has 100 posts" ruined it for me. I was wanting to share my current PC build and ask the community some questions, but as a mill supervisor and father I dont have much time to sit around farming posts. Thanks anyways, best of luck with the forum.
I do find it funny how they were betting on Threads EU launch to be what kills twitter and slays the evil bigots. And last I checked earlier today their Threads thread (retarded name) was on page 5 and this twitter complaining thread was on page 1 😂
Quote:Hi everyone,

It's great to be here, especially in a world that is seeing a decline in civility.

My main point is that I just want a decent discussion about things I find interesting and learn new stuff along the way.

Big shout out to the approval team and I hope to speak to you all in the near future.


Inevitable meltdown incoming
Over half those accounts are just alts to survive an eventual ban I bet

Quote: Cop User Banned (5 Days): Inflammatory Accusation, Modwhining; Prior Ban for Inflammatory Accusations
morningbus wrote:
Lobster Roll wrote:"We'll put Fortnite on any serious store"

Ok, so why's it on yours?
Moderation already has a reputation of being decisively more pro-Epic than the PC gaming crowd here and this ban is doing no favors.

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