Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Being "good with ERA" doesn't pay the bills. If Brad left to work for Colin for more financial stability, then it makes complete sense. A lot these fools don't realize that vast majority of working adults don't live with their parents to mooch off of.
(01-01-2024, 06:17 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Narigo wrote:Doesn't stand up comedy make fun of everyone. Don't really understand the backlash.

Dave Chappelle makes fun every race, gender including his own race. That his schtick.

Quote: Cop User banned(permanent): Dismissing Transphobia, troll account
(01-01-2024, 08:15 PM)Potato wrote:
(01-01-2024, 08:09 PM)Snoopy wrote: Jeff Marvel is probably having a stroke right now

When is his ban over?

I'm giddy with anticipation of the return of JeffMarvel to the retardverse.

Jan 15 or 17 iirc
(01-01-2024, 08:09 PM)Snoopy wrote: Jeff Marvel is probably having a stroke right now

He was just simping on brads twitter yesterday lol 

it's an injustice that ZeoVGM is still banned while Vonocourt is even allowed to type a single word on Ree.

These threads were made for his replies! Stahp
(01-01-2024, 08:09 PM)Snoopy wrote: Jeff Marvel is probably having a stroke right now

No, he isn’t.

(01-01-2024, 08:27 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(01-01-2024, 08:09 PM)Snoopy wrote: Jeff Marvel is probably having a stroke right now

He was just simping on brads twitter yesterday lol 

No, he wasn’t.

(01-01-2024, 08:29 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: it's an injustice that ZeoVGM is still banned while Vonocourt is even allowed to type a single word on Ree.

These threads were made for his replies! Stahp

No they weren’t.

She-Hulk was a great show.

While is petty and classless… people are acting like throwing drinks to a dude is a rare occurrence in stadiums:

Falchion wrote:Absolutely classless. Imagine being a spoiled billionaire who can't bully their way into a winning season 😂
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, D3RANG3D, Gameboy Nostalgia
revengeofgibbon wrote:Weird that whenever a minor media figure makes a transition to the right wing grift circuit there's a bunch of dorks popping up to feed the outrage machine; almost like this is an entirely attention-driven phenomenon with little of actual worth to offer beyond membership in a cult of persecution.

I don't think revengeofgibbon meant to concisely encapsulate the undiluted essence of resetera off the rip here, but still:

Thank you for your service!
El_Bombastico wrote:Well that fan is about to become a millionaire...

(01-01-2024, 08:27 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(01-01-2024, 08:09 PM)Snoopy wrote: Jeff Marvel is probably having a stroke right now

He was just simping on brads twitter yesterday lol 

If course he's praising the one game that happens to be from Disney  lol
amazing thread

Quote:No need to apologise. How does this strange person on Resetera think he is doing EZA a favour at all.

I’m listening to Frame Trap now, the first EZA content I have listened to in months and I’m actually really enjoying it. Everyone seems to be in good spirits and more animated which is the benefit to having good guests on.

Who gives a fuck what some guy who is in the same company as some other guy said half a decade ago. Absolutely insane cunts.

Quote:This is absolutely insane. If any of the allies had an issue with bringing Dustin on, they wouldn't have done it in the first place. They are giving in to a handful of people that think they are some sort of morality police.

They needed to stand up for Brad's friend who was not just an awesome guest but super nice and respectful and a long time fan of EZA. If EZA wants to survive month to month on the coattails of a few of their whales then they can continue to do so, but they then need to understand why they will continue to die a slow death as a company.

Edit: is there any way to reach out to Dustin directly? Other than their Patreon? We should reach out and show him some love after this BS.

Quote:Well that's one way to never get guests on your podcast again

[Image: YPmvyxo.png]

when u read some normal shit posted by actually normal people on a public forum

[Image: jKQvF9U.png]

Quote:Out of the loop. What did Dustin do/say? Was it anything? Or are they apologizing basically because Dustin exists.

Nothing. He appeared on FrameTrap and made a positive contribution to the show, then after the fact like 5 people on EZA's Discord and Resetera went on a tirade of, "But don't you know that he works for Colin Moriarty who's literally the devil?!" and then this apology happened because of that.

He's normal.

The worst crime of all

Quote:Insanity. This is so disrespectful to Dustin, like what the fuck? Gabby is HORRIBLE at her job. I'm done with EZA.

Quote:What are the responses to Gabby’s message like?

Surprisingly, there are more people defending LSM than I expected, so that's something. From what I can tell it's kinda half and half. Some people saying it was the best FT in a while, some people freaking out (ZeoVGM is in there posting his manifesto yet again).

Funnily enough anyone asking for the 'bigotry' from LSM/Colin just gets the same 3 things that are mildly offensive at worst, or are told to look it up. As somebody that's never really watched LSM you'd think they are the devil incarnate the way some people treat them.

Dude can't be stopped. EZA = Everything Zeo Allows.

lmao Dead 

Quote:Never watching Easy Allies again. How unreasonable to dehumanize people for political sides.

I also frequently find Colin Moriarty irritable and disagree with his politics quite often. But he’s also very knowledgeable about video games and clearly a good dude.

Dustin is a fraction of any of this fake “controversial guest” they are supposedly apologizing for.

You can’t even talk about this with any clarity, because it doesn’t make sense. Frankly Brad needs to leave Easy Allies next. Not saying he should join anyone else or not. Just make a stand-alone Patreon.

But this is way too far on being uninviting to not only your guests but your audience. Unless someone can point out a specific controversial clip in this now deleted/soon to be deleted episode. But I know there isn’t one.

the prophesy fulfilled:

Quote:It's increasingly obvious Brad and maybe Huber have had enough of the EZA fanbase. I wonder if Brad might be looking at other jobs.

Quote:Honestly, if I were in Brad's shoes and this is how they treat my friend (who has literally done nothing wrong) I would tell them to fuck off and leave.

Easier said than done though considering EZA is a cushy job and are also his friends, but damn what an insanely rude way to treat someone.

Quote:I'm so tired of all of this. At this point I just hope Brad joins LSM.
(01-01-2024, 06:57 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
happydeer wrote:The problem is you're doing exactly what he wants - you're giving him and his new special attention through all those articels, tweets and discussions. He's apparently allowed to spew his bullshit and by giving it that much attention even more people will see it. The more you complain, the more attention he gets which in the end encourages him to continue exactly like that in future specials.
Vonocourt wrote:Because ignoring the stirring up of transphobia has worked well so far.

Also, man was on the front page of Netflix, shut the fuck up about us trans people being what is bringing him to prominence time and time again and not one of the biggest media services on the planet.
I have to say his new Netflix special is kind of weak.

It starts out pretty strong, falls off and picks back up again right before the end and then the encore is dissapointing.

Probably his weakest special yet. If you take out the artsy fartsy opening and credits it's also just about 45 minutes long with some weird cuts so I suppose Netflix editted the hell out of it?

Also for someone who posed the question why everyone became bitch ass niggas a special or two ago, storming off because someone takes out a phone is a bitch ass nigga move Dave.

2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Attacking other members over concerns of bigotry, prior severe ban for downplaying bigotry
JunkerXseed1013 wrote:Funny how these people are in here talking about Brad " taking his mask off", when all it took was this for you people to turn on him.
Quote:Isla, yeah. Can't imagine this feels great for her, so I hope she wasn't close with Brad as a friend off screen

Same. I was thinking about her earlier. I hope it won't be as easy for the rest of the team to leave that A in EZA behind.

Now they're inventing fantasy scenarios about how horrible the trans member of EZA must feels.
A perma ban for that? really? They  just don't want to be told to look in the freaking mirror at themselves.
How do they waste this much time and mental effort on a group of utterly uninteresting "pundits" whose content is as illuminating and interesting as the 30 second interactions I had with gamestop employees when purchasing a game 15 years ago.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of bigotry, antagonistic behavior towards other members
mojo wrote:
pioneer wrote:…what?
I'm not a fan of lsm but I watched the episode and moved on like a normal person. Some of you are too online and everything has to be drama about how bad X person is.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): Dismissing concerns of bigotry
GavinUK86 wrote:I've never watched LSM but been with Easy Allies since the beginning and all through Gametrailers so good on Brad for getting his own show and being able to do whatever he likes. Colin seems like a decent boss from what he says at the beginning of the show. EZA really dropped the ball and are now paying for it going part time. Unfortunate, but it's the reality. I'll continue to watch em and now I can add LSM to my watch list because Brad has always been awesome. Very exited to watch more.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Dismissing concerns of bigotry, previous ban for downplaying sexism
Agent_J wrote:Good for Brad. Too many haters in this thread (and online in general). Fan bases are weird sometimes
Judge wrote:Official Staff Communication

Colin Moriarty, and by extension his company Last Stand Media, are banned on ResetEra and have been for a while. As a result, we are removing links to his social media presence. Furthermore, defending or downplaying any of his documented bigotry will result in moderator action.

Ninoo wrote:Not to derail this topic further but it's good to see the mods being on top of this, kudos to the team.
(01-01-2024, 09:27 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Attacking other members over concerns of bigotry, prior severe ban for downplaying bigotry
JunkerXseed1013 wrote:Funny how these people are in here talking about Brad " taking his mask off", when all it took was this for you people to turn on him.

Silly pleb. Should know only Trans Era can attack other members and get away with it.
(01-01-2024, 09:31 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:Isla, yeah. Can't imagine this feels great for her, so I hope she wasn't close with Brad as a friend off screen

Same. I was thinking about her earlier. I hope it won't be as easy for the rest of the team to leave that A in EZA behind.

Now they're inventing fantasy scenarios about how horrible the trans member of EZA must feels.


gvst wrote:If LSM is so incredibly successful, even being blacklisted everywhere, maybe is for a reason.

Have you considered maybe you are the problem?
I truly wish enough non protected members would finally get fed up and speak out about how one fucking community has ruined the site. Go into thread after thread, keep it up, then when the bans start, call out how it’s BS they’ll immediately ban these people but not when Trans Era has their latest round of screeching into the void.

You are MODERATORS, so, you know, moderate. Everyone, not just those daring to give their individual thoughts.
Haven't heard the name Colin Moriarty in a long while. Is Gamergate back on the menu?

Anyone can be gamergate! Be sure to report them to your nearest mod!
(01-01-2024, 09:47 PM)ComeAgain wrote: I truly wish enough non protected members would finally get fed up and speak out about how one fucking community has ruined the site. Go into thread after thread, keep it up, then when the bans start, call out how it’s BS they’ll immediately ban these people but not when Trans Era has their latest round of screeching into the void.

You are MODERATORS, so, you know, moderate. Everyone, not just those daring to give their individual thoughts.

Everyone report this post. We are ALLIES here not chud bigots. RESPECT TRANS FOLX!  Social Justice Warrior
teenageFBI wrote:Love when threads like this come along and a bunch of people trip over themselves to express garbage opinions without getting banned. You're not slick.

(01-01-2024, 09:33 PM)Echelon wrote: How do they waste this much time and mental effort on a group of utterly uninteresting "pundits" whose content is as illuminating and interesting as the 30 second interactions I had with gamestop employees when purchasing a game 15 years ago.

Watching multiple 5 hour podcasts from insane political idiots and inane video game idiots is certainly a way to waste your life.
(01-01-2024, 09:34 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Judge wrote:Official Staff Communication

Colin Moriarty, and by extension his company Last Stand Media, are banned on ResetEra and have been for a while. As a result, we are removing links to his social media presence. Furthermore, defending or downplaying any of his documented bigotry will result in moderator action.

How are they so bad at moderating? They censored the press release of him announcing the new job, there is nothing they can discuss about this topic anymore. Just close the thread.
(01-01-2024, 09:47 PM)ComeAgain wrote: I truly wish enough non protected members would finally get fed up and speak out about how one fucking community has ruined the site. Go into thread after thread, keep it up, then when the bans start, call out how it’s BS they’ll immediately ban these people but not when Trans Era has their latest round of screeching into the void.

You are MODERATORS, so, you know, moderate. Everyone, not just those daring to give their individual thoughts.

Three quarters of the moderation staff recently discovered they were trans or non-binary. Ain't gonna happen.
I don't watch EZA any more, not after Bobber Tubely outed themselves as a bigot on Maxie Relaxy's fun time chums podcast

It was about that time that I gave all my moneys on patreon to Yusuke Fox my favourite v tuber who was programmed to never do a bigotry and the real person behind her has no face, for real, she was born without one and thats why she is my favourite youtubes
(01-01-2024, 09:55 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
(01-01-2024, 09:34 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Judge wrote:Official Staff Communication

Colin Moriarty, and by extension his company Last Stand Media, are banned on ResetEra and have been for a while. As a result, we are removing links to his social media presence. Furthermore, defending or downplaying any of his documented bigotry will result in moderator action.

How are they so bad at moderating? They censored the press release of him announcing the new job, there is nothing they can discuss about this topic anymore. Just close the thread.

Someone needs to sacrifice a burner to ask for a published list of banned topics.
While looking for Jeff marvels latest post I noticed he now lists himself on Twitter as He/They, is this a new defense tactic when he’s back on Era or was this already there?
When he returns his super power has been awakened Rejoice

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