still haven't forgotten about that guy Diggeh who posted his giant screed about how evil THQ Nordic was for their 8chan AMA in every thread about every THQ game, because resetera user Ms. Galaxy claimed they were raped as a child, claimed this was recorded, assumed this specific recording must be floating around the dark web, assumed that someone at 8chan must've gleefully watched and shared it, and thus by extension THQ Nordic was directly responsible for promoting their rape videos
haven't forgotten how one day he just stopped posting it, as if it suddenly wasn't important
I thought this was really important Diggeh, everyone needs to know what THQ did forever
in the same way that it's important we recognize the trans genocide and that our consoles are made by slaves
what happened, why is this all suddenly not important anymore
14 users liked this post: Water Enjoyer, MJBarret, HaughtyFrank, Vertigo, NekoFever, Boredfrom, Gameboy Nostalgia, LoverOfCycles, BIONIC, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, kaleidoscopium, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower, benji
(01-03-2024, 04:32 AM)books wrote: Moron's razor says some mod just fell asleep when they should have pressed a button. They were busy tho on discord plotting the revolution and being stressed and busy doing whatever it is they do.
and yet they remembered to renew the new community members thread and other stickies?
I highly doubt the forum software requires you to regularly confirm that you want stickied threads to remain stickied, I have stumbled across long-dead forums full of stickies from the year 2000
and it's JUST the activism threads that fell off?
(01-03-2024, 02:49 AM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: (01-03-2024, 01:57 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
legendofgood wrote:I am posting this because I am not sure what to do - I am in a bit of a panic.
Some background: my partner and I have been having some marital issues the past six months. Through this time, they have become emotionally distanced from me, and eventually have asked for a separation (which we have not yet gone through yet, as we are going to try counselling first - my partner agreed to this). For the past little while, my partner will go out in the evenings to spend time with various friends (leaving me at home with the kids in bed). I know that one of the friends she has been interested in is a particular person who is single and my partner has admitted to being attracted to. My partner knows I have a sensitivity to them hanging out. In fact, this led to one moment over the summer my partner asked to hang out with this person, and I was open about how it made me uncomfortable. After that, my partner said they would not 'seek out' hanging with this other person again.
Fast-forward to tonight: I've been out of town. My kids are at my in-laws and my partner said that they would sleep at their parents in case I had covid (I am showing mild symptoms). As I am driving into town (my in-laws' house is on the way into town), I noticed that my partner's car is not there. On a whim (and conveniently enough, somewhat on the way to my house), I decided to drive by the person's house who we agreed my partner would not hang out with, to respect my sensitivities.
Well, my partner's car was parked out front.
This fucking sucks. I was trying and hoping so hard that we could make our marriage work, and now I feel completely betrayed. I understand that at best, my partner is just being dishonest about hanging out with this other person... but my head keeps going to the worst.
I am posting this as I don't know what to do. I don't know who to trust.
Do I message my partner's best friend (whom I know my partner confides everything in) and ask what's going on?
Do I message my partner RIGHT NOW and call them out on seeing their car there?
Do I wait and hire a lawyer (even more silly: do I take a picture of the car out in front)?
I know this sounds so desperate and dramatic and probably stupid, but I am just in a panic and don't know what to do. I want to protect myself, but at the same time - I am going to have to confront my partner.
Any advice is welcome... :(
God, why do they seek advice for situation like this on a gaming forum?
I know, right? Call a friend or sibling or something.
These ones just make me sad. I wish they'd fast forward to the fake suicide thread.
(01-03-2024, 03:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
b-dubs, please.. stop letting these toxic people take over the forum. 
Shhh, he might actually listen to us one day and then what am I going to do when I'm on the shitter?
(01-03-2024, 03:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: wrote:Quote:People can change, but even if someone isn't actively saying hateful things anymore, change comes with acknowledging and apologizing for the shit you've said/done before, which as far as I know Colin has never done. Like he would never denounce the portion of his fanbase that thinks Isla shouldn't exist. His whole shtick is still playing the victim card and whining about cancel culture for people having "different opinions".
I think the way he presents himself, he comes off mostly as a centrist with some conservative and liberal views, but I have yet to find anything to suggest that he holds extreme far right views, which is much more easily admonished. I have no reason to believe he wouldn't denounce those who were against trans folk like Isla and would be against the capitol riots (like any rational person) if questioned about them. Perhaps the victim mentality comes across because he truly feels like he is being treated unfairly by the media for having views that don't perfectly align with the left as he doesn't seem like the type of person to apologize for something he doesn't feel like he did wrong and is simply staying true to his ideals. He might not have changed in the way people want him to, but I remain hopeful that people learn and grow over time.
Quote:People are indeed complicated. Some people are also transphobes or in general bigots. CM is both.
But sure, keep pretending "to ask questions" and "be neutral". Maybe others are buying it, I'm not.
Ideologically, I lean far left, however I also understand the value of hearing opposing viewpoints. The thing I see a lot of, and I feel like is worth expressing, is a seemingly lack of nuance when it comes to judging individuals for ideologies that differ, even slightly, from their own. As Angie kindly posted, there were a couple people he platformed that were involved in past controversies. He may have chosen to have empathy towards them because of his own experiences and feels like they didn't deserve the amount of treatment they received. That doesn't really strike me as someone who is actively trying to promote hate, rather they are trying to foster a more healthy discussion overall. I agree with the sentiment that for meaningful progress to be achieved, we have to first be willing to have a conversation with one another before jumping straight to accusations. Love and respect for not only the people we agree with. It's easier said than done, but I truly believe that if somehow both sides can learn to empathize with one another and respect each other's needs and interests, then it bridges the gap and hopefully makes it easier to make meaningful change. Not everything has to be so black and white (if you hold a shred of conservative views, you are automatically labeled a murderer) and I feel like we are just so quick to condemn individuals that we hardly know, to presume the worst, as if we are all monoliths that are defined by one single aspect representing a binary stance. Quote:You could read post 787 or any of the other posts where people explicitly point out and have shared receipts of what Colin has said/done.
For someone who is ideologically far left, you seem to have a very poor understanding of there actually being a middle ground with the far right.
Colin Moriarty and the American conservative movement are actively championing Trump. This is a candidate who has said or done the following:
- disparaged, insulted and made numerous bigoted comments about people of color and black Americans
- called all countries in Africa and Haiti shithole countries
- insulted and disparaged the family of a dead American soldier because they were Muslim
- tried to institute a nationwide ban on Muslims traveling to the US
…and many, many more.
Colin Moriarty directly supports and advocates for Trump and the overwhelming majority of Republicans and conservatives in the US do too. Not just in the past but literally right now.
Please tell me as a person of color how and why it's in my supposed interest to, as you put it:
"Love and respect for not only the people we agree with. It's easier said than done, but I truly believe that if somehow both sides can learn to empathize with one another and respect each other's needs and interests, then it bridges the gap and hopefully makes it easier to make meaningful change."
I cannot make meaningful change to and have no interest in bridging the gap with people who support this sort of hate. Why is it somehow my responsibility to turn the other cheek and reach out to hate?
All of this is tiresome racism/bigotry apologist bullshit on your end.
Quote:Quote:Ideologically, I lean far left,
No you don't.
Quote:however I also understand the value of hearing opposing viewpoints.
See? No one that leans far left would be supportive of an open racist and transphobe. These are not "opposing views", they are hate and a desire to destroy groups of people.
Get the fuck out of here.
That's why and nobody on it is far-left, it's full of open racism and transphobia that the staff support.
Also liked this post: wrote:Quote:Extremely disappointing to see people resulting into these childlish hot takes out of their asses like "yeah tbh he always seemed uncomfortable around Isla" or "yeah he only talked about games during TGA and didn't even mention layoffs he must not care". People would never think of commenting something like that if Brad had not joined LSM. He is not some secret chud who just managed to fool us all these years by playing nice.
We can do better when expressing our disappointments without trying to make Brad worse person than he actually is.
Well yeah, when you spend most of your career being mostly apolitical publicly, and then join a distinctly right-wing media organization, people are going to reassess your actions before then in light of that new context.
The willingness to work for LSM means he is either incredibly naive about what they represent (which given how public Colin is with his views would make Brad seem like an idiot), or he's actually not that far off in sharing a viewpoint with them.
I know you desperately want to defend your parasocial relationship with him, but objectively choosing to work with LSM casts a shadow on everything he's ever done or ever stood for. They're always so convinced that everyone else is as stupid and lacking in a theory of mind as they are.
01-03-2024, 04:56 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2024, 04:57 AM by kaleidoscopium.)
(01-03-2024, 04:33 AM)Uncle wrote: still haven't forgotten about that guy Diggeh who posted his giant screed about how evil THQ Nordic was for their 8chan AMA in every thread about every THQ game, because resetera user Ms. Galaxy claimed they were raped as a child, claimed this was recorded, assumed this specific recording must be floating around the dark web, assumed that someone at 8chan must've gleefully watched and shared it, and thus by extension THQ Nordic was directly responsible for promoting their rape videos
haven't forgotten how one day he just stopped posting it, as if it suddenly wasn't important
I thought this was really important Diggeh, everyone needs to know what THQ did forever
in the same way that it's important we recognize the trans genocide and that our consoles are made by slaves
what happened, why is this all suddenly not important anymore I remember in the amiibo group chats (pre discord, hell pre resetera for a while) he was always being roasted for being a weird autistic virgin. At one point he was essentially the Chris Chan of the group, with people finding his address and sending strange things in the mail…
Looked it up and he’s the same person but now streaming on twitch to about 20 people a stream, incredible.
01-03-2024, 05:06 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2024, 05:07 AM by benji.) wrote:One surprising thing for me though is that I had no idea Gene Park was almost as stupid. He comes off as a hugely uninformed centrist. He wouldn't want to vote for either Trump or Biden, but given the choice between Marianne Williamson and Nikki Haley, he says he would vote for Nikki Haley as she reminds him of a good Republican like John Mccain or Mitt Romney. He also made no mention of Ron Desantis's clearly fascist actions but was fixated on his high heel shoes instead as being a dealbreaker for him. Wow, Messofanego and ZeoVGM tried to warn us. And what did the staff do? Silence them, making every person of color and trans person, especially the trans people of color, on the forum more unsafe. This is the real cancel culture. Lives are at stake and the staff protect well known Nazis like Gene Park and Bradley Ellis instead of marginalized people.
(01-03-2024, 04:50 AM)benji wrote: (01-03-2024, 03:08 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: wrote:Quote:People can change, but even if someone isn't actively saying hateful things anymore, change comes with acknowledging and apologizing for the shit you've said/done before, which as far as I know Colin has never done. Like he would never denounce the portion of his fanbase that thinks Isla shouldn't exist. His whole shtick is still playing the victim card and whining about cancel culture for people having "different opinions".
I think the way he presents himself, he comes off mostly as a centrist with some conservative and liberal views, but I have yet to find anything to suggest that he holds extreme far right views, which is much more easily admonished. I have no reason to believe he wouldn't denounce those who were against trans folk like Isla and would be against the capitol riots (like any rational person) if questioned about them. Perhaps the victim mentality comes across because he truly feels like he is being treated unfairly by the media for having views that don't perfectly align with the left as he doesn't seem like the type of person to apologize for something he doesn't feel like he did wrong and is simply staying true to his ideals. He might not have changed in the way people want him to, but I remain hopeful that people learn and grow over time.
Quote:People are indeed complicated. Some people are also transphobes or in general bigots. CM is both.
But sure, keep pretending "to ask questions" and "be neutral". Maybe others are buying it, I'm not.
Ideologically, I lean far left, however I also understand the value of hearing opposing viewpoints. The thing I see a lot of, and I feel like is worth expressing, is a seemingly lack of nuance when it comes to judging individuals for ideologies that differ, even slightly, from their own. As Angie kindly posted, there were a couple people he platformed that were involved in past controversies. He may have chosen to have empathy towards them because of his own experiences and feels like they didn't deserve the amount of treatment they received. That doesn't really strike me as someone who is actively trying to promote hate, rather they are trying to foster a more healthy discussion overall. I agree with the sentiment that for meaningful progress to be achieved, we have to first be willing to have a conversation with one another before jumping straight to accusations. Love and respect for not only the people we agree with. It's easier said than done, but I truly believe that if somehow both sides can learn to empathize with one another and respect each other's needs and interests, then it bridges the gap and hopefully makes it easier to make meaningful change. Not everything has to be so black and white (if you hold a shred of conservative views, you are automatically labeled a murderer) and I feel like we are just so quick to condemn individuals that we hardly know, to presume the worst, as if we are all monoliths that are defined by one single aspect representing a binary stance. Quote:You could read post 787 or any of the other posts where people explicitly point out and have shared receipts of what Colin has said/done.
For someone who is ideologically far left, you seem to have a very poor understanding of there actually being a middle ground with the far right.
Colin Moriarty and the American conservative movement are actively championing Trump. This is a candidate who has said or done the following:
- disparaged, insulted and made numerous bigoted comments about people of color and black Americans
- called all countries in Africa and Haiti shithole countries
- insulted and disparaged the family of a dead American soldier because they were Muslim
- tried to institute a nationwide ban on Muslims traveling to the US
…and many, many more.
Colin Moriarty directly supports and advocates for Trump and the overwhelming majority of Republicans and conservatives in the US do too. Not just in the past but literally right now.
Please tell me as a person of color how and why it's in my supposed interest to, as you put it:
"Love and respect for not only the people we agree with. It's easier said than done, but I truly believe that if somehow both sides can learn to empathize with one another and respect each other's needs and interests, then it bridges the gap and hopefully makes it easier to make meaningful change."
I cannot make meaningful change to and have no interest in bridging the gap with people who support this sort of hate. Why is it somehow my responsibility to turn the other cheek and reach out to hate?
All of this is tiresome racism/bigotry apologist bullshit on your end.
Quote:Quote:Ideologically, I lean far left,
No you don't.
Quote:however I also understand the value of hearing opposing viewpoints.
See? No one that leans far left would be supportive of an open racist and transphobe. These are not "opposing views", they are hate and a desire to destroy groups of people.
Get the fuck out of here.
That's why and nobody on it is far-left, it's full of open racism and transphobia that the staff support.
Also liked this post: wrote:Quote:Extremely disappointing to see people resulting into these childlish hot takes out of their asses like "yeah tbh he always seemed uncomfortable around Isla" or "yeah he only talked about games during TGA and didn't even mention layoffs he must not care". People would never think of commenting something like that if Brad had not joined LSM. He is not some secret chud who just managed to fool us all these years by playing nice.
We can do better when expressing our disappointments without trying to make Brad worse person than he actually is.
Well yeah, when you spend most of your career being mostly apolitical publicly, and then join a distinctly right-wing media organization, people are going to reassess your actions before then in light of that new context.
The willingness to work for LSM means he is either incredibly naive about what they represent (which given how public Colin is with his views would make Brad seem like an idiot), or he's actually not that far off in sharing a viewpoint with them.
I know you desperately want to defend your parasocial relationship with him, but objectively choosing to work with LSM casts a shadow on everything he's ever done or ever stood for. They're always so convinced that everyone else is as stupid and lacking in a theory of mind as they are. 
...and so fucking what if they ARE right wing?
What's wrong with that?
These people are just bullies and they are determined to bully anyone that doesn't think exactly like them.
(01-03-2024, 04:56 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: (01-03-2024, 04:33 AM)Uncle wrote: still haven't forgotten about that guy Diggeh who posted his giant screed about how evil THQ Nordic was for their 8chan AMA in every thread about every THQ game, because resetera user Ms. Galaxy claimed they were raped as a child, claimed this was recorded, assumed this specific recording must be floating around the dark web, assumed that someone at 8chan must've gleefully watched and shared it, and thus by extension THQ Nordic was directly responsible for promoting their rape videos
haven't forgotten how one day he just stopped posting it, as if it suddenly wasn't important
I thought this was really important Diggeh, everyone needs to know what THQ did forever
in the same way that it's important we recognize the trans genocide and that our consoles are made by slaves
what happened, why is this all suddenly not important anymore I remember in the amiibo group chats (pre discord, hell pre resetera for a while) he was always being roasted for being a weird autistic virgin. At one point he was essentially the Chris Chan of the group, with people finding his address and sending strange things in the mail…
Looked it up and he’s the same person but now streaming on twitch to about 20 people a stream, incredible.
This seems like the destiny of all Resetera autists.
01-03-2024, 05:09 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2024, 05:11 AM by Potato.)
(01-03-2024, 05:06 AM)benji wrote: wrote:One surprising thing for me though is that I had no idea Gene Park was almost as stupid. He comes off as a hugely uninformed centrist. He wouldn't want to vote for either Trump or Biden, but given the choice between Marianne Williamson and Nikki Haley, he says he would vote for Nikki Haley as she reminds him of a good Republican like John Mccain or Mitt Romney. He also made no mention of Ron Desantis's clearly fascist actions but was fixated on his high heel shoes instead as being a dealbreaker for him. Wow, Messofanego and ZeoVGM tried to warn us. And what did the staff do? Silence them, making every person of color and trans person, especially the trans people of color, on the forum more unsafe. This is the real cancel culture. Lives are at stake and the staff protect well known Nazis like Gene Park and Bradley Ellis instead of marginalized people.
Gene murdered all the PoC transbians, that's why the forum is silent.
Spoiler: Top of page sapphic image (click to show)(click to hide)
(01-03-2024, 05:06 AM)Potato wrote: ...and so fucking what if they ARE right wing?
What's wrong with that?
These people are just bullies and they are determined to bully anyone that doesn't think exactly like them. Uh, what's wrong with exactly what led to the Nazis doing the Holocaust? I think you're forgetting that the Beer Hall Putsch was the name of Hitler's gaming podcast. Look it up. Read a book.
Quote:So people always talk about almost 30 or pushing 30 and it has to start somewhere
so is 26 almost 30 or pushing 30?
(01-03-2024, 01:12 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: A lot of boys club rhetoric in this thread:
Vipershark wrote:Resetera: This is stupid, why is America a bunch of prudes
Also Resetera: User Banned (1 Week)
19 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Water Enjoyer, cRumB, Tucker's Law, Superstar, porkbun, MJBarret, Switters, Averon, HaughtyFrank, Vertigo, NekoFever, Hap Shaughnessy, kaleidoscopium, LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, D3RANG3D, BIONIC, Taco Bell Tower
(01-03-2024, 02:57 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Jeff Marvel in shambles
Quote: Steven Yeun will not be suiting up for Thunderbolts, the antihero-centric feature in the works from Marvel Studios, sources tell The Hollywood Reporter.
Yeun’s involvement in Thunderbolts was first reported back in February, though Marvel never officially announced the casting. Five months earlier, during a D23 presentation, the studio revealed Florence Pugh, Sebastian Stan, David Harbour and Wyatt Russell were among the Marvel mainstays who would be in the film.
Steven saw that Marvels performance and said “nah I’m good”
No one that leans far left would be supportive of racism and transphobia. Not liking The Marvels is not "opposing views", they are hate and a desire to destroy groups of people.
(01-03-2024, 02:11 AM)Snoopy wrote: His forehead's on lighthouse duty apparently
![[Image: ALeoEpG.jpg]](
Definitely a Dexter in training. And hes had a lot of free time since that ban happened.
(01-03-2024, 05:27 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote: (01-03-2024, 01:12 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: A lot of boys club rhetoric in this thread:
Vipershark wrote:Resetera: This is stupid, why is America a bunch of prudes
Also Resetera: User Banned (1 Week)
User Banned (6 Months): inflammatory false equivalence, and previous major infraction of preferring Tracer to Lucio
More like
Resetera: GTA 6 is going to be amazing look at that chick twerking on top of the car!
Also Resetera: User Banned (1 Week)
01-03-2024, 07:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2024, 07:24 AM by Hap Shaughnessy.)
17 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Water Enjoyer, Tucker's Law, Greatness Gone, MJBarret, kaleidoscopium, Switters, Bootsthecat, HaughtyFrank, LoverOfCycles, BIONIC, benji, Gameboy Nostalgia, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, davepoobond, D3RANG3D, Taco Bell Tower
(01-03-2024, 05:27 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote: (01-03-2024, 01:12 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: A lot of boys club rhetoric in this thread:
Vipershark wrote:Resetera: This is stupid, why is America a bunch of prudes
Also Resetera: User Banned (1 Week)
That dev isn't Verified anymore?
Taco Bell Tower dateline='[url=tel:1704265860' wrote: 1704265860[/url]']
HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth dateline='[url=tel:1704259661' wrote: 1704259661[/url]']
Hap Shaughnessy dateline='[url=tel:1704244347' wrote: 1704244347[/url]']
A lot of boys club rhetoric in this thread:
Vipershark wrote:Resetera: This is stupid, why is America a bunch of prudes
Also Resetera: User Banned (1 Week)
That dev isn't Verified anymore?
They don’t verify the boys club.
11 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Tucker's Law, Greatness Gone, kaleidoscopium, Switters, LoverOfCycles, benji, Gameboy Nostalgia, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, D3RANG3D
I'm starting to wonder if this inferior Ben posts on
Honestly, finding it depressing to see journalists and academics imploding into this cult and eroding the foundational institutions they unfortunately represent. Then they wonder why trust in media and academia is falling. The accumulated filth of all their lies and partisanship will foam up about their waists and all the journalists and academics will look up and shout “trust us!” and I’ll look down and whisper “bat boy was real.”
14 users liked this post: Tucker's Law, Boredfrom, Eric Cartman, Taco Bell Tower, malfoyking, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Uncle, HaughtyFrank, LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Potato, D3RANG3D
01-03-2024, 08:55 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-03-2024, 09:14 AM by benji.)
Checking back in to see if Nepenthe dropped any more pearls of pre-cum, I enjoyed reading these posts in succession: wrote:I think that the article has some justification in eliding over "Pre-Columbian" Americas because the pre-Columbian political units (especially the mesoamerican empires) aren't really erased by the term. Maybe this is because of the interplay between those units (or their legacies) and European colonizers themselves. It's also not nearly so cleanly applied to North America as it is to Central and South America, since significant native nation-states survived more or less intact for a much longer period in the inter-colonial era.
I also think that the author is on to something, because the northern African empires that interacted most with Europe (Egypt and various Moorish dynasties) are never included in Colonial-Africa-Writ-Large. The crux of whether something gets binned in the "colonial eras" category is lack of the political units' - often colonialist and imperialist units themselves - interaction with Europe.
This tracks with the relative ignorance of the Mali Empire, which from what I gather is only really understood by Europe and the Americas through Sid Meier's Civilization memes about Mansa Musa. It was a long-lived empire and one of the most socially and economically consequential on the continent, through construction of great works, spread and establishment of Islam in sub-saharan Africa, and creation of a vast trade network between other African regions. But it's reduced to kind of a melange because the defining characteristic of most of Africa, both from a historical and present-day analytical perspective, is European colonialism.
I get why; colonialism is bad. But I strongly agree with the author that this erases a lot of important (and consequential for the "post-colonial era") history in favor of talking more about Europe and infantilizing the current crop of successor, "post-colonial" states. Vanillalite wrote:Quote:And given the scale is continental frameworks of history, there's only a handful to go around anyway, and that 'almost' feels very much like it's not trying to imply another example of said scale exists in said handful
This. There is 7 continents and 6 when you cycle out Antarctica. To not consider this for both North/South America as well as Australia/Oceana seems disingenuous. Dyle wrote:I'm not sure about the premise, the term is meant to just be used as a taxonomic shorthand for the most significant and most common historical event in world history. The purpose of it isn't to erase history but to make it easier for people to comprehend it, as individually stating the "pre-Spanish", "pre-Dutch", "pre-English" etc. states of hundreds of countries is exhausting and confusing. It's not meant to be accurate per se, it's meant to reflect a watershed series of moments in order to make the complexity of our past understandable and easily discussed. There was a paradigm shift and it's hard to imagine how you could easily discuss that change without having to go into way more detail than is typically desirable. Quote:Yeah, isn't pre-colonial applied to Australia as well? Looking on Wikipedia I see Pre-history which sounds terrible(implying Indigenous Australians had no history), and pre-invasion which I think is much more descriptive.
OP wrote:I feel like those stuck on the second paragraph of the essay are missing the point. It's not the thesis for the argument either.
He's not saying this is uniquely degrading to the continent of Africa, but that defining all of African history before the Atlantic Slave trade is a distortion. It "misdescribes the evolution of different African polities over time" (his words). Yes, it's done with other nations because at it's core, the term is Eurocentric. This is one of those things I've always loved about the "leftists" on, and before it on, that they're so ignorant of what are supposed to be their own arguments. People, like Nepenthe, came rushing into this thread off the title as they often do to dispute with the author and accuse him of bad faith simply because he was attacking one of their cherished terms and its related implications so they assumed he was attacking their "leftist" position overall and so they needed to reject it, when in reality he was to their "left" actually challenging the systemic ideological premises they hold and refuse to challenge.
Thread also has another of my favorites:
Palette Swap wrote:That was (and remains) my general mindset before reading the article : continental generalities are fucking useless overall. They can be useful for a sense of a shared culture but they're generally useless when it comes to any serious historiography or assessing the current world. It's hard to not view them as an ethnocentric tool generally wielded to dehumanize and wholly erase entire populations and their cultures.
Like when 20 years ago the whole American military industrial complex made up the notion of a Greater Middle East that ranges from Morocco to Pakistan to designate the faceless brown people it was okay bomb to shit. Where the members think that when they learned of something was when it started. The "military-industrial-complex" didn't make up that notion, they stole it from "left" academia that had been insisting on it since the 1970's to help justify their insistence that the Third World/Global South/whatever the fuck/etc. needed (and was destined) to rise in solidarity to overthrow capitalism and establish global revolutionary communism. They're deliberately ignorant so they never see why their theoretical and ideological constructs always wind up as useful and co-opted by forces they consider anti-leftist and think they oppose no matter how many times they build the superstructure and base for these systemic forces interested in power.
If the "military-industrial-complex" made it up after 9/11 then why did Edward Said write this book in 1978 and essentially create the fields of "Middle East studies" and "post-colonial studies"? Where did the "military-industrial-complex" get all those academics who willingly wrote them all kinds of papers on the "Greater Middle East" after it started throwing money at them as the Cold War diminished and who saw their fields explode in popularity after 9/11? Were the people who wanted a restored Caliphate that unified all Muslim territories part of this "military-industrial-complex" that made up the idea after 9/11? Did they fund bin Laden because his goal was this idea and they wanted to make it up to bomb brown people? See where simple questions take us yet again into hilarious absurdity going off just one post from the self-proclaimed "experts" on who are never in doubt that they aren't ignorant nor wrong about any topic. (And if they are it just means they need to watch more four hour YouTube videos from somebody who looked at a couple entries on Wikipedia and has also never questioned their own ideological premises or belief in their own lacking of any form of ignorance.)
Quote:This tracks with the relative ignorance of the Mali Empire, which from what I gather is only really understood by Europe and the Americas through Sid Meier's Civilization memes about Mansa Musa.
(01-03-2024, 05:37 AM)BIONIC wrote: (01-03-2024, 05:27 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote: (01-03-2024, 01:12 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: A lot of boys club rhetoric in this thread:
Vipershark wrote:Resetera: This is stupid, why is America a bunch of prudes
Also Resetera: User Banned (1 Week)
User Banned (6 Months): inflammatory false equivalence, and previous major infraction of preferring Tracer to Lucio
And here is Loser Roll talking down their nose as if this argument holds any kind of merit to the situation:
Quote:People are getting banned for boys club rhetoric. People can and are making fun of America's puritanical stance on nudity (while being ok with violence, gambling, opioid ads, alcohol, etc) which is completely different from taking that nudity and turning it into objectification of the woman in the story
Quote:Don't even care that BF2042 didn't win labor of love
This absolute clown thinks releasing a broken game then spending 3 years getting it into a somewhat playable state deserves a "labor of love." award.
(01-03-2024, 11:11 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote: (01-03-2024, 05:37 AM)BIONIC wrote: (01-03-2024, 05:27 AM)HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth wrote:
User Banned (6 Months): inflammatory false equivalence, and previous major infraction of preferring Tracer to Lucio
And here is Loser Roll talking down their nose as if this argument holds any kind of merit to the situation:
Quote:People are getting banned for boys club rhetoric. People can and are making fun of America's puritanical stance on nudity (while being ok with violence, gambling, opioid ads, alcohol, etc) which is completely different from taking that nudity and turning it into objectification of the woman in the story
You see, there's nothing wrong with showing nudity on TV, the problem is when people want to see it. Please someone think of the poor woman who flashed her tits on national tv. She clearly doesn't want anyone to look at her tits
13 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Potato, Boredfrom, BIONIC, LoverOfCycles, Taco Bell Tower, JoeBoy101, MJBarret, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Switters, D3RANG3D