Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1704658422' wrote: 1704658422[/url]']
no it's not racism, it's literal observation of how such projects differ

it's not that japanese productions are incapable of not having awkward silences, it's based on personal observation that 90% of what they make has those issues, and why a project not made there WOULD feel vastly different

Nah, that is the part that killed it:

Quote:It felt like real human beings interacting and talking

Let’s compare with Telenovelas, because they actually have terrible dialogue even in Spanish and low production values, but even I will raise eyebrows if someone said “that’s why this US made telenovela in English has human dialogue”.
[Image: 4678f4a994a6b761992bc7ff45dd40829ad9b77f.gif]

“Why are you kissing the cripple?
(12-28-2023, 11:34 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Planetsmasher is like in his 40s, I think.  How the Hell does he not Google things?

A week into 2024, still hasn't learned how.

Quote:Did Fable 2 ever come out on PC at all? I genuinely don't know, I played it on 360. Was it one of those Windows Store-only games?

Bor_Gullet wrote:The weird thing is (and I realize I'm going off on a tangent here) but people didn't seem to have a problem when Rocky, another iconic hero, was turned into a jaded old man whose wife and best friend was killed off-screen, until a young man (Adonis Creed) comes into his life

Am I out of touch?
(01-07-2024, 02:15 PM)Eric Cartman wrote:
(01-07-2024, 02:01 AM)Uncle wrote: [Image: m0P4NFV.png]

Implied Facepalm

"I'm staring at women in the library for my own weird creepy reasons, just not the weird creepy reasons you might think!"

If they're all trans lesbians, how is it any different?
(01-05-2024, 12:27 PM)Snoopy wrote:
Quote:My last therapist ghosted me. Is there any other alternative for mental health improvement?

Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn Popcorn
haziq wrote:Did you know that if you have any income at all - even if it's unemployment income that makes out to less than min wage - it won't matter if your income is noticeably lower than your debt & you won't get the full allotment of food stamps for your household size?

I appreciate the permanent SNAP increase; but you still have to jump through arbitrary means-testing hoops to get it.
haziq wrote:
bruhaha wrote:Way to move the goalposts. The SNAP increase is unquestionably an improvement. Virtually everyone's maximum potential topline benefit increased, meaning even if their benefits are being adjusted based on income a beneficiary would receive more than they would have had under Trump or another Republican. Just because you don't like means testing doesn't mean it's arbitrary. It's specifically based on disposable income which accounts for deducting rent, utilities, medical expenses, etc.
It's not moving the goalposts; it's my direct fucking experience, as of a few days ago.
(01-07-2024, 07:08 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: You'd think Bdubs would realise how fucking toxic and crazy his forum has become when the MAJORITY of posting users left on the website are advocating not voting against donald fucking trump

Fuck me, an enormous failure on a cosmic level

The thing is, between now and the end of the year, these idiots will go through several more situations which will completely change their personalities and voting intentions. This whole fiasco will be forgotten about and the next thing will be the most important thing in their lives.
(01-07-2024, 07:15 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Kingmimiis wrote:Hi everyone! Long time lurker and recently decided to be more involved and talk about videogames online :-) looking forward to some interesting conversations!
Joined: Jun 1, 2021. Whose alt is this? hmm

Wrong forum pal.
Tom Brady wrote:I do not posses a single share in anything but I am not an idiot and recognize that stocks being up is Good because an absolute TON, as in tens of millions, of people have their retirement portfolios tied up in stocks. It's not just the upper class or big business or whatever that benefits from a record Dow.

This dude is the leader of the neolibs there? Rofl
(01-07-2024, 09:25 PM)Boredfrom wrote:

Bor_Gullet wrote:The weird thing is (and I realize I'm going off on a tangent here) but people didn't seem to have a problem when Rocky, another iconic hero, was turned into a jaded old man whose wife and best friend was killed off-screen, until a young man (Adonis Creed) comes into his life

Am I out of touch?

What a twit.  Stallone made an entire movie about Rocky coming to grips with Adrian's passing and finding some peace with old age, and both fans and general audience quite liked it; additionally, "jaded" is something the character of Rocky Balboa has pretty much never ever been in the entire series, and part of the character's endearing charm is his unwavering optimism.
(01-07-2024, 07:36 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(01-07-2024, 07:08 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: You'd think Bdubs would realise how fucking toxic and crazy his forum has become when the MAJORITY of posting users left on the website are advocating not voting against donald fucking trump

Fuck me, an enormous failure on a cosmic level

They say minorities will literally be wiped out if Trump wins but also don't expect minorities to vote for Biden. I'm so confused

Hilarious that they always accuse poor white people who vote Republican of voting against their own interests.
Good fucking god that "Whataboutism Genocide Joe!!!".

Mischaracterization of what's going on and supreme main character syndrome/America world police mentality.

Israel is an independent nation responding to a terrorist attack. They're doing some things less than ideal and there's some bigoted people in a government of a large nation but they have agency and daddy Biden cannot just end the war which is not genocide.
I think one of the main reasons why people hate the Sequel trilogy is because they feel that made anything that happened in the original invalid and the replacements were inferior. 

Nobody wants to see a hobo Luke Skywalker whining about life with Palpatine granddaughter. Why should feel attached about Han Solo’s bitch ass son? Why is Finn not the main character?
Over in Constructive:
RexNovis wrote:Wanted to check in with moderation about disinformation and targeted campaigns and what is being done to combat them.

We are now in a major US election year and Russian influence campaigns have hammered social media and communications platforms every single major election cycle in the US.Efforts to suppress the vote via disinformation, whataboutisms and targeted propaganda campaigns among major democratic demographics have happened in 2016 contributing to a record low turnout among previously reliable democratic voters. The same was attempted in 2020 with things like the Tara Reade debacle and others. In this coming election we are already seeing wedge issues being boosted and promoted to equivocate or suppress voting. As the year goes forward this will only get more and more prevalent.

Here, on this very forum, we have folks who do not reside in the US loudly advocating or disingenuously prodding for US voters to withhold their votes. As such I would like propose that we crack down on any posts coming from outside the US calling for or insinuating folks should not vote.

I realize this is a particularly challenging problem and a difficult stance to take but given the pronounced history of this behavior and the stakes involved I truly believe doing anything else would be opening the door for the influence campaigns to use this forum to their ends.
Rosebud wrote:I don't disagree with the sentiment, but you think Era has users working for Russian campaigns? Or you mean just influenced by them?
RexNovis wrote:At very least there are users that are being influenced by state actors efforts to suppress voter turnout. That much is certain. I have no doubt there are attempts to get direct representation on this forum but I obviously have no idea how effective that has been since I don't have access to the data that would be needed to say as much. That's part of why I'm asking for clarification On current moderation policies along with advocating for the policy I suggested
sAbobo wrote:Echoing these points. I know there is no easy answer for these concerns. Era is definitely well known enough for being lefter leaning than game forums tend to be and enough of a target of attack from various chudsites to act like there haven't been and won't continue to be Russian/Alt right plants in political threads here would be plain silly.
Jer wrote:Thanks for bringing this up, I'd been thinking about it all day with the Biden January 6th thread, but was struggling to articulate it.

We've got to be very careful that in our desire to push admirable values (believe women in the case of Tara Reade, ability to express the very real horror about what's going on in Gaza), we don't allow those rules to result in right wing disinformation campaigns. That's absolutely what happened with Tara Reade, with legitimate credibility concerns being silenced and Era basically pushing the same narrative as Fox News. And I get very nervous seeing the January 6th speech thread being preempted to push a transparent "both sides are the same" narrative that seems clearly designed to get people not to vote. I hope we don't make all the same mistakes as 2020.

Like you said, it's an incredibly complicated problem, but I do hope the site does a better job than in 2020 in understanding the bigger picture and not allowing bad operators to use good faith rules to drive their narrative.
Plinkerton wrote:I'm not one of the people you're referring to (like, please, go VOTE) but more broadly as someone from outside the US, I really don't like the idea of creating specific rules based around nationality (or non-nationality in this case). I think you potentially start to get into a weird area there.

I would be more in favour of a full crack down on people from any country calling for people not to vote.
Rosebud wrote:Yeah. In this case should people from US be banned from talking about other countries elections too? Sounds really weird to me

Era staff have hit a point where this could be ignored, or BDubs could make a long explainy post about how they're working very hard behind the scenes to come up with a strategy that will never be made public, or everyone could catch bans for modwhining/inflammatory comparisons/conspiracy theorizing about other posters and I'd be equally unsurprised. 2024 is going to be hilarious.
I mean Thordinson said something like "western imperialism" non ironically in the thread about Russians invading and killing hundreds of thousands and abducting tens of thousands of kids but whatever he might not be a Russian asset but he's certainly doing the work.
Rosebud wrote:I don't disagree with the sentiment, but you think Era has users working for Russian campaigns? Or you mean just influenced by them?

There is a ton of useful idiots at Resetera, don’t need to be a Russian or Chinese operative to have awful political opinions. The solution would be discouraging dogpiling and accept other opinions, but that is not happening.
(01-07-2024, 10:10 PM)Boredfrom wrote: I think one of the main reasons why people hate the Sequel trilogy is because they feel that made anything that happened in the original invalid and the replacements were inferior. 

Nobody wants to see a hobo Luke Skywalker whining about life with Palpatine granddaughter. Why should feel attached about Han Solo’s bitch ass son? Why is Finn not the main character?

Also the fact it was shit and didn't make sense
(01-07-2024, 10:26 PM)Pwnz wrote: I mean Thordinson said something like "western imperialism" non ironically in the thread about Russians invading and killing hundreds of thousands and abducting tens of thousands of kids but whatever he might not be a Russian asset but he's certainly doing the work.

The Resetera tankies are so pathetic they would never be actual Russian plants...but stupid enough to repeat the talking points third hand? Obviously they are.
Anyone else notice they made Vulva change his name to Valuv?

God forbid they have the scientific name for female genitalia on there.  At least the mods didn't force his name to be ,"shame hole," or "marriage prize."

Akira86 wrote:i didn't say cut to the chase to authoritarianism, i said lets fight. stop paging me pls?
An insurrection? Curious
That entire forum has around 3,000 members online at any give time. They can impact fuckall.
Protecting democracy by overthrowing the government if Trump wins. hmm
(01-07-2024, 10:56 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Akira86 wrote:i didn't say cut to the chase to authoritarianism, i said lets fight. stop paging me pls?
An insurrection? Curious

Quote:User Banned (1 month): inflammatory trolling, history of trolling

I’ve got little doubt there is some Russian or Russian adjacent operative that has influence on that site, I just find it hilarious there is some poor sap who has to infiltrate this retarded gaming forum for a job.
(01-07-2024, 11:28 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: I’ve got little doubt there is some Russian or Russian adjacent operative that has influence on that site, I just find it hilarious there is some poor sap who has to infiltrate this retarded gaming forum for a job.


When I saw it on Facebook a few years ago, or was low talent. They kept posting blurry jpegs of a black kid in a backyard with a gun claiming cops said to be on the lookout for a young black boy going into people's backyard and shooting dogs. I reported it and it took hours for facebook to take it down and oh man it worked. I live in the most diverse part of Austin, Pflugerville, and it's blue and boy are there a lot of gullible racist idiots. There's no way you could identify the kid other than the skin color.

Texas is a stand your ground and yeah connect the dots.

Besides why the fuck would cops tell people to go be racist batman
(01-07-2024, 11:03 PM)Echelon wrote: That entire forum has around 3,000 members online at any give time. They can impact fuckall.

I don't think this is true, sadly. It happened in 2016 and it can happen again.

The social media astroturfing is effective and it's why they spend so much time and resource on it. In fact, if you were going to spread anything that would effect an election, it's telling groups of ethnic block votes not to vote for the left leaning challenger because he wants to genocide their group. It's happening with Starmer in the UK too, from the same group of wankers. However the current conservative party is so completely fucked that I'm a lot less anxious about that election than the US one.

So in essence, Bdubs, if Trump wins this election, it will squarely be on you and your cohort of wrongun moderators. You could have done something and you didn't, because you were weak and couldn't stand up and do the right thing.
(01-07-2024, 11:28 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: I’ve got little doubt there is some Russian or Russian adjacent operative that has influence on that site, I just find it hilarious there is some poor sap who has to infiltrate this retarded gaming forum for a job.
You can easily recognize them as they have specific spelling and grammar mistakes. They fuck up connecting verbs, a/an and negative sentences. They also use "myself" a lot. So instead of: "I bought the game" they would say "I bought the game myself" and "I feel happy" becomes "I feel happy myself".

Most annoying were the Ukrainian "NAFO" bots though. They even give the bernie bros and CCP shills a run for their money.
(01-07-2024, 11:28 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: I’ve got little doubt there is some Russian or Russian adjacent operative that has influence on that site, I just find it hilarious there is some poor sap who has to infiltrate this retarded gaming forum for a job.

Still cracks me up how Resetera was one of the top site referers to Hillary Clinton's website. No doubt that got them lots of attention from Russia

Edit: oh wait, that was still NeoGAF

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