Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(01-22-2024, 02:00 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: In my experience, yellow dogs are the most racist furries

Especially the ones driving Nissan Versas

[Image: 6vvbaTv.png]
(01-22-2024, 02:34 PM)bork wrote:

Judgment DayGirlslaff

Hey, crabman.
Pretending that post is real, the guy is rolling in it if he can afford seven real dolls. Probably in decent shape if he can juggle around seven at a time. Seems like a man who knows what he's about. Admirable.
[Image: 6xyBamP.png]
kaleidoscopium dateline='[url=tel:1705928204' wrote: 1705928204[/url]']
TheEchosOfTheCyborg wrote:Yep, while you do get get white dickhead furries, the vast majority are perfectly normal people and nice to be around. I'd much rather be around a bunch of furries than a bunch of straight white dudes.

Just some casual racism in the furry community, nothing shocking there.
That pedophile is pissed.
Another AI in game development thread,

Remember, as of April 18, 2023:

NEP NEP wrote:04/18/2023: Similar to crypto and NFTs, a moratorium has been put on AI content threads that are not determined to be significant news. Any such threads will be locked and redirected to an AI OT. Furthermore, posts that are determined to be trolling, dismissive, or aggressive towards human content creators will be actioned.
I like how they just arbitrarily decide "significant news"

like steam allowing AI in games was apparently significant enough, but not this
Mr. Beast reportedly close to signing a $100m deal with Amazon to launch a competition show'

Should be hilarious. Beast is the new Charlie Ponzi, I guess. The loathing of success is sooo deep with these bois
The absolute moral panic

Quote:Nothing says "suitable for age 7" like slavery and assault rifles

Quote:Aren't there some pals that want to fuck you??

Ctrl F “fun” 6 results, in 27 posts total.

someone makes a silly joke tweet and now its being used for outrage fuel by these dunces. truly the dumbest forum on the internet
Quote: Cop User banned (2 weeks): Drive-by thread derail, Metacommentary, history of similar behavior
AllBizness wrote:So everyone is cool with this game using AI to rip off pokemon I see, absolutely disgusting.
Quote: Cop User banned (1 week): trolling, prior ban for trolling
Bishop89 wrote:Surprised serebii hasn't popped his head in this thread yet lol

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Ableist Commentary; Inappropriate Joke
MCD wrote:
BabyDontHurtMe wrote:Xbox desperately needs a Genshin clone stat.
Xbox team looking for Genshin-like games
[Image: mouxy-cotorep.gif]
They got mad at Jason Schreier because he doesn’t give a fuck about the Palworld sperging.  Sabu

Very frustating seem big names of the media ignoring the problem

Jason, being the double faced asshole he is, deleted the tweet.

Quote:It was a joke about his car keys copying Klefki.

That motherfucker!!!

Nevi wrote:It's is a worldview that sees politics as a team sport. You support your team no matter what, you oppose the other team no matter what. It's why China's genocide on the Uighurs is bad (opposing team), and Russia's genocide in Ukraine is bad (opposing team), but Israel's genocide in Gaza is OK (Israel is an ally, therefore on their team). If your team is doing something that looks bad you just re-orient your worldview and employ lots of rationalization until its fine, or (like in this situation) you make up narratives until all the other "teams" are worse, actually, so you can convince yourself that you have the moral high ground in the end.
Gilo wrote:Saving the distances in which this is obviously much minor and less important, talking about Palworld gives a lot of engagement right now, just as the Wizard Game did. You can't expect an unbiased approach from some media when making guides, news and so on about it is their source of income.


The Harry Potter game got demonized by most of the specialized press before even launched (I remember Alex Navarro with the cringe booing). The game was mostly ignored at the GOTY season even if it reviewed decently and was the top seller of the year. 

The fact that the press is not crying foul because a small game developer rip off designs from giant corporation is making you mad… this is truly something.
(01-22-2024, 07:10 PM)Boredfrom wrote: They got mad at Jason Schreier because he doesn’t give a fuck about the Palworld sperging.  Sabu

Very frustating seem big names of the media ignoring the problem

Jason, being the double faced asshole he is, deleted the tweet.

Quote:It was a joke about his car keys copying Klefki.

That motherfucker!!!

How will lil Nintendo ever defend their intellectual property without the help of Jason Schreier?
Hot Take: Half of the Pokemon designs are crap. Even a lot of the OG Generation are shit, that include some starter (coughCharizardcough). 

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Charizard is just a fucking orange dragon. But that's none of my business... 
[Image: xJSdFwo.jpeg]
(01-22-2024, 07:52 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: xJSdFwo.jpeg]

Want to give the benefit of the doubt and say that someone of the staff from that bar lost a bet. (That’s why everyone is okay with it). Their tips seem to be generous, also.
I don't care if there's a patch of chest hair around them, a brotha needs to suck on those sloppers A.S.A.P. (Always suckin all pthose sloppers)
Death Threats are not big deal anymore, you guys:

Quote:Oh Good. Death Threats over digital monsters that look similar. Embarrassing L for the gaming community tbh.
Aaronrules380 wrote:Death threats are obviously unacceptable, but it's worth pointing out that using alleged death threats to deflect criticism for plagiarism is a textbook move nowadays
Dice wrote:The gaming community is constantly giving itself L for embarassing things. Death threats are never okay and put out there by uninged and deranged fans of all sorts. Do you have anything to say about the topic?
Quote:Plenty. Threads like this cause death threats.
Nepenthe wrote:Same to you. If you see death threats, report them. Otherwise, stop.

Neither you nor Wacko are staff so don't act like it.

That dude is so banned.

Pai_Pai_Master wrote:Resetera is a much smaller place than you realize

Not according to B-Dumbs.
I'm just 100% over death threats

the internet is so big and so rabid that doing practically anything that gets noticed by 10k people or more, you'll get at least one

sometimes actually threatening, but more often something goofy like "get covid and don't recover"

I don't condone them but I also don't care who's getting them or whining about them, I wouldn't be surprised if the number of internet death threats actually acted on add up to fewer than 10

if you really want to hurt someone you don't warn them first Snob
Uncle dateline='[url=tel:1705956498' wrote: 1705956498[/url]']
I'm just 100% over death threats

the internet is so big and so rabid that doing practically anything that gets noticed by 10k people or more, you'll get at least one

sometimes actually threatening, but more often something goofy like "get covid and don't recover"

I don't condone them but I also don't care who's getting them or whining about them, I'd be surprised if the number of internet death threats actually acted on add up to fewer than 10

if you really want to hurt someone you don't warn them first Snob

Being fair, it’s probably most difficult to ignore if it devolves to swatting, phone calls and other IRL harassment… obviously most don’t escalate beyond salty emails or PM.
[Image: o9FxJYT.png]

Uhh...he didn't make the error. You people made the error when you didn't get his very obvious joke and turned it into a ragebait thread where you shit all over the artist's work.
squarejawhero wrote:Shouldn't "pet tamers" be "pet slavers"?

I find this whole game just really off for numerous reasons, disappointed to see it succeed to be honest.

Quote:What an absolutely bizarre take. There are loads of games that use creatures in a similar manner to this.

Pokemon itself does this.
squarejawhero wrote:Yes so bizarre even one of the mods here had the same take.
jman2050 wrote:Mods can be wrong too

[Image: tXD2jOF.png]

Quote:It's as ok as any of these films get; there's certainly nothing like GOTG3s animal torture that would put off a child.

I forgot about the animal torture thing they flipped out about. 

Palworld is really giving us so much, I love it.

[Image: Eu8mkpz.png]

[Image: 9p4Enjw.png]

These people are always so sure of everything but so rarely correct lol

mael wrote:I don't think I've seen a single design that wasn't ripped right from pokemon.
Until we see one I think it's probably safe to say that there aren't any.

these people have no fucking clue how copyright works

no, "looking kind of similar" is not infringement

if these designs are "ripped" from pokemon in an infringing way then literally no one can ever create any content again, everything can be argued to be derivative of something else

pokemon has practically every animal covered, you can no longer make a cel shaded game featuring a boldly colored animal hybrid of some sort, nope, illegal

[Image: vFGwfjy.gif]

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