Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:User banned (3 days): Antagonistic behavior towards other members, history of similar behavior
Quote:What are you trying to do here? Do you want to derail the thread? You understand that we're on the 48th page of this thread and there are 54 pages in the plagiarism thread? You're not the first person with the shitty opinion that IP theft is okay as long as you don't like the original creator of the IP, and you won't be the last, but why not take this shitty opinion over to the thread dedicated to discussing it?

Also banned dude posted this
[Image: GEZjOfpWEAAxCCm?format=jpg&name=large]

I don't get the banned dude, bitches about the knock offs YET has put in hours into gameplay

Quote:I've played Palworld for nearly 20 hours and I'm still playing it. I'm enjoying my time with it. That doesn't mean I enjoy every single aspect of it and won't criticize it when warranted. The AI in this game fucking sucks, and anybody that denies that is clearly playing a very different game.
Growlithe is a dog, not a cat. Bolo
[Image: CatDog.jpeg]
(01-22-2024, 11:39 PM)Uncle wrote:
(01-22-2024, 11:31 PM)Nintex wrote: They didn't copy anything. Besides most early Pokemon designs were copies of monsters from Dragon Quest.

I've seen this claim said a few times in the palworld copyright discourse but as someone who has played both, I don't see it

literally all I can think of is toriyama's dragons looking very vaguely similar to charizard

you got anything else? is monjar supposed to be psyduck or something?

[Image: IjwNPx7.png]
[Image: ChIq6Yx.png]

But steel's heavier than feathers...
A lot of creatures/designs/attacks/maps/mechanics etc. were certainly inspired by other games including Dragon Quest but the thing that most people forget is that Pokemon released in 1996. So a whole bunch of Dragon Quests, Zelda's and Final Fantasy games released before it. I see it a bit like The Crew Motorfest. It's clearly inspired by Forza Horizon but very much its own thing despite the similarities. And if big publishers like Ubisoft can make games like that, why isn't an indie Japanese dev allowed to?
yeah I'm gonna say most of those are real fuckin' stretches

oh nooo they copied the incredibly original concept of "incorporeal mist monster," oh nooo they tweaked various real world animals

so many of the specific details are much more different than palworld compared to pokemon
(01-22-2024, 10:06 PM)DJ Bedroom wrote: Anyone here actually playing Palworld? Is it any good?

I put around 7 hours into it single player. It's like Valheim, mixed with the capturing creatures. It is very bright and light hearted, but then you see shit that should be dark as hell but it is played for laughs. I'm having fun.

My biggest takeaway is how smooth it runs. I haven't noticed any stutters or normal unreal engine crap on my main rig. It's even fun on the Steam Deck, but i had to set it at medium and cap the framerate to a cinematic 25fps.

The gameplay loop is simple but enjoyable, the Pals are cute and funny. Seeing the little fat guys running towards you to help build stuff is hilarious, and they seem so happy once a job is complete.

I'm looking forward to see how it all evolves during early access.
(01-23-2024, 12:02 AM)Boredfrom wrote: [quote="Uncle" pid='32592' dateline='1705967718']
yeah I'm gonna say most of those are real fuckin' stretches

oh nooo they copied the incredibly original concept of "incorporeal mist monster," oh nooo they tweaked various real world animals

so many of the specific details are much more different than palworld compared to pokemon

They don’t even get inspired by Dragon Quest, Beetle fightin or gachapon, but literature ( Awesome ): 

BowieZ wrote:You're missing the forest for the trees:

Pokemon artists created an idea for a pocket monster inspired by the Cheshire cat, and developed an original design with unique elements.
The Palworld "artist" copied the idea of a pocket monster inspired by the Cheshire cat, and stole some of the exact design elements.

One involved inspiration from an existing concept (grinning fairytale cat) expressed in an entirely new and original context (video game monster).
The other was inspired by the very thing itself (video game monster inspired by grinning fairytale cat -> video game monster inspired by grinning fairytale cat), and even 99% exact assets were ripped off.

2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower

So inspiring.

Uncle wrote:/quite

My phone, Uncle. Bolo Try using this site with your phone.
Japanese publishers filing lawsuits for using the same generic D&D inspired animal monster set.


Even the Bokoblins in Zelda are just Goblins they painted red. lol

(01-23-2024, 12:06 AM)Boredfrom wrote: CHARACTER DESIGN:émon)
So inspiring.
Uncle wrote:/quite
My phone, Uncle.  Try using this site with your phone.
Skill issue Trumps
(01-23-2024, 12:06 AM)Boredfrom wrote: My phone, Uncle. Bolo Try using this site with your phone.

[Image: 6pWrnXv.png]
No, seriously, try it.
2 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
This site definitely sucks on mobile, but that’s how it is. The posts are worth struggling through it
L_Thammy wrote:Okay, I don't agree with these claims at all, I think they missed a lot of obvious ones and a lot of the ones they guessed were the wrong ones. But the Palworld wiki - who I assume is edited by fans of the game more than people trying to critique it for plagiarism -…

Why would you assume that?
(01-22-2024, 11:55 PM)Nintex wrote:
(01-22-2024, 11:39 PM)Uncle wrote:
(01-22-2024, 11:31 PM)Nintex wrote: They didn't copy anything. Besides most early Pokemon designs were copies of monsters from Dragon Quest.

I've seen this claim said a few times in the palworld copyright discourse but as someone who has played both, I don't see it

literally all I can think of is toriyama's dragons looking very vaguely similar to charizard

you got anything else? is monjar supposed to be psyduck or something?

[Image: IjwNPx7.png]
[Image: ChIq6Yx.png]

But steel's heavier than feathers...
A lot of creatures/designs/attacks/maps/mechanics etc. were certainly inspired by other games including Dragon Quest but the thing that most people forget is that Pokemon released in 1996. So a whole bunch of Dragon Quests, Zelda's and Final Fantasy games released before it. I see it a bit like The Crew Motorfest. It's clearly inspired by Forza Horizon but very much its own thing despite the similarities. And if big publishers like Ubisoft can make games like that, why isn't an indie Japanese dev allowed to?

You're looking at this all wrong. They're allowed to copy, they're just not allowed to be successful. 

That's the thing a Reee hates most of all. 

Why can't their 24 volume Game of Thrones/Harry Potter fanfiction be successful? Why did Pokeguns hit it rich and their similar idea (Pokemon X hentai dating Sim) which they've put no effort into actually creating, isn't the hottest thing on Steam right now?
EntelechyFuff wrote:Somewhat aside from the main issue, it bugs me how many people preface their statements with "palworld is fun, and the aesthetic is appealing." before digging into evidence of PocketPair's light treason.

Seems like this happens with increasing frequency across any issue and it just seems so unnecessary and conciliatory.

I'm genuinely curious why it's so prevalent here (mostly talking about some of the X posts shared here, not necessarily Era messages)


NotLiquid wrote:I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people on Twitter who preface their criticism with "the game is fun" do so in order to stave off the inevitable levels of harassment they get for touching upon a hot button issue.

Curious Am I out of touch?
(01-22-2024, 11:55 PM)Uncle wrote: yeah I'm gonna say most of those are real fuckin' stretches

oh nooo they copied the incredibly original concept of "incorporeal mist monster," oh nooo they tweaked various real world animals

so many of the specific details are much more different than palworld compared to pokemon

I'd say they're getting closer to the original designs than others devs would but at the same time I'm not sure how you'd really define a line there especially when these pokemon often already had inspirations
Palworld just reminds us why nintendies deserve to be shoved into lockers and wedgied and hung on doors by their underwear.
you could argue palworld had to be EVEN MORE CREATIVE to

- be distinct, get stylistically close to pokemon without actually being pokemon, to capture the market that likes its style
- still make the designs appealing in their own right without being overdesigned like shitty digimon

it's crazy how much they feel like they could actually be pokemon, to the point where someday in the future, who knows? they might have a case to sue pokemon for copying them Teehee
(01-22-2024, 09:23 PM)nachobro wrote: Palworld is really giving us so much, I love it.

[Image: Eu8mkpz.png]

[Image: 9p4Enjw.png]

These people are always so sure of everything but so rarely correct lol
This is the guy who claimed the Fox News/Dominion lawsuit was the biggest event in journalism history and was going to change the First Amendment forever. Like a week before it was settled without trial.
Uncle wrote:Shitty Digimon


Over designed and edgy is the point of Digimon. Is how they actually distinguish from Pokemon simplified Japanese mascot cuteness.
[Image: ZojUJI4.gif]
“I’m Gandalf, Aragorn.”
there's so many fucking pokemon now, you can draw anything and people would be like "that looks like ____ pokemon"

even the real pokemon look like fake pokemon.
Lv_99_Pixel wrote:Is there another turn based rpg where you have an absurd amount of party customization, to the point where it became a serious e-sport? I don't really think there is, at least not close to that level. Twisting one of the most unique games of the genre out because some people on the internet want action gameplay could be the biggest mistake in the history of popular media.

It is so good that people hack their Pokémon to be competitive because “the game wastes your time in the intended way.”


Spoiler:  (click to show)
Also, define serious e-sport.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Gameboy Nostalgia
(01-23-2024, 12:42 AM)davepoobond wrote: there's so many fucking pokemon now, you can draw anything and people would be like "that looks like ____ pokemon"

even the real pokemon look like fake pokemon.

Who the fuck recognises Pokemon outside of maybe 20 of the original batch and a few of the starters/legendaries? Especially as an adult? Like, I'm seriously gonna call the paedo squad if you're able to name the ones that resemble inanimate objects.
Lotus wrote:It just feels extra silly post-Baldur's Gate too, or at least it would if Pokemon wasn't already proving that point to begin with

3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, HaughtyFrank, Taco Bell Tower
(01-23-2024, 12:46 AM)Potato wrote:
(01-23-2024, 12:42 AM)davepoobond wrote: there's so many fucking pokemon now, you can draw anything and people would be like "that looks like ____ pokemon"

even the real pokemon look like fake pokemon.

Who the fuck recognises Pokemon outside of maybe 20 of the original batch and a few of the starters/legendaries? Especially as an adult? Like, I'm seriously gonna call the paedo squad if you're able to name the ones that resemble inanimate objects.

everyone knows those for the sake of dunking on how utterly stupid they are

call the squad if they can name the 37th dog looking one
Kinda seems unethical for Pokemon to plagiarize the real world, no? hmm
Wild that people think IP theft is okay in 2024.

Anyway, death to landlords, settlers and Netflix for not letting me share passwords.

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