Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(01-23-2024, 02:06 AM)Uncle wrote:
(01-23-2024, 01:38 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Also, again, this doesn’t use AI.

the best part is, you can't possibly know

they could've asked AI for knockoff pokemon designs, let it run all day, then picked the best ones to re-create by hand, and no one would ever know

and to reeeees, that's just as bad as doing it wholesale without any artist behind it

(it's what naughty dog guy is implying about "cheating")

You don’t needed to be AI because is not necessary to create most of this rip offs. Who knows if they did. But it seems that everyone agree that the game doesn’t feel cheap.

(RE were implying that there were using it to create 3D models, uncle. The naughty dog dude was probably thinking the same because he was referring in how decent it was for an early access game).
Let's go easy on poor fat old Nep Nep. She's had a rough time of it. She spent 7 years learning how to make dog porn only to wake up and discover anyone can make it now. It's clearly broken her. She's started shitting in a litter tray. It's really kind of sad.
(01-23-2024, 02:11 AM)Echelon wrote: This Palworld thing is a delicious dilemma for these screeching autists because there's no resolution here. They're completely impotent to stop the market from consuming what it wants just like their little boycott of Hogwarts Legacy did fuckall. I'm surprised that thread hasn't started turning into a graveyard yet. NappyNep is probably on the verge of a mental episode so people should start getting actioned for actions soon.

It is also kind of useless because Pokemon will continue to print money regardless, and they admit that TPC/Gamefreak will not learn anything about this in the technical sense.

Nintendo may sue, but the big question of why they waited for so long will linger. In the case of that, Palworld would be just replaced by another game legally distinct to not activate Nintendo’s ire.
With the switch 2 coming game freak might even upgrade the graphics from DS levels and then everyone is happy
So REE feels bad that a bunch of artists working for a massive corporation have loosely inspired other artists working for a small company and are hoping and praying that corporate lawyers waste millions of dollars suing said small company which would most likely dissuade other small companies from making superior versions of games that large, lazy complacent game corporations have been phoning it in for the last 7 games they've made.

I can't wait until AI drives all twitter artists to a lonely life of homelessness.
Is this ableism?

Quote:I'd love to see Abbot trip down a long flight of stairs while awkwardly carrying a huge mess of concertina wire and just go from Pinocchio to Cenobite along the way.

Quote:You do know he's in a wheelchair, right.

True socialism is giving me what I want without having to work for it because the fact i was born is enough. The rest of y'all on your own. I'll help out by tweeting a hashtag, but you're gonna have to pull your own weight here.
Quote:I like how these takes always ignore the fact Palworld stole fan designs too.


Just like they stole that character from Steven Universe, the blue lady with bangs covering her face.


(I hope RE never bitchs about misinformation in social media again).
Palworld drama is simple. Nepnep and others need to feel like they're above others. It's always the same. Anything for the dopamine.  But that's none of my business...

It's not about winning. It's about getting their hit then moving onto the next thing.

Trump -> BLM -> Hogwarts-> Abortion -> Ukraine -> Israel -> Palworld [You are here] -> Trump Strikes Back
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles
(01-23-2024, 02:40 AM)books wrote: True socialism is giving me what I want without having to work for it because the fact i was born is enough. The rest of y'all on your own. I'll help out by tweeting a hashtag, but you're gonna have to pull your own weight here.
FACT CHECK: True socialism is me getting everything and you getting nothing. Stop being greedy, chud.
I'm conflicted. Socialism should mean sharing of wealth and goods with everyone.. but Benji is staff and staff can never be wrong!  Stahp
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1705977879' wrote: 1705977879[/url]']
Palworld drama is simple. Nepnep and others need to feel like they're above others. It's always the same. Anything for the dopamine.  But that's none of my business...

It's not about winning. It's about getting their hit then moving onto the next thing.

Trump -> BLM -> Hogwarts-> Abortion -> Ukraine -> Israel -> Palworld [You are here] -> Trump Strikes Back

You are not wrong given how giddy she is at times with this shit show. She reacted with glee when the 3D Models dude at twitter made comparisons just because she could tell off others in that thread.
(01-23-2024, 02:37 AM)Cheststrongwell wrote: I can't wait until AI drives all twitter artists to a lonely life of homelessness.

you drive past one with a sign, "will paint for food"

you ask, "can you paint me a pic of trump and biden fighting over an arby's melt"

nepenthe looks up at you and says "yes, and an arby's melt shall be my fee"

you punch in a few buttons on your phone and show her what you've generated, "can you paint it better than this"

her dead eyed expression tells you more than you needed to know

you look her up and down and tell her, "that's a nice lucio shirt, but I thought you should know, it looks like he has six fingers on his right hand"

and you speed away
Uncle.. Please..  Stahp
stencil wrote:The only reason I can imagine someone arguing "it's not plagiarism" is that it's tech bros who really care about "the bottom line". It's always tech bros behind this kind of stuff. Is technology inherently adverse to art? I don't think it needs to be. Just chill guys, pay artists and stop stealing for profit.

The artists already got paid. You should ask Nintendo and TPC if they are paying their artists enough and fairly… but that would require you caring enough beyond social media bitching. But that's none of my business...
(01-23-2024, 02:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I'm conflicted. Socialism should mean sharing of wealth and goods with everyone.. but Benji is staff and staff can never be wrong!  Stahp
Wow, you think Joanne and Colin Moriarty and everyone at CDPR should be given anything after what they've done?
(01-23-2024, 02:40 AM)books wrote: True socialism is giving me what I want without having to work for it because the fact i was born is enough. The rest of y'all on your own. I'll help out by tweeting a hashtag, but you're gonna have to pull your own weight here.

I don't know man, being a barista influencer sounds like a lot.

I think I'll create videos of me reacting to shitter posts and I'll take my commune ratio please.
(01-23-2024, 02:40 AM)books wrote: True socialism is giving me what I want without having to work for it because the fact i was born is enough. The rest of y'all on your own. I'll help out by tweeting a hashtag, but you're gonna have to pull your own weight here.

Wasn't your fault you were born, was it?

Obviously the fault of your parents who are probably boomers so let's go with the free money!
(01-23-2024, 02:57 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
stencil wrote:The only reason I can imagine someone arguing "it's not plagiarism" is that it's tech bros who really care about "the bottom line". It's always tech bros behind this kind of stuff. Is technology inherently adverse to art? I don't think it needs to be. Just chill guys, pay artists and stop stealing for profit.
[Image: ExLIZtvVEAMtUmA?format=jpg&name=small]
(01-23-2024, 02:59 AM)benji wrote:
(01-23-2024, 02:57 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
stencil wrote:The only reason I can imagine someone arguing "it's not plagiarism" is that it's tech bros who really care about "the bottom line". It's always tech bros behind this kind of stuff. Is technology inherently adverse to art? I don't think it needs to be. Just chill guys, pay artists and stop stealing for profit.
[Image: ExLIZtvVEAMtUmA?format=jpg&name=small]

The other 10%...Russian bots
(01-23-2024, 02:57 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
stencil wrote:The only reason I can imagine someone arguing "it's not plagiarism" is that it's tech bros who really care about "the bottom line". It's always tech bros behind this kind of stuff. Is technology inherently adverse to art? I don't think it needs to be. Just chill guys, pay artists and stop stealing for profit.

The artists already got paid. You should ask Nintendo and TPC if they are paying their artists enough and fairly… but that would require you caring enough beyond social media bitching. But that's none of my business...

I love how fucking everyone is "tech bros" now

you know what tech bros actually are? weird rightoids obsessed with cultivating their brand online and shilling their latest snake oil using marketing corpospeak about the blockchain

not, like, random guy who codes as a hobby, is probably familiar with linux and has a passing interest in the latest tech developments

and also not "guy who has the minuscule understanding of copyright necessary to understand that palworld is not plagiarism"

AI is easy as fuck for anyone to start fucking around with, if anything tech bros are probably angry that it's so accessible to the masses and they can't successfully grift with it because it's generally free and community-led
(01-23-2024, 02:57 AM)benji wrote:
(01-23-2024, 02:51 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: I'm conflicted. Socialism should mean sharing of wealth and goods with everyone.. but Benji is staff and staff can never be wrong!  Stahp
Wow, you think Joanne and Colin Moriarty and everyone at CDPR should be given anything after what they've done?

No! I think they should be taxed and their wealth distributed to trans folx exclusively!  Social Justice Warrior
4 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, benji

Mr_F_Snowman wrote:It's a sea of people asking for "evidence" when the evidence is already there plastered in front of them. Apparently you need a PokemonTM watermark somewhere on the screen for it to be apparent - the fact there is the, pretty much perfect matching of hundreds, if not thousands of vertices per character exactly along three spatial axes within an infinite space multiple times again and again is insufficient and it's all just totally a neat coincidence (Nepenthe thanks for the wording of that last bit - don't want any plagarism accusations!)

Sure you were just "asking questions" though

yes, actually, that's about the level of what you'd need to win a court case

like extracting those files from palworld and discovering metadata in the file that identifies which pokemon the model was stolen from and/or matches the metadata of files in scarlet and violet

Tabaxi wrote:
Dishy wrote:I hope this doesn't get them in any legal trouble and it's considered distinct enough because Nintendo goes too far with their capitalistic abuse of copyright against fan Pokémon projects. From my perspective, it's a solid parody.
I do wonder how the conversation would go if Palworld was just a straight-up Pokémon fangame, and got taken down for being that. The controversies have been smaller there, and the conversation goes a different way. I guess if it doesn't threaten Nintendo's bottom line, less people care.
I like how these takes always ignore the fact Palworld stole fan designs too.

and I like how assholes at era constantly talk "around" others to their face, like the truth of the thread is set in stone and any new dissenting opinion is just one for the regulars to chuckle at, "get a load of THIS guy"

[Image: 4PIza2C.png]

you're just soooo cool
Kyuuji wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:Well, gaming culture is just pure capitalism filtered through a nerd lens, and I've come to the conclusion that being an artist is in many ways fundamentally at odds with capitalism. To create art can be pretty cheap, if not free. It requires taking free time to practice and learn. It's bolstered by the sharing of resources and community building. It requires observation of the real world, which in many cases means exercising empathy towards other people and cultures different from yourself. It also sometimes means telling a person who doesn't know as much as you the cold truth about their input and expectations, no matter how rich or senior they are to you.

Art is also an intrinsic part of all cultures and something I'd consider a fundamental part of the human condition. It's a way to communicate your identity to others, to entrench or critique religious, social, and moral values, and to uplift and inspire others. There is inherent value to the actual process of creating art itself beyond the final work that simultaneously cannot be commodified, which can make it confusing as fuck to a lot of people who aren't artists at all.. I've encountered this in AI discussions, where someone insists that it's a solution to my "problems," unaware that the "problems" are literally just the artistic process that I consent to engaging with. Like, some people find artistic creation itself- drawing, painting, animating, etc.- inherently useless or an obstacle in and of themselves, and it's so fucking weird.

The best way I can describe it would be like if I asked gamers "Why are you playing games when you could just see the ending on YouTube?" Since the goal is to beat the game, it must be presumed that everything before the ending is an unnecessary inhibitor to that goal. The easy rebuttal to this is, obviously, "playing games is fun." But trying to tell folks like this that "literally making art fulfills me" and it's through one ear and out the other.

As for the rules, there's a lot of things that are at least ethically dubious without actually being illegal. Not all plagiarism is a civil or criminal matter, so adding it to the rules is a headache that's more trouble than it's worth.
Nepenthe wrote:I mean, there's an ethical argument to be hosted (outside of here) about the anticapitalist effects of piracy and theft from large corporations and how that, in turn, affects artists in and out of the corporate sphere. But frankly in this context, and on this specific forum, I find it trite.

It's one thing to not care that GameFreak got got because they'll be fine; it's another thing to cheer this on under the context that Palworld's success has any notable positive impact on the world from an anticapitalist perspective, when frankly their brazeness at potentially stealing free fanworks doesn't engender any confidence in me as an anticapitalist artist. If you wanted me to point out an example of keyboard activism, it would be Palworld fans insisting that their game is somehow a thorn in the eye of capitalism, when frankly taking capital in order to generate millions in profits that will likely be consolidated as personal wealth as just another form of capitalism. I mean hell, where were these specific Palworld when Activision Blizzard employees trying to unionize? Not actually on the picket line, I can tell you that. This attempt to reframe the shamelessness as actually politically noble is corny as hell.

Like I'd rather people just say that they don't care about the stolen assets, and subsequently the artists who made those assets, specifically because they have an issue with GameFreak's shitty output as of late. That's at least more honest.

Quote:"literally making art fulfills me"

So go make art you dunce. AI doesn't come into your house and break all your pencil crayons. Just expect that if you want to be a well paid artist, you have to be really really good. This isn't new.
(01-23-2024, 03:36 AM)railGUN wrote:
Quote:"literally making art fulfills me"

So go make art you dunce. AI doesn't come into your house and break all your pencil crayons. Just expect that if you want to be a well paid artist, you have to be really really good. This isn't new.

But that would require effort and/or talent. Six
[Image: QS7hFIc.png]


[Image: w67YMJM.png]

omfg facepalm Dead

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