Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(01-24-2024, 03:59 PM)TylenolJones wrote: Wait, Nep is trans?!?

Nepenthe wrote:
Quote:I don't know. But I don't think my trans cousin will care about you punishing Joe Biden when she is being snuffed out under Trumps administration.
Trans people like myself are being snuffed out now.

Now, about my question. You said don't know the answer; that's fine. Certainly someone else more politically inclined does.


NepNep is trans but doesn't make up their mind.  They say trans woman and then later trans man.
Since its founding in late 2017, ResetEra has been an inviting bonfire at the crossroads of weirdo multigender commies and entertainment corpo worship. Our goal is to provide a modern platform where Nintenyearolds, Sony Ponies and reactionary idiots alike will want to talk about all kinds of video games -- and never stop fucking complaining.
Y'all trying to make me think things will be worse under Trump when Palworld is out here selling millions under Biden despite well-known concerns. Yt cishet "allies" yet again yelling "fuck you, got mine" at the marginalized. Then trying to gaslight us with "legal" distinctions.
[Image: eiscue-in-the-pokemon-anime.jpg?q=50&fit...80&dpr=1.5]

Meet Eiscue.  This Pokemon is just a penguin with an ice cube for a head.  That means 3 things: a) penguins are off limits.  B) ice, generally in the cube form (as determined by a reasonable person)is off limits c) she's a lesbian icon because of it playing hockey every now and then, as penguins tend to do
(01-24-2024, 07:28 PM)cRumB wrote: Palworld: Civil War

Quote:There's derivative and then there's fucking art theft

Y'all also think GameFreak making buggy or ugly looking games means it's okay to rip them off. What fallacy are you gonna throw at me next? It's okay to steal from them because they're a big rich company?

Eat the rich?

Does Gamefreak likes doing Pokemon anymore? I’m talking about Gamefreak, the company that is weirdly independent of Nintendo and The Pokemon Company and releases games on Steam or PSN now and then.

Quote: I enrolled my new job at the start of november 2023 and there was an old employee that everyone knows with the same name of mine and when they asked my preferred name, I couldn't say it and said my other name just because of him. Now I regret it. It feels like I lost my signature. Everyone calls him by his name and I feel like a different person now.
Damn, I hate when that happens (never)
Quote: Well I have two names and there is another guy who also has two names but he uses my preferred name. I knew him before joining the university as TA because I am MSc student and he is PhD student meanwhile he is TA for like 6-7 years. When I joined the faculty, the head of department asked which name of mine I am using and I told my first name not my middle name because I know everyone knew him and I don't know I just didn't want to be second guy and I said my first name to him. Same happened with other TAs. Some professors and students just use my first name and I am totally okay with it because I like my first name too. But when other people call him with his preferred name which is also my preferred name I feel like I lost my identity. My family, my friends, my professor and even my crush calls me by my preffered name and it's the first time I have problem with this name. Now I am thinking to delete that name or never use it again. It's not a big deal but I think y'all got what I am trying to say.
wtf? oh ok i totally understand now
Jesus christ.

When they first explained the concept of self esteem in grade school I couldn't understand how someone could NOT like themselves.  Egomaniac
(01-24-2024, 08:02 PM)nachobro wrote:

Quote: I enrolled my new job at the start of november 2023 and there was an old employee that everyone knows with the same name of mine and when they asked my preferred name, I couldn't say it and said my other name just because of him. Now I regret it. It feels like I lost my signature. Everyone calls him by his name and I feel like a different person now.

I hope he talks to his boss and the boss then calls everyone in one big room and tells them that Jonathan would really prefer it if you'd call him David now
(01-24-2024, 08:05 PM)Echelon wrote: Jesus christ.

How the fuck am I supposed to read any of the responses in this thread when the values of the scale aren't defined?
Quote:Distancing yourself from negative people/communities and taking care of your body goes a long way.
meowdi gras wrote:I am awesome and I know it.
Quote:It's easily a 10 for me. Married to a great wife, have a well paying job that I love and I'm in the best physical shape of my life.
Quote: I think I got the boost when I hit my 30's because I just hit a breaking point about caring about what people think on a lot of things in my early 30's, and not entirely because of any newfound confidence elsewhere. Just kinda wrote off a lot of metrics of judging people as entirely superficial and didn't hold myself to those metrics anymore.
Quote:Graduating, getting a decent job, moving out, a bit of weight gain, and starting antidepressants really helped over the past year.
Quote:7 right now.

Some years ago I would have said 4, but honestly, moving to another city 5 hours away of my birthplace, meeting new people, having a healthy diet and going frequently to the gym has helped me a lot to appreciate myself.

It's hard to admit that having a very normative body has helped a lot, as I feel desired and respected by others. And it's disgusting, after all I am a victim of the stereotypes of what being sexy is. They say we must love ourselves and screw the rest, but it's easy to say that when you have a normative body, and it's really hard to love yourself if nobody finds you attractive.

Sorry if this sounds very narcissist, ouch
Quote:10. I genuinely believe I'm a great person. Not a perfect person, but great. Attractive, confident, intelligent, educated, empathetic, and so forth. I can do or be anything I want to be.
Look at all the fucking privilege in this thread. Social Justice Warrior
(01-24-2024, 08:14 PM)benji wrote:
Quote:Distancing yourself from negative people/communities and taking care of your body goes a long way.
meowdi gras wrote:I am awesome and I know it.
Quote:It's easily a 10 for me. Married to a great wife, have a well paying job that I love and I'm in the best physical shape of my life.
Quote: I think I got the boost when I hit my 30's because I just hit a breaking point about caring about what people think on a lot of things in my early 30's, and not entirely because of any newfound confidence elsewhere. Just kinda wrote off a lot of metrics of judging people as entirely superficial and didn't hold myself to those metrics anymore.
Quote:Graduating, getting a decent job, moving out, a bit of weight gain, and starting antidepressants really helped over the past year.
Quote:7 right now.

Some years ago I would have said 4, but honestly, moving to another city 5 hours away of my birthplace, meeting new people, having a healthy diet and going frequently to the gym has helped me a lot to appreciate myself.

It's hard to admit that having a very normative body has helped a lot, as I feel desired and respected by others. And it's disgusting, after all I am a victim of the stereotypes of what being sexy is. They say we must love ourselves and screw the rest, but it's easy to say that when you have a normative body, and it's really hard to love yourself if nobody finds you attractive.

Sorry if this sounds very narcissist, ouch
Quote:10. I genuinely believe I'm a great person. Not a perfect person, but great. Attractive, confident, intelligent, educated, empathetic, and so forth. I can do or be anything I want to be.
Look at all the fucking privilege in this thread. Social Justice Warrior

Probably a bunch of cishets who don't have to get tired from trying to figure out the actual definition of genocide every day.
(01-24-2024, 08:05 PM)nachobro wrote:
Quote: Well I have two names and there is another guy who also has two names but he uses my preferred name. I knew him before joining the university as TA because I am MSc student and he is PhD student meanwhile he is TA for like 6-7 years. When I joined the faculty, the head of department asked which name of mine I am using and I told my first name not my middle name because I know everyone knew him and I don't know I just didn't want to be second guy and I said my first name to him. Same happened with other TAs. Some professors and students just use my first name and I am totally okay with it because I like my first name too. But when other people call him with his preferred name which is also my preferred name I feel like I lost my identity. My family, my friends, my professor and even my crush calls me by my preffered name and it's the first time I have problem with this name. Now I am thinking to delete that name or never use it again. It's not a big deal but I think y'all got what I am trying to say.
wtf? oh ok i totally understand now

Good to see our next generation of learners is in good hands
Some of the most vapid posts I've ever seen in this John Stewart thread. Like, if you have nothing interesting to say, shutting up is free.

Quote:I didn't seriously watch his Apple show, but I know people had problems with it and how he's out of touch and started going both sides on some issues. Also he's going to overshadow the show and anyone else who hosts is going to directly be compared against him.
So, without any real basis for doing so, he's just writing off John Stewart as host?

Then the GOAT weighs in with some wise words:
Slayven wrote:Not sure about this....I don't think dude is in touch as he use to be

Great insight, well reasoned, lots of good background info/evidence. Good post from a site moderator, as usual.
(01-24-2024, 02:56 PM)Daffy Duck wrote:
(01-24-2024, 01:35 PM)Polident wrote: Pretty sure bisexual just means you're into guys and gals. Bi- means two. It's not that complicated. All that rigamarole to stretch the term when multiple already exists: polysexual, pansexual, or omnisexual. Or in their case: involuntary celibate.

Or basically you’re that desperate for attention you say you’ll shag anything, but then never vary from the opposite gender.

Nepenthe wrote:Oh, things are fucking horrible right now lol.

People have this inflated sense of knowledge and importance when it comes to art because they think art is truly, wholly, 100% subjective, that merely having tastes, ideas, and aspirations means that their input on any given art subject is just as weighted to the people who actually, you know, make art. And the moment you as an artist push back that, no, that's not actually how any of this works, people get really offended. People legitimately don't think we know what the fuck we're talking about, or that we do not deserve to have control over the conversation.

Indeed, there's this thing I've dealt with and witnessed my entire life making art where you straddle the weird line of being simultaneously mocked and envied in the same breadth. You're the idiot for getting a useless art degree and having to work a second job to make ends meet, but at the same time you make how much from commissions? Who the fuck do you think you are charging that much for this shit? Art is so ridiculously difficult that you need some mystical art talent or the right genes to be able to do it by hand, but also a black square sold for $300 million in a museum auction? I could do that; what makes them so special?!

As I said earlier, the realities of being an artist just do not fundamentally fit within a neoliberal capitalist framework. The actual quality of the stuff you make yourself is truly as meritocratic as can be. There's no buying out the competition. There's no brown-nosing your way to the top. Your work is your own. Subsequently, there's no bullshit when people come to you with cash to make them stuff, and that makes people really fucking mad when it works out well for you. The process of making art is also as important as the end product itself for the artist, but the process itself cannot actually be commodified, packaged up, and sold. So people react with confusion and defensiveness when you tell them that trying to do away with that process with something like AI is not appealing at all. They don't make art, or worse- they've tried before and found out they literally hate doing it- and so they assume we similarly think our work is grueling.

I also think the envy thing is real too; in a world built on conformity to standards and adherence to the hierarchy, being able to just sit down, take your time, and get out a cool or unique idea that represents who you truly are out of your head and onto the page, to communicate freely in such an abstract way, really makes people feel some type of way (what they don't know is that we just practiced, and they can practice too!) The thought that we can get paid to be creative is further unacceptable, and some folks feel the need to try and snatch that autonomy away and put us in our place. Not my fault you chose a white collar job, tho.

But people have always acted like this. Historically making art has never been free of turmoil and undue judgement, but AI, and in general this "alternative facts" world we're living in, has definitely turbocharged the conversation about what it means to be an artist in a negative way, and now we're left having to entertain people who have made it clear they know fuck all about making art and yet they are still going to force their way into the community anyway. People who cannot draw a box in perspective want to be seen as just as talented as concept artists with 30 years of experience. People legit want to be given clout for putting in no effort and being ignorant, instead of working on something they are passionate about and growing as a person. It's unreal.

I love this. It tells me a lot about her.

Nep, real talk, if you want to be respected, pull the time in cultivating your talent rather than bitch about video games and fandoms in the Internet. You said this hours ago:

Nepenthe wrote:Got some animating to do before work lol.

You aren't doing either.
hint: as a furry artist, nepenthe is equally jealous of the black square that sold for 300 million
TyraZaurus is having a meltdown here lol

Starting post:

Meltdown from beginning to end:
Quote:Where's the part where they take out the plagiarism

Quote:"Leave us to praise the rip off game without being confronted by the fact that we're playing a rip off game"

Quote:Yes, and we don't need another thread that praises this tripe undeservedly

Quote:"It's okay to steal when I like the end result"

Quote:Sure they are. Just like I'm allowed to say what's true about the game in it

Quote:"GameFreak has disappointed me, so that makes plagiarism okay."

Quote:There's derivative and then there's fucking art theft

Y'all also think GameFreak making buggy or ugly looking games means it's okay to rip them off. What fallacy are you gonna throw at me next? It's okay to steal from them because they're a big rich company?

Quote:A criminal does criminal things. Later, they go out to a party. Someone who knows they did crime tells a joke about them doing a crime. The poor criminal's time at the party is derailed. Poor guy.

Also, official posts made by Pokemon social media accounts are being derailed by PalWorld fans. Y'all ain't special.

User Warned: Thread derail over a series of posts
Quote:I can state my bloody opinions if I bloody well want to. They ripped off another game. They suck and I will continue to say they suck.
Quote:god forbid people call out art theft
(01-24-2024, 08:05 PM)nachobro wrote:
Quote: Well I have two names and there is another guy who also has two names but he uses my preferred name. I knew him before joining the university as TA because I am MSc student and he is PhD student meanwhile he is TA for like 6-7 years. When I joined the faculty, the head of department asked which name of mine I am using and I told my first name not my middle name because I know everyone knew him and I don't know I just didn't want to be second guy and I said my first name to him. Same happened with other TAs. Some professors and students just use my first name and I am totally okay with it because I like my first name too. But when other people call him with his preferred name which is also my preferred name I feel like I lost my identity. My family, my friends, my professor and even my crush calls me by my preffered name and it's the first time I have problem with this name. Now I am thinking to delete that name or never use it again. It's not a big deal but I think y'all got what I am trying to say.
wtf? oh ok i totally understand now

Imagine this fucking clown trying to teach a class?
(01-24-2024, 08:05 PM)Echelon wrote: Jesus christ.

When they first explained the concept of self esteem in grade school I couldn't understand how someone could NOT like themselves.  Egomaniac

There's a dude having an existential crisis over sharing a name with someone. What part of that makes you think these people have any self-esteem at all?
(01-24-2024, 08:27 PM)AldusMoneyPenny wrote: Some of the most vapid posts I've ever seen in this John Stewart thread. Like, if you have nothing interesting to say, shutting up is free.

Quote:but I know people had problems with it and how he's out of touch
Slayven wrote:Not sure about this....I don't think dude is in touch as he use to be
Out of touch with what? With who?

(01-24-2024, 08:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:People legitimately don't think we know what the fuck we're talking about
(01-24-2024, 08:51 PM)Averon wrote: TyraZaurus is having a meltdown here lol

Starting post:

Meltdown from beginning to end:
Quote:Where's the part where they take out the plagiarism

Quote:"Leave us to praise the rip off game without being confronted by the fact that we're playing a rip off game"

Quote:Yes, and we don't need another thread that praises this tripe undeservedly

Quote:"It's okay to steal when I like the end result"

Quote:Sure they are. Just like I'm allowed to say what's true about the game in it

Quote:"GameFreak has disappointed me, so that makes plagiarism okay."

Quote:There's derivative and then there's fucking art theft

Y'all also think GameFreak making buggy or ugly looking games means it's okay to rip them off. What fallacy are you gonna throw at me next? It's okay to steal from them because they're a big rich company?

Quote:A criminal does criminal things. Later, they go out to a party. Someone who knows they did crime tells a joke about them doing a crime. The poor criminal's time at the party is derailed. Poor guy.

Also, official posts made by Pokemon social media accounts are being derailed by PalWorld fans. Y'all ain't special.

User Warned: Thread derail over a series of posts
Quote:I can state my bloody opinions if I bloody well want to. They ripped off another game. They suck and I will continue to say they suck.
Quote:god forbid people call out art theft

People are cheering organised theft from department stores. Why do you suddenly care about (possible) art theft?
(01-24-2024, 08:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:As I said earlier, the realities of being an artist just do not fundamentally fit within a neoliberal capitalist framework. The actual quality of the stuff you make yourself is truly as meritocratic as can be. There's no buying out the competition. There's no brown-nosing your way to the top. Your work is your own. Subsequently, there's no bullshit when people come to you with cash to make them stuff, and that makes people really fucking mad when it works out well for you. The process of making art is also as important as the end product itself for the artist, but the process itself cannot actually be commodified, packaged up, and sold.
Imagine writing this while trying to convince people you know anything about the art industry.

(01-24-2024, 08:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Nepenthe wrote:in a world built on conformity to standards and adherence to the hierarchy, being able to just sit down, take your time, and get out a cool or unique idea that represents who you truly are out of your head and onto the page, to communicate freely in such an abstract way, really makes people feel some type of way (what they don't know is that we just practiced, and they can practice too!) The thought that we can get paid to be creative is further unacceptable, and some folks feel the need to try and snatch that autonomy away and put us in our place. Not my fault you chose a white collar job, tho.

But people have always acted like this. Historically making art has never been free of turmoil and undue judgement, but AI, and in general this "alternative facts" world we're living in, has definitely turbocharged the conversation about what it means to be an artist in a negative way, and now we're left having to entertain people who have made it clear they know fuck all about making art and yet they are still going to force their way into the community anyway. People who cannot draw a box in perspective want to be seen as just as talented as concept artists with 30 years of experience. People legit want to be given clout for putting in no effort and being ignorant, instead of working on something they are passionate about and growing as a person. It's unreal.
(01-24-2024, 08:51 PM)Uncle wrote: hint: as a furry artist, nepenthe is equally jealous of the black square that sold for 300 million

Of course she is.  lol

The Art world (the ones in high end galleries and exhibitions) in general can be as bad or worse than what she bitches with the white collar worker, but somehow she needs to use it to defend herself against the plebs. But that's none of my business...
Wonder how much of those new Palworld purchases are from people who had no clue it existed until the whiners started crying about it. Hogwarts all over again.
A lot of y'all downplaying art theft, wouldn't be surprised if next you start downplaying name theft like that dude is suffering.
Quote:Fuck, 7 millions in 5 days.

It's selling better than a Sony AAA exclusive, this is insane. It very likely already about to outdo Spider-Man 2 entire current lifetime sales, Sony's 'fastest-selling' first-party game ever (who took 11 days to cross the 5m mark).

Sony execs really need to drive the truck of money personally from some Japanese bank straight unto these guys houses.

As crazy as it is - no marketing budget or prior lengthy event showcases - it might indeed hit 10m sales with its first week
literally shaking
It's like John Waters never made Pecker
ah yes of course, art doesn't fit within the capitalist framework. it's all about people giving you money for a thing they want and then if you are shown to be really good you can corner the market and make more money. nothing like capitalism.

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