Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(01-29-2024, 10:13 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

B-Dumbs "On break"

Siren Siren Siren

B-Dubs, post: 118336485, member: 143 wrote:I'm saying this as just me, the other mods and admins have nothing to do with this, but I gotta say it.

The fact is, the idea that moderation around the Acti-blizz acquisition has been colored by my daring to mention the fact I actually bothered to try investing for the first time has been going around for about a year and a half now, maybe more. The Sony warriors have been on this stance for ages now, I got warned about it a long time ago. They've been pushing this nonsense for ages and seeing people I considered friends, people who knew what I've sacrificed ,seemingly buying into it was horrifying to me. People who said nothing in the face of the nonsense.

This pushing of the discussion point about posters and their investing is just people pushing that same stuff in a way they think people won't realize.

After all the insane shit I've been through, after all I've sacrificed--my mental health, my physical health, what is probably the future I should have had--nothing has offended me more than this. Nothing has made me angrier. Every time I've tried to write up a post about all this it just turns to furious anger, threatening fire and brimstone to those pushing this nonsense.

You know better than most some of the insanity I'm forced to carry around, some of the dark things and choices I'm forced to relive in the quiet moments of the night when there's nothing but me and the night sky.

There was someone earlier in this thread who mentioned how certain posters use progressive language to push platform warring and they are correct. Could we have been harder on the Xbox warriors? Absolutely. Were all the Sony guys in good faith? Hell no they weren't.

The new age of the platform warrior isn't about box power or game quality, it's been all about "my company is more moral/ethical than your company is."

That's the battle we're all fighting and we've all been aware of it for a few years now. You're all just catching up.

You can see it in some of the posts about how Sony managed to avoid this or how Iwata cut his salary first. It's all just a new age of platform warring, clad in leftist rhetoric so as to hide from those not paying attention.

None of these companies give a shit. They're all bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. Arguing which is the best is like arguing which is the best smelling turd. They all smell like shit and they always have.

I've given up a lot in doing this job. I no longer have a place in the communities I call home. I have friends that won't talk to me because I had to keep the peace and give people space to speak their individual truths instead of siding with them and my own beliefs. I can't make a blatantly obvious post that's literally just a point made by others without being completely misinterpreted, on purpose, and made to sound like I'm saying something I'm not. My mental health is shit and there's days my physical health isn't too far behind.

Basically, what I'm saying is the people pushing this whole "dubs is a millionaire bought out by M$" piss me off to a degree I've never dealt with before. I've been accused of 200 different kinds of bigotry and xenophobia over the years because we wouldn't let people go off on each other and break the rules without consequences. But this? I've never been as angry or offended in my life and I've been driven to suicidal ideation a few times.

Keep in mind this is all me on a personal level. If anything official gets said it won't be coming from me. I'm so angry I don't trust myself to do it and so it'll come from another admin. I just had to say something, to push back on the nonsense, or go insane.

Anyway, I'm taking some time away. Sorry to everyone on staff if I made your jobs harder, I just couldn't keep quiet anymore.

B-Dumbs, this all the fault of you letting certain groups on that forum walk all over you + useless fucks like Nepnep. These people are insidious and play you against people, JUST like they do with the rest of the forum like ban baiting. If you just stop letting people run their cliques on that forum between poliera, trans mafia era, console warriors, tankies, etc, things would be much better. 

"I've given up a lot in doing this job. I no longer have a place in the communities I call home. I have friends that won't talk to me because I had to keep the peace and give people space to speak their individual truths instead of siding with them and my own beliefs. I can't make a blatantly obvious post that's literally just a point made by others without being completely misinterpreted, on purpose, and made to sound like I'm saying something I'm not. My mental health is shit and there's days my physical health isn't too far behind."

this is the same shit many people on that forum experience from the cunts

Just fucking ban those stupid cunts. You and everyone and the forum would be better off. Get on it B-Dumbs and become B-Based. You might redeem yourself for your own sanity

start with nepnep

 Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy! Professor Scott Steiner

The nepnep age of Resetera has begun

Let the insanity begin!!!!!

klobbbbbbb Divest from capitalism, colonialism, and white supremacy! Forspoken Just win baby Klobmentum!
Unban me B-Dubs, make me admin.

Anyone here that still posts on that shithole, now is the time to open threads to ask for the return of Nintex. 

I will get this shit sorted out ASAP. With your support we can make ResetEra great again. 

I've been on GAF, NeoGAF, TheBore, ResetEra, D-Pad Life, all the Discords and now The Bire. I get along with the Playstationers, Xbots, PC Master Race and Nintendies. I even have actual industry contacts. My ability to keep even the worst trolls in line is unmatched. I'm talking about turning literal anti-semites and Nation of Islam / Malcom X boys into cute little puppies. 
And no matter how many times the soys say "Fuck off Nintex" I never ever back down and they will leave by themselves. I won't even have to ban them.

I am the only one who can fix her and who is willing to fix her. I will give you back your freedom from the gang of lunatics that has hijacked your boards.
The videogame industry would respect you and start posting again. 

You all know it. Trumps
(01-29-2024, 10:46 PM)Pwnz wrote: Dubs might be an okay person that bought into neps stuff. I don't know. Whatever man take care of yourself and maybe rethink moderation policies...maybe moderating discussion without a face instead becoming personally invested in curating consensus is a good idea? What do I know

Or he could quit, specially since doesn’t enjoy it and just feed in his martyrdom complex.
Fucking IMAGINE one of the most difficult times in your life revolving around getting shat on from anonymous people on a vidya forum. Just fucking imagine. I can not even fathom living a life that simple. B-Dubs is truly an incomprehensibly retarded person.

If you ask me, the mods on ree deserve all that "hate" and more since every single one of them is responsible for fostering an environment where that "hate" could fester in the first place.
HaughtyFrank dateline='[url=tel:1706568240' wrote: 1706568240[/url]']
FEUER FREI. dateline='[url=tel:1706566416' wrote: 1706566416[/url]']

B-Dubs, post: 118336485, member: 143 wrote:You know better than most some of the insanity I'm forced to carry around, some of the dark things and choices I'm forced to relive in the quiet moments of the night when there's nothing but me and the night sky.

Da fuck?

It’s like he’s cutting an 80’s wrestling promo.
(01-29-2024, 10:50 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:46 PM)Pwnz wrote: Dubs might be an okay person that bought into neps stuff. I don't know. Whatever man take care of yourself and maybe rethink moderation policies...maybe moderating discussion without a face instead becoming personally invested in curating consensus is a good idea? What do I know

Or he could quit, specially since doesn’t enjoy it and just feed in his martyrdom complex.

That too, I don't know why people think it's such an important role. I've moderated other stuff, a good moderator is silent and can find a replacement.
Jeff endorses Palworld:
(01-29-2024, 10:27 PM)Potato wrote: This shit is so funny because the ONLY way Joanne (TERF cunt) would use a pseudonym is if she herself insisted on a pseudonym being used. She's one of the only authors in the world whose name has the pull to make a film a success on its own. No way a studio is squandering that because "they likely wouldn't want to risk associating her toxic-ass to this."

Quote:I was totally in for this one until I saw this post. I need to know it's not Rowling.

Quote:I need to know its not JK Rowling before even thinking of seeing this movie now.

(01-29-2024, 10:48 PM)Nintex wrote: Unban me B-Dubs, make me admin.

Anyone here that still posts on that shithole, now is the time to open threads to ask for the return of Nintex. 

I will get this shit sorted out ASAP. With your support we can make ResetEra great again. 

I've been on GAF, NeoGAF, TheBore, D-Pad Life, all the Discords and now The Bire. I get along with the Playstationers, Xbots, PC Master Race and Nintendies. I even have actual industry contacts. My ability to keep even the worst trolls in line is unmatched. I'm talking about turning literal anti-semites and Nation of Islam / Malcom X boys into cute little puppies. 
And no matter how many times the soys say "Fuck off Nintex" I never ever back down and they will leave by themselves. I won't even have to ban them.

I am the only one who can fix her and who is willing to fix her. I will give you back your freedom from the gang of lunatics that has hijacked your boards.

You all know it. Trumps

I wonder if you would, like genuinely make an attempt to turn it around

though that would just align with banning all the main characters which everyone agrees is what needs to happen anyway, even if the healthy thing is the death of comedy
(01-29-2024, 10:46 PM)Pwnz wrote: Dubs might be an okay person that bought into neps stuff. I don't know. Whatever man take care of yourself and maybe rethink moderation policies...maybe moderating discussion without a face instead becoming personally invested in curating consensus is a good idea? What do I know

I haven't kept up with this drama so I have no idea who is in the wrong. If he owned a tiny bit of msft stock, whatever, everyone with domestic large cap has msft. Like probably 1/3 people.

I'll never understand why they're so afraid of people disagreeing with each other on a video game forum (well I do know, but that's another story). Like, who cares if some people call each other some hurtful names online.
(01-29-2024, 10:52 PM)benji wrote: Jeff endorse Palworld:

Wonder if this applies to harassing streamers over platforming “dangerous” individuals, or covering “problematic” games…
(01-29-2024, 10:13 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

B-Dumbs "On break
B-Dubs, post: 118336485, member: 143 wrote:They've been pushing this nonsense for ages and seeing people I considered friends, people who knew what I've sacrificed ,seemingly buying into it was horrifying to me. People who said nothing in the face of the nonsense.
After all the insane shit I've been through, after all I've sacrificed--my mental health, my physical health, what is probably the future I should have had--nothing has offended me more than this. Nothing has made me angrier. Every time I've tried to write up a post about all this it just turns to furious anger, threatening fire and brimstone to those pushing this nonsense.

You know better than most some of the insanity I'm forced to carry around, some of the dark things and choices I'm forced to relive in the quiet moments of the night when there's nothing but me and the night sky.
I've given up a lot in doing this job. I no longer have a place in the communities I call home. I have friends that won't talk to me because I had to keep the peace and give people space to speak their individual truths instead of siding with them and my own beliefs. I can't make a blatantly obvious post that's literally just a point made by others without being completely misinterpreted, on purpose, and made to sound like I'm saying something I'm not. My mental health is shit and there's days my physical health isn't too far behind.

Basically, what I'm saying is the people pushing this whole "dubs is a millionaire bought out by M$" piss me off to a degree I've never dealt with before. I've been accused of 200 different kinds of bigotry and xenophobia over the years because we wouldn't let people go off on each other and break the rules without consequences. But this? I've never been as angry or offended in my life and I've been driven to suicidal ideation a few times.

Keep in mind this is all me on a personal level. If anything official gets said it won't be coming from me. I'm so angry I don't trust myself to do it and so it'll come from another admin. I just had to say something, to push back on the nonsense, or go insane.

Anyway, I'm taking some time away. Sorry to everyone on staff if I made your jobs harder, I just couldn't keep quiet anymore.
(01-29-2024, 10:53 PM)Potato wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:46 PM)Pwnz wrote: Dubs might be an okay person that bought into neps stuff. I don't know. Whatever man take care of yourself and maybe rethink moderation policies...maybe moderating discussion without a face instead becoming personally invested in curating consensus is a good idea? What do I know

I haven't kept up with this drama so I have no idea who is in the wrong. If he owned a tiny bit of msft stock, whatever, everyone with domestic large cap has msft. Like probably 1/3 people.

I'll never understand why they're so afraid of people disagreeing with each other on a video game forum (well I do know, but that's another story). Like, who cares if some people can reach other some hurtful names online.

Disagreeing is the point! You can learn something. Like it's pointless to only have agreeable conversations with strangers. Sure to keep the peace with family, but randos? I'm there to disagree
(01-29-2024, 10:48 PM)Nintex wrote: Unban me B-Dubs, make me admin.

Anyone here that still posts on that shithole, now is the time to open threads to ask for the return of Nintex. 

I will get this shit sorted out ASAP. With your support we can make ResetEra great again. 

I've been on GAF, NeoGAF, TheBore, ResetEra, D-Pad Life, all the Discords and now The Bire. I get along with the Playstationers, Xbots, PC Master Race and Nintendies. I even have actual industry contacts. My ability to keep even the worst trolls in line is unmatched. I'm talking about turning literal anti-semites and Nation of Islam / Malcom X boys into cute little puppies. 
And no matter how many times the soys say "Fuck off Nintex" I never ever back down and they will leave by themselves. I won't even have to ban them.

I am the only one who can fix her and who is willing to fix her. I will give you back your freedom from the gang of lunatics that has hijacked your boards.
The videogame industry would respect you and start posting again. 

You all know it. Trumps

You should bring Shosta in as your running mate. Everyone needs a Kamala to blame any problems on. He's a little bitch and would probably love all the abuse anyway.
Imagine my mental health, I sponsored our video game section with GamePass without even getting millions like B-Dubs. Not like this!
Bdubs: just quit that forum that is clearly a petri dish of lunacy-unchecked, and go do something else that makes you feel rewarded.  Shit, if you still want forum time in your life just come on over to The Bire; we'll even call you the General Manager if it makes you feel more welcome.
(01-29-2024, 10:50 PM)Greatness Gone wrote: Fucking IMAGINE one of the most difficult times in your life revolving around getting shat on from anonymous people on a vidya forum. Just fucking imagine. I can not even fathom living a life that simple. B-Dubs is truly an incomprehensibly retarded person.

If you ask me, the mods on ree deserve all that "hate" and more since every single one of them is responsible for fostering an environment where that "hate" could fester in the first place.

Personal responsibility isn't really a Resetera thing though...
It's funny that B-Dubs couldn't have just responded to those posts and said "you seriously think this forum is valuable enough for me to get paid off by Microsoft for anything?" Instead he's whining in a hidden thread to a select group of people who visit that thread half the forum doesn't even knows exists because some people questioned a moderation decision.
benji dateline='[url=tel:1706569237' wrote: 1706569237[/url]']
It's funny that B-Dubs couldn't have just responded to those posts and said "you seriously think this forum is valuable enough for me to get paid off by Microsoft for anything"? Instead he's whining in a hidden thread to a select group of people who visit that thread half the forum doesn't even knows exists.

I mean, he still legit thinks the forum is a big deal for the industry. And he said that just weeks ago.
(01-29-2024, 11:00 PM)benji wrote: It's funny that B-Dubs couldn't have just responded to those posts and said "you seriously think this forum is valuable enough for me to get paid off by Microsoft for anything"? Instead he's whining in a hidden thread to a select group of people who visit that thread half the forum doesn't even knows exists.

He isn't in the secret discord groups, so this is the only way he can semi privately vent lol

(01-29-2024, 11:03 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(01-29-2024, 11:00 PM)benji wrote: It's funny that B-Dubs couldn't have just responded to those posts and said "you seriously think this forum is valuable enough for me to get paid off by Microsoft for anything"? Instead he's whining in a hidden thread to a select group of people who visit that thread half the forum doesn't even knows exists.
I mean, he still legit thinks the forum is a big deal for the industry. And he said that just weeks ago.

The Hogwarts sales should put that opinion into check real quick. Not to mention all the actual gaming journalists speaking down on Resetera's name publicly.
(01-29-2024, 10:53 PM)Uncle wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:48 PM)Nintex wrote: Unban me B-Dubs, make me admin.

Anyone here that still posts on that shithole, now is the time to open threads to ask for the return of Nintex. 

I will get this shit sorted out ASAP. With your support we can make ResetEra great again. 

I've been on GAF, NeoGAF, TheBore, D-Pad Life, all the Discords and now The Bire. I get along with the Playstationers, Xbots, PC Master Race and Nintendies. I even have actual industry contacts. My ability to keep even the worst trolls in line is unmatched. I'm talking about turning literal anti-semites and Nation of Islam / Malcom X boys into cute little puppies. 
And no matter how many times the soys say "Fuck off Nintex" I never ever back down and they will leave by themselves. I won't even have to ban them.

I am the only one who can fix her and who is willing to fix her. I will give you back your freedom from the gang of lunatics that has hijacked your boards.

You all know it. Trumps

I wonder if you would, like genuinely make an attempt to turn it around

though that would just align with banning all the main characters which everyone agrees is what needs to happen anyway, even if the healthy thing is the death of comedy
I won't have to ban anyone. I'm not going to ban anyone unless they post stuff that goes against very clearly defined rules of which there are few.

Under my leadership it would be like the good old days. You'd come home to post a few memes, watch a few trailers, learn some industry secrets and maybe dabble into some T&A, news or politics if you felt like it. Gaming would be the main thing but there wouldn't be any mandatory ideology or a set of ideals pushed on you. None of this 'holier than thou' shit. Back then your income didn't matter, it mattered that you could find all the skulls in HALO or some shit. 

What killed NeoGAF/ResetEra is conformity. We used to have gamers, journalists, yuropeans, americans, gays, japanese, conservatives, liberals, progressives, everyone together on the same board. You made fun of the Xboxers when the Xbox sold 3 units in Japan and then got laughed at when Nintendo charged $50 for a Super Mario All Stars ROM on a disk. However that was never the fault of 'capitalism' just company executives being retarded. 

We shared many great moments as a community and that is sadly not happening anymore on ResetEra. It could happen again if people made the right choice Trumps
(01-29-2024, 10:10 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Quote:The watch stopped and the people are sick of cape movies people are right for the first time today.

ClickerCarl wrote:*Looks at Box Office numbers for Spider-verse and GOTG3*

"It is like both are kind of disconnected from the shared universe stuff."

Am I out of touch?

GOTG 3 was also way better than any of the MCU that was coming out around it.
(01-29-2024, 10:52 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:27 PM)Potato wrote: This shit is so funny because the ONLY way Joanne (TERF cunt) would use a pseudonym is if she herself insisted on a pseudonym being used. She's one of the only authors in the world whose name has the pull to make a film a success on its own. No way a studio is squandering that because "they likely wouldn't want to risk associating her toxic-ass to this."

Quote:I was totally in for this one until I saw this post. I need to know it's not Rowling.

Quote:I need to know its not JK Rowling before even thinking of seeing this movie now.


Rowling, who is a billionaire and has no problem telling trans activists off agreed to keep her name secret to not piss anyone off? Nah, no way. She'd put the studio on blast for even suggesting it
(01-29-2024, 11:07 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:52 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:27 PM)Potato wrote: This shit is so funny because the ONLY way Joanne (TERF cunt) would use a pseudonym is if she herself insisted on a pseudonym being used. She's one of the only authors in the world whose name has the pull to make a film a success on its own. No way a studio is squandering that because "they likely wouldn't want to risk associating her toxic-ass to this."

Quote:I was totally in for this one until I saw this post. I need to know it's not Rowling.

Quote:I need to know its not JK Rowling before even thinking of seeing this movie now.


Rowling, who is a billionaire and has no problem telling trans activists off agreed to keep her name secret to not piss anyone off? Nah, no way. She'd put the studio on blast for even suggesting it
She's obviously hiding her name just so she can harm all the trans people who go to see it without knowing! Then she'll brag about it on Twitter. This is what drives these hateful people like Joanne, they're completely obsessed.
(01-29-2024, 10:55 PM)Pwnz wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:53 PM)Potato wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:46 PM)Pwnz wrote: Dubs might be an okay person that bought into neps stuff. I don't know. Whatever man take care of yourself and maybe rethink moderation policies...maybe moderating discussion without a face instead becoming personally invested in curating consensus is a good idea? What do I know

I haven't kept up with this drama so I have no idea who is in the wrong. If he owned a tiny bit of msft stock, whatever, everyone with domestic large cap has msft. Like probably 1/3 people.

I'll never understand why they're so afraid of people disagreeing with each other on a video game forum (well I do know, but that's another story). Like, who cares if some people can reach other some hurtful names online.

Disagreeing is the point! You can learn something. Like it's pointless to only have agreeable conversations with strangers. Sure to keep the peace with family, but randos? I'm there to disagree

It also just leads to a culture of pettiness, passive aggressiveness and ban baiting bullshit because people can't actually say what they mean.

I'm convinced it would be much healthier if people could tell each other to fuck off every once in a while
Slayven making a south park reference... the trans mafia will not forget this

Slayven wrote:Plus the dude always looked unnerving like Al Gore to me
[Image: latest?cb=20211215231456]

Quote:In the episode, Al Gore visits South Park to warn everyone about a creature called ManBearPig, an allegory for global warming.

[Image: 360?cb=20170816084222]
So what exactly does the General Manager do if all their decisions are collective decisions and he can just go "On Break"?
(01-29-2024, 10:55 PM)Pwnz wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:53 PM)Potato wrote:
(01-29-2024, 10:46 PM)Pwnz wrote: Dubs might be an okay person that bought into neps stuff. I don't know. Whatever man take care of yourself and maybe rethink moderation policies...maybe moderating discussion without a face instead becoming personally invested in curating consensus is a good idea? What do I know

I haven't kept up with this drama so I have no idea who is in the wrong. If he owned a tiny bit of msft stock, whatever, everyone with domestic large cap has msft. Like probably 1/3 people.

I'll never understand why they're so afraid of people disagreeing with each other on a video game forum (well I do know, but that's another story). Like, who cares if some people can reach other some hurtful names online.

Disagreeing is the point! You can learn something. Like it's pointless to only have agreeable conversations with strangers. Sure to keep the peace with family, but randos? I'm there to disagree

Is that why all the politics wankers successfully lobbied to ban anyone who said they voted Republican?
(01-29-2024, 10:13 PM)FEUER FREI. wrote:

B-Dumbs "On break"

Siren Siren Siren

B-Dubs, post: 118336485, member: 143 wrote:I've given up a lot in doing this job. I no longer have a place in the communities I call home. I have friends that won't talk to me because I had to keep the peace and give people space to speak their individual truths instead of siding with them and my own beliefs.

'Keep the peace'? That's definitely a take. You've let your fellow mods and admin cater and groom cliques and ran off reasonable posters whom weren't able to 'speak their individual truths' to screeching users who called disagreement genocide and bigotry. And when the remaining users would intermittently rise up and demand action and accountability... to.a.'t'. you circled the wagons, talked down to them, and derided them for even questioning those in authority.

Now, when you're showing signs of failing that purity test, you want to play the EXACT.SAME.FUCKING.CARD they do. "I'm so tired. It's killing me. It's damaging my health."

If this job is so abusive, then quit. But do NOT delude yourself as if you were powerless, scooter. You're part of the root of this problem.
(01-29-2024, 10:56 PM)Tucker's Law wrote: Bdubs: just quit that forum that is clearly a petri dish of lunacy-unchecked, and go do something else that makes you feel rewarded.  Shit, if you still want forum time in your life just come on over to The Bire; we'll even call you the General Manager if it makes you feel more welcome.

BDubbs should come here and embrace his BCHUDS alterego.

Spoiler:  (click to show)
We'll still call him bdumbs though

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