Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(01-30-2024, 07:39 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Month): Massively downplaying systemic abuse in regards to and within the prison system, previous bans for similar dismissiveness. Post reverted for clarification.
Seirith wrote:I have no issue with people in jail or prison working, if you don't want to be in jail/prison don't do something to get yourself put there and then you can choose where and how much you work. People should also be required to attend school, work training and/or substance abuse/mental health classes/rehab.

In the thread about the Japanese arsonist in death row, many mentioned he shouldn’t be killed but put on work.  Rolleyes

Dudes, at least be consistent.

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing concerns of stalking, large amount of infractions
vodalus wrote:Taylor Swift has 24/7 private security regardless, so you're essentially asking taxpayers to pay to protect celebrities. There will always be crazy people
Why would Kyuuji want access to a mother and child class?
Edmond_Dantes wrote:Truly one of the most beautiful communities I've encountered in the UK and been welcomed into and been able to make lasting friendships with some amazing people. Sickens me to the core that you're been treated like this by transphobic vermin and the on the other hand the utter indifference from others.

As for Labour, if you remember, I sent him one of your excellent analyses in email form to my local MP and lo and behold, received nothing in return from him. Absolutely pathetic.


I hope you are in a list, now. Spamming science articles doesn’t make you a intellectual person, Edmond.
BDumbass is taking a break. Unfortunately its in the constructive topic.
entremet wrote:Honestly, I follow conservative spaces from afar to keep abreast on their crazy plans,


Quote: Cop User Banned (2 Weeks): Conspiracy Theorizing
Flex1212 wrote:Does this have anything to do with MTG being the person who planted the bombs on J6?
(01-30-2024, 07:41 PM)Venice wrote: Fresh news from TERF island followed by yet another lacking-in-any-intelligence comment from Kyuuji:
Kyuuji wrote:If this comes to pass, they won't stop there. Bathrooms, changing rooms, mother and child classes etc. will follow under the precedent of 'single sex spaces'.

Which would make existing as an openly trans woman functionality impossible.
The fuck is a "mother and child class"? Do these really ban dads or is it just that mothers are more likely to come with a kid? Do they ban mothers with sons? lol

(01-30-2024, 07:48 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Edmond_Dantes wrote:As for Labour, if you remember, I sent him one of your excellent analyses in email form to my local MP and lo and behold, received nothing in return from him. Absolutely pathetic.
This is why you have an automatic reply of "thanks, will look into it." Rollsafe
(01-30-2024, 07:33 PM)benji wrote:
(01-30-2024, 07:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:I don't know how to get more people to care. The trans community is so wonderful, so diverse, so vivid. Culturally rich, with a beautiful history of forging through the dark to find light. Of grabbing life with such force that you can steer it. You can hear it in the stories we tell, see it in the memes we make, the art we produce.

This culture I joined ~2 years ago is so rich and so poweful thanks to people like me.
Just look how many anime girls we've photoshopped into image macros of screaming curses and slurs at people.

Really powerful stuff.
Just look at the number of video games they ruined Stahp
(01-30-2024, 07:41 PM)Nintex wrote: Ice Cube was right.

it actually was a good day? Do you think people would really do that?
(01-30-2024, 07:33 PM)benji wrote:
(01-30-2024, 07:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:I don't know how to get more people to care. The trans community is so wonderful, so diverse, so vivid. Culturally rich, with a beautiful history of forging through the dark to find light. Of grabbing life with such force that you can steer it. You can hear it in the stories we tell, see it in the memes we make, the art we produce.

What she means is appropriating Spider-Gwen. Or the trans character in Cyberpunk that she despises. Or the trans character in Harry Potter that she despises.
The panty sniffing community is so wonderful, so diverse, so vivid. Culturally rich, with a beautiful history of forging through the dark to find light. Of grabbing life with such force that you can steer it. You can hear it in the stories we tell, see it in the memes we make, the art we produce.

Yet all the press ends up focussing on is when we get kicked out the gym for making women uncomfortable when we make a dash for their just vacated seats.

(01-30-2024, 07:48 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Dismissing concerns of stalking, large amount of infractions
vodalus wrote:Taylor Swift has 24/7 private security regardless, so you're essentially asking taxpayers to pay to protect celebrities. There will always be crazy people
ZeoVGM wrote:What a take.
Quote:Or maybe there needs to be actual laws to protect people from stalkers.
Quote:So basically what you're saying is that if someone is stalking someone who has private security we shouldn't give a shit?

People like this are a threat to others and as such should be locked up. Simple as that.
Quote:Taxes should be spent 1) rehabilitating and/or 2) punishing/secluding individuals that are a danger to themselves or others. Doesn't matter if the individual that is committing the crime is doing so against a billionaire or a broke mfer.
Quote:Or, we could, you know, have much harsher penalties for all stalkers in the first place, so they get locked up and are no longer stalking anyone regardless of their celebrity status.
Quote:I'm sure the women who don't have Taylor Swift's resources will take comfort in this.
Quote:She is a tax payer and deserves protection just like every other citizen.
Quote:Take this thread, and the MAGA meltdown thread, and really have a think to yourself if your take is "she already has security".
Slayven wrote:Yeah, if Swift didn't have blackops on tap this would be the start of True Crime podcast. We seen it too many times where the person just been let go and the target ends up hurt or worse
Quote:Doesn't surprise me, I have know people who had to deal with similar situations and the law and/or the police are fucking worthless. Unless the person gets violent they just get a slap on the wrist. Once the person was taken away by the police and was back something like 6 hours later.
Quote:Police stay useless.
Quote:It's times like these I'm reminded to thank god for the police.

Who else will show up to your house half an hour after a violent offense, do nothing, write an inaccurate report, call you a slur and go home.
I guess we love cops now? And white women? And billionaires?
(01-30-2024, 06:32 PM)Snoopy wrote: Meanwhile Labour have said they will create wards especially for trans. Unsurprisingly ree are in full support and think it’s entirely reasonable. People are at their most vulnerable in hospitals. Forcing women to share wards with trans might make them uncomfortable and put extra strain on their health. So ree are quite positive about this as they will get access to wards designed for their needs.

As long as they're in the mental health wards, that's fine by me.
Edmund and kyuji are same person, yes? I always assumed.

When I saw dude using y'all on the reg, knew it was a trannny
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
Taylor needs to get on Robert Pattinsons level

Quote:The actor was filming in Spain at the time, and told Creme Magazine he had a 'stalker' who 'stood outside of [his] apartment every day for weeks'.

The determined woman remained in place 'all day every day', and Pattinson found himself 'so bored and lonely' during his time there that he 'went out and had dinner with her'.

It's a far better outcome for the stalker than being arrested, but it seems that Pattinson didn't turn out to be the man of her dreams as she ended up making a run for it after their meal came to an end.

The actor explained: "I just complained about everything in my life and she never came back. People get bored of me in, like, two minutes.”
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower
(01-30-2024, 07:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:I don't know how to get more people to care. The trans community is so wonderful, so diverse, so vivid. Culturally rich, with a beautiful history of forging through the dark to find light. Of grabbing life with such force that you can steer it. You can hear it in the stories we tell, see it in the memes we make, the art we produce.  Yet we're constantly talking about fucking toilets or changing rooms.

This whole thing is supremely upsetting.

  lol Am I out of touch?  lol

Then she edited out but Clicker Carl being an idiot kept the original Quote.

Really pushing in on that BCT rhetoric there. Royalan must be slaying a few dozen hood burgers to satiate his rage.
This is the community we want. Kings putting 5 M2 SSDs in their RTX4090 rigs just because they can OH! 

[Image: q2hIzgF.png]

(01-30-2024, 07:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Kyuuji wrote:I don't know how to get more people to care. The trans community is so wonderful, so diverse, so vivid. Culturally rich, with a beautiful history of forging through the dark to find light. Of grabbing life with such force that you can steer it. You can hear it in the stories we tell, see it in the memes we make, the art we produce.  Yet we're constantly talking about fucking toilets or changing rooms.

This whole thing is supremely upsetting.

  lol Am I out of touch?  lol

Then she edited out but Clicker Carl being an idiot kept the original Quote.

"Why are you making such a big deal about it" always seems like a bad argument considering it's obviously a big deal to you as well to get into those mother/child classes for some reason
"Downplaying" will always be the funniest reason for banning someone. Like you really can't handle someone not treating a topic as seriously as you believe it should be treated? Where is the documentation of what is serious enough not to be downplayed and how much downplaying is ok? What discussion, beyond just nodding in agreement in every post, is allowed then?
(01-30-2024, 08:20 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: q2hIzgF.png]

Don't people make these kinds of posts in every thread all the time?
[Image: j8sDoZH.png]

b-dumbs is a bore original, which of you posted this and then deleted your account or got banned
(01-30-2024, 07:19 PM)TylenolJones wrote:
(01-30-2024, 07:14 PM)Superstar wrote:

Well this thread took quite a turn. Op is a retard of retards

Look who’s still posting. 

bdumds wrote:
Quote:Allegedly it's Cori Bush. Is it retribution for being vocal in support of a ceasefire? Is it legitimate? Either way, it has nothing to do with Scott Perry.
Can we not with that crap? Like, goddamn dude we don't need to get into wild ass conspiracy land for this shit.

So much for that PTO.

He was on break for one measly day?  lmao
Bdumbs puts the community before his physical and mental health Thank you for your service!
(01-30-2024, 08:38 PM)benji wrote:
(01-30-2024, 08:20 PM)Uncle wrote: [Image: q2hIzgF.png]

Don't people make these kinds of posts in every thread all the time?

Oh, so if I substantiate my thread derail then that's ok?
[Image: 6PJzcBc.png]
[Image: 5SHZWaz.png]

but who could those constant online complainers be?!
What's hilarious about Avatar is that it had basically become a meme among leftists to claim that "if Avatar was released today the chuds would call it woke!

Turns out if it was released today it would be considered problematic

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