Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(02-01-2024, 04:07 AM)BIONIC wrote: More constructive bullshit for neppy and bdumbs:
Nepenthe, post: 118430952, member: 1995 wrote:If I'm following you correctly, you basically want a separate, public ban log for members that essentially cannot be retroactively edited in the case that we reverse a decision?
B-Dubs, post: 118431078, member: 143 wrote:Gonna be honest, this will 1000% be used against us. We already get heat when we undo bans that certain members think should have remained. This'll just make it easier to weaponize those moments.


There's another issue, sometimes bans get undone because a private piece of information gets shared with us that totally changes how a post gets read. So we'll undo the ban but keep the secret because it's not ours to tell. As a result, us undoing a ban but keeping a public record of it could put not only us but the user in question in a bad situation.

There's also times a mistake gets made, a finger slips, and a ban get applied to the wrong account or post.
Android Sophia, post: 118432341, member: 156 wrote:And as she also noted, it's a very nuanced situation with a lot of aspects to it, most of which I can't even go into detail in the short time that I have right now. Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if, even though it's such a small portion of Era's userbase, it makes it difficult for many members of staff to simply express themselves.
Nepenthe, post: 118432443, member: 1995 wrote:My concerns however would be similar to Dubs':

What do we do on cases where bans are handled on the basis of private or sensitive information? What do we do in cases of technical errors or mistakes? What do we do about this information being weaponized by bad actors off site for cases of harassment?
B-Dubs, post: 118433937, member: 143 wrote:I should also note that there are situations where something really really bad is brought to our attention and we need to act on it in a specific way. In these situations we won't always be able to tell everyone what is really going down because doing so could potentially put someone who has done nothing wrong at risk. It isn't an overly common thing, but there are absolutely moments where we literally cannot tell you guys the truth about a ban or a choice that was made or whatever. This is generally the case when full disclosure would put someone who didn't actually do anything bad in the cross-hairs.
I thought Hecht just said they don't make shit up?

Android Sophia, post: 118432341, member: 156 wrote:Unfortunately, a lot of these places like the Discords, and other websites like those that Nepenthe mentioned end up being echo chambers that reinforce the hatred towards individuals and such.
(02-01-2024, 04:13 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: This... isn't rocket science. They can today go look at what their competitor/progenitor NeoGAF does:

Or the former KF bans list which was even better

It makes no sense at all to keep it secret. And I love that counterargument to whether they could make up stuff is just "why don't you trust me, bro"
I don't know, maybe you engage any criticism in bad faith?
Them admitting that a ban log will be used against them is a self report that their moderation isn't being handled well...

"just trust me bro, no need to audit we are truly above board!!" lol
(02-01-2024, 03:51 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-01-2024, 02:58 AM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Uh-oh. Now Hecht is throwing his hat in the ring:

Pointless Admin wrote:3) Us acknowledging our mistakes


we've done this tons of times. If you haven't seen it, congrats - you aren't part of some weird-ass Discord constantly demanding our heads.
Wait, why do I have to be on some weird ass discord to hear you acknowledging mistakes? Why don't you apologize to the people on the forum?

Because they are apologizing to the users that matter, not the plebs.
You'd think editing the messages to say "User banned: whatever the fuck (UPDATE: ban was reversed after appeal)" is the most complicated and dangerous process in the world from the way they describe it. Hitting the demon core with a wrench is safer than making it so users are aware of what they can be banned for.
(02-01-2024, 04:19 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Them admitting that a ban log will be used against them is a self report that their moderation isn't being handled well...

"just trust me bro, no need to audit we are truly above board!!" lol
The forum cops investigated themselves and found they were innocent; additionally the real problem is the users demanding an investigation and more protections for the forum cops are needed.
Bdumbs wrote:I'm going to be real, you all also need to stop treating us like we're Congress or something. I don't have the nuclear codes. There is no army. We're not elected officials, this isn't government, it's an Internet forum and some of you need to start acting like you understand that because, for some reason, when people are mad at real stuff that anger gets taken out on us and that gets old really fast.

BDumbs wrote:You know better than most some of the insanity I'm forced to carry around, some of the dark things and choices I'm forced to relive in the quiet moments of the night when there's nothing but me and the night sky.

So what it is? You even had the gall to mention suicide in your screed of how important the forum is.
It's pretty funny how you can tell their criticism is directed at their "allied" Discords like probably the trans discords and PoliERA discords and so on, but they're pretending they're talking about us or Kiwi Farms or Elon Musk so they have plausible deniability about their complaints.
(02-01-2024, 04:19 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Them admitting that a ban log will be used against them is a self report that their moderation isn't being handled well...

"just trust me bro, no need to audit we are truly above board!!" lol

When the KF banbot was up I remember how easily it exposed their favoritism. Someone like Shy was banned a million times but always allowed back while others received perma bans for less. Same with Deepwater 

A ban log allows people to compare all these aspects and the only reason mods would be upset about that possibility is that they're not up to par
RoaminRonin wrote:So in light of that tragic incident of a trump supporter that beheaded his own father. I think it's important to know what we are up against this election.

I don’t think this is a wise route to take, even if you agree that Trumpards are unhinged assholes. Is kind of shitty using this as the dude was clearly insane beyond loving Trump.—and-so-does-his-base.811614/
3 users liked this post: Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower, SmokyDave
Honestly I think it's about time benji publicly apologizes. Just outrageous behavior for an admin. I don't want to have to go to shosta's discord to read his apologies.
(02-01-2024, 04:47 AM)PogiJones wrote: Honestly I think it's about time benji publicly apologizes. Just outrageous behavior for an admin. I don't want to have to go to shosta's discord to read his apologies.
(02-01-2024, 04:40 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
RoaminRonin wrote:So in light of that tragic incident of a trump supporter that beheaded his own father. I think it's important to know what we are up against this election.—and-so-does-his-base.811614/
Oh, I may have misunderstood this whole "you need to cut off the chuds in your family" thing. Feels bad, man
Fatty McFat Fat been kissing any boys lately?
I think I found the next game they’re going to ban. 

Quote:Calling my shot: Levine is making a game about cancel culture.

•"what if I told you that every word you say is being recorded."
•person on stage getting literal red dislike thumbs-down icons thrown at them
•random person getting a J spraypainted on their shirt, like like a scarlet letter if in the "antifa" age
•The bar in the trailer being called "the reckoning"
•Shirt/hat saying "I shamed Judas"
•Enemy wearing a shirt that says "100% Unique"

Ken Levine's twitter likes tell a story of a centrist, free speech abolutist man who is pro israel, anti equity & inclusion, pro elon musk etc. He even has a statement liked from Ivanka Trump.

His games are very political, and his politics suck. So Judas will likely be a pass for me. I'd love to be wrong, but eh.

Quote:In Judas, we give you a whole new world to explore: the corridors of the Mayflower, a spacefaring city whose citizens are trained to spy on one another and tear each other apart for the slightest offense. Where machines control every aspect of business, art, and government. The ship's leaders tried to turn you into something you're not: a model citizen. And you sparked a devastating revolution to tear it all down.
holy fuck I was right

fuck this game
Quote:I for one think we should give the guy with terrible politics the benefit of the doubt

maybe cancelshock is just asking questions


Quote:From the man that both sides'ed racism.

That wasnt the point of that scene, and you fuckers know it.

BossAttack wrote:Listen, Levine has shit politics.

"Didnt let the crazy revolutionary kill a child. Fuck him."
Not sure why you’d even enter a thread for a Ken Levine game if you aren’t a fan of heavy handed symbolism anyway…everyone knows he’s a one trick pony. There’s a dearth of Bioshock clones for some reason, so I’m really looking forward to Judas. Trailer was cool.
Quote:Ken Levine's twitter likes tell a story of a centrist, free speech abolutist man who is pro israel, anti equity & inclusion, pro elon musk etc. He even has a statement liked from Ivanka Trump.

(02-01-2024, 02:59 AM)Potato wrote:
(02-01-2024, 01:50 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
a mod wrote:It's bad enough that devs are still making games like this. It's also bad in a whole other way that a major platform holder would make it the first game of their presentation to put so much focus on.

I think the absurd thigh gap bothered me the most.

"No one wants to ban these games! That's just a straw man!"

Weird, it's almost like they were lying.

Also they scanned an actual person you dumbass, she has a thigh gap (which btw is a perfectly normal thing some people have and some don't)

Can't wait for this shit to release.

I'm expecting at least one stroke and two heart attacks from the burka brigade.
I'm planning on having my own stroke when it comes out
(02-01-2024, 05:33 AM)TylenolJones wrote: I think I found the next game they’re going to ban. 

Quote:Calling my shot: Levine is making a game about cancel culture.

•"what if I told you that every word you say is being recorded."
•person on stage getting literal red dislike thumbs-down icons thrown at them
•random person getting a J spraypainted on their shirt, like like a scarlet letter if in the "antifa" age
•The bar in the trailer being called "the reckoning"
•Shirt/hat saying "I shamed Judas"
•Enemy wearing a shirt that says "100% Unique"

Ken Levine's twitter likes tell a story of a centrist, free speech abolutist man who is pro israel, anti equity & inclusion, pro elon musk etc. He even has a statement liked from Ivanka Trump.

His games are very political, and his politics suck. So Judas will likely be a pass for me. I'd love to be wrong, but eh.

Quote:In Judas, we give you a whole new world to explore: the corridors of the Mayflower, a spacefaring city whose citizens are trained to spy on one another and tear each other apart for the slightest offense. Where machines control every aspect of business, art, and government. The ship's leaders tried to turn you into something you're not: a model citizen. And you sparked a devastating revolution to tear it all down.
holy fuck I was right

fuck this game
Reminds me of those shit centrist movies claiming "cancel culture" is a thing and trying to both sides everything: The Lives of Others and The Crucible.
(02-01-2024, 05:33 AM)TylenolJones wrote: I think I found the next game they’re going to ban. 

Quote:Ken Levine's twitter likes tell a story of a centrist ...

His games are very political
Didn’t realize retardEra had such a hateboner for Ken Levine 😂 

And this quote sums up that forum pretty well, no wonder it upsets them so much. 

Quote:citizens are trained to spy on one another
and tear each other apart for the slightest offense
Dalek wrote:I'm freaking out and so frustrated right now. I picked her up early for an appointment but late in the day apparently a kid was showing his friends a gun and was "showboating". The school called the police per protocol, the police investigated and then said there was no longer a threat. My friend learned that the student was not in custody.

I know the school will be vague about things which is highly frustrating but it's a legal thing. My wife works as a social worker and she says the school will and cannot tell us if another student is expelled. I don't feel comfortable sending my daughter back until I know the student is expelled - but my wife counters with "even if he was what would stop him from just coming to school anyway with the gun".

This are the guys that want to rehabilitate criminals.
(02-01-2024, 06:33 AM)Boredfrom wrote:
Dalek wrote:I'm freaking out and so frustrated right now. ...

I know the school will be vague about things which is highly frustrating but it's a legal thing. My wife works as a social worker and she says the school will and cannot tell us if another student is expelled. I don't feel comfortable sending my daughter back until I know the student is expelled - but my wife counters with "even if he was what would stop him from just coming to school anyway with the gun".
Listen to women?
(02-01-2024, 02:50 AM)Potato wrote:

Benji, when does the jelqing tips subforum open?
It may be obsolete, please understand:

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Guys the number one problem we have is CONSOLE WARRING

Also, have you seen anyone posting anything remotely supportive of the jews lately? We need more bans for the ban god
(01-29-2024, 10:09 PM)benji wrote: JEFF CHECK:
Jeff deleted all six of his tweets in this post. lol
If it weren’t for the people with Good Media Literacy, the themes of a game called Judas would go over our heads.
What the fuck are they talking about technical errors and slip of the fingers for in relation to how they handle bans? It sounds like they shouldn’t be in charge of anything if they’re that inept.

What a bunch of wet wipes.

Also wtf is personal information coming to light that would reverse a ban? What kind of information are you being “passed” that this would even change a ban decision? Fucking fools.

Quote:From the whole showcase the incredibly old fashioned sexist outfits in Stellar Blade really stood out. I'm not 13, can a woman just look like a woman please ffs?

With a penis and a beard?

They are seething

Quote:It's pretty transparent.

I asked in that thread if we could get similar treatment for that game to the wizard game. No one even responded to my post, so not exactly a receptive audience there.

It's just so blatantly sexist and bringing some of the worst... discussion... I've seen since the exodus to this forum from the old place.
(02-01-2024, 02:59 AM)Potato wrote: I'm expecting at least one stroke and two heart attacks from the burka brigade.

Just one stroke? Melody will be doing a lot more than that.

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