Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Gays in wheelchairs got a month? That's fun
reminder that at least as of march 2023 (I haven't re-counted the days on wikipedia), 89 LGBTQIA+ days (including weeks and months) are internationally recognized, and 98 other days (weeks/months) are recognized in the US, meaning 51.2% of every year is set aside to recognize LGBTQIA+ causes and sacrifices 🙏
LOL! Them titties shakin worse than the Quakers in the puritan thread.  Smile
(02-01-2024, 03:57 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(02-01-2024, 03:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

psynergyadept wrote:Also the month where white folks try to act extra foolish…😒


Melody Shreds wrote:White trans gal here to voice my support for whatever the hell thats worth.

It's like white people take this month as some kind of fucking challenge to be extra racist or something. White people get 11 months out of the goddamn year already we can afford to shut up and listen!

How to Be Black

Quote:Heritage Months:

Black History Month: February
Women's History Month: March
Arab Heritage Month: April
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month: May
LGBTQ+ Pride Month: June
Disability Pride Month: July
Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 - October 15
Native American and Indigenous Heritage Month: November

PLEASE shut the fuck up you ignorant biatch.

To be fair, some of these months would include white people. Still, always love it when some white person tries to prove how good of an ally they are and then throw all those other minorities under the bus
tbf the gay days aren’t really anything. Nobody is buying Happy International Asexuality Day greeting cards.

Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?
They constantly throw around words like sexist or misogyny and yet in the Stellar Blade thread they are a few posts away from calling the model the MC is modeled after a whore lol.
(02-01-2024, 04:45 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-01-2024, 03:57 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote:
(02-01-2024, 03:12 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:


How to Be Black

Quote:Heritage Months:

Black History Month: February
Women's History Month: March
Arab Heritage Month: April
Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Heritage Month: May
LGBTQ+ Pride Month: June
Disability Pride Month: July
Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 - October 15
Native American and Indigenous Heritage Month: November

PLEASE shut the fuck up you ignorant biatch.

To be fair, some of these months would include white people. Still, always love it when some white person tries to prove how good of an ally they are and then throw all those other minorities under the bus

I did think about that, and thought about editing it. But then, they’ll say the same thing come June, so might as well put it up now.
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

[Image: 7ajcliat3x381.jpg]
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: tbf the gay days aren’t really anything. Nobody is buying Happy International Asexuality Day greeting cards.

Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

they aren't?

what am I supposed to do with those pallets in my garage now  Gloomy
(02-01-2024, 05:09 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

[Image: 7ajcliat3x381.jpg]

would wood
(02-01-2024, 05:11 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 05:09 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

[Image: 7ajcliat3x381.jpg]

would wood

[Image: GFOCSVNXUAAzCiB?format=jpg&name=large]

Nepenthe wrote:This is pretty much the cyclical nature of this country with every major leap forward, because there's never any actual social or legal consequences for being a bigoted piece of shit.

No consequences for being a bigot if you’re a resetera admin either But that's none of my business...
Guy in the burka thread decides to reveal that there are games with dick jiggle physics and that he's desperate to play them

Quote:I have a hard time finding dick jiggle physics too outside of gay gacha games.

And those usually aren't games I'd recommend to anyone because gacha and sometimes other things that are bad like shouta.

And difficult to understand since they are rarely translated outside of their country of origin.

And the budget is usually shoestring so you can barely call it physics if they are even there.

But I get desperate for content sometimes so I look into them anyway 😞

Also I don't know why they still think that "dick jiggle" is a good argument. You can't equate boobs with dicks, this was scientifically proven with this comic:

[Image: tsgckfa.jpeg]
Planetsmasher wrote:I've been trying to remind people about the developers' misogyny for like a year and a half now and people just ignore me every time I try. It's so frustrating.
As a man I can't totally understand your feelings, but I feel frustration when your issues get ignored blatantly

[Image: cSfpdCd.jpeg]

I love it when they think they're talking to women in the burka thread
(02-01-2024, 05:49 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Planetsmasher wrote:I've been trying to remind people about the developers' misogyny for like a year and a half now and people just ignore me every time I try. It's so frustrating.
As a man I can't totally understand your feelings, but I feel frustration when your issues get ignored blatantly

[Image: cSfpdCd.jpeg]

I love it when they think they're talking to women in the burka thread

Well he is a pussy.
PatriarchySmasher wrote:I don't even think there is a difference. 2B is a sex doll dressed up as a maid. She doesn't have a personality beyond "THE MISSION, NO EMOTIONS", which is exactly the same personality they gave the character in Stellar Blade.

And Bayonetta...people always try to handwave her doing stripper dances and thrusting her crotch at the camera with 'well she's aware of it!!!!' but like...Bayonetta isn't a person. She does not have any agency. She exists to do what her male creators want her to do. She is a casualty of the male gaze just as much as all of the other characters. The fact that her games are "comedic" doesn't make them immune to this.

MediaLiteracySmasher wrote:I don't even think there is a difference. 2B is a sex doll dressed up as a maid. She doesn't have a personality beyond "THE MISSION, NO EMOTIONS", which is exactly the same personality they gave the character in Stellar Blade.

Was Nier Automata to hard for him or he is just this retarded to not get the point?
(02-01-2024, 05:49 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Planetsmasher wrote:I've been trying to remind people about the developers' misogyny for like a year and a half now and people just ignore me every time I try. It's so frustrating.
As a man I can't totally understand your feelings, but I feel frustration when your issues get ignored blatantly

[Image: cSfpdCd.jpeg]

I love it when they think they're talking to women in the burka thread

This is fucking gold! I bet 10 comedy shekels that he don't say shit to correct him.
(02-01-2024, 06:20 PM)Switters wrote: This fucking gold! I bet 10 comedy shekels that he don't say shit to correct him.

He replied and you called it: No correction.
(02-01-2024, 08:15 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:I'm fully convinced that the next Sony or Xbox or whatever event could reveal a game called 'Misogyny Simulator' made by the development team 'We hate Women' and the ensuing thread would still be filled with Day 1 comments if it ran at 60 fps.
The cowards at Ree LOATHE WOMEN, the fuck are they are talking about
(02-01-2024, 06:24 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(02-01-2024, 08:15 AM)benji wrote:
Quote:I'm fully convinced that the next Sony or Xbox or whatever event could reveal a game called 'Misogyny Simulator' made by the development team 'We hate Women' and the ensuing thread would still be filled with Day 1 comments if it ran at 60 fps.
The cowards at Ree LOATHE WOMEN, the fuck are they are talking about

Imagine this developer making a game that strips every single women of her femininity. All muscle bros as far as the eye can see. They'd love it.
Nier Automata is so fucking bleak and that is entirely the point too.  Existential

Imagine a world where only the Japanese sex dolls, Elon Musks X-account and Roombas survive and the Roombas are suicidal.
It’s called Norway
Kyuuji is one of the most excruciating misogynists I've discovered on the internet. A vapid husk of a whine, who rails against actual irl women over all sorts of classic womens' rights issues in order to be the holiest cunt on the discord, for back pats and the one in a million chance to see a real woman naked offline.

I reckon if you did solid research you might find that there is a direct correlation between tut tut posts in the burkha thread and how many bans one gets before being permed.
(02-01-2024, 06:30 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-01-2024, 06:24 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(02-01-2024, 08:15 AM)benji wrote:
The cowards at Ree LOATHE WOMEN, the fuck are they are talking about

Imagine this developer making a game that strips every single women of her femininity. All muscle bros as far as the eye can see. They'd love it.

and that shit isn't even 'progressive" it's really just another kind of fetish

so now you've got a bunch of [Image: uN8EZex.png] dudes licking their lips and you've just kicked the can down the road
(02-01-2024, 05:09 PM)PogiJones wrote:
(02-01-2024, 04:59 PM)Polident wrote: Why is this top of page. Somebody post a sexy…asexual person? Does that exist?

[Image: 7ajcliat3x381.jpg]

I'm barking up the right tree!

I get no respect!
"I don't even think there is a difference. 2B is a sex doll dressed up as a maid. She doesn't have a personality beyond "THE MISSION, NO EMOTIONS", which is exactly the same personality they gave the character in Stellar Blade."

Another game RetardSmasher is pretending to have played. 2B's entire character revolves around her having to pretend not to have emotions to dull the pain of having to kill the person she loves over and over again.
(02-01-2024, 06:56 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 06:30 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-01-2024, 06:24 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: The cowards at Ree LOATHE WOMEN, the fuck are they are talking about

Imagine this developer making a game that strips every single women of her femininity. All muscle bros as far as the eye can see. They'd love it.

and that shit isn't even 'progressive" it's really just another kind of fetish

so now you've got a bunch of [Image: uN8EZex.png] dudes licking their lips and you've just kicked the can down the road

People, pls make a Bueno Excellente emoji.
(02-01-2024, 07:02 PM)Greatness Gone wrote: "I don't even think there is a difference. 2B is a sex doll dressed up as a maid. She doesn't have a personality beyond "THE MISSION, NO EMOTIONS", which is exactly the same personality they gave the character in Stellar Blade."

Another game RetardSmasher is pretending to have played. 2B's entire character revolves around her having to pretend not to have emotions to dull the pain of having to kill the person she loves over and over again.

I mean, he also could have missed this plot point because he is a retard.
(02-01-2024, 07:02 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-01-2024, 06:56 PM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 06:30 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Imagine this developer making a game that strips every single women of her femininity. All muscle bros as far as the eye can see. They'd love it.

and that shit isn't even 'progressive" it's really just another kind of fetish

so now you've got a bunch of [Image: uN8EZex.png] dudes licking their lips and you've just kicked the can down the road

People, pls make a Bueno Excellente emoji.

[Image: B192Hs8.png]

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