Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(02-01-2024, 11:40 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Guys, it sounds like the game has many low points but it doesn’t sound like the game is particularly “woke” or “soy”.
They did change Deadshot to be Black. And no, I'm not saying from the comics, from the previous Arkham games. lol
(02-01-2024, 11:44 PM)benji wrote:
(02-01-2024, 11:40 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Guys, it sounds like the game has many low points but it doesn’t sound like the game is particularly “woke” or “soy”.
They did change Deadshot to be Black. And no, I'm not saying from the comics, from the previous Arkham games. lol

Oh yeah, I forgot about that, but it was also because Will Smith… so Yeshrug 

But that should be an indication how little they care about the past games. Willam
I'm going through some books marks to find Nepenthe talking about how Economic Knowledge expertise as an artist.

I found this one of BCT talking about avoiding trans issues.
(02-01-2024, 11:53 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Oh yeah, I forgot about that, but it was also because Will Smith… so Yeshrug
I have no problem with it if he was new and they copied the movies (let's be honest Idris is playing Deadshot too) but instead they do this lame GUY WAS IMPOSTER crap.
(02-01-2024, 11:54 PM)ClothedMac wrote: I'm going through some books marks to find Nepenthe talking about how Economic Knowledge expertise as an artist.

I found this one of BCT talking about avoiding trans issues.

Imagine this reply if it was posted now.
What sort of revolt was this over at Era?

I was there apparently but forgot what it's about
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-02-2024, 12:02 AM)benji wrote:
(02-01-2024, 11:53 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Oh yeah, I forgot about that, but it was also because Will Smith… so Yeshrug
I have no problem with it if he was new and they copied the movies (let's be honest Idris is playing Deadshot too) but instead they do this lame GUY WAS IMPOSTER crap.

Shit, they totally went with “it was an impostor”? 

I hoped for a better explanation or just brushed it off under the carpet like MCU Rodhey.Or, like you said, just say he is Bloodsport or Bloodsport taking Deadshot name for some reason.
(02-01-2024, 11:20 PM)Boredfrom wrote: even though the squad is likable.

I've watched some streams and the dialogue is ATROCIOUS

epitome of whedonization, Forspoken, "wow, ok, I guess we just do this now," "did THAT just happen?! tell me that did not just happen!", "kill me now, this conversation is my own personal hell"

literally painful to sit through

king shark they just stole drax from guardians 1 and did his schtick worse
played in the beta, was fun enough, but too many good games right now that I won't be wasting money on fun enough when it'll be $20 in 6 months.
(02-02-2024, 12:15 AM)Uncle wrote:
(02-01-2024, 11:20 PM)Boredfrom wrote: even though the squad is likable.

I've watched some streams and the dialogue is ATROCIOUS

epitome of whedonization, Forspoken, "wow, ok, I guess we just do this now," "did THAT just happen?! tell me that did not just happen!", "kill me now, this conversation is my own personal hell"

literally painful to sit through

king shark they just stole drax from guardians 1 and did his schtick worse


Edit: Like, No offense, Uncle, is just I can’t really say if the Whedonism actually work or not until I play the game or watch streams. That a character is just MCU Drax also doesn’t tell me much, given how DCEU King Shark was GrootXDrax.
RetardEra on death watch, specifically ZeoVGM, he led the charge to Cancel Brad and... ended up with Brad leaving and having LSM's best month ever in terms of growth. Incredible. And yes, he tagged Resetera on the post

Just 3 months ago on the easyallies subreddit:

[Image: GOndb0S.png]
I’m going wait till they release the Snyder cut of Suicide Squad.
(02-02-2024, 12:06 AM)ClothedMac wrote: What sort of revolt was this over at Era?

I was there apparently but forgot what it's about
I followed through the link and went back to the first page, and I can't tell, but I can tell who it wasn't about: wrote:TransERA had a much rougher time, no offense. Everyone who has much more patience than me and actually put up with all that shit in the past months deserves ALL the love & appreciation.

Also: wrote:
TaySan wrote:I'm just letting them know their work doesn't go unappreciated. What's wrong with that? Some people just want to see this place burn to the ground.
Your shit ain't as slick as you think it is tbh. I was tempted to keep quiet because this is an obvious bait/trap thread (btw, real cute putting that "the majority here appreciate you", because if there's anything queer posters, posters of color etc like being reminded of, it's that we're The Minority), but then you had to insert this shit which is just blatantly "Minorities with valid concerns and criticisms? Couldn't possibly exist, people just want to see this place burn to the ground" and it's fucking sickening to see us get downplayed and dehumanized to that regard so casually. Not just here and now but anytime we have something to say. If you want me being silent about it like you clearly want me and everyone else being silent about everything else that Bothers You, please spare us the time and outright say that you want us banned. At least that's honest
Oh, was this asexualgate with Royalan, it's when Nepenthe was crying in her car:
Nepenthe, wrote:I am a black woman. I am also a moderator.

This bit of intersectionality has been one of the hardest weeks I as an individual have had to deal with in my life. Right now I'm sitting in my car with a cry-headache trying to leave to go to my brother's house. I barely have the energy.

It's been interesting to see both sides of the spectrum, where on one end my input in threads concerning black representation and issues is valuable because I can speak from life experience and knowledge, and then on the other end I get called a cop with all of the pain and irony that entails simply because I was the fool who said "yes" to volunteering.

I have simultaneously felt valued and valueless throughout this endeavor, and it's made me question whether or not I'm even a good person. I don't know how to parse the emotional toll, other than to just ignore it and make do with what I have and serve the community with the powe rand knowledge I myself have. Because I want this place to succeed. But I admit, my emotions have been all over the place.

That's all. I figured the most appropriate thread to open up in would be this one. To anyone who has given me and the other staff members a kind word, thank you. To anyone else who is dissatisfied with our performance: I understand, and I still apologize. Just remember we are human too.

I will be taking a break. I'm not leaving the forum, or my position, but I think I've exhausted myself to the point where my basic mental and even physical faculties are beginning to degrade. Continuing in my state right now is not fair to myself or to the people who want better.

I don't know how long it'll be either. I guess just long enough to bounce back. I love you guys. See you later!
I don't know why TransEra even sticks around. It's obvious that the majority of the site and moderation hate them and their token members of staff only care about lesbian pride flags instead of the actual genocide.

It's all tiring.  Princess Peach
I mean, maybe the game is terrible and all that. I don’t know. I just go hyper defensive when social media bitchs about Culture War stuff in comics because half of the people that talk about it don’t have any idea of what they are saying in the context of comics. Comicsgate was particularly fucking awful about that, tumblerinas were at least semi informed while delusional.
Quote:White conservatives largely have no sense of cultural innoculation against the contradictions that occur when real-world systems betray fanciful moral ideals like literally every minority on the planet has had to build up. Instead of going "Oh, maybe the lessons and myths I was forcefed as a kid by my parents and teachers was wrong/watered down, and the world is a lot more complicated than "working hard means you'll be successful," they literally just never grew the fuck up.

After all, the systems at play by and large have worked out in their favor when compared to other groups, giving them nice social capital to cash in and lorde over others such as easier access and networking to wealth, overrepresentation in all sectors of society, and ridiculous leniency in the courtroom, hospitals, and banks. They never had an opportunity to learn and be better, and that was by design. Well, now capitalism is starting to break down even for the common white man, and they're being given a taste of the the shit deals the rest of us have been eating for centuries.

Why does Nepenthe talk like the Black Ambassador of the World and that every person of color is as pathetic and ineffectual as her?  They would laugh at her, too.

Quote:And instead of applying the most infinitesimal amount of critical thinking and being like "Oh, maybe the system is the problem if I'm working as hard as I am and yet getting poorer," (mainly because that would show how much of a judgemental asshole they've been to Black people, Brown people, and the poor and homeless in general, and self-reflection is anathema to the white conservative), they instead get defensive because the systems that gave them actual internal meaning are no longer working out for them, and they never developed any healthy replacements separate from that.

But you're not working hard.  You have no marketable skills and refuse to acquire them even though you're a grown woman living in your parents' house. You draw furry art and write about globs of cum, but it doesn't make money.  Listen to me, the globs of cum are not making you money - they're slowing you down (heheheheh).  You're not seeing the cum for the trees.  You don't seem to care to find the time and energy to take some path forward - *any* path, even if it leads to make your life better, but you will find the time to squelch speech and opinions on an internet forum and bitch about an entire race of people for years on end.   You work at a CVS or something as a cashier and complain that white people hand you change wrong.  Capitalism is race blind - if someone is going to pass up the opportunity to use the skills and talents of someone because they're the wrong race, there will be a 10000x more people that won't because your labor is incentivized, not your skin.  They care about making money.   The woman throwing you her change isn't doing it because you're black.  Nepenthe, listen, come close: they're doing it because you're a detestable bitch with a face made for extremely rapid punching.  Not because white people can't stand to give the black bodies money.  Yes, I know, the misogynoir of black bodies is the engine of capitalism.  It is the third industrial revolution in the shuck and jive economy. I know, I get it.   Welll shiiiiet massa, I is jus' a po' cashyeeea at da dollah store, I ain't wanna bothah nobody.  Da white folk here look extry grumpy ta-day, i certainly don't wish for my currency to be thrown at mah hands cuz I's being uppity in dis hyeah CVS.  I don't  wan trouble nobody none. nuh-uh-uh, sir.  Stop it, Nepenthe.  Stop talking like that. Get ahold of yourself.  Stop shucking.  Stop shucking the glob of cum out of that furry dick and listen to me for a moment: You spend all your time on an internet forum bitching about a sinister race with ubiquitous and global power diminishing "your people" instead of trying to figure out how to make your life better.     This isn't capitalism or white peoples' fault - this is you refusing to, as you put it: "grow the fuck up."   It doesn't matter how many Ibrahim Kendi or Robin D'Angelo books you read, nothing will ever get better until you take accountability for why people throw change in your face - it's because you're a whiney cunt that lives in one of the wealthiest countries on earth in the best time on earth.   I've had a long week and ya boi had a little too much to drink on a Thursday.  So if anything here offended you, I'm sorry, the capitalism made me do it.  is this thing still on?
how do i delete posts on this forum again?  do i need to learn sql?
(02-02-2024, 12:50 AM)Propagandhim wrote: how do i delete posts on this forum again?  do i need to learn sql?
Too late I liked it so now you actually can't delete it. Sickos
4 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Tucker's Law, Taco Bell Tower, Potato

Princess Bubblegum wrote:The reason Ubisoft, ActiBlizz, etc don't get banned is because a) banning anything popular on this site is an ordeal in itself and b) EVERY major developer/publisher has skeletons in their closest, every last one. Misogyny is rampant in the industry and it's not just women that get put through hell too. We focus on specific games and products for a reason, that's "manageable" for us.
(02-02-2024, 12:51 AM)benji wrote:
(02-02-2024, 12:50 AM)Propagandhim wrote: how do i delete posts on this forum again?  do i need to learn sql?
Too late I liked it so now you actually can't delete it. Sickos
like its actually unreal how you're not allowed to delete things without the admin seeing it on this forum like this might be one of the worst misogynoirs i've ever experienced on this forum
(02-02-2024, 12:48 AM)Propagandhim wrote:
Quote:White conservatives largely have no sense of cultural innoculation against the contradictions that occur when real-world systems betray fanciful moral ideals like literally every minority on the planet has had to build up. Instead of going "Oh, maybe the lessons and myths I was forcefed as a kid by my parents and teachers was wrong/watered down, and the world is a lot more complicated than "working hard means you'll be successful," they literally just never grew the fuck up.

After all, the systems at play by and large have worked out in their favor when compared to other groups, giving them nice social capital to cash in and lorde over others such as easier access and networking to wealth, overrepresentation in all sectors of society, and ridiculous leniency in the courtroom, hospitals, and banks. They never had an opportunity to learn and be better, and that was by design.
What's hilarious about this is that MAGA is the same bitter resentful shit hoping for a "revolution" that brings about utopia that she believes. It's not different because she also believes in a mythological past that didn't actually exist, it's just a different myth from theirs.

Quote:Well, now capitalism is starting to break down even for the common white man, and they're being given a taste of the the shit deals the rest of us have been eating for centuries.
Capitalism leveling and democratizing as always. "That's bad, it's failing and needs to be stopped." - Nepenthe.
(02-02-2024, 12:52 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Princess Bubblegum wrote:The reason Ubisoft, ActiBlizz, etc don't get banned is because a) banning anything popular on this site is an ordeal in itself and b) EVERY major developer/publisher has skeletons in their closest, every last one. Misogyny is rampant in the industry and it's not just women that get put through hell too. We focus on specific games and products for a reason, that's "manageable" for us.

“So Cyberpunk and Hogwarts Legacy are the low hanging fruit in our eyes, and still is nightmarish to enforce.”
(02-02-2024, 12:52 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Princess Bubblegum wrote:The reason Ubisoft, ActiBlizz, etc don't get banned is because a) banning anything popular on this site is an ordeal in itself and b) EVERY major developer/publisher has skeletons in their closest, every last one. Misogyny is rampant in the industry and it's not just women that get put through hell too. We focus on specific games and products for a reason, that's "manageable" for us.
How many publishers and developers in California have been investigated by the state in the last decade? Is it only Riot and ActivisionBlizzard?
Is pure cynicism. They got lucky with Cyberpunk shitting the bed initially and they made a bet with Hogwards being lepered online (partially happened, critical wise at least). Is not as easy as banning niche horny games from a twitch list, isn’t?
(02-02-2024, 01:02 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Is pure cynicism. They got lucky with Cyberpunk shitting the bed initially and they made a bet with Hogwards being lepered online (partially happened, critical wise at least). Is not as easy as banning niche horny games from a twitch list, isn’t?

Excuse me? Call it Mid Wizard Game or else. Cop
I believe UbiSoft has also been criminally investigated but I don't know enough about it to know if that's because of how the French legal system works and it would be something that would be a lawsuit in America. They're seriously downplaying unprecedented types of shit in the industry so they can justify their stupid ban on Cyberpunk 2077 for something that was not part of the game.
(02-01-2024, 10:53 PM)benji wrote:
(02-01-2024, 10:40 PM)Uncle wrote: a slave doesn't own their labor, but isn't monetizing humans as property the most capitalist thing possible
If "monetizing humans as property" is the most capitalist thing possible then socialism is the most capitalist thing possible.

I'd also note that slaves were typically a financial drain. They actually cost more than free laborers. Ironically, one of the reasons the Plantation economy was so inefficient is that the culture viewed accruing more slaves as how to become wealthier so they almost never sold slaves unless they were problems or they had to address their amassing debts. They also became very paranoid about abolitionists buying them to free them if they were put on the market.

As I keep saying, the US minimum wage makes far more economic sense for a business than owning a slave. 

You don't have to feed, house or provide healthcare to a minimum wage worker to keep them productive and poorly regulated borders mean a constant supply of new labour. 

With a slave, there is an initial capital expenditure to purchase them and then ongoing maintenance costs to keep them in good working order. There is further capital necessary to replace one too.

Slaves incur an additional expense of slave masters to keep them in line. However, if the minimum wage workers get restless, then the state will keep them in line through the state-funded police force.

The abolitionists were just looking after their bottom line when they got rid of slavery.

Elon Trumps
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-01-2024, 11:38 PM)Boredfrom wrote: Also, isn’t she the only one that isn’t brainwashed? That’s why she gets the more sympathetic point of view.

Black Men

at the start of the game flash is the one who isn't brainwashed, and presumably these bios aren't actively being written by lex during the events of the story, that would be a huge waste of time in the middle of an apocalypse, they would be more like existing dossiers

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