Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
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[Image: EuQ2H2Z.png]

Temascos wrote:You'd figure farmers will be some of the most environmentally aware people, given that their whole thing depends on nature being...alive and all.

(02-06-2024, 07:24 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Temascos wrote:You'd figure farmers will be some of the most environmentally aware people, given that their whole thing depends on nature being...alive and all.
Maybe, but they probably aren't stupid enough to believe nature is going away in their lifetimes or that some random EU regulations to marginally raise local costs would somehow prevent nature going away.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.” - George Orwell
Robin wrote:It's banworthy to call what's happening in Gaza a genocide now? What the fuck?

Edit: I get the sensitivity around stereotypes and "jews run the media" type hate speech but is that really what those folks were saying? You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater if we're censoring any kind of discussion re: rabid zionist support in hollywood. Shouldn't just sweep that under the rug when 30,000 Palestinians are dead and support for their struggle will get you blacklisted.

For a forum obsessed with language and dog whistles, they seem to be particularly clueless about this issues when is convenient.
(02-06-2024, 07:29 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Robin wrote:we're censoring any kind of discussion re: rabid zionist support in hollywood. Shouldn't just sweep that under the rug when 30,000 Palestinians are dead and support for their struggle will get you blacklisted.
I wonder why Robin won't get banned a month for this antisemetic rhetoric. But that's none of my business...
Quote:Weaksauce cowards, being bullied around by a handful of business owners on tractors.

Those fucking workers owning their means of production.
(02-06-2024, 06:59 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Hogwarts Legacy confirmed as the top selling game of 2023 world wide


I'm shocked you'd post this. Our sitewide blanket ban on the 'wizard game' was successful

Successful I tell you
literally shakingNot like this!

1000's of us boycotted publicly then secretly brought and played the game anyway.

She can't keep winning like this

I’m going to post this thread again, and look how many people were thinking the dude was a “rabid Zionist Palestine heater”:

Lucia wrote:So Atlus is collaborating with this person?

The actor seem to have deleted the Instagram post. Censorship and black listed?  is this?
(02-06-2024, 07:15 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-06-2024, 06:59 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Hogwarts Legacy confirmed as the top selling game of 2023 world wide


Remember when they were celebrating that Metroid Prime Remake had better pre order sales for a day or two?

Zinnwel wrote:I've seen people on Reddit criticizing Resetera for being pro imperialism or centrist more than once, apparently they weren't wrong.

Not the first time I've seem bans for criticizing Israel or Zionists as "anti semitism". Death to Palestinians I guess right? Ban me for life I don't care.
Is it tho?
kai3345 wrote:We got pro-zionism mods here now?
  Zack Snyder's Sickos (Batman edition)
(02-06-2024, 07:24 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Temascos wrote:You'd figure farmers will be some of the most environmentally aware people, given that their whole thing depends on nature being...alive and all.

Derp Comeon facepalm Snoop Woody
Watch them buckle toward the nazi cunts
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-06-2024, 07:37 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:Weaksauce cowards, being bullied around by a handful of business owners on tractors.

Those fucking workers owning their means of production.
Don't forget all of the poor and everyone else who has to pay higher prices. Fucking cowards being bullied by them. Camby
Booshka wrote:Shits gonna backfire globally like this when industrial agriculture and the profit seeking over food production instead of needs based production has been the norm.

It's why you can't solve the climate crisis under capitalism, it has to be through worker power and socialism. World leaders and the bourgeoisie won't relinquish power so this kind of shit will keep happening while we all cook our way to 2.5+ C warming by the end of this century.

I thought you guys wanted some immediate solutions? Not just pipe dreaming about a bloodless revolution that will bring the Utopia and a perfect benevolent government.
(02-06-2024, 07:51 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Booshka wrote:Shits gonna backfire globally like this when industrial agriculture and the profit seeking over food production instead of needs based production has been the norm.

It's why you can't solve the climate crisis under capitalism, it has to be through worker power and socialism. World leaders and the bourgeoisie won't relinquish power so this kind of shit will keep happening while we all cook our way to 2.5+ C warming by the end of this century.
Right on, comrade! Fuck these bougie "land owning" farmers, we need to rationalize production around needs!
Global central planning where Western progressives who need Disney are irrelevant and probably instantly executed as a class for being "malingerers" and enemies of the state. Mouf
Quote:It's shit, but i understand farmers that are already living with very low income don't want to lose even more, especially if these limitations from governement don't come with compensations or help to move toward other solutions to let them keep their livelihood...
.exe wrote:Perhaps the regular traditional farmer would be better off if they didn't have to compete against the mega farms with tens of thousands of livestock, who are the worst polluters here but seemingly agitated everyone else as if they weren't the main problem.

So these regulations only affected the mega farmers or everyone regardless? Or you are suggesting they were poor morons manipulated by megacorps.
(02-06-2024, 07:51 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Booshka wrote:It's why you can't solve the climate crisis under capitalism, it has to be through worker power and socialism. wrote:By the 1990s, 40% of Russia's territory began demonstrating symptoms of significant ecological stress, largely due to a diverse number of environmental issues, including deforestation, energy irresponsibility, pollution, and nuclear waste.[2] According to Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Russia is currently warming 2.5 times faster than the rest of the globe.[3] wrote:China was ranked 120th out of the 180 countries on the 2020 Environmental Performance Index.[1]


In 2012 the Center for American Progress has described China's environmental policy as similar to that of the United States before 1970. That is, the central government issues fairly strict regulations, but the actual monitoring and enforcement is largely undertaken by local governments that are more interested in economic growth. Furthermore, due to the restrictive conduct of China's undemocratic regime, the environmental work of non-governmental forces, such as lawyers, journalists, and non-governmental organizations, is severely hampered.[51] wrote:Mao Zedong initiated the Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1961. During this period, large hydropower and irrigation projects were extended throughout the country. The deforestation, erosion and siltation from these projects was immense, and to little national gain. By 1980, and estimated 2,976 dams built during this period had collapsed, highlighting the futility of the large-scale environmental degradation (Shapiro 2001).

China’s forestry history chronicles “Three Great Cuttings” or “San Da Fa”, campaigns during which communities were mass-mobilized towards deforestation. The First Great Cutting took place during the Great Leap Forward. In an effort to catch up with Great Britain in steel production, villages across China were engaged in smelting iron and steel in rudimentary backyard furnaces. In regions where the coal supply was limited, large swathes of forest were cut down to fuel the nation’s 600,000 furnaces (Lynch et al. 2011). Climate change followed the massive deforestation. The diversion of agricultural labour towards steel production and dam construction, averse weather conditions, locust swarms and a flawed system of taxation (and export) combined to push the country into the worst famine in the 20th century, dubbed the Three Hard Years. Food security became paramount, with forestry policy of non-state forests once more determined by agricultural policy.


China’s political isolationism encouraged the ideology of self-reliance, and each province was required to be an independent producer of its own grain. With the national slogan “Take Grain as the Key Link”, grain production took precedence over forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. Following the pseudo-scientific doctrine of Lysenkoism, it was widely believed that grain could be made to grow anywhere: flood plains, grasslands, steep slopes and sandy beaches (Shapiro 2001). The forested slopes of the northeastern and southwestern provinces paid the price in the Second Great Cutting during the Cultural Revolution of 1966 to 1976. As a result, in the north and northwest, grasslands were opened to the plough and, with or without irrigation, winds eroded the soil and turned farmland into desert. In mountainous areas with slopes over 25 degrees forests were cut down and crops planted in rows down the slope, increasing the rate of erosion (Shapiro 2001).

When it came into power, the Chinese Communist Party inherited a rural economy that included eighty million hectares of farmland, 40% of which were rice paddies. By the end of Mao’s rule in 1976, the total area increased by 50% to 120 to 130 million hectares (Smil 1993). In thirty years as a People’s Republic, as much farmland had been added as had been under the plow for one millennium, from the Han to the Song dynasties. Much of this increase came from the forests of Yunnan and Manchuria, which were particularly affected (Lynch et al. 2011).
Just do the simple and necessary things that need to be done rather than make those errors. Social Justice Warrior
Global warming is a Chinese hoax to kill the Xbox OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia, Potato
(02-06-2024, 06:25 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: Nep Nep forgetting that she's banned fifty billion people for suggesting that police have a role to play in society

Quote:If he broke the law within the process of their deaths, he should go to prison. If he didn't, oh well. Afaik, I haven't made a declaration one way or another about criminal proceedings. I've been very careful about that because I know pending investigations can change.

Wait. Is she saying she doesn't make snap judgements about ongoing investigations?


Compbros wrote:
Timber wrote:This is insanity. How does a trans person have an advantage in pool of all games?
It reminds of the banning of trans women in Chess. If there were any sports you'd think these people would concede a man doesn't have an "advantage" it'd be recreational sports like Chess, video games, etc. But nope, they're still some unforeseen and unproven advantages and we can't be bothered to provide evidence of it so sweeping ban.

It's so transparent in what the real issue is.
That there doesn't need to be a separate women's category at all if men have no advantage? Curious
(02-06-2024, 08:05 PM)benji wrote:
(02-06-2024, 07:51 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
Booshka wrote:It's why you can't solve the climate crisis under capitalism, it has to be through worker power and socialism. wrote:By the 1990s, 40% of Russia's territory began demonstrating symptoms of significant ecological stress, largely due to a diverse number of environmental issues, including deforestation, energy irresponsibility, pollution, and nuclear waste.[2] According to Russia's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Russia is currently warming 2.5 times faster than the rest of the globe.[3] wrote:China was ranked 120th out of the 180 countries on the 2020 Environmental Performance Index.[1]


In 2012 the Center for American Progress has described China's environmental policy as similar to that of the United States before 1970. That is, the central government issues fairly strict regulations, but the actual monitoring and enforcement is largely undertaken by local governments that are more interested in economic growth. Furthermore, due to the restrictive conduct of China's undemocratic regime, the environmental work of non-governmental forces, such as lawyers, journalists, and non-governmental organizations, is severely hampered.[51] wrote:Mao Zedong initiated the Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1961. During this period, large hydropower and irrigation projects were extended throughout the country. The deforestation, erosion and siltation from these projects was immense, and to little national gain. By 1980, and estimated 2,976 dams built during this period had collapsed, highlighting the futility of the large-scale environmental degradation (Shapiro 2001).

China’s forestry history chronicles “Three Great Cuttings” or “San Da Fa”, campaigns during which communities were mass-mobilized towards deforestation. The First Great Cutting took place during the Great Leap Forward. In an effort to catch up with Great Britain in steel production, villages across China were engaged in smelting iron and steel in rudimentary backyard furnaces. In regions where the coal supply was limited, large swathes of forest were cut down to fuel the nation’s 600,000 furnaces (Lynch et al. 2011). Climate change followed the massive deforestation. The diversion of agricultural labour towards steel production and dam construction, averse weather conditions, locust swarms and a flawed system of taxation (and export) combined to push the country into the worst famine in the 20th century, dubbed the Three Hard Years. Food security became paramount, with forestry policy of non-state forests once more determined by agricultural policy.


China’s political isolationism encouraged the ideology of self-reliance, and each province was required to be an independent producer of its own grain. With the national slogan “Take Grain as the Key Link”, grain production took precedence over forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries. Following the pseudo-scientific doctrine of Lysenkoism, it was widely believed that grain could be made to grow anywhere: flood plains, grasslands, steep slopes and sandy beaches (Shapiro 2001). The forested slopes of the northeastern and southwestern provinces paid the price in the Second Great Cutting during the Cultural Revolution of 1966 to 1976. As a result, in the north and northwest, grasslands were opened to the plough and, with or without irrigation, winds eroded the soil and turned farmland into desert. In mountainous areas with slopes over 25 degrees forests were cut down and crops planted in rows down the slope, increasing the rate of erosion (Shapiro 2001).

When it came into power, the Chinese Communist Party inherited a rural economy that included eighty million hectares of farmland, 40% of which were rice paddies. By the end of Mao’s rule in 1976, the total area increased by 50% to 120 to 130 million hectares (Smil 1993). In thirty years as a People’s Republic, as much farmland had been added as had been under the plow for one millennium, from the Han to the Song dynasties. Much of this increase came from the forests of Yunnan and Manchuria, which were particularly affected (Lynch et al. 2011).

So, basically, what you're saying is that, communists are retards?
(02-06-2024, 08:09 PM)Nintex wrote: Global warming is a Chinese hoax to kill the Xbox OFFICIAL TEAM TRUMP SEAL OF QUALITY™
Considering the energy efficiency of the various consoles, this plot doesn't seem to be working.
(02-06-2024, 08:23 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Compbros wrote:
Timber wrote:This is insanity. How does a trans person have an advantage in pool of all games?
It reminds of the banning of trans women in Chess. If there were any sports you'd think these people would concede a man doesn't have an "advantage" it'd be recreational sports like Chess, video games, etc. But nope, they're still some unforeseen and unproven advantages and we can't be bothered to provide evidence of it so sweeping ban.

It's so transparent in what the real issue is.
That there doesn't need to be a separate women's category at all if men have no advantage? Curious

I thought it was well documented that men have better spatial awareness than women?

I'm all for the removal of gender divisions in professional sports. It means we can stop wasting precious broadcast hours trying to make Women's sports a thing and concentrate on making football great again.
Why are they so worked up about sports? Think about all the gender divisions in video gaming they could be focused on like trying to convince that women can code or whatever the fuck people kept hiring Anita Sarcasemo for. Not like this!
(02-06-2024, 08:35 PM)Potato wrote: I'm all for the removal of gender divisions in professional sports. It means we can stop wasting precious broadcast hours trying to make Women's sports a thing and concentrate on making football great again.

Mike But that's none of my business...
(02-06-2024, 08:31 PM)Potato wrote: So, basically, what you're saying is that, communists are retards?
It's more that they know everything too much. That's how they know what's so simple and just needs to be done.
Morrigan reading comprehension:

Quote:Did even a single person ever say that the costumes were going to have narrative significance
Morrigan wrote:Yes, in this very thread you had people use Nier Automata as an example, or use the dev's past games to suggest it could matter in the story:

Then she quotes:

Quote:But the actual writers might care more about those issues. In Nikke (Shift Up's gacha game), the art design is infamous for its heavy sexualization, yet the story largely hinges around the exploitation of the Nikke characters, and the fight to be treated as humans.

A quote where nobody said anything about those costumes having narrative significance.

BossAttack wrote:An actual human being typed that out. Hilarious.

A poster insulting another community member?  is this?

The Omega Man wrote:
Ottaro wrote:I've got some bad news about resetera dot com
By definition? sure, but here we have mods and it is a pleasant environment (most of the time). but rushing for another Twitter clone? That's for terminally online people.
Is it tho?

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