Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Quote:I have over 550 DVD's, Blu-Rays and 4K Blu-Rays (mostly 4K Blu-Rays), and have eliminated 98% of my streaming subscriptions. I am going back to strictly physical media going forward, as I refuse to support these companies.
But aren't you supporting them by buying physical?
(02-12-2024, 06:22 PM)Polident wrote:
(02-12-2024, 05:52 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote:Demisexuality is a sexual orientation in which an individual does not experience primary sexual attraction[3][4] – the type of attraction that is based on immediately observable characteristics such as appearance or smell and is experienced immediately after a first encounter.[1] A demisexual person can only experience secondary sexual attraction – the type of attraction that occurs after the development of an emotional bond.[5][6][1] The amount of time that a demisexual individual needs to know another person before developing sexual attraction towards them varies from person to person.[7] Demisexuality is generally categorized on the asexuality spectrum.[8][9][1]

I won’t immediately reject the premise for some people. But I suspect it’s often self assessed due to a lack of opportunity.

There’s an oft shared quote of Henry Cavill saying he’d rather play games than go out for poontang. That’s an instance where I’d think, yeah, maybe. In many cases it’s a parched guy saying he’ll only drink water once he gets to know the bottle’s personality.

or a formerly burned person who doesn't want to stick their dick in crazy again and tells themselves they're not attracted to outward appearance until it sort of works

but that isn't a new special snowflake sexuality, no one is born demisexual, it's a learned trait

everyone is so eager to categorize themselves but it's like bro you can just describe that with your words, you aren't part of a class
uncle sounds like a condecexual
"oh yeah I'm curasalutosexual which means I am only sexually attracted to people who have demonstrated a willingness to care for me when I'm sick or indisposed, which is because when I was in 6th grade we went on a class skiing trip and I ran directly into a fir tree and cracked some ribs and the next thing I remember was being in the nurse's station and the nurse was really hot and that was my sexual awakening right then and there in the nurse's station as she was tending to me so yeah I've been really connecting with the curasalutosexual community on discord"


Attention Xbox players, you've all been invited to the Teams call from Management to learn more about your future at our company.
me googling to see if the thing I just made up is real:

[Image: Dxkc2nn.png]

bitch that's just asexuality  Snoop
non-asexual allies


say it from your chest
(02-12-2024, 05:44 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(02-12-2024, 08:37 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
ZeoVGM wrote:I prefer any version that is not voiced by Tara Strong.
ZeoVGM wrote:It's actually really creepy and weird that you decided to go through my post history to see if I had ever praised Tara Strong in the past. Like, what even sparked that?

It's especially weird since it completely ignores the fact that since I made that post over a year ago, she outed herself as an Islamophobic monster who openly supports genocide. Which, you know, might cause someone to change their views on a person.

[Image: hR9ALKd.png]

This is so ironic because it's exactly what ZeoVagina does if someone ignores him  lol

Can't wait until someone digs that post out next time he tries to history of history someone.

Bor Gullet wrote:The actual definition of Zionism is the belief that Jews have a right to self-determination in their ancestral land, Israel.

Zionism is an ideology that encompasses many different viewpoints. For some, it's an excuse to commit settler colonialism and abuse the Palestinians and other people living there. There are also Zionists who oppose the settlements and believe in equal rights for everyone there. That does not stop either party from defining themselves as Zionists, because fundamentally, it fits the agreed definition of Zionism.

Even nutjobs like the Neturei Karta (nutjobs for different reasons unrelated to Israel) who are strongly anti-Israel, are still zionist, even if the media paints them otherwise. They just believe Israel shouldn't exist until the Messiah arrives.

The ideology of Zionism has always been tied to Judaism since the biblical story of Moses. I'm sure this will be familiar to any Jew out there who's celebrated the Passover holiday, but the phrase uttered at the end of the seder "Next year in Jerusalem" has been uttered for thousands of years for a reason.

My favorite thing is when I see people going "I support a two-state solution for the region, and fuck deh Zionists" when supporting a two-state solution would make you a Zionist by definition, seeing as one of those states is Israel.

Lastly, a lot of antisemites do use zionists as a dogwhistle for jews, basically ever since the "Protocol of the Elders of Zion" was published. If you want to criticize people for supporting or turning a blind eye to the displacement and killing of Palestinians, just say that instead of using a loaded term that means different things to various people.
banned:dismissal of genocide, inflammatory content, history of histories of reading histories

crespo wrote:I definitely don't see it that way (as an insult/slur), but I'm also not swimming* in the waters you mention where it could be used as such.
Try reading Era.
you know who wrote:
Quote:Black Widow having a 79% Rottentomatoes score baffles me more. It was legitimately one of the worst films I saw in 2021.

Couldn't disagree more. Black Widow is good. It has a weak third act but I couldn't imagine putting it in a "worst of 2021" list. Something in the 70% range is perfect for that movie.
if this was the early 90s there would be a movie called The Two Skate Solution about a rollerblading competition that solves all the problems in the middle east and pauly shore would be in it
Gaza would be the name of the hot girl next door but her younger brother Hamas would be a bully Trumps
(02-12-2024, 09:27 PM)Nintex wrote: Gaza would be the name of the hot girl next door but her younger brother Hamas would be a bully Trumps

[Image: 9288921-1.jpg]
Hoot wrote:An honest question here as I wish to be educated in the matter by those who would call themselves Zionist,

As i hear that some would call themselves Zionist but "do not support the state/actions of the state" and want a peaceful two state solution...but how exactly do you embrace zionism without divorcing from the now over colonizing aspect of Israel?

Calling for a two state peaceful solution is all well and good on paper, but in recent times I feel more and more that the state of Israel's existence cannot be built without the suffering of the palestinian in one way or another. What would be, concretely, the position of an anti-war/anti-colonizing zionist today? How do you reconcile both the claim to ancestral while also acknowledging that said land has been violently seized

(“Checkmate you fucking Zionists”)
Platy wrote:Words evolve and I think at this point if you are a zionist AND are against the genocide happening to palestine, you need to explicitly say, maybe even create an acronym or something

You know, like how "TERF" started splicitly to refer to Radical Feminists who were not like most of the rest and were Trans Exclusionary.... and this is a funny example because now TERF just means "transphobic" ... like most people using the word don't even fit the lowest bar of feminism

“Is up to you, Zionist scum”.

Platy wrote:People misusing the word will not stop, because misusing is the point.
You either try to re-take the word, or try to make your own.
And since you have lots of people with BIG media presence using Zionist as a "we want to kill lots of plaestinian children", than reclaiming will be very hard unless the conflict stops.

“Maybe I should call them out for using it as that”. Am I out of touch? 

“No, those Zionists need to stop bombing children”.

Quote:Not making a big deal about it at all.

My original comment was just that if the Chiefs lost, more people would be talking about that moment, which is correct.

Then a couple people got weirdly defensive.

Jeff Marvel talking about someone else being weirdly defensive is peak irony.
Smart move by Hamas to use their women as breeding stock and have as many kids as possible.

There are so many children in Gaza that there is a 99% chance you'll hit one if you start bombing.
If 20 innocent kiddos died alongside each Ukrainian soldier, Putin wouldn't have been able to casually continue his war.
3 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, Gameboy Nostalgia, Taco Bell Tower


Lacrimosis wrote:
ghostcrew wrote:If they're derailing the conversation, feel free to report them.
Can I report this?
[Image: MMqy1Ws.png]
(02-12-2024, 10:34 PM)Averon wrote:


Lacrimosis wrote:
ghostcrew wrote:If they're derailing the conversation, feel free to report them.
Can I report this?
[Image: MMqy1Ws.png]

Admin ghostcrew
Quote:Where's the port begging? God of War and Predator Hunting Grounds are both on PC.

That's a discussion about Helldivers 2 doing very well on PC, and daydreaming what insane numbers their other PC releases would would've done day one instead of later (or not on EGS, in the case of Predator).
Valcrist wrote:Transgender was trending on Twitter with 100k+ posts and I saw why. Right wing people are trying to say she is trans. Pretty sure this isn't the case. So... joy.

NY Post wrote:Addressing the discrepancies in Moreno’s identity on Monday, HPD Officer Christopher Hassig noted, “She used multiple aliases including Jeffery Escalante… Houston police report she has identified this entire time as female. She/her.”
(02-12-2024, 05:06 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Royalan wrote:Thread closed at OP's request.'re the OP, Roy.


Well, the discussion has run its course.

Locked her own thread because it was 99% people dogging on her and the retarded source tweet lol
I'm sure three staff members signed off on this.

(02-12-2024, 05:42 PM)Snoopy wrote: DateDestroyer new background -

Quote:And honestly I would argue the same principle is true for men as well: if a fancy dinner date isn't going well, you're still stuck with it until the end AND you have to pay a bunch of money. There's no point in trying to pull a bad date out of a tailspin - 99% of the time, shit doesn't work like in rom-coms, where you can fail over and over again and then still wind up with the other person in the end. If a random date turns sour, that's probably the end of that. Both parties being able to cut bait and leave without a huge financial or time investment is just respectful of both people so they can get on with their lives!

Personally I'm at a point in my life where I'm only going out for fancy dinner with someone I like spending a lot of time with and fully intend to see again. If I'm still trying to figure out if the other person is someone I even want in my life at all, we can go get coffee and then go to a museum or a movie or something else in that vein that they're into. If they want to call me cheap for that, fair enough - that's just another reason we wouldn't have gotten along in the first place.

But I suppose dating is probably different in general for demi folks since the expectation for dating isn't "if this goes well we're gonna fuck". I didn't realize I was demi when I was dating back in the day, and I have absolutely no idea what the demi scene is like now.
1. I repeat my earlier comment about how this guy is weird without experience and seems to think his weirdness is normal.
2. How long is he imagining these dates? Like you order food, it goes bad, so you're like "nope, I'm out" and tell the waiter to forget your food because you're leaving since the date sucks? He's mad at "dating culture" because this would be awkward? It's basically a Larry David move. lol
(02-12-2024, 09:16 PM)Uncle wrote: if this was the early 90s there would be a movie called The Two Skate Solution about a rollerblading competition that solves all the problems in the middle east and pauly shore would be in it
Best I can do for you is a SNL sketch cut for time:
(02-12-2024, 10:57 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Valcrist wrote:Transgender was trending on Twitter with 100k+ posts and I saw why. Right wing people are trying to say she is trans. Pretty sure this isn't the case. So... joy.

NY Post wrote:Addressing the discrepancies in Moreno’s identity on Monday, HPD Officer Christopher Hassig noted, “She used multiple aliases including Jeffery Escalante… Houston police report she has identified this entire time as female. She/her.”

Never thought I would see it. A transgender person that terminally online transgender activists won't race to embrace as one of their own.

Its a good start, kicking the attempted mass shooters to the curb, Ladies and Gents. Can we up our game to rapists now? I'll even help and throw in the caveat of 'convicted' rapists.
Bramblebutt wrote:Really tackling the important issues here, western liberals. I'm sure we can brainstorm another term identifying the proponents of a genocidal settler colonial ideology that is sure to offend no one, least of all any advocates of that ideology making scurrilous accusations of antisemitism, while still maintaining firm opposition to the apartheid state.

Heeeeeey wait a goshdarn minute this whole thread about that is filled with apologetics for the apartheid state! Now I wonder why people so concerned about the optics of the term "zionist" are also posting about the hopelessness of the Palestinian cause of liberation and casting the domination of the apartheid regime as inevitable or immutable!
Quote: Cop User banned (3 months): concern trolling around antisemitism over a series of posts
Bramblebutt wrote:
mentok15 wrote:See this is an example of what I said here:

It's downplayed, brushed away or excused, not seen as a big deal.
No really I'm sure there's another term we could use besides the present and historical one that advocates for the state of Israel have and continue to use to describe themselves and their cause of the establishment and defense of a religio-ethnic apartheid state

What about "Baddudes" because they're bad
or "Wrongers" because their cause is wrong
kaleidoscopium dateline='[url=tel:1707778631' wrote: 1707778631[/url]']
Valcrist wrote:Transgender was trending on Twitter with 100k+ posts and I saw why. Right wing people are trying to say she is trans. Pretty sure this isn't the case. So... joy.

NY Post wrote:Addressing the discrepancies in Moreno’s identity on Monday, HPD Officer Christopher Hassig noted, “She used multiple aliases including Jeffery Escalante… Houston police report she has identified this entire time as female. She/her.”

That thread is dead. I guess they all know it’s a pro-Palestine trans idiot.
(02-12-2024, 11:58 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
Bramblebutt wrote:Really tackling the important issues here, western liberals. I'm sure we can brainstorm another term identifying the proponents of a genocidal settler colonial ideology that is sure to offend no one, least of all any advocates of that ideology making scurrilous accusations of antisemitism, while still maintaining firm opposition to the apartheid state.

Heeeeeey wait a goshdarn minute this whole thread about that is filled with apologetics for the apartheid state! Now I wonder why people so concerned about the optics of the term "zionist" are also posting about the hopelessness of the Palestinian cause of liberation and casting the domination of the apartheid regime as inevitable or immutable!
Quote: Cop User banned (3 months): concern trolling around antisemitism over a series of posts
Bramblebutt wrote:
mentok15 wrote:See this is an example of what I said here:

It's downplayed, brushed away or excused, not seen as a big deal.
No really I'm sure there's another term we could use besides the present and historical one that advocates for the state of Israel have and continue to use to describe themselves and their cause of the establishment and defense of a religio-ethnic apartheid state

What about "Baddudes" because they're bad
or "Wrongers" because their cause is wrong
How dare people claim Nepenthe uses mod shields. wag
I love that the staff are so dumb they thought they could come 80 years into the conflict and square the "Palestinian liberation" and "Israel has a right to exist" positions by saying both are valid. With everyone just accepting it and having productive discussion.
Maybe after Microsoft ends the console war the Israelis and Palestine will be inspired to do the same

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