Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
(02-17-2024, 03:38 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:They're switching because the only people who show up for bad comic movies at a baseline are the audience you guys at complaining about. Like the VAST MAJORITY of The Marvels theater audience was men.

And they're a bunch of idiots for thinking this suddenly means the show will be all about T&A. What it actually means is that before the show was probably some lovey doey show about Silk hanging out with her girlfriends or whatever

They keep saying the "wrong" lesson is being learned by Hollywood execs. Well, what's the "right" lesson, then? Because the current lesson seems to lead to movies bombing. The people that scream the loudest about the "male focused" audience don't even buy/consume the shit they advocate for. At least not in the numbers where it matter. It is the male audience that they love to shit on that often still go to see these movies/buy these products, ironically enough.

How long did they expect these companies to release commercial bombs and lose money on them before they start changing course? Seems they forgot companies actually want to make money, not just be charity cases for left-wing/diversity causes and viewpoints.
(02-17-2024, 06:21 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Like there's generally a worry that AI tools like this will increase misinformation to the point where you might not be sure what to believe anymore

and whose fault will that be? we used to be able to trust news media to do their due diligence and present to us the full story, if we have reason to doubt what they tell us, if we really expect them to lazily take fake videos at face value without fact checking, isn't that their fault for slipping into partisanship and parroting only one position on social issues ages ago?

feels like since the invention of photoshop we supposedly haven't been able to believe our eyes and the world hasn't ended yet

realistic AI has already been around for over a year, where are all the deepfakes that have genuinely led to mass disinformation, other than what grandma falls for on facebook? what are the real world consequences of a few extremely gullible people believing that biden said the N word or trump kissed putin's butthole

there are some potentially bad scenarios on the table but I don't see them as particularly likely
[Image: GAnDxl4.png]
It's a double edged sword, it will be easier to create misinformation with AI but it will also be easier to check information with AI.

Also we need to stop with this 'misinformation' is dangerous nonsense.
Some misinformation is dangerous, such as believing Iraq has WMDs and starting a war over it or believing you'll get 72 virgins in heaven when you blow yourself up but other misinformation like Justin Trudeau being the son of Fidel Castro is just a good meme and ultimately harmless.
and there are still serious consequences for lying

they caught the people responsible for the taylor swift deepfakes, and even if they looked realistic I don't know if they quality as misinformation since zero people actually believed they were real
AI can't replicate a booty that flat Trumps
(02-17-2024, 07:49 PM)Uncle wrote: and there are still serious consequences for lying
Only because of centrists falling for white supremacist ops like were used against the President of Harvard.
Morrigan, post: 119311476, member: 27 wrote:I really couldn't disagree more.... The thread OP and their framing was completely fine. It was informative and let people come to their own conclusions. It provided a setup for discussion and debate and didn't inject any inflammatory, dishonest bad faith nonsense. It's exactly what an OP should be!

And the thread itself was also mostly going fine. The majority of posters were expressing concerns, a few were dismissive and rude, but overall it wasn't particularly hostile (not by Era standards anyway lol) - nothing a regular mod-post/TRB couldn't handle. Mods in this thread even encouraged the thread creation, and a few participated in it. ,

I'm sorry but this thread lock makes absolutely no sense, and is once again stifling and burying important discussion. Please, please reconsider this lock. This is a really bad look.

Jordan117, post: 119311872, member: 10985 wrote:I spent literally hours putting together a neutral, factual description of the model and its capabilities because I think it's an important, shocking development that people need to know about beyond the one OT (and the mods agreed) -- too important for me to insert my own views. If the unwritten rule is that such threads are only allowed if they're framed explicitly negatively, it would be cool if you would say that up front, rather than offer a chance to share something we think is worth discussing and then blame us for not pre-emptively shaping people's reaction a specific way.

Tbh, I haven't even read the thread because I stayed up late to finish it and had to go to bed. Maybe it was full of vicious arguments and had to be closed, idk. But I really resent being blamed for how people responded when I endeavored to write a "just the facts" treatment of it specifically to avoid stoking a fighty dynamic.

Morrigan, post: 119312040, member: 27 wrote:Completely agree. B-Dubs should honestly apologize for insinuating you did anything wrong with the OP, frankly.

Sickos (Batman edition)
(02-17-2024, 07:28 PM)Averon wrote: They keep saying the "wrong" lesson is being learned by Hollywood execs. Well, what's the "right" lesson, then? Because the current lesson seems to lead to movies bombing. The people that scream the loudest about the "male focused" audience don't even buy/consume the shit they advocate for. At least not in the numbers where it matter. It is the male audience that they love to shit on that often still go to see these movies/buy these products, ironically enough.

How long did they expect these companies to release commercial bombs and lose money on them before they start changing course? Seems they forgot companies actually want to make money, not just be charity cases for left-wing/diversity causes and viewpoints.
They're also completely, like normal, erasing all the successes. Even in their narrowly obsessed fields: the two Black Panther films. Even despite the second one starring a transphobic anti-vax chud.

On the OG Bore I called on Nepenthe, Neoxon and the rest to actually "celebrate and spotlight Black Excellence" and they never fucking do. Same with all the LGBT+ media. Same with any other diversity in movies, video games, TV shows, etc. It's nothing but ceaseless whining about how something isn't diverse enough or other attempts at diversity are wrong somehow (a favorite being the demands for racist caricatures in Deep Rock Galactic) while handwringing that garbage with superficial diversity failing means "capitalists" will demand the abolition of anything but cishet white males in all media.

When the latter situation was never the case anyway and hasn't been for all of these people's lives. The biggest star on TV when pretty much all of these people were children was Bill Cosby, a rising crossover star from sports was O.J. Simpson and the world's biggest music performer was Michael Jackson.

Er, actually, bad examples maybe...
Morrigan putting her rep on the line. I'm wearing a slayer hoodie as I type this.
Will THIS AI thread be allowed to exist? Stay tuned...
(02-17-2024, 08:40 PM)Shecky Fragbaum wrote: Will THIS AI thread be allowed to exist? Stay tuned...

Using voices of dead children to harass NRA lawyers? What the fuck I love AI now
(02-17-2024, 07:28 PM)Averon wrote:
(02-17-2024, 03:38 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
Quote:They're switching because the only people who show up for bad comic movies at a baseline are the audience you guys at complaining about. Like the VAST MAJORITY of The Marvels theater audience was men.

And they're a bunch of idiots for thinking this suddenly means the show will be all about T&A. What it actually means is that before the show was probably some lovey doey show about Silk hanging out with her girlfriends or whatever

They keep saying the "wrong" lesson is being learned by Hollywood execs. Well, what's the "right" lesson, then? Because the current lesson seems to lead to movies bombing. The people that scream the loudest about the "male focused" audience don't even buy/consume the shit they advocate for. At least not in the numbers where it matter. It is the male audience that they love to shit on that often still go to see these movies/buy these products, ironically enough.

How long did they expect these companies to release commercial bombs and lose money on them before they start changing course? Seems they forgot companies actually want to make money, not just be charity cases for left-wing/diversity causes and viewpoints.

I mean, the bet was that the Disney method of doing mainstream friendly stuff was going to expand as what society considers mainstream changes to be more “inclusive”. They just forgot that many of their demands fucks the already creative bankrupt US entertainment behemoth and people are going to go to theaters just to be “in the right side of history”.

Inclusion and diversity is nice, but is not a battle that should be in the hands of corpos and social media grifters. And you need to be actually diplomatic about it rather than perpetually complaining about the Chuds.
(02-16-2024, 06:26 PM)TylenolJones wrote: HUGE NEW RESETERA FEATURE YEARS IN THE MAKING!!!!!

They installed a tournament plugin on their site  Shocked

So shocker, first tournament doesn’t appear to be going well. 

Bdumbs put up $900 worth of prizes, but not even half the spots have filled up after 24 hours (29/64). All you have to do to sign up is click a button. 

He also seems to have never played the game he is organizing the tournament for. 

bdumbs wrote:
Quote:Nice, will it be streamed?
Does S/V have a spectator mode? If so then yes, if not then it's up to the individual contestants.

bdumbs wrote:
Quote:I'm so in! A little bit of rulings clarification: why require level 100 Pokemon? The games can autoset every Pokemon to level 50.
Also what counts as a Legendary? Are Paradoxes allowed?
Sorry, adjusted to level 50. Wasn't sure if it did that or not. Paradoxes allowed, but that's it. No Mewtwos or what have you.

Pokefreaks also not happy about bdumbs rules

Quote:Can I ask why this is a rule? It seems really arbitrary and it'll just force people to rebreed and retrain Pokemon they already have in Home.

Quote:I feel like there are some incredibly format warping pokemon that aren't legendaries, and some legendaries that are kind of shit. Restricted Pokemon are one thing, but other legends aren't stronger than Psuedos and some of the paradox Pokemon are way more impactful (Fluttermane currently has over 50% usage on ladder for instance, significantly higher than second place, which is coincidentally also not a legendary)

And look who else is entering. 

Nepenthe wrote:A Pokemon tournament with no Urshifuu? Sure thing lol. I'm pretty terrible at the game but I'll jump in!

I’m betting on her to win it all after all her opponents get mysteriously banned for posting racism.
(02-17-2024, 08:18 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Jordan117, post: 119311872, member: 10985 wrote:I spent literally hours putting together a neutral, factual description of the model and its capabilities because I think it's an important, shocking development that people need to know about beyond the one OT (and the mods agreed) -- too important for me to insert my own views. If the unwritten rule is that such threads are only allowed if they're framed explicitly negatively, it would be cool if you would say that up front, rather than offer a chance to share something we think is worth discussing and then blame us for not pre-emptively shaping people's reaction a specific way.

Tbh, I haven't even read the thread because I stayed up late to finish it and had to go to bed. Maybe it was full of vicious arguments and had to be closed, idk. But I really resent being blamed for how people responded when I endeavored to write a "just the facts" treatment of it specifically to avoid stoking a fighty dynamic.

Sickos (Batman edition)

Lashley, post: 119315343, member: 3535 wrote:You should've ended the opening post with something like that's totally badass or man that's a bummer so the other posters know what tone the thread should take.


Spoiler:  (click to show)
B-Chuds getting clowned on by his asylum inmates Bigshow
Dubs gonna be writing another novel about his struggles pretty soon
Quote: I haven't watched the doc in a while so I don't recall the details, but it's pretty clear that it isn't as simple as just Kurvitz and co. being ousted by the shady management

Quote:That doc left a terrible taste in my mouth because it felt like it was going to muddy the waters on an issue that isn't that complex. Especially given how many of the people who might've been interviewed to support ZA/UM's side might've had an incentive to make the remaining husk look good.

“What I wanted was propaganda for the creators I like” Six 

I’m always surprised in how the writers of Disco Elysium are  communist given that the game still paints a grim picture of communism and the good aspect expressed in game was a quasi religious “it was a beautiful dream, man”. Then again, there were very good communist writers that also failed to sold the ideology. Shame that it ended like this.!
The US Election is going to break Bdubs & co.
(02-17-2024, 09:00 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
(02-17-2024, 07:28 PM)Averon wrote:
(02-17-2024, 03:38 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:

And they're a bunch of idiots for thinking this suddenly means the show will be all about T&A. What it actually means is that before the show was probably some lovey doey show about Silk hanging out with her girlfriends or whatever

They keep saying the "wrong" lesson is being learned by Hollywood execs. Well, what's the "right" lesson, then? Because the current lesson seems to lead to movies bombing. The people that scream the loudest about the "male focused" audience don't even buy/consume the shit they advocate for. At least not in the numbers where it matter. It is the male audience that they love to shit on that often still go to see these movies/buy these products, ironically enough.

How long did they expect these companies to release commercial bombs and lose money on them before they start changing course? Seems they forgot companies actually want to make money, not just be charity cases for left-wing/diversity causes and viewpoints.

I mean, the bet was that the Disney method of doing mainstream friendly stuff was going to expand as what society considers mainstream changes to be more “inclusive”. They just forgot that many of their demands fucks the already creative bankrupt US entertainment behemoth and people are going to go to theaters just to be “in the right side of history”.

Inclusion and diversity is nice, but is not a battle that should be in the hands of corpos and social media grifters. And you need to be actually diplomatic about it rather than perpetually complaining about the Chuds.

It all started to become really stupid once media consumption started to become associated with political activism. In reality people don't give a shit and Hogwarts Legacy is the best selling game of 2023
Morrigan should know better than to put B-dubs life in danger with her statements.
The cunt was doing his best Liam Neeson impression 2 weeks ago. According to him he was out roaming the dark, rain soaked streets wrestling with the demons in his head. If Morrigan keeps it up he’ll be doing Jason Statham next


Gotta admit, I didn't have 'Morrigan starts making sane posts and calling out Moderation' on this Season's bingo card.

But I like where it's going.

Whew Pacspit Mynicca

Strange times, but, Get 'em, Gurl!

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 Week): Hostility towards other members
The Quentulated Mox wrote:lmao the blog post is the most harmless shit imaginable, just an anime nerd candidly reviewing what sounds like a pretty trashy anime, and everyone's saying "haw haw fuck around find out what a moron lel" get some fucking perspective you morons
(02-12-2024, 02:27 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:

Quote: Cop User Banned (1 month): Dismissive commentary and downplaying genocide across multiple threads.
McMahon wrote:Well, it's a good thing this is just a protest vote in the primaries and they'll all come to their senses in the general and do the right thing.

Now they can quietly ban him later for being an alt, hopefully without us noticing and celebrating it as a win. Rollsafe

Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Dismissive commentary and downplaying genocide across multiple threads. Upgraded after review.
But that's none of my business...
Quote:I mean yeah, what an idiot.

There are better ways to talk about how you worked hard to try and fix what appears to be a fairly problematic show from the mid 2000s, that don't involve implying that the original was just shit, the creator was shit and implied to be a psychopath, and that maybe you shouldn't even watch it.
Quote:No one is refuting this but at the same time, why can't we be critical of creators?

Why the fuck you need to fix anything when what people ask is for a translation? That dub needs to reflect the original rather than “fix” inconsistencies. 

Quote:Blaber explains that Sound Cadence obtained the rights to work on Lovely Complex’s dub from Discotek, who did not want to dub it because it is an expensive process. As such, he and many other people who worked on the production were volunteers.

However, Blaber then went on to talk about how much he hates Lovely Complex. He states that since he is a freelance contractor and does not have an official relationship with any of the companies involved, he is speaking for himself. In his blog post, he talks about how much he hates the protagonist Risa, as well as lambasts inconsistencies in the narrative and characterization. He also states at the end that he and the other writers changed interactions between the main couple to improve their relationship.


Imagine “volunteering” just to ‘fix’ a shitty rom com anime that you hate. And then get uppity when called out.
I feel bad for the dudes at Discotek given that they are now trapped in a war between assholes that know Japanese vs assholes that don’t know Japanese.

NepNep wrote:While this technology is interesting and may be more and more necessary in the future as climate change continues to worsen, it must be said:

Bananas are a mid-tier fruit. Please. Just let them go quietly into the night.

OP makes a thread about a banana disease, an admin immediately derails the thread in post #2.  Any other user would be banned but Neppy will remain free to shit up whatever they wish.

Omg further in the thread in response to a post cheekily saying Latin Americans are calling for her resignation…

Quote:You'll be losing one of the few honest ambassadors of Brazilian cuisine that North America even has. Have fun with Mestre da Pizza memes forever.

You understand now how privileged and insulated Nep is? That cunt has never faced a single moment of adversity in her entire life. That’s why she can smugly write off the people who depend on exporting fruit for their livelihoods. That posturing cunt should be dropped face first into a 3rd world country.
(02-17-2024, 11:39 PM)JoeBoy101 wrote: Gotta admit, I didn't have 'Morrigan starts making sane posts and calling out Moderation' on this Season's bingo card.

But I like where it's going.

Whew Pacspit Mynicca

Strange times, but, Get 'em, Gurl!

TBH, she's always been the most principled out of the crazy sector of mods. Yeah, she has double standards for this or that, and some horrible takes, but she's got more of a spine than any of the men on that staff. Like, she and I butted heads, but she never banned me for it. I guess she didn't realize how life threatening our arguments were.

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