Journal of Other Forum Analysis
(02-20-2024, 07:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

- Ending surrogacy.

Kinda have to give it to them for this one. Surrogacy exploits the poor and vulnerable working class. Can't see how Re would be against this.

I'm kind of surprised how normalized it seems to be in the US. I remember this whole thing being quite a huge deal in the past and how it was the inspiration for Margaret Atwood to write handmaid's tale
(02-20-2024, 09:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-20-2024, 07:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

- Ending surrogacy.

Kinda have to give it to them for this one. Surrogacy exploits the poor and vulnerable working class. Can't see how Re would be against this.

I'm kind of surprised how normalized it seems to be in the US. I remember this whole thing being quite a huge deal in the past and how it was the inspiration for Margaret Atwood to write handmaid's tale

As I understand it, modern surrogacy serves two groups: career women and gay men. There’s still pushback from feminist groups. Especially whenever gay guys pose on the bed like one just gave birth, while the woman is kicked out the room.
(02-20-2024, 08:33 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Shadow of the Void wrote:women's bodies will become de facto property of the government
The community. The government is us. Take a woman's body, leave a woman's body. ufup

Though there is humor in reading these replies in the thread because of what HaughtyFrank posted about Handmaid's Tale.

Kindekuma wrote:My genuine reaction to reading that was a nervous laugh with a "what the fuck?"
This is insane. Like they actually desperate want the Handmaiden's Tale to be real.

Cousin From Boston wrote:Fucking Handmaid's Tale shit. Fuck these fascist pigs, fight them everywhere, anywhere.

chapel wrote:I've said this before, but it really feels like The Handmaid's Tale is not that far fetched and in some ways what these people wish they could have.

Sign My Guestbook! wrote:
cursed knowledge said: wrote:is it in bad taste to compare this to The Handsmaid's Tale?

No. Handmaid's Tale was a serious "what-if" because it's what a scary number of people actually want. It ain't perfect but if it gets you thinking, nothing wrong there.

Thalanil wrote:Scary, Handmaid's tale is not supposed to be a tutorial. Trump and his cronies needs to lose(and end up in Jail for their crimes).

How is it Hand Maid's Tale if they want to end surrogacy  ???
(02-20-2024, 09:38 PM)benji wrote:
(02-20-2024, 08:33 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

Shadow of the Void wrote:women's bodies will become de facto property of the government
The community. The government is us. Take a woman's body, leave a woman's body. ufup

Gay 👏 Men 👏 Deserve 👏 Your 👏 Wombs!
(02-20-2024, 09:36 PM)Polident wrote:
(02-20-2024, 09:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-20-2024, 07:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

- Ending surrogacy.

Kinda have to give it to them for this one. Surrogacy exploits the poor and vulnerable working class. Can't see how Re would be against this.

I'm kind of surprised how normalized it seems to be in the US. I remember this whole thing being quite a huge deal in the past and how it was the inspiration for Margaret Atwood to write handmaid's tale

As I understand it, modern surrogacy serves two groups: career women and gay men. There’s still pushback from feminist groups. Especially whenever gay guys pose on the bed like one just gave birth, while the woman is kicked out the room.

however you could also look at it as a symptom of potentially over-regulated adoption

like if it was really easy to adopt some poor kid who needs your help, maybe more of these people would do that, but it's honestly a nightmare

everyone trying to adopt are (maybe justifiably?) viewed through this lens of suspicion like they want to exploit or abuse the kid and there are years and years of follow-ups and paperwork and sometimes hang-ups with one or more of the original parents if they have regret

whereas with surrogacy you begin the entire process with contracts between two willing parties, eliminating a lot of the red tape and pitfalls associated with adoption

though adoption is usually much cheaper
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-20-2024, 08:40 PM)Uncle wrote: heyyy we're back to that dumb shit again Rejoice 

"when the office votes for whether to order pizza or tacos for lunch, choosing not to vote for tacos is actually a vote for pizza" wag

Alternatively, if you actually want tacos, but choose not to vote because tacos supposedly genocided felafel, and the group votes for pizza, then you have no right to complain about eating pizza, even if there's pineapple on it.
we need Tarantino to make the Footmaid's Tale  Drool
5 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, BIONIC, Nintex, Potato, Gameboy Nostalgia
sha1ashaska22 wrote:I get that not all "Christians" agree with a lot of this list, but goddamn it's like they want us to fucking hate them. GTFO using your made up book as your basis for controlling the entire population of the country.

Uhm, excuse me? Add Muslims too. That isn't very PC of you to leave out another group of Abrahamic conservatives wag .
isn't it convenient how christianity has this made up book you can mock, whereas trans ideology somehow has no central doctrine and yet all its tenets are just "known" by all and unassailable

no specific person "made it up" so there's no magic sky daddy to point and laugh at

genius strategy really
My holy book, the DSM, says that being trans is no longer a mental illness. Deal with it CHUD!  Social Justice Warrior
3 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower, Daffy Duck
Our boy Thordinson is BACK baby!

Thordinson wrote:
thoughtloop said: wrote:With these plans out in the open, I agree that there's no ethical room to abstain from voting this November. The average American and Resetera user doesn't have the blood of Palestinian genocide on their hands, but if they abstain from voting in this election, the blood of every LGBTQ, non-Caucasian, non-Christian, and/or woman in the US could be. I hate that it's come to this.

This doesn't make sense to me. If voting for Biden means one doesn't have blood on their hands from Biden's unequivocal support for Israel's genocidal campaign against Palestinians, how does abstaining from voting suddenly mean folks will?

This isn't an argument for abstaining but I don't feel like that logic holds. It seems folks want to absolve themselves but blame others which is exactly what they are accusing folks who abstain of doing.
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
(02-20-2024, 09:49 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:
sha1ashaska22 wrote:I get that not all "Christians" agree with a lot of this list, but goddamn it's like they want us to fucking hate them. GTFO using your made up book as your basis for controlling the entire population of the country.

Uhm, excuse me? Add Muslims too. That isn't very PC of you to leave out another group of Abrahamic conservatives wag .
That's the legacy of British colonialism, chud.
Don't worry fellas Trump will never ban sugar if it lands on his desk

"Not SUGAR sir, SURROGACY, we have to ban SURROGACY" 

"Like I said Mike, Melania likes it in her tea, I don't want any more trouble than I'm already in Mike, there would be hell to pay. 
Anyway how is that thing going with your intern did your wife find out you're cheating yet"

"Now get me Larry on Fox, I need to tell him how great the economy is doing"

Trumps  Existential
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
(02-20-2024, 09:57 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Our boy Thordinson is BACK baby!

Thordinson wrote:
thoughtloop said: wrote:With these plans out in the open, I agree that there's no ethical room to abstain from voting this November. The average American and Resetera user doesn't have the blood of Palestinian genocide on their hands, but if they abstain from voting in this election, the blood of every LGBTQ, non-Caucasian, non-Christian, and/or woman in the US could be. I hate that it's come to this.

This doesn't make sense to me. If voting for Biden means one doesn't have blood on their hands from Biden's unequivocal support for Israel's genocidal campaign against Palestinians, how does abstaining from voting suddenly mean folks will?

This isn't an argument for abstaining but I don't feel like that logic holds. It seems folks want to absolve themselves but blame others which is exactly what they are accusing folks who abstain of doing.

How is it so difficult to grasp that American voters are more concerned with American issues. Even the hyperbolic post the dimwit is responding to specifies “in the US”.
Because if you say "I care about US issues first" you will be banned.
(02-20-2024, 09:36 PM)Polident wrote:
(02-20-2024, 09:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote:
(02-20-2024, 07:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

- Ending surrogacy.

Kinda have to give it to them for this one. Surrogacy exploits the poor and vulnerable working class. Can't see how Re would be against this.

I'm kind of surprised how normalized it seems to be in the US. I remember this whole thing being quite a huge deal in the past and how it was the inspiration for Margaret Atwood to write handmaid's tale

As I understand it, modern surrogacy serves two groups: career women and gay men. There’s still pushback from feminist groups. Especially whenever gay guys pose on the bed like one just gave birth, while the woman is kicked out the room.

Only two? What about the women who simply don't want to stretch out their lady bits. Or the Belarusian and Ukrainian women who need to rent their wombs so their kid's don't starve. With surrogacy everyone wins except the babies who get yanked into life
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
There are enough actual problems in the world without getting into arguments about fucking surrogate pregnancy 

Juche Sad
(02-20-2024, 07:48 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote:

- Ending surrogacy.

Kinda have to give it to them for this one. Surrogacy exploits the poor and vulnerable working class. Can't see how Re would be against this.

Lol Tom Brady had someone make this thread for him cause he was too scared of the mods to do it himself. 

Tom Brady wrote:Anyone want to risk making a thread in OT? I can't take the chance. But I think it's important.

Tom Brady wrote:Helpful Summary that MUST be in any OP to hopefully head off derails.

ClickyCal’ wrote:Made the thread

Thank you for your service!
Hiding behind the protected class. What a cis white male thing to do.
(02-20-2024, 11:02 PM)Besticus Maximus wrote: There are enough actual problems in the world without getting into arguments about fucking surrogate pregnancy 

Juche Sad

oh yeah? name one Hmph
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Thordinson wrote:
Titanpaul said: wrote:Absolutely ridiculous take. It is not the voters responsibility for any geopolitical activity. World conflict is far more complex than the shade of black and white that posters on a videogame website illustrate it as.

I don't think not supporting a genocide is that complex. It's quite simple, actually.

We're so back.  [Image: wonder-woman-dancing.gif]
(02-20-2024, 10:44 PM)Rendle wrote:
(02-20-2024, 09:36 PM)Polident wrote:
(02-20-2024, 09:26 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: I'm kind of surprised how normalized it seems to be in the US. I remember this whole thing being quite a huge deal in the past and how it was the inspiration for Margaret Atwood to write handmaid's tale

As I understand it, modern surrogacy serves two groups: career women and gay men. There’s still pushback from feminist groups. Especially whenever gay guys pose on the bed like one just gave birth, while the woman is kicked out the room.

Only two? What about the women who simply don't want to stretch out their lady bits. Or the Belarusian and Ukrainian women who need to rent their wombs so their kid's don't starve. With surrogacy everyone wins except the babies who get yanked into life

“Career women” is right there!
2 users liked this post: HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
banananahammock wrote:"all voters have blood on their hands" is such a stupid and pointless take, fullstop. and you know this. this is when smelling your own farts goes wrong man

edit: in a thread that maps out explicitly how extra fucked things could be under trump and that they are in fact not the same, you still have chucklefucks coming in and baiting with both parties are all almost the same bullshit. wtf dude.

It's so strange, when Trump said things like Obama and Hillary are killers and founded ISIS, they didn't know how fast they had to jump through hoops to deny it and defend the various drone strikes and military operations. HOW DARE HE SAY THAT?  

And now they're casually accusing Joe Biden of a genocide even though there is very little the US can do about the current Gaza/Israel war.
Obamna's war! If you voted for "YES WE CAN" the blood of brown and black POC are on your hands!  But that's none of my business...
I've only ever heard of Project 2025 on Resetera. Is this their big boogieman?
I've seen it in other PROMINENT LEFTIST STRONGHOLDS like imgur and reddit
SamualDude wrote:Anyone who claims to follow Christ and votes right wing truly does not deserve to call themselves followers of Christ or God. Their religious and political views are in complete contradiction to one another.

Pretty sure they wouldn't be supporting LGBTQIA+ rights too. But I guess your "brand" of Christianity is right. There's no middle ground of following Christ or the apostles, just cherry picking what makes you feel good. And that's for both the left and right.
3 users liked this post: JoeBoy101, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Taco Bell Tower
Cenauru wrote:Posting this here to really hammer it home how much the "social media: bad" angle is used to hurt trans people while hiding behind a veil of progressivism. We've had several topics on ERA about politicians pushing bills to ban minors from social media under the pretense that they want to protect children, and try to appeal to people's experiences of stumbling onto sites with messed up stuff when they were younger, when they just really want to cut off queer youth from their support networks.

“Go touch grass” === transphobia now lol

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