Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
[Image: 562-1644993170-1641351518.png]
This exchange was just strangely hilarious to me

royalan wrote:Also, heads up: Utada Hikaru identifies as non-binary and uses They/Them pronouns.

Yuel wrote:Utada uses she/they according to insta!

royalan wrote:Oh! Thanks for clarifying! I was going by a magazine article I remembered reading.

Thread title edited!

Further showcasing these mods make decisions without clarifying or confirming lol 

Bonus non binary shit is BS: 

typhonsetra wrote:Just to be clear, the pronouns listed in the OP mean both female and nonbinary pronouns are equally acceptable when referring to Utada?

royalan wrote:Yes

"So just to be clear, there's no reason anyone would even misgender her?"


"Did we really have to add her pronouns to the thread title then...?"

Similar to when people put “he/she/they” in their profiles. Like… cool? You’re a Frankenstein collection i guess 

I don't
I don’t know all the details of what happened, but it seems to me it was a typical school fight that went badly wrong. The fucking culture warriors are just using her death to score points and screech at each other. Bunch of absolute ghouls.
(02-24-2024, 03:55 PM)Snoopy wrote: I don’t know all the details of what happened, but it seems to me it was a typical school fight that went badly wrong. The fucking culture warriors are just using her death to score points and screech at each other. Bunch of absolute ghouls.

and yet by saying "her" death, you've officially declared your allegiance and are now an acceptable target
(02-24-2024, 03:18 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
(02-23-2024, 10:41 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(02-23-2024, 08:57 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:

Further showcasing that Harry Potter is banned not because it’s so egregious, but because it continues to do well in spite of their attempts at forcing themselves into it lol

Found their reddit and the post they're talking about
Quote:It's weird, Rowling doesn't even seem to have a great grasp on *why* people loved the books and what kids latched on to. Even if we somehow put aside the TERF issue (despite it being so integral to her as a person) she just doesn't seem to be particularly creative these days, or interested in pushing forward the IP. Everything i've seen from her after the main series completed has been rote and boring ideas, and out of touch with her fanbase. People are really excited for \*this\* Rowling to be involved?

Like, there's so many interesting stories you could explore and tell in the world that she'd be unwilling to. I don't get why her being involved is a positive in anyone's eyes. She's holding back the IP on a creative level, and I think a lot of it is closely tied to her being a TERF. Her perspective on gender gives a lot of insight into her fundamental world view. It's a shame because the nature of the HP world and its magic could enable such cool explorations of themes if it wasn't bound to someone so scared of the possibilities of experiences that a world like that would enable in terms of identity, gender, relationships, and more.

Deleted their comment lol

lol what a fucking coward. typical resetera user, cant function outside of that pathetic jungle of a website.
(02-24-2024, 05:22 PM)Uncle wrote: and yet by saying "her" death, you've officially declared your allegiance and are now an acceptable target

Well you know what I was going to become a trans but no, that’s no good enough for me. That’s small time thinking. So I went beyond that. I evolved past trans and I’ve become a fully fledged woman who looks exactly like Gal Gadot. Not the old, saggy Gal of today. No. I’ve become the 19 year old, firm tits and tight arse Gadot. The activists are seething.
Quote:M.O.B.A. Network AB (publ) updates on the fourth quarter and decides on reversal of additional purchase consideration and non-cash affecting write-downs

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Fri, Feb 16, 2024 12:30 CET

Update regarding the fourth quarter of 2023

Preliminary results for the fourth quarter (not audited by the company's auditors)
                                2023-10-01       2022-10-01      2023-01-01     2022-01-01
Amount in TSEK       2023-12-31       2022-12-31      2023-12-31     2022-12-31
Revenue                       82 147            80 306             273 154           289 815
Adjusted EBITDA          17 673              7 600              38 665             32 130
EBITDA                         74 184             7 600               89 801             32 130
Adjusted EBIT               14 366             6 342               22 982             27 314
EBIT                              34 037             6 342               37 277            27 314

* Adjusted EBITDA consists of operating profit before depreciation and amortization, adjusted for costs and revenues of a one-time nature.

* Adjusted EBIT consists of the operating result adjusted for write-downs, costs, and revenues of a one-time nature.

Non-cash affecting write-downs
M.O.B.A Network (publ) has today decided on non-cash affecting write-downs of SEK 37 million in the fourth quarter in accordance with IFRS accounting standards. The write-downs are non-cash affecting and of a one-time nature.

As a result of the historically weak advertising market shown in 2023 combined with an increased discount rate (WACC), the booked value has been challenged in the short term for Critical Click, an asset acquired in 2018. Therefore, a non-cash affecting write-down has been made with 27 MSEK. M.O.B.A. Network continues to have confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Critical Click, where the start of 2024 has shown organic growth. The write-down corresponds to 27% of the total booked amount for goodwill and other intangible rights, related to the acquisition of Critical Click.

The company has also decided to migrate LoLWiz to the Porofessor app because Porofessor is the leading app in the market and the product M.O.B.A. will continue to invest in, which means that the asset needs to be written off from the balance sheet, amounting to 10 MSEK.

No additional purchase consideration for the acquisition of Wargraphs S.A.S. for year 1
The company has determined that no additional purchase consideration will be paid out for year 1 regarding the acquisition of Wargraphs S.A.S., which in accordance with IFRS will be recorded as other income and positively affects the result with 57 MSEK. The company continues to have confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Wargraphs S.A.S. with a continued strong inflow of users to Porofessor.

In total, the above adjustments for write-downs and omitted additional purchase consideration positively affect the EBIT by 20 million SEK and are non-cash affecting and of a one-time nature.

M.O.B.A. Network will, in accordance with previous communication, present the annual report for 2023 on February 21.

This disclosure contains information that M.O.B.A Network AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 16-02-2024 12:30 CET.

Stockholm 2024-02-16

Björn Mannerqvist, CEO



Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB,c3932291
Quote:Year-end Report 2023 - Best quarter ever in a challenging advertising market
Spoiler:  (click to show)

Wed, Feb 21, 2024 07:30 CET


FINANCIAL - 1 OCT 2023 – 31 DEC 2023
  • Net sales amounted to SEK 82.1 million (SEK 80.3 million).
  • Adjusted EBITDA amounted to SEK 17.7 million (SEK 7.6 million). *
  • EBITDA amounted to SEK 74.2 million (SEK 7.6 million).
  • Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 14.4 million (SEK 6.3 million). **
  • EBIT amounted to SEK 34 million (SEK 6.3 million).
  • Profit before tax amounted to 24.2 MSEK (SEK 6.8 million).
  • Cash flow from current operations before changes in working capital amounted to SEK 2.8 million (SEK 4.3 million).
  • Earnings per share during the quarter amounted to SEK 0.8 (SEK 0.2)

FINANCIAL - 1 JAN 2023 – 31 DEC 2023
  • Net sales amounted to SEK 273.2 million (SEK 289.8 million)
  • Adjusted EBITDA amounted to SEK 38.7 million (SEK 32.1 million). *
  • EBITDA amounted to SEK 89.8 million (SEK 32.1 million).
  • Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 23 million (SEK 27.3 million). **
  • EBIT amounted to SEK 37.3 million (SEK 27.3 million).
  • Profit before tax amounted to 11.7 MSEK (26.2 MSEK).
  • Cash flow from current operations before changes in working capital amounted to SEK 7 million (SEK 27.8 million).
  • Earnings per share during the period amounted to SEK 0.3 (SEK 1.0)

* Adjusted EBITDA consists of operating profit before depreciation and amortization and adjusted for non-recurring revenue and costs.

** Adjusted EBIT consists of operating profit adjusted for non-recurring depreciation, and non-recurring revenue and costs.

CEO Comment

Fourth Quarter

The fourth quarter was the financially strongest quarter of the year, showing the best result M.O.B.A. has ever achieved. Revenues amounted to 82 MSEK (80), an increase of 2 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to 17.7 MSEK (7.6), which corresponds to an increase of 133 percent. The EBITDA increase between quarters 3 and 4 this year was 56 percent. Adjusted EBIT increased by 130 percent to 14.4 MSEK (6.3).

During the quarter, we focused on completing projects resulting from our strategic review that began in quarter 3 of 2023. The review has yielded the expected positive results in the form of cost savings and cost synergies. Another goal was to promote increased traffic to community sites during 2024, which we have made significant progress on by hiring leading experts in the field while starting a recruitment process. We have worked on implementing the collaboration with Mediacube regarding the MCN network UFG, and we are already seeing a positive development in the form of an increased share of new channels and creators joining. The transition to Raptive, our ad partner for community sites, began earlier in 2023 with positive effects in the form of increased revenues with higher profitability. As a result of the positive development, we have further expanded our collaboration with Raptive during the quarter.

We have further developed the app Porofessor and the sites that came with the acquisition of Wargraphs. This has led to higher fill rates on the ad inventory in Q4 compared to earlier in the year. We see that the app continues to increase in popularity. Porofessor surpassed the milestone of 12 million downloads during the quarter and is thus the most downloaded app on the Overwolf platform.

In connection with the annual financial statements, a write-down of CriticalClick and LolWiz, as well as an adjustment of the additional purchase price for the Wargraphs acquisition, has positively affected the result after tax by 20 MSEK in the fourth quarter. The write-down is non-cash affecting and of a one-time nature and is not included in adjusted EBITDA/EBIT. The decision for the write-down is based on the historically weak advertising market in 2023 and an increased discount rate (WACC).

Full Year 2023
For the full year of 2023, revenues amounted to 273 MSEK (290),a decrease of 6 percent compared to the full year of 2023. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to 39 MSEK (32), which corresponds to an increase of 20 percent compared to 2022. The year has been marked by a challenging global macroeconomy that has had a negative impact on the advertising market.

In June 2023, the group completed its largest and most transformative acquisition to date; Wargraphs. The company has performed well regarding operational KPIs and is globally leading in its niche, but the advertising market and thus the advertising revenues have not fully developed in line with our expectations in the short term. Together with our ad partner, Overwolf, we have developed an ambitious and detailed action plan aimed at significantly improving revenue and profit levels during 2024.

During the year, we have identified the best ways to utilize the great synergies between Wargraphs and the operational business in CriticalClick. This integration has gone very well and enables the next step in integration; to build new, profitable products based on the success of Porofessor. We aim to launch at least two apps during 2024, the first of which, developed for the game Valorant, is ready for the market during March/April 2024.

Otherwise, the year has been characterized by efficiency and new partnerships with Raptive and Mediacube, which M.O.B.A. assesses will have a long-term positive impact on the company.

Challenging Advertising Market Despite Accelerating Increase in Revenues for Community Sites

The advertising market remains challenging to assess. However, we saw positive signals during the fourth quarter and continue to see positive signals after the period for our community sites. For January 2024, revenues on community sites have increased by approximately 25 percent compared to the previous year. Raptive, our strategic ad partner, has started 2024 very convincingly, confirming that our choice to develop the partnership supports our growth.

At the beginning of Q1 2024, several community sites have had strong traffic development, and the work to further strengthen traffic and engagement among our fans is a very important reason for M.O.B.A. to quickly capitalize on an upswing in the advertising market. This also applies to Porofessor, which continues to have strong user figures even though our ad partner Overwolf has not yet performed at the expected level.

We note that the gaming industry continues to have a strong appeal with a strong target group that advertisers otherwise find difficult to reach, and past experiences show that when the market turns upwards, it happens quickly. Our long-term assessment of our assets is that they continue to be strong, appreciated by our fans, and can continue to be developed going forward.

Strategic Review Has Yielded Results

The company's management and board have conducted a strategic review which so far has resulted in:
  • Cost savings and synergies of more than 5 MSEK.
  • The board has decided to strengthen the group management and recruitment has been initiated.
  • The company has initiated an investment in AI to scalably translate content on selected community sites into more               languages, which will increase revenues in the long term.
  • Development of a new app for the popular game Valorant together with the founder of Porofessor. In addition, we have decided to develop and launch another app. We assess that this can add a new and growing revenue source from the second quarter of 2024.
  • Increased focus on traffic optimization where an external agency is hired while we have started recruiting a centrally responsible for the traffic to all our community sites.
  • Change of ad network to Raptive, which has led to increased average revenue per displayed ad. The move was fully implemented at the beginning of 2024 and the effects will be realized during the year.
  • Implementation of an in-depth strategic collaboration with Mediacube around Union For Gamers, which has led to an increased intake of new creators and a significantly expanded direct sales force for ads. The collaboration was fully integrated at the end of 2023 and the effects will gradually be realized.

We have an exciting year ahead with great opportunities and challenges, mainly in the form of a challenging advertising market. Our team is dedicated to continuing to build M.O.B.A. to remain the leading consolidator within gaming communities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the group's employees, corporate management, the board, and all shareholders.

CEO, Björn Mannerqvist 21 February 2024


Significant events during the period 1 October 2023 – 31 December 2023, in brief
  •  Successful implementation of the Group's partnership with MediaCube Worldwide Inc. The implementation of the partnership with Mediacube Worldwide Inc. has progressed according to plan and was completed in the fourth quarter, increasing the revenue opportunities and service offering of Union For Gamers (UFG), the YouTube network that's owned and operated by M.O.B.A. Network.

    The integration of MCPay, Mediacube's financial service, means greater flexibility and better services for UFG's content creators, such as daily payments, advance payment, and smooth transfers of funds to different payment cards, accounts, and e-wallets. This means an improved financial experience for content creators within the UFG network. Following the partnership's launch, M.O.B.A. Network has seen an increase in the number of new content creators globally joining the network, but the full effect will be generated in 2024. These additions contribute with their varied content, perspective and reach to a broadening of UFG's offering.

Significant events after the period 1 October 2023 – 31 December 2023
  • The group has taken the strategic decision to increase its investments in projects related to app development and in-game advertising as a revenue model. The decision is a consequence of the strong growth of the in-game app Porofessor and a positive market outlook for the coming year supported by external market analyses.

    As previously communicated, the group is developing a new in-game app and community for the immensely popular game Valorant, developed by Riot, with a planned launch and integration into the company's portfolio in the first half of 2024. Additional in-game apps will follow after this launch.
  • The strategic partnership with Raptive regarding advertising sales and "ad tech" has been implemented on all of M.O.B.A. Network's communities.
    During the third quarter of 2023, a new and greatly improved advertising agreement was signed with Raptive, a logical development against the background of a successful collaboration regarding the subsidiary Magic Finds communities. Intensive implementation work began in the fall of 2023 and was ready at the beginning of 2024.
    The collaboration with Raptive is in line with M.O.B.A. Network's vision to accelerate organic growth while improving the user experience for our stakeholders through cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships.
  • On February 16, the board and management decided on write-downs not affecting cash flow of SEK 37 million in the fourth quarter in accordance with the IFRS accounting standard. The write-downs do not affect cash flow and are of a one-off nature.
    As a result of the historically weak advertising market shown in 2023 in combination with an increased discount rate (WACC), the book value has been challenged in the short term for Critical Click, an asset that was acquired in 2018. Therefore, a non-cash flow-affecting write-down of SEK 27 million has been made. M.O.B.A. Network has continued confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Critical Click, where the start of 2024 has shown organic growth. The write-down corresponds to 27% of the total book value for goodwill and other intellectual property rights, attributable to the acquisition of Critical Click.
    The company has also decided to migrate LoLWiz to the Porofessor app due to Porofessor being the leading app in the market and the product M.O.B.A. will continue to invest in, which means that the asset needs to be written off from the balance sheet with an amount amounting to SEK 10 million.
    The company has determined that no additional purchase price will be paid for year 1 regarding the acquisition of Wargraphs S.A.S, which in accordance with IFRS will be booked as other income and will positively affect the result by SEK 57 million. The company has continued confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Wargraphs S.A.S. with a continued strong influx of users to Porofessor.
    In total, write-downs and non-payment of additional purchase price positively affect EBIT by SEK 20 million and are non-cash-flow-affecting and non-recurring.
  • The board proposes that no dividend be paid for the period January 2023 – December 2023.

M.O.B.A. Network presents a webcast in regards to Year-End Report 2023, the webcast will be published on M.O.B.A’s website at 09.00 on 21 February 2024. Watch the webcast through the following link:

Stockholm 2024-02-21

Björn Mannerqvist, CEO



Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB
(02-24-2024, 07:12 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:,c3930317
Quote:M.O.B.A. Network AB (publ) updates on the fourth quarter and decides on reversal of additional purchase consideration and non-cash affecting write-downs

Spoiler:  (click to show)
Fri, Feb 16, 2024 12:30 CET

Update regarding the fourth quarter of 2023

Preliminary results for the fourth quarter (not audited by the company's auditors)
                                2023-10-01       2022-10-01      2023-01-01     2022-01-01
Amount in TSEK       2023-12-31       2022-12-31      2023-12-31     2022-12-31
Revenue                       82 147            80 306             273 154           289 815
Adjusted EBITDA          17 673              7 600              38 665             32 130
EBITDA                         74 184             7 600               89 801             32 130
Adjusted EBIT               14 366             6 342               22 982             27 314
EBIT                              34 037             6 342               37 277            27 314

* Adjusted EBITDA consists of operating profit before depreciation and amortization, adjusted for costs and revenues of a one-time nature.

* Adjusted EBIT consists of the operating result adjusted for write-downs, costs, and revenues of a one-time nature.

Non-cash affecting write-downs
M.O.B.A Network (publ) has today decided on non-cash affecting write-downs of SEK 37 million in the fourth quarter in accordance with IFRS accounting standards. The write-downs are non-cash affecting and of a one-time nature.

As a result of the historically weak advertising market shown in 2023 combined with an increased discount rate (WACC), the booked value has been challenged in the short term for Critical Click, an asset acquired in 2018. Therefore, a non-cash affecting write-down has been made with 27 MSEK. M.O.B.A. Network continues to have confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Critical Click, where the start of 2024 has shown organic growth. The write-down corresponds to 27% of the total booked amount for goodwill and other intangible rights, related to the acquisition of Critical Click.

The company has also decided to migrate LoLWiz to the Porofessor app because Porofessor is the leading app in the market and the product M.O.B.A. will continue to invest in, which means that the asset needs to be written off from the balance sheet, amounting to 10 MSEK.

No additional purchase consideration for the acquisition of Wargraphs S.A.S. for year 1
The company has determined that no additional purchase consideration will be paid out for year 1 regarding the acquisition of Wargraphs S.A.S., which in accordance with IFRS will be recorded as other income and positively affects the result with 57 MSEK. The company continues to have confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Wargraphs S.A.S. with a continued strong inflow of users to Porofessor.

In total, the above adjustments for write-downs and omitted additional purchase consideration positively affect the EBIT by 20 million SEK and are non-cash affecting and of a one-time nature.

M.O.B.A. Network will, in accordance with previous communication, present the annual report for 2023 on February 21.

This disclosure contains information that M.O.B.A Network AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (EU nr 596/2014). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 16-02-2024 12:30 CET.

Stockholm 2024-02-16

Björn Mannerqvist, CEO



Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB,c3932291
Quote:Year-end Report 2023 - Best quarter ever in a challenging advertising market
Spoiler:  (click to show)

Wed, Feb 21, 2024 07:30 CET


FINANCIAL - 1 OCT 2023 – 31 DEC 2023
  • Net sales amounted to SEK 82.1 million (SEK 80.3 million).
  • Adjusted EBITDA amounted to SEK 17.7 million (SEK 7.6 million). *
  • EBITDA amounted to SEK 74.2 million (SEK 7.6 million).
  • Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 14.4 million (SEK 6.3 million). **
  • EBIT amounted to SEK 34 million (SEK 6.3 million).
  • Profit before tax amounted to 24.2 MSEK (SEK 6.8 million).
  • Cash flow from current operations before changes in working capital amounted to SEK 2.8 million (SEK 4.3 million).
  • Earnings per share during the quarter amounted to SEK 0.8 (SEK 0.2)

FINANCIAL - 1 JAN 2023 – 31 DEC 2023
  • Net sales amounted to SEK 273.2 million (SEK 289.8 million)
  • Adjusted EBITDA amounted to SEK 38.7 million (SEK 32.1 million). *
  • EBITDA amounted to SEK 89.8 million (SEK 32.1 million).
  • Adjusted EBIT amounted to SEK 23 million (SEK 27.3 million). **
  • EBIT amounted to SEK 37.3 million (SEK 27.3 million).
  • Profit before tax amounted to 11.7 MSEK (26.2 MSEK).
  • Cash flow from current operations before changes in working capital amounted to SEK 7 million (SEK 27.8 million).
  • Earnings per share during the period amounted to SEK 0.3 (SEK 1.0)

* Adjusted EBITDA consists of operating profit before depreciation and amortization and adjusted for non-recurring revenue and costs.

** Adjusted EBIT consists of operating profit adjusted for non-recurring depreciation, and non-recurring revenue and costs.

CEO Comment

Fourth Quarter

The fourth quarter was the financially strongest quarter of the year, showing the best result M.O.B.A. has ever achieved. Revenues amounted to 82 MSEK (80), an increase of 2 percent compared to the fourth quarter of 2022. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to 17.7 MSEK (7.6), which corresponds to an increase of 133 percent. The EBITDA increase between quarters 3 and 4 this year was 56 percent. Adjusted EBIT increased by 130 percent to 14.4 MSEK (6.3).

During the quarter, we focused on completing projects resulting from our strategic review that began in quarter 3 of 2023. The review has yielded the expected positive results in the form of cost savings and cost synergies. Another goal was to promote increased traffic to community sites during 2024, which we have made significant progress on by hiring leading experts in the field while starting a recruitment process. We have worked on implementing the collaboration with Mediacube regarding the MCN network UFG, and we are already seeing a positive development in the form of an increased share of new channels and creators joining. The transition to Raptive, our ad partner for community sites, began earlier in 2023 with positive effects in the form of increased revenues with higher profitability. As a result of the positive development, we have further expanded our collaboration with Raptive during the quarter.

We have further developed the app Porofessor and the sites that came with the acquisition of Wargraphs. This has led to higher fill rates on the ad inventory in Q4 compared to earlier in the year. We see that the app continues to increase in popularity. Porofessor surpassed the milestone of 12 million downloads during the quarter and is thus the most downloaded app on the Overwolf platform.

In connection with the annual financial statements, a write-down of CriticalClick and LolWiz, as well as an adjustment of the additional purchase price for the Wargraphs acquisition, has positively affected the result after tax by 20 MSEK in the fourth quarter. The write-down is non-cash affecting and of a one-time nature and is not included in adjusted EBITDA/EBIT. The decision for the write-down is based on the historically weak advertising market in 2023 and an increased discount rate (WACC).

Full Year 2023
For the full year of 2023, revenues amounted to 273 MSEK (290),a decrease of 6 percent compared to the full year of 2023. Adjusted EBITDA amounted to 39 MSEK (32), which corresponds to an increase of 20 percent compared to 2022. The year has been marked by a challenging global macroeconomy that has had a negative impact on the advertising market.

In June 2023, the group completed its largest and most transformative acquisition to date; Wargraphs. The company has performed well regarding operational KPIs and is globally leading in its niche, but the advertising market and thus the advertising revenues have not fully developed in line with our expectations in the short term. Together with our ad partner, Overwolf, we have developed an ambitious and detailed action plan aimed at significantly improving revenue and profit levels during 2024.

During the year, we have identified the best ways to utilize the great synergies between Wargraphs and the operational business in CriticalClick. This integration has gone very well and enables the next step in integration; to build new, profitable products based on the success of Porofessor. We aim to launch at least two apps during 2024, the first of which, developed for the game Valorant, is ready for the market during March/April 2024.

Otherwise, the year has been characterized by efficiency and new partnerships with Raptive and Mediacube, which M.O.B.A. assesses will have a long-term positive impact on the company.

Challenging Advertising Market Despite Accelerating Increase in Revenues for Community Sites

The advertising market remains challenging to assess. However, we saw positive signals during the fourth quarter and continue to see positive signals after the period for our community sites. For January 2024, revenues on community sites have increased by approximately 25 percent compared to the previous year. Raptive, our strategic ad partner, has started 2024 very convincingly, confirming that our choice to develop the partnership supports our growth.

At the beginning of Q1 2024, several community sites have had strong traffic development, and the work to further strengthen traffic and engagement among our fans is a very important reason for M.O.B.A. to quickly capitalize on an upswing in the advertising market. This also applies to Porofessor, which continues to have strong user figures even though our ad partner Overwolf has not yet performed at the expected level.

We note that the gaming industry continues to have a strong appeal with a strong target group that advertisers otherwise find difficult to reach, and past experiences show that when the market turns upwards, it happens quickly. Our long-term assessment of our assets is that they continue to be strong, appreciated by our fans, and can continue to be developed going forward.

Strategic Review Has Yielded Results

The company's management and board have conducted a strategic review which so far has resulted in:
  • Cost savings and synergies of more than 5 MSEK.
  • The board has decided to strengthen the group management and recruitment has been initiated.
  • The company has initiated an investment in AI to scalably translate content on selected community sites into more               languages, which will increase revenues in the long term.
  • Development of a new app for the popular game Valorant together with the founder of Porofessor. In addition, we have decided to develop and launch another app. We assess that this can add a new and growing revenue source from the second quarter of 2024.
  • Increased focus on traffic optimization where an external agency is hired while we have started recruiting a centrally responsible for the traffic to all our community sites.
  • Change of ad network to Raptive, which has led to increased average revenue per displayed ad. The move was fully implemented at the beginning of 2024 and the effects will be realized during the year.
  • Implementation of an in-depth strategic collaboration with Mediacube around Union For Gamers, which has led to an increased intake of new creators and a significantly expanded direct sales force for ads. The collaboration was fully integrated at the end of 2023 and the effects will gradually be realized.

We have an exciting year ahead with great opportunities and challenges, mainly in the form of a challenging advertising market. Our team is dedicated to continuing to build M.O.B.A. to remain the leading consolidator within gaming communities. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the group's employees, corporate management, the board, and all shareholders.

CEO, Björn Mannerqvist 21 February 2024


Significant events during the period 1 October 2023 – 31 December 2023, in brief
  •  Successful implementation of the Group's partnership with MediaCube Worldwide Inc. The implementation of the partnership with Mediacube Worldwide Inc. has progressed according to plan and was completed in the fourth quarter, increasing the revenue opportunities and service offering of Union For Gamers (UFG), the YouTube network that's owned and operated by M.O.B.A. Network.

    The integration of MCPay, Mediacube's financial service, means greater flexibility and better services for UFG's content creators, such as daily payments, advance payment, and smooth transfers of funds to different payment cards, accounts, and e-wallets. This means an improved financial experience for content creators within the UFG network. Following the partnership's launch, M.O.B.A. Network has seen an increase in the number of new content creators globally joining the network, but the full effect will be generated in 2024. These additions contribute with their varied content, perspective and reach to a broadening of UFG's offering.

Significant events after the period 1 October 2023 – 31 December 2023
  • The group has taken the strategic decision to increase its investments in projects related to app development and in-game advertising as a revenue model. The decision is a consequence of the strong growth of the in-game app Porofessor and a positive market outlook for the coming year supported by external market analyses.

    As previously communicated, the group is developing a new in-game app and community for the immensely popular game Valorant, developed by Riot, with a planned launch and integration into the company's portfolio in the first half of 2024. Additional in-game apps will follow after this launch.
  • The strategic partnership with Raptive regarding advertising sales and "ad tech" has been implemented on all of M.O.B.A. Network's communities.
    During the third quarter of 2023, a new and greatly improved advertising agreement was signed with Raptive, a logical development against the background of a successful collaboration regarding the subsidiary Magic Finds communities. Intensive implementation work began in the fall of 2023 and was ready at the beginning of 2024.
    The collaboration with Raptive is in line with M.O.B.A. Network's vision to accelerate organic growth while improving the user experience for our stakeholders through cutting-edge technology and strategic partnerships.
  • On February 16, the board and management decided on write-downs not affecting cash flow of SEK 37 million in the fourth quarter in accordance with the IFRS accounting standard. The write-downs do not affect cash flow and are of a one-off nature.
    As a result of the historically weak advertising market shown in 2023 in combination with an increased discount rate (WACC), the book value has been challenged in the short term for Critical Click, an asset that was acquired in 2018. Therefore, a non-cash flow-affecting write-down of SEK 27 million has been made. M.O.B.A. Network has continued confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Critical Click, where the start of 2024 has shown organic growth. The write-down corresponds to 27% of the total book value for goodwill and other intellectual property rights, attributable to the acquisition of Critical Click.
    The company has also decided to migrate LoLWiz to the Porofessor app due to Porofessor being the leading app in the market and the product M.O.B.A. will continue to invest in, which means that the asset needs to be written off from the balance sheet with an amount amounting to SEK 10 million.
    The company has determined that no additional purchase price will be paid for year 1 regarding the acquisition of Wargraphs S.A.S, which in accordance with IFRS will be booked as other income and will positively affect the result by SEK 57 million. The company has continued confidence in the long-term growth prospects for the assets in Wargraphs S.A.S. with a continued strong influx of users to Porofessor.
    In total, write-downs and non-payment of additional purchase price positively affect EBIT by SEK 20 million and are non-cash-flow-affecting and non-recurring.
  • The board proposes that no dividend be paid for the period January 2023 – December 2023.

M.O.B.A. Network presents a webcast in regards to Year-End Report 2023, the webcast will be published on M.O.B.A’s website at 09.00 on 21 February 2024. Watch the webcast through the following link:

Stockholm 2024-02-21

Björn Mannerqvist, CEO



Certified Adviser - FNCA Sweden AB

What is this?

SSF1991 wrote:Still...there really is people here that aren't interested in actually debating this and just want an echo chamber.
*proceeds to complain about people disagreeing with him*

Quote:It's the same damn thing again and again and there's no point even debating it because it's clear that only one side is actually interested in that.
TwoHearts wrote:i dont like this :(. is this why people think kiddy men are immature but kiddy ladies are cute and pure and stuff? maybe i gotta not read here when little

CrossingEden wrote:It's a very common trope and that video goes into the telltale signs of it. Even outside of the specific trope they're talking about it can absolutely be applied to a lot of women in media who weren't very specifically born a day before they meet the protagonist.

TwoHearts wrote:this still real scary cos im a kid in a grownup body and i dont want people to find me sexy :(. Ladies are good and cool and strong and they better when they get to be grownup. we got a friend and shes cool and she likes women who are big and strong and can crush people like karlach. maybe i gotta stay off mummys account (we share a body)

Hahahaha what the fuck lol
letting your child headmate play bg3 smh wag
[Image: 6580-huh.gif]
Quote:So that people can clearly measure the extent of the day one PS5/PC single player danger with figures.

OP on crack
Quote:i hope you guys put this much effort into your careers also
Quote:What is the point of saying this? Is it some thinly-veiled 'corporate bootlicker' bollocks? It seems incredibly unnecessary and bitter for an informative post and some decent content to read.
(02-24-2024, 08:30 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
TwoHearts wrote:i dont like this :(. is this why people think kiddy men are immature but kiddy ladies are cute and pure and stuff? maybe i gotta not read here when little

CrossingEden wrote:It's a very common trope and that video goes into the telltale signs of it. Even outside of the specific trope they're talking about it can absolutely be applied to a lot of women in media who weren't very specifically born a day before they meet the protagonist.

TwoHearts wrote:this still real scary cos im a kid in a grownup body and i dont want people to find me sexy :(. Ladies are good and cool and strong and they better when they get to be grownup. we got a friend and shes cool and she likes women who are big and strong and can crush people like karlach. maybe i gotta stay off mummys account (we share a body)


LMAO Crossing Eden with the weird virtue signaling and then he's talking to a fucking grown up pretending to be a toddler  lol
(02-24-2024, 08:30 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
TwoHearts wrote:i dont like this :(. is this why people think kiddy men are immature but kiddy ladies are cute and pure and stuff? maybe i gotta not read here when little

CrossingEden wrote:It's a very common trope and that video goes into the telltale signs of it. Even outside of the specific trope they're talking about it can absolutely be applied to a lot of women in media who weren't very specifically born a day before they meet the protagonist.

TwoHearts wrote:this still real scary cos im a kid in a grownup body and i dont want people to find me sexy :(. Ladies are good and cool and strong and they better when they get to be grownup. we got a friend and shes cool and she likes women who are big and strong and can crush people like karlach. maybe i gotta stay off mummys account (we share a body)


Link? Rage
Twohearts wrote:Reported historical sexual assault, went to the station, gave a preliminary story and was told they'd call back at the end of the month. Didn't get a call for 4 months, at which point they said that because I had DID they couldn't do a full interview because my testimony wouldn't be reliable, which is honestly kind of on me, but I felt that I needed to explain the logistics around how it owuld be one of the littles who would be there for the actual interview and wanted to try make that go smoothly
Twohearts wrote:I would love a Hulk movie, but I don't trust a Hulk movie by Disney to approach the internal complexity of Immortal Hulk, and I doubt they'd go into the DID side of the Hulk since they "already have" a character with DID in Moon Knight (obviously they can have many, this is probably just how the writing would go). THere's just something sweet to me about The Hulk being a little kid and seeing Banner as the "Big Guy" he has to protect, and then Joe Fixit's desire to protect the Hulk. It much resembles our internal life, and I just don't want to see a Hulk movie unless they can capture that.
Twohearts wrote:I feel the way it makes direct connections to mutants and racial minorities kind of heavy handed at times. but it's a really powerful comic and it's what sold me on Magneto as a character (alongside my shifts further left). I think about the opening often, just as I think about how Stryker killed his son because he was a mutant. To be fair I do think about harm to children a lot for intrusive thought reasons

Twohearts wrote:The little girl in my head would very much like Fossil Fighters or Yo-kai Watch to come back, though from a more mature angle, I think maybe a new FF Warriors of Light game or Bravely Default would be good, considering how the second one probably didn't sell very well. I really like job-based Final Fantasy games.
If it counts, maybe a new custom robo but with gender options???
Twohearts wrote:I don't think I can day one buy any harder, but this might just make me. The iceskater costume is going to be so much fun I know it and Mermaids really speak to the little girls inside me. Overall probably going to be our game of the year unless Beastieball is amazing
Twohearts wrote:they know the difference they just pretend they don't cos men are mean and wanna prentend like they arent gross
Twohearts wrote:I've had to massively cut back on my comic orders lately.
I was getting like 10 comics a month and at at least $8 AUD each it was just way tooo much. Now only getting Birds of Prey, Captain Marvel, Fantastic 4, and Spider-Boy (It was really hard cutting Hulk and Poison Ivy but $32 is as much as I can reasonably spend).
Spider-Boy is really good, probably the best thing I'm reading right now, even if I primarily buy it so the little girl who lives in my head can read it too. She's crazy about kid superheroes, though there's not really anywhere to read about the massive wave of sidekicks introduced in Stargirl and the lost children at the moment. We would read anything with Ladybug in it.

Trans too:
Twohearts wrote:I often hear in feminist discussions of moe anime that the characters are essentially written as if they were young children in the bodies of late highschool students or adults and I was just thinking about some potential perspectives on that.

On one hand this stuff can be really gross and not good, I was massively turned off of Love Live School Idol Project because of how the camera in the musical numbers focused on the characters bodies and how even a lot of the storylines focus on the characters bodies (big deal about Honoka and Hanamaru being "chubby" despite basically looking the same as the other girls, and Nozomi's entire character gimmick was basically just sexual assault) and I found the same with K-On! and it having beach episodes and the like that felt like an excuse to have fanservice. These combined with the characters (or at least some of the characeters - espeically Honoka and Yui) basically being excitable 8 year olds felt incredibly gross and weird, and I had to stop watching. This is even keeping in mind that I watched all of Lucky Star and half of the jokes in that show are about Konota looking like a child.

On the other hand, I do think it's interesting that in Japan there was a poll (that I can no longer find but the results were on twitter but maybe it was bullshit) that a lot of the fans of moe anime watched it so that they could project onto the girls. Personally, as a trans woman, I can relate to this projectional aspect of moe anime, and knowing a lot of trans women who are or were into anime, there is an anecdotal gravitation towards slice of life shows or shows with slice of life elements (higurashi), due to a desire to feel a part of female friendships as a percieved outsider to it. Obviously there are a lot of problems with these shows but I feel it's the same reason why there's so many trans women who got into MLP FIM when that show was big online, even those who didn't know they were women yet. Is there to an extent a kind of positive attatchment to these shows and manga that can negate some of the grosser aspects of these shows? I don't necessarily think there is but I also can't deny that Lucky Star, Haruhi Suzumiya (incredibly gross show) and Nichijou (honestly pretty tame show) weren't influential and important series personally.

For yet another thing to think about, I recently discovered a show from 2007 called Nanaka 6/17 when looking into anime with plural themes to maybe try find something acceptable for my child alters. It's a slice of life series that's basically about a highschool student (Nanaka - 17) having a child alter get frontstuck after an incident sends her to the hospital, and said child alter's (Nanaka - 6) adventures in high school, with a mid-series twist of the teenage Nanaka coming back as well as a new headmate, and all three trying to coexist. While it doesn't live up to the series potential of showing the ways in how society treats women through the lens of a child trying to work it out, and a lot of the humour comes from Nanaka accidentally making sexual innuendo (hate hate hate ahte hate), I can't say the show isn't deeply fascinating and on occasion relatable for my relationships with my little girls. Is there a mature and well thought out way to do a story about a little girl in an adult or nearly adult body within the anime/manga format or would it necessarily become something bad or something horribly upsetting like the new live action movie Poor Things (it looks fine I just know it would trigger me)? I honestly think there is a lot of potential in the idea and I have written fanfiction based on the concept (mostly for superheroes but I did write a oneshot about Yui from K-On! due to the frequent jokes people make about her).

I don't know I've just been thinking hard about this and where a potential line could be drawn
Twohearts wrote:Yeah it honestly is amazing how the cast of Sailor Moon actually feel like teenagers, or a proper media represenation of teenagers. I do suppose taht's what happens when you write for teenage girls as opposed to otaku men however (most moe manga is published in Seinen magazines)

Oh sorry I was being somewhat facetious and it was getting late for me when I wrote that, but tehre are a few at least decent shows that have children in adult bodies though I am unsure the extent to which they actually explore the gravity of the situation for lack of a better turn of phrase, and as far as I'm aware a lot of them disregard the mental aspect of the situation and just have cahracters get older instantly. Like looking into Full Moon, it does seem that they have the afformentioned 12 year old, Mitsuki, falling in love with a teenager or an adult (unsure it can be hard to tell with anime boys - look at Tuxedo Mask in Sailor Moon he's 18 at the yougnest when he kisses Sailor Moon who is meant to be 14 at the start), which is kind of gross though no unexpected for a shojou series, due to the demographic focus on romance. I know Creamy Mami from the 80s was about a little girl who turned into an adult but she had an adult brain while in the adult body (ala pre-crisis Shazam), so that's more of an age-up thing I guess? I also know there's a show called Asatte no Houkou which I know little about because the premise is creepy (A man wishes his 12 year old little sister was an adult so he could have sex with her and the wish gets granted but it also gives his girlfriend a kid's body) and I know the manga at least shows how horrifying this entire premise is, which is a bold take, but it is still probably not something I should read. To bring up Shazam again, it's like his stories realise (for the most part) that he is at oldest a 15 year old in maybe a 30 year old body when he uses his powers, and as such take into account that he is a young teenager and what that entails from a maturity level. Like there's a comic where he has a crush on a superhero the same age as his mind and the kind of fucked up way he can't really date anyone because of the disconnect between his two halves more or less. I mean anecdotally some of our littles have had close relationships with other system's littles (and honestly sometimes systems are the only people I trust with my headkids to even really intereact with because how else do you get people to really truly understand that they are traumatised children)

I'm sorry for reviving this thread, I've just been thinking about this lately and wondering I guess, because even in stuff about DID it's honestly quite rare for littles (child alters) to get much focus, due to most of media choosing to focus on what I call "Jekyll-Hyde" splits or basically the concept of a normal or good person with a dark/evil side, becaues for whatever reason people draw more from Psycho and Dressed to Kill than real world accounts such as Sybill or When Rabbit Howls. I mean even within anime you have that guy from Trigun, Doppio in Jojo's, and like the entire concept of Elfen Leid and thematically any character with a demon inside them in any sense of the phrase. I just feel like maybe this is a potential discussion point for feminism due to how DID could be seen as a paralell issue in regards to feminism due to maily affecting women (and anecdotally affecting trans women at higher rates, potentially in part due to them having the highest sexual abuse rates) due to natures of how the specific kinds of trauma needed are primarilly gendered towards women.

They are so gullible.
Nooo, they got banned  Stahp
Twohearts really coming for the crazy crown. Will one is the other fruitcakes up the ante now that shit has been dialled up to extreme paedo levels?

Edit: Banned.
(02-24-2024, 09:06 PM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote:
(02-24-2024, 08:30 PM)Boredfrom wrote:
TwoHearts wrote:i dont like this :(. is this why people think kiddy men are immature but kiddy ladies are cute and pure and stuff? maybe i gotta not read here when little

CrossingEden wrote:It's a very common trope and that video goes into the telltale signs of it. Even outside of the specific trope they're talking about it can absolutely be applied to a lot of women in media who weren't very specifically born a day before they meet the protagonist.

TwoHearts wrote:this still real scary cos im a kid in a grownup body and i dont want people to find me sexy :(. Ladies are good and cool and strong and they better when they get to be grownup. we got a friend and shes cool and she likes women who are big and strong and can crush people like karlach. maybe i gotta stay off mummys account (we share a body)


Link? Rage
Quote: Cop User Banned (Permanent): Troll Account
"Could it be that there's insane people among us?'

"No, it must be a troll account"
Headmate people are now trolls?  I thought it was a legit condition mode of being that people had to accomodate in normative society? lol
(02-24-2024, 09:32 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: "Could it be that there's insane people among us?'

"No, it must be a troll account"

I do like how the thread dropped off the front page evidently while it was discussed on Discords because no one was touching that.
(02-24-2024, 09:22 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote: Nooo, they got banned  Stahp

(02-24-2024, 09:32 PM)HaughtyFrank wrote: "Could it be that there's insane people among us?'

"No, it must be a troll account"

That was a pretty easy to spot troll though
B-Dubs wrote:
Messofanego wrote:We are agreeing the big imperial and economic power is mainly USA, right? That country has been the blocker for decades with these int'l organisations to actually do justice.
Russia and China have done the same shit on dozens of occasions, you know that right?
B-Dubs wrote:Official Staff Communication

Hey, can we actually focus on the topic instead of this nonsense China vs USA nonsense?

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