(02-28-2024, 06:10 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/what-it%E2%80%99s-like-to-be-a-sociopath.821553/?post=119744955#post-119744955
Quote: User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory Generalization on a Mental Health Condition
kurahador wrote:Sociopath are walking intrusive thought that knows how to socialize. In no way they are not monsters. Won't someone think of the sociopaths.
02-28-2024, 06:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 06:38 AM by benji.)
Quote:It's basically bigotry, which is all too common with neurodivergence unfortunately.
Quote:personally, i don't not think that in no way aren't they not anti-monsters for having a mental disorder
Quote:Being willing to write off other human beings as "monsters" due to their non-neurotypicalness seems way more monstrous to me.
Quote:Sociopaths will essentially stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Seems like you could argue most CEOs and billionaires are sociopaths given how many resources they consume for personal gain.
Quote:Sociopathy is not merely the lack of conscience. The woman in the article is described as having been a therapist, so on some level she wanted to assist people. Sometimes it can manifest in ways that we would consider lacking on conscience, but that is not universal.
I have had a career in various psych fields over the years (crisis counselling, psychotherapy) and many clients I've had who could be considered sociopathic can still want good to happen in the world, they just don't see it from the same perspective as many others typically do. Often it is from a more abstract or intellectualized perspective and less so from personal, emotional connections.
In regards to masses, I think you are conflating things with cruelty, which can manifest in many types of people, sociopathic or not.
Quote:Yes, and I think it's okay to be wary of someone who is opening up about being a sociopath, because it's difficult to know what you're getting into, but on the other hand I think with that wariness should come understanding that a lot of the negative traits we see surrounding it can come from poor upbringing and environment and so on, so giving attention to those is important as well.
And then thinking of masses and cruelty - we can consider how our capitalistic culture reinforces mentalities that can leave people under poor (or any really) conditions vulnerable to engaging in cruelty and so those who are neurodivergent in sociopathic or antisocial types can be even more vulnerable.
Quote:Re: capitalism, you make another great point.
Quote:The inherent dehumanization of late stage capitalism absolutely favors sociopaths in executive positions, especially amongst white men. I'd make the argument that the same goes for conservative politicians.
Quote:As someone who believes he may be a sociopath or at least have the traits of one (all self-diagnosed) I dont think I am a monster. I just struggle with emotion and empathy. In most cases when someone is sad I know I should feel bad for them, but it's just difficult.
When my grandfather died, I guess I felt bad for the rest of the family, it's hard to tell. I myself had no emotion personally, even though I was quite close to him. It's just death really, we all experience it.
When my ex broke up with me after years, I should have been sad, we got along well. But I didn't. To me it was like.. well someone else will come along again. There have been billions and billions of relationships, mine wasn't a big deal.
Quote:This is me as well. I often wonder if I have sociopathic tendencies or if I'm just bad at processing my emotions, or if they're one in the same. With empathy, is that just imagining how another person feels and why they feel that way? Because I can do that, it just doesn't manifest in any emotion on my part. But neither do my own feelings. It's also nearly impossible for me to become deeply invested in any fictional character because of this. I've never cried from a book or movie, although I did get choked up during the "My friends, you bow to no one." scene during RotK, and when Andy was giving Woody away at the end of Toy Story 3, or when Happy told Morgan he'd get her all the cheeseburgers she wanted during Endgame. All three of these are examples of a significant amount of time spent with a character, so it's not that I'm incapable of feeling something, I guess it just takes a long time, or I feel like we have to have been through a lot together. Anyways, it's just something I wonder about from time to time, and sometimes I feel like I'm missing out on part of the human experience, but I definitely don't hurt or manipulate anybody so I guess it's not a big deal.
This isn't sociopathy, what in the fuck is going on.
Quote:Quote:I understand what people are saying about not discriminating against neuroatypical people, but sociopathy is really frightening. Knowing that if they had no external threat of punishment and no incentive to cooperate with you, they would absolutely kill you for the smallest reason like you'd kill an ant... Yeah, that sucks.
I mean, I would argue lots of people have these views without being sociopaths though; it's literally how many people justify their prejudices and biases. For instance there aren't thousands upon thousands sociopaths just centered in the Middle East running a genocide, the girls who best the non-binary student to death in Oklahoma can't all be sociopaths based on just stats, etc.
Like as a minority a sociopath looking at me indifferent would be refreshing form of dehumanization as opposed to the usual USA racism.
Sociopaths, littles, people who want women murdered for speaking, people who uphold suicide as brave, people who want millions ethnically cleansed, people who despise due process, people who demand minorities be imprisoned for non-crimes, etc.
We're really building a nice little welcoming bonfire this week.
But at least they don't enjoy Tifa's "unrealistic" chest.
13 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, LoverOfCycles, Brolha, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Uncle, HaughtyFrank, Jansen, Potato, Taco Bell Tower, MJBarret, Boredfrom, Gameboy Nostalgia, Propagandhim
Gee-whiz. Resetera is full of mental patients, huh?
14 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, LoverOfCycles, Chumbawumbafan69, Brolha, benji, Greatness Gone, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Uncle, Potato, Daffy Duck, Taco Bell Tower, NekoFever, kaleidoscopium, D3RANG3D
(02-28-2024, 03:33 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: (02-28-2024, 03:30 AM)benji wrote: (02-28-2024, 03:24 AM)Boredfrom wrote: Quote:Is that large enough to be considered a credible threat re: the general?
Quote:No, but it's bigger than what the activist group anticipated
Just for the record, a withdrawn Michael Bloomberg got 75,000 votes in 2020 in Michigan's primary.
Don't even, Benji.
Quote:I’ll go further — anyone citing raw vote totals as an argument for the strength of Uncommitted/Abandon Biden either doesn’t know ball or is purposefully being misleading.
This is a high turnout primary, percentages are the only things that matter.
They deleted the tweet.
The uncommitted voters got spanked tonight, big time. Trump campaign as well, drastically underperformed to their polling
Messofanego wrote:Hunter Schaefer was there protesting for Palestine outside Seth Meyers' show. What a badass. How to tank your career in 1 easy step.
02-28-2024, 07:24 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 07:27 AM by Boredfrom.)
Krazen wrote:I mean, I would argue lots of people have these views without being sociopaths though; it's literally how many people justify their prejudices and biases. For instance there aren't thousands upon thousands sociopaths just centered in the Middle East running a genocide, the girls who best the non-binary student to death in Oklahoma can't all be sociopaths based on just stats, etc.
Like as a minority a sociopath looking at me indifferent would be refreshing form of dehumanization as opposed to the usual USA racism.
Krazen, you are a fucking dumb ass bitch.
Quote:As far as I am concerned, every sitting President since the establishment of Israel as a state has basically been complicit in the subjugation and extermination of the Palestinian people, as the US have always been a big supporter and have had plenty of opportunities to do something about it by now. A couple hand slapping moments over 3 decades ago, aside. So, I guess the heat of it being turned up at this specific moment, more media coverage than normal hasn't exactly moved my view on the President's role in it much because it seems like business as usual. Yeah, maybe that is overly cynical. No, I am not enthused that no matter who I vote for, some of my tax money is going to go overseas to continue to oppress these people in their home land. If you are personally uncomfortable voting for Biden, I get it. This isn't me trying to cover for him or whatever.
I just think it is a bummer that people suddenly came to this conclusion during an election where not voting is very much in favor of a man who will do worse domestically and abroad. But people don't like the lesser of two evils argument, which I understand, but it is one I can't ignore, personally.
A lot of people showing their colors without even noticing.
Imagine not being a red blooded American who tells it like it is! "Fuck everyone who isn't the U S A". Drink beer, do some grilling, and watch some football. Get off your high horse thinking your voice matters.
Wear suits too big and travel with a fanny pack in a giant car
The genocide is back on boys.
Quote:These people are fucking animals. Actual monsters on a fucking killing spree in the name "protecting kids". What a joke.
The surgery and medication is life endangering and doesn’t even work, fact fans
(02-28-2024, 07:05 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote: The uncommitted voters got spanked tonight, big time. Trump campaign as well, drastically underperformed to their polling 
Don't listen to the fake news, Trump set another all time voting record in the great state of Michigan
The true genocide.
User threadbanned: ignoring the staff post on multiple occasions
Quote:Mod edit: this is the exact same "story" that cited horrible random Twitter users and literally no one else, in addition to the many issues with the site you are sourcing
(02-28-2024, 06:18 AM)Averon wrote: Can't take their bans for mental health diagnosis seriously when they allow people to claim they have "headmates", some even pedophilic apparently, and that don't get a ban.
Yeah Era has really jumped the shark, the fact the ban got reversed for that total freak nonce who has kid head mates and thoughts of hurting kids shows the site is fucking lost.
12 users liked this post: Anti-Monitor, LoverOfCycles, Chumbawumbafan69, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, Potato, Boredfrom, MJBarret
02-28-2024, 11:28 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 12:10 PM by Potato.)
(02-28-2024, 03:27 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: (02-28-2024, 03:11 AM)Boredfrom wrote: PrincessBubblrgum wrote:"Look, if her tits aren't jiggling while she's moving then they aren't adhering to fundamental animation principles." - Someone Somewhere
I do truly hate that, it's legitimately ties into a principle from some school of video game animation.
![[Image: UVpqINA.gif]](https://i.imgur.com/UVpqINA.gif)

Have these fucking chick dick wielding incels ever even seen a woman run?
Let’s see…
“Pro Sociopath Rhetoric”
“Unbanning an admitted Pedophile”
“Pro Suicide To Create Political Martys”
“Israel Should Not Exist”
“Being Unwell Is Okay, And You Don’t Need Help”
Is this… Oof… Late stage communism?
Because it sure feels like the mad dictator is in charge there.
11 users liked this post: LoverOfCycles, jooseloose, Gameboy Nostalgia, benji, Taco Bell Tower, Averon, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, HaughtyFrank, Potato, Boredfrom, MJBarret
(02-28-2024, 04:25 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/united-states-president-joe-biden-talks-with-seth-meyers-about-conspiracy-theories-age-worries-the-war-in-israel-his-2024-agenda-and-more.821715/page-10?post=119808822#post-119808822
ClickyCal wrote:I came out 3 years ago...and met my now wife and then best friends shortly after. I can't believe within a year everything could be in absolute hell....
Yeah and Fatima had a child who died in a bombing. I'm pretty sure Palestine outweighs your gender identity.
You live at home with parents you hate you depressed, fat, balding, female larping idiot. Where did this "wife" come from?
(02-28-2024, 04:47 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: https://www.resetera.com/threads/united-states-president-joe-biden-talks-with-seth-meyers-about-conspiracy-theories-age-worries-the-war-in-israel-his-2024-agenda-and-more.821715/page-9?post=119802570#post-119802570
Quote: User banned (3 months): dismissive of ongoing transphobia and transphobic violence. This is not a “will happen.” It’s happening now.
Dubbedinenglish wrote:ClickyCal' wrote:Trans people NEED Biden to win. I guess this is just the fundamental difference in this discussion. When you need something to happen to survive, you will do what you can to do that. This is a "will happen" vs what is happening right now. There are people in my community already with loss , already experiencing the eradication of their culture and people with the explicit support of this President.
(02-28-2024, 01:31 AM)Hap Shaughnessy wrote: Nothing that trans people in the US have experienced is comparable to what the Palestinians have had to endure.
That ban reason!
Imagine declaring that the trans "genocide" is equivalent or worse than what's happening in Gaza...like, how fucking retarded do you have to be to even consider it?
The absolute hypocrisy of these drooling morons suddenly claiming graphics don't matter -
They go fucking mental if water looks bad. Every exclusive thread is filled with comments about graphics quality. If they gave a flying fuck about actual game play they would have torn Sony to shreds years ago because Spiderman is fuck awful drudgery.
Potato dateline='[url=tel:1709120139' wrote: 1709120139[/url]']
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1709094308' wrote: 1709094308[/url]']
ClickyCal wrote:I came out 3 years ago...and met my now wife and then best friends shortly after. I can't believe within a year everything could be in absolute hell....
Yeah and Fatima had a child who died in a bombing. I'm pretty sure Palestine outweighs your gender identity.
You live at home with parents you hate you depressed, fat, balding, female larping idiot. Where did this "wife" come from?
Yeah, didn’t this asshole try to off himself? Seems like he went through a narrative reboot.
(02-28-2024, 05:28 AM)Boredfrom wrote: BabyDontHurtMe wrote:Trans rights and protections need to be enshrined into federal law and override these fuckers. If Dems get a trifecta, that is.
You really dont want this become a national debate.
If US progressives really want to achieve their goal of guaranteeing Trump 2.0, they should:
- Not vote for genocide Joe
- Make Palestine a central issue in the election
- Enshrine trans bullshit into national law
02-28-2024, 12:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 12:04 PM by Boredfrom.)
ShaolinShowdownAvatar wrote:I remember when Netanyahu was saying something like Hitler didn't really want to do the holocaust but was pushed into it by Palestinians, and it kinda feels like large segments of German society are willing to entertain that to, I dunno, foist the guilt onto someone else or something.
Like, It's actually almost impressive how shitty Germany is on Palestine and Palestinians. I read an article a while ago by Hebh Jamal and it talks about how a Palestian schoolgirl can't even talk about her heritage without being accused of peddling antisemitic conspiracy theories by school staff.
I decided to google search her:
Interesting result.
retard wrote:The “joy” you might be seeing is the idea that, for the first time in history, we might have a chance to reclaim our land. We might have a chance to end the occupation, we might have a chance to open Gaza’s borders, to visit our family without reprisal, and to escape from torturous prisons – this time without a spoon in our hand.
We are simply tired, and hurt, and grieving, and I cannot condemn the militants if I believe even for a second that there might be a possibility of all of this finally coming to an end.
I want to believe that is one of the reasons why they get mad when people mention that Hamas killed children: All the pretense and poetic language goes out the window for most rational people. I want to believe they emotionally know how shit that is, rather that they genuinely think that attack was freedom fighters heroically killing civilians.
Netanyahu and his party are pretty okay with this sentiment as that is how thrive political wise (even if is also unsustainable for them as support dries).
I would not blame the vindictive sentiment (is probably fair in a extremely grey and complex conflict) if it wasn’t for that cowardice hidden in the washy washy rethoric and that disingenuous and delusional “hope” that “we are going to totally fix this issue this time” (and you should note that one of the articles were written in October 9, so was totally because the terror attack than the all time high global support for Palestine).
Kind of sad that the situation is more super fucked than most of the more alarmist assholes on both sides realize. “I like this writer and activist that cannot do the bare minimum after a Terror attack.”
02-28-2024, 12:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 12:18 PM by Potato.)
(02-28-2024, 11:46 AM)Snoopy wrote: The absolute hypocrisy of these drooling morons suddenly claiming graphics don't matter -
They go fucking mental if water looks bad. Every exclusive thread is filled with comments about graphics quality. If they gave a flying fuck about actual game play they would have torn Sony to shreds years ago because Spiderman is fuck awful drudgery.
Yes, this shit is beyond the pale.
These fuckers will literally watch hours long Digital Foundry videos to gloat over frame rates and resolution numbers and wrote multiple games off for decades because of a perceived lack of "graphics" and NOW we're all, "gameplay over graphics"?
Disingenuous fanboy cunts.
02-28-2024, 12:16 PM
(This post was last modified: 02-28-2024, 12:16 PM by Potato.)
(02-28-2024, 11:46 AM)DocWager wrote: Potato dateline='[url=tel:1709120139' wrote: 1709120139[/url]']
Gameboy Nostalgia dateline='[url=tel:1709094308' wrote: 1709094308[/url]']
Yeah and Fatima had a child who died in a bombing. I'm pretty sure Palestine outweighs your gender identity.
You live at home with parents you hate you depressed, fat, balding, female larping idiot. Where did this "wife" come from?
Yeah, didn’t this asshole try to off himself? Seems like he went through a narrative reboot.
Pretty sure this "wife" is just some weirdo who he knows on Twitter who promotes his gofundme scams.
Aren’t you guys confusing Clicky for Melody Shreds? Or both do the same grifts?