Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
neon drifter wrote:I'm currently in the battleground state of NC and super wary of the republican governor primary. Mark Robinson is the biggest threat to my state at the moment, so I'll be watching that closely. Also wondering if NC is more of a Haley state than a Trump state though, probably not.

(03-05-2024, 11:20 PM)Taco Bell Tower wrote:
(03-05-2024, 10:50 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
Ash_greytree wrote:I know the question is rhetorical, but the answer is that it's telling. Alex Jones still has his game up on Steam for people to buy. Racist games like Tyrone vs. Cops, Sex with Hitler, and more are still available to buy. These games have been undoubtedly reported to Steam, as they have been discussed here on Era. Hell, the Alex Jones game has also been discussed on more mainline news sites, such as Media Matters. More glaring is that, apparently, there's no way to report games for hate speech?

But yeah, Steam platforming games from bigots and also letting said bigots run rampant across the Steam community as Curators and in Forums is something that we can at this point glean as intended by Valve. The sad part is that any discussion of Valve's Musk-like everything-goes policies are unable to gain any traction that can transform into tangible pressure and change.

This mess could wind up with the staff of SBI getting hurt or worse, given that bigots such as the ones targeting SBI engage in things like doxxing and SWATting to try and get their way. This mess is one that Valve has significantly contributed to with its intentional hands-off policies, which have let bigots fester on their service. They deserve to face consequences just as much as the people targeting SBI.“sweet-baby-inc”-which-overviews-scripts-to-make-sure-nothing-offensive-was-written.823731/page-7?post=120069327#post-120069327

“It’s dangerous to allow people the choice of what games they’d like to play!!” lol

One of the Ree admins straight up doxxed a CD Projekt Red employee for a I'm a helicopter joke tweet. Said employee got laid off from the dox.

And he would have got away with leaking that user's private signup information if he hadn't made one tiny slip-up: he forgot to tell the people he leaked it to not to thank him for it on twitter!
nepenthe wrote:Black people will regulate their own first and foremost. Maybe if white people did that more often Trump wouldn't have ever been President in the first place.

But that's none of my business. 🍵

Nepenthe the Warrior wrote:Like some "Why is he only limiting it to Black people?"

Bitch, why don't white people give the people's elbow to their racist family members more often? Like completely missing the point. Do some work yourself instead of always expecting Black people to save you. 🤣🤣🤣

Nepenthe the blabber wrote:Not everyone is necessarily salvageable from harmful political positions and thought patterns, and indeed I'm not positing that this is the end-all, be-all solution to fascism.

But we are largely at this point because the collective white American consciousness has failed across centuries in its ability to fight this nonsense. At every single junction that you've all had to do the right thing on behalf of minorities just because it's the right thing to do and would make the country better, either you didn't do it, you had to be dragged kicking and screaming across the finish line, or there was no economical benefit to continuing the nonsense so you finally "saw the light" after innumerable folks suffered in the wake of the gold rush.

You all largely cannot be counted on because the superficial and immediate effects of these beliefs give social capital that white people can always to cash in when their economic prospects are in the gutter or when there's a bit too much diversity in the movies for their liking. So now, we're at a point where standing up to this shit is this huge hurdle because you've got roughly 30% of the population psychologically entrenched. Of course some people are gonna be lost. The work has just begun for you all.

Meanwhile, the historical and cultural reality of being Black in America, where white supremacy has never given us anything of value, has meant not only are we less likely to give in to overtly fascist thinking, but we're more likely to employ meaningful social consequences to keep our folks in line. We'll call you slurs none of you even know about the moment you even think of voting Republican. (We still are capitalist, of course, but we're at least trying to chip away at that stupid shit too. Like, no baby. Beyonce and Jay-Z aren't going to save us.)
Nepenthe wrote:Black people will regulate their own first and foremost. Maybe if white people did that more often Trump wouldn't have ever been President in the first place.

But that's none of my business. 🍵
[Image: FNIAVUq.png]

Nepenthe wrote:not only are we less likely to give in to overtly fascist thinking, but we're more likely to employ meaningful social consequences to keep our folks in line.

A sentence so mindless that only the most insane of people can unironically make it.  Stick to writing about globs of furry cum, Nepenthe.  Nobody will ever take you seriously outside of Resetera.  Race obsessed, ethno-fascist freak.
(03-06-2024, 01:39 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
neon drifter wrote:Mark Robinson is the biggest threat to my state at the moment
Because he's a Black man?

(03-06-2024, 02:16 AM)nachobro wrote: [Image: FNIAVUq.png]
I'd say the rest of modern civilization makes up for it.
(03-06-2024, 02:02 AM)kaleidoscopium wrote:
nepenthe wrote:Black people will regulate their own first and foremost.
Nepenthe the Warrior wrote:Bitch, why don't white people give the people's elbow to their racist family members more often?
Nepenthe the blabber wrote:but we're more likely to employ meaningful social consequences to keep our folks in line. We'll call you slurs none of you even know about the moment you even think of voting Republican.
I think that violently enforcing single-party politics on ethnic grounds is bad, actually.
Do you guys really want me to outline how Nepenthe's declaration of Black people being inherently "less likely to give in to overtly fascist thinking" can easily be disproven by historical, international and current examples including for Nepenthe herself?

I guess I can spare you and do the bullet point version:
-Her post can with almost no changes be transcribed into actual Nazi Party rhetoric except about Aryans. If I can use her entire body of posts this becomes even easier.
-It's easily disproven with looking at race separatists on the "left" in American history. Almost all of whom have adopted fascist tropes, rhetoric and imagery.
-If this isn't enough, if I do unlike Nepenthe and actually look at African nations it will be beyond easy to show how false this is especially considering how many African nations are still run by ethnic fascists.
-This is all aside from her evidence free assertion that capitalism is inherently anti-Black when all her complaints about capitalism involve property rights being violated. (This is also a monstrously racist thing to say and would be obviously offensive if a white person had said that Black people are genetically incapable of engaging in mutually beneficial trade with other humans.)
-Fascism itself is anti-capitalist.
(03-06-2024, 02:16 AM)nachobro wrote: [Image: FNIAVUq.png]


Oh the caucasity indeed
Bengraven, wrote:Mental note: the term "sweet baby" will now be a dog whistle for right wing Chuds. If the kid starts using the term derogatory, ground him and block his friends.
Bengraven wrote:
Quote:It always starts and ends with educating children, but unfortunately for America your education system is broke intentionally to allow this disinformation and genocidal attacks to occur between kids. Purely on the basis that the adults talk about it so regularly and okay the behaviour and treatment that the children just assume it's the norm.
It's a constant game of deprogramming. My kid is a good kid but he doesn't have many friends being autistic teenager and a kind of obsessive gamer in a southern city. So the people who gravitate towards him end up being borderline or straight up edgelord chuds (or in one case an actual Nazi - that was fun, when we explained to him to block the friend because "having a Nazi flag, even if it's to piss off his friends parents for the lawls" is racist, that "friend" then assaulted my kid on school and shattered his phone).

He's getting better at noticing the bullshit and the dog whistles, but every once in a while I have to provide some context, because someone told him a story from a GG angle, and I have to explain the other angle.
"What's the name of this act?"
"The Progressives!"
(03-06-2024, 03:22 AM)HaughtyFrank wrote: Oh the caucasity indeed
There's nothing more white than constantly talking about how much you hate white people.

For proof of this theory: Nepenthe.
(03-06-2024, 03:09 AM)benji wrote:
(03-06-2024, 02:16 AM)nachobro wrote: [Image: FNIAVUq.png]
I'd say the rest of modern civilization makes up for it.
To be clear, I mean this not in a white revanchist way but:
G_Shumi wrote:Definitely go to the Blue Lagoon if you get a chance. It's a great, relaxing time.
Quote:Iceland's famous Blue Lagoon evacuated as volcano erupts for 3rd time
Eruptions on Reykjanes Peninsula could go on 'for decades, if not centuries': volcanologist
(03-06-2024, 02:16 AM)nachobro wrote: [Image: FNIAVUq.png]


People who talk like this usually have some gnarly secret they’re deathly afraid will be exposed.
[Image: RgzEFuv.png]

[Image: uNdwQAY.png]

she cannot help but sound like a corny faker, no matter how hard she tries lol
Doesn't she and Mammoth call people who don't toe the line Uncle Toms?
they've moved on to "coons" now
(03-06-2024, 03:45 AM)Polident wrote:
(03-06-2024, 02:16 AM)nachobro wrote: [Image: FNIAVUq.png]


People who talk like this usually have some gnarly secret they’re deathly afraid will be exposed.

It makes me think a lot of people didn't get this joke in Get Out

[Image: 0d4fff90-0247-480a-bc1b-4cb0505b0666_text.gif]

(The actor apparently didn't)
(03-06-2024, 03:48 AM)nachobro wrote: [Image: uNdwQAY.png]
White people are not my house.
No wonder these people get so fucked up in threads after the reveal of the race of criminals and shit. They take it as an attack on themselves just because the guy is the same skin color or whatever.
Xer Nep, Lord of Blacks, Buyers of Nissons, Slayer of CHUDS, Czar of Furries of the 5 Realms, and unpaid moderator.
Nepenthe wrote:Anti blackness is universal.

That steam thread from a few pages where all these PC nerds get exposed to Ree for the first time is pretty hilarious. Lots of wtf is that place?! Kinda funny seeing people's reactions to the forum for the first time.
(03-06-2024, 04:27 AM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: Xer Nep, Lord of Blacks, Buyers of Nissons, Slayer of CHUDS, Czar of Furries of the 5 Realms, and unpaid moderator.
Notice how she backed down from Mammoth disagreeing with her compared to how she treats everyone else.
What are the odds Nep shared her political views with the activist group and they laughed at her. So she stormed out in a rage vowing to form a better, more furry, more race hatey group? Furry Hitler is forming right in front of us.
(03-06-2024, 10:08 AM)Snoopy wrote: What are the odds Nep shared her political views with the activist group and they laughed at her. So she stormed out in a rage vowing to form a better, more furry, more race hatey group? Furry Hitler is forming right in front of us.

You're overthinking it. She just told them she was a furry and they laughed her out of the group.
[Image: xepl96mhbil51.jpg]

the headline:

[Image: quQM2CK.png]

the truth, buried below:

Quote:There are a few reasons as to why Hudson, who did not immediately respond to Rolling Stone‘s request for comment, may not have been an ideal candidate to work with a large corporate brand (none of which, incidentally, have anything to do with her gender presentation). She has been highly critical of the right wing in Spain, and, as a number of far-right influencers have pointed out, Hudson once gave an interview on Spanish TV in which she appeared to advocate for “the abolition of the traditional monogamous nuclear family.” And while that stance is extremely badass, it’s probably not something notoriously controversy-shy corporate brands would necessarily want to be seen endorsing.

More concerningly, Hudson also has a history of making offensive and over-the-line comments on social media, including posts mocking rape victims and, in one tweet when she was 15 years old saying, “Quiero hacer cosas gamberras, como meterme a una niña de 12 años por el ojete,” which loosely translates into “I want to do depraved things, like to get into a 12-year-old girl’s asshole.” Since becoming a celebrity, she has apologized for her comments, referring to her early social media posts as the tweets of an aspiring teen edgelord. “Some tweets that I posted in 2015 are resurfacing and honestly I don’t know what to say, I don’t remember having written such barbarities,” she wrote, according to a Rolling Stone translation of her posts. “At that time I dedicated myself to saying nonsense, the heavier the better, because I thought that ‘dark humor’ was funny.”

In response to a request for comment from Rolling Stone, a Doritos spokesperson said that Doritos Spain had published an Instagram video featuring Hudson (not, as some outlets erroneously reported, a larger brand ambassadorship campaign) on Sunday, prior to discovering the existence of her previous comments on social media; on Monday morning, after the team became aware of her comments, the post was removed and Hudson terminated. The spokesperson said that Hudson’s termination had nothing to do with her gender identity, and everything to do with her history of inflammatory comments.

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