Journal of Other Forum Analysis
A credentialed team of scholars investigate an elaborate social experiment
Bdubs taking a real hard line there on encouraging ethnic cleansing. LOL.

Going forward we MIGHT "action" calls for ethnic cleansing

Quote: Cop User banned (1 month): Trolling over a series of posts, extremely long history of similar behavior
DongBeetle wrote:
Red Kong XIX wrote:You either just ignore any points raised, or just make fun of them. Your excessive use of 'lol' or 'lmao' in almost every reply is also very tiring. Gonna ignore.
Like you just did? You must be fun at parties if you hate laughing
Chuds got the new daisy Ridley Star Wars cancelled? Say it ain’t so lol

Zeo thankfully in the trenches defending the sequels 

zeovgm wrote:It's just the last film. TFA was beloved. TLJ was divisive with fans who argue on the internet but largely well-received by critics and audiences.

And if they can go back to the prequel trilogy over and over again, they can certainly bring back a popular character like Rey.
(03-10-2024, 10:51 PM)remy wrote: Bdubs taking a real hard line there on encouraging ethnic cleansing. LOL.

Going forward we MIGHT "action" calls for ethnic cleansing
Look, there's no UN report that says whether or not the ethnic cleansing is systemic.
here I thought Nepnep was a Paulie Walnuts.. now we got a Big Pussy. Talkin to the cops an all that.
(03-10-2024, 10:53 PM)kaleidoscopium wrote: Chuds got the new daisy Ridley Star Wars cancelled? Say it ain’t so lol

Zeo thankfully in the trenches defending the sequels 

zeovgm wrote:It's just the last film. TFA was beloved. TLJ was divisive with fans who argue on the internet but largely well-received by critics and audiences.

And if they can go back to the prequel trilogy over and over again, they can certainly bring back a popular character like Rey.

Disney were cowards. Finn got regulated to the fucking side story instead of being a force sensitive. They could've done more but nooo it's all about the white woman.
I'm still surprised the WWE thread is still allowed to continue after Roman Reigns called someone a cross dresser.
B-Dubs is so scared of giving us a win that he's willing to burn the site down over it. The problem is, he's fucked it up enough that I'll be doing a victory dance no matter how this turns out. I've already started.

Nairume, post: 120304605, member: 2974 wrote:I hate to say, knowing it is a possibility has pretty much caused me to just not participate in virtually any thread that may remotely end in personal information being referenced in anyway. That one teacher thread just happened to be a rare exception.

plagiarize, post: 120305013, member: 1940 wrote:The sad truth is that we have to strongly warn new mods that they will likely be targeted. I was, and I consider myself lucky because they only published my work details. Other people have had more personal things published and on at least one occasion someone was swatted.

I had to take a file into work of everything they dug up to protect myself. Which, you know, that sucked.

And again, I consider myself lucky.

Addie, post: 120305283, member: 3524 wrote:For what it's worth, that's incredibly shitty and should not have happened. The fact that you were one of the "lucky" ones is reprehensible.

We can (should?) all agree that business on a video game forum, of all places, should not EVER spill over into RL -- unless someone's threatening harm to themselves or others.

I can't imagine getting swatted or having personal information outed and what that would do to my fear calculus going forward.

Prophet Five, post: 120305430, member: 32553 wrote:It’s absolutely bullshit. I know one of the mods (obviously I’m not going to say who) and I see the shit they get on a daily basis. It’s fucking not right in any way, shape, or form - especially since I know the kind of person they are outside of this place.

Mods are not above criticism by any means but psychopaths take their causes into retribution territory rather than just behaving somewhat like rational adults and quite honestly it’s pathetic.


RexNovis, post: 120305325, member: 1247 wrote:I am very sorry to hear about Nepenthe's PII being compromised and hope they are ok. That's horrible and I sincerely hope whoever is responsible is found and routed out wherever they might be.

I appreciate the changes here and hope they can help allow for actual discussion of political issues and reduce the churn of political threads going forward.

I guess my main concern with the new plan for the subforum is discoverability. Part of what makes the political threads important is there ability to be seen and read not just by lurkers but non members as well.

To that effect will there by some way of tracking new threads created in this subforum similar to the NESBot account? I find many many people use these sorts of trackers as feeds to engage with threads in this forum.

I would also like to know if the current PoliERA thread will be moving to this new subforum or if there is an expectation that a new one need be created altogether?

B-Dubs, post: 120305559, member: 143 wrote:The community thread is staying locked until the members of the community can prove they can conduct themselves with dignity and respect, they aren't off to a great start.

As for the subforums, basically they'll work the same way the members-only one does only they will be totally public: all the threads will show up in the main Etc feed with all the other threads. The only differences will be the following: each thread will be tagged with a "politics" prefix automatically, each thread will have an automatic thread reply banner at the bottom reminding everyone of the rules, and each thread will require posters to have at least 25 words in their replies in order to post.

It's all actually already set up, turns out it only took a few minutes of our time. If this works out well we might extend this past the election and into the future, though it would require an adjusting of the rules to account for that. (Also, I do want to credit Nepenthe for coming up with the basic guidelines for us and spineduke for helping figure out we could do the subforum thing and have it work that way.)
(03-10-2024, 11:03 PM)BIONIC wrote:
plagiarize, post: 120305013, member: 1940 wrote:The sad truth is that we have to strongly warn new mods that they will likely be targeted. I was, and I consider myself lucky because they only published my work details. Other people have had more personal things published and on at least one occasion someone was swatted.

When did any of this happen?
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Boredfrom, Gameboy Nostalgia
Nepenthe? Israel shouldn't exist Nepenthe? spineduke? Hamas supporter spineduke?
B-dubs did it though. He successfully made PoliEra and their Discord into the bad guy. Bag them all. The Government remains unstoppable.
Feel like if one of the staff got swatted they'd have mentioned it before.

Way more than plagiarize's work details were published:

Got a B-Chuds like post history:
and by bag them all I mean put bags on the heads of PoliEra sympathizers and spirit them away by permaban, B-dubs. Please, in all your infinite glory, know that I am 100% behind the administration and believe in your right to self governance.  

5 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, HeavenIsAPlaceOnEarth, Potato, Uncle, benji
Man that moderation team know how to get it done 
(03-10-2024, 11:07 PM)benji wrote: Feel like if one of the staff got swatted they'd have mentioned it before.

Way more than plagiarize's work details were published:

Hoping to see the thread get more lively with what's going on.
1 user liked this post: Taco Bell Tower
Since you guy love members eating hot things:
3 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium, Gameboy Nostalgia
Wonder if PoliEra all emailed MOBA about Nep "the collective Jewish Nation" Nep.
Buy his book:
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Gameboy Nostalgia
I'm now jealous of B-Dubs discord moles because the toxic acts have moved from doxxing to... plotting involving the feds.

ArrogantBastard wrote:
B-Dubs wrote:The community thread is staying locked until the members of the community can prove they can conduct themselves with dignity and respect, they aren't off to a great start.
How do they do that?
B-Dubs wrote:You got people in there plotting on ways to call the feds on my staff just because they don't like people individually, you think that's not toxic behavior? Clean house and we'll talk.
ArrogantBastard wrote:Dubs I'm in there I don't see at all what you are referring to, if that is happening it is abhorrent.
Core wrote:100% Support For Nepenthe, this targeted harassment campaign for a very well documented and existing issue has to stop.
DarkstarIV wrote:Yeah. I'm in the discord right now and I've never seen anything like that. Are you sure you even have the right discord?
Still amazed that collective punishment is now just official forum policy.
(03-10-2024, 11:03 PM)BIONIC wrote:
Addie, post: 120305283, member: 3524 wrote:For what it's worth, that's incredibly shitty and should not have happened. The fact that you were one of the "lucky" ones is reprehensible.

We can (should?) all agree that business on a video game forum, of all places, should not EVER spill over into RL -- unless someone's threatening harm to themselves or others.

I can't imagine getting swatted or having personal information outed and what that would do to my fear calculus going forward.

Wait Nep got swatted or is Addie talking about it in general? I'm hoping they didn't.

[Image: 9oKtNkk.jpeg]

The animals should be left alone.
remember when they wanted to put in a politics forum before and all the posters shit themselves? lol
(03-10-2024, 11:11 PM)benji wrote: Since you guy love members eating hot things:

Can't wait to see them once their transition is complete.
If you think I'm being mean to plagiarize shutting the fuck up is free because white people don't deserve the benefit of the doubt:
[Image: B64HXed.png]
[Image: WaPahrU.png]
(03-10-2024, 11:15 PM)nachobro wrote: remember when they wanted to put in a politics forum before and all the posters shit themselves? lol

Was this whole thing manufactured to manipulate the community into accepting a politics forum? Secret Discords, threats of doxxing and feds that just isn't there.. "Believe all staff" mentality.

Was this an inside job all along?!  Not like this!
4 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, LoverOfCycles, Genocide Joe, benji
(03-10-2024, 11:14 PM)nobody of note wrote: I'm now jealous of B-Dubs discord moles because the toxic acts have moved from doxxing to... plotting involving the feds.
ArrogantBastard wrote:Dubs I'm in there I don't see at all what you are referring to, if that is happening it is abhorrent.
DarkstarIV wrote:Yeah. I'm in the discord right now and I've never seen anything like that. Are you sure you even have the right discord?
These two just admitted to being complicit in terrorizing staff members. ufup
(03-10-2024, 11:17 PM)benji wrote: If you think I'm being mean to plagiarize shutting the fuck up is free because white people don't deserve the benefit of the doubt:
[Image: B64HXed.png]
[Image: WaPahrU.png]

1. Fed
2. White

Guilty. Why are they even a mod? Do they really think hiding behind being a newly cracked egg will change their sins?
2 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, kaleidoscopium
(03-10-2024, 11:06 PM)Gameboy Nostalgia wrote: B-dubs did it though. He successfully made PoliEra and their Discord into the bad guy. Bag them all. The Government remains unstoppable.

Yeah. Looking at the community thread, they are all now sympathetic with all the mods, all dissenters banned, and PoliERA now smeared as "doxxers." And B-dumbs strategically made that smear after posting a long post of bullshit about "fixing things" to make him and the mods look reasonable. And these simps and morons are eating it up. Can't lie. Brilliantly played B-Dumbs  Rejoice

That's something you'd see a corrupt police department do. They really are cops now.
I have to hand it to him. B-dubs put PoliEra into a vice and there's no way for them to get out of it.

Perfect checkmate. Bravo.  Trumps
6 users liked this post: Taco Bell Tower, Alpacx, books, kaleidoscopium, benji, Averon
So, is B-Dubs protecting someone he thinks may be guilty of federal crime? hmm

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